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Fantasy Our School [Rebooted] (Always Accepts New Characters)

Lily yawns, "Can one of you carry me for a bit? I didn't realize how much energy this takes." She begins to drop in altitude.

as lily falls i swoop down and catch her right before she lands in the ocean and fly back up catching up to kuroko (Goodnight)
"So should we get a hotel room for the night?"

starts to get tired himself dropping slowly in altitude so speeds up drastically to 500 MPH landing on the ground in 45 seconds
I guess that i'll have to teleport us after all," kuroko says while putting a hand on lily and Raidon then Instantly they were in th hotel of a 5 star hotel. then putting the sleeping Lily around his shoulder, he walks her to the front deskk then renting 3 rooms for the night in fluent Japanese.
Lily wakes up well rested in her hotel room, "I guess we made it after all. I wonder if we're going to need to go back for class tomorrow."
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As he finishes his song , Kuroko calls a music company and buys a state of the art music creator in which he telepprts it backmto hos roommand installs in to his wall, asmit looks like a big t.v with a touch screen.mHe then begins to make a song with no lyrics, just music.
His hands flying over the screen, he makes beats and joins them together mixijg and seperates the individua beats, but Kuroko stops due to an alert in his headphones, So he put his headphones around his neck and answered the door.
Shade stared at the boy who answered the door for a moment "hai um I kinda follow the music over here " shade said nervously
You welcome shade says shyly

You also have a good singing voice

Shade said softly as she left to go outside because she remember she left her I pod out there
Damn! She heard me?! " yelled Kuroko as he closed his door.

After getting over the fact that his secret was out he went back to makking his music in an elegent speed, finishinh in no time at all. then he teleported to the roof to display his music using Raidons equipment that he left on the roof.


5 minutes later he went back to his music maker to save the music he created. Then he went to class to check if there was class in the first place.
wakes up wuth an intense head ache and says "I wonder ehre lily and kuroko are, i woke up later than i thought i would, dang my dreams were good..."
Teleporting in front of Lily, Kuroko explains that Raidon went back to the school and Kuroko was making music there too, then Kuroko teleported them back to school. then gave Lily a copy of Kuroko's song



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