Out of Character Chat


"And it begins. Soon I will have my.... huh?" hears a squeaky sound from a nearby tree trunk and dashes for it. "I hear you mouse with the fluffy tail." she smiles with joyous exuberance trying to see it.
well @Kotori I can understand that. Far as I can tell there are a few things. A Ruby has crashed on the beach and is talking with a human. The Crystal Gems are about to go on mission to the kindergarten, There are two researchers likely up to no good at said kindergarten, and Lastly there is a curious little beastie scratching at Steven's door.

All and all the busiest and likely slowest scene is the Mission one, the beastie at the door has no one responding to it yet. The researchers are doing something lol; haven't read them cause spoilers lol. Oh... also there is a now apparently legless and depressed gem alone on the beach somewhere. That's about all I saw. 
Ruby would be the type to just watch her and talk about how fragile organic life is. If you want her to be saved, I'd ask Tulani! She has Cassidy. And since Ruby is with Cassidy at the moment, it'd probably work out well.

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