Our Ruins






Hello? This is Delta Squad, number three hundred, code, Omega. If someone ever finds this, if anybody is still alive by the time they find this, you have to know, we fucked up. Humanity screwed themselves over. This is our end, only a few humans are left, we are FUCKED!



I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I lost it, this is just too much to handle. Alright, I'll start on this, 2 of december, 1998. We sent a signal, somewhere to space. A signal of life was given, a single message that was sent to the emptyness of space, where we were alone, or, that's we tought. That's where we screwed over, where we dug our grave. We had no contact in more than decades, this was kept completely secret, until, 2021, we recieved a message. A hostile one, they somehow got a reach of human language, the message was sent in all the languages possible, even morse code, they sent the same message in all of them. ''DEATH'' We panicked, but, still kept secret. All the goverment started to unite, we told everyone we had gotten world peace, but, oh no, that was no where near what we had gotten in to. We created machines, power armor to be exact, we were somehow prepared for our demise, these creatures, or whatever sent the signal back, were advanced. We had to do all we could to try to keep on foot. 2034, the mothership arrived. It was floating RIGHT ON TOP OF OUR EARTH! This time, this couldn't be kept secret, this was too much. Goverment opened its mouth, revealing all that happened. Everywhere, people outraged, riots that had a duration of months, until, they sent ships down here. We approached with peace, giving all the signals we could, but, then. This fucking ship, released some monsters. They killed all the people in the front, this included our presidents. Oh no, this was war. We sent all our soldiers, with their suits. They were quicker, durable, they had super-human strenght, along with things like energy swords, who would cut trough them with ease. High caliber guns, that only were flashes of light that brought death, but, they kept comming. 2041, the war was still ongoing, non-stop, these creatures just kept dropping, they were not close humans, they were, horrible things. They were organic, yet robotic, something that was..impossible. 2042, humans were winning, people all around, or, atleast the ones who were left, cheered, then, the ''Blackout'' happened. This turned off all the types of energy in the world, making our power armor obsolete. We were defenseless. The only thing we have, is an armor that will protect us from a few hits, and all types of weapons scattered along the earth. Suits are worthless, yet, will save our soft- organic bodies. This is our end, we all die here. If we don't do something, humanity is DEAD. Wait, I hear something, oh no, there they are, NO, YOU SHITS, DON'T GET CLOSE! FU-


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