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Realistic or Modern Our Ruins

“This is Charlie Alfa Tango Niner requesting permission for discharge. Do you copy?”

A gentleman piloting a small fighter jet, holds his radio. His thumb hovers over the button which would release a barrage of gunfire into the alien threat just ahead. One wrong move and everything would blow up - literally. As he approaches the mothership alongside his companions, the alien threat launches missiles and he has to sit, horrified, watching his best friends die in flames.

“Do you copy?” Nothing but radio static in return. He runs his gloved thumb over the button again but before he can make a judgment call whether to launch or not, a missile hits him head on. He feels the burn of the explosion momentarily before everything goes black.

“Damn it all to hell!” Captain Alex Conners slams her hand down on the control panel of the large table which houses the holographic display, causing a cluster of notifications to appear and important ones to vanish as she shouts into her microphone. A camera feed off to the right shows the pilot sitting in the simulator and a feed next to him shows the running simulation of his jet being burnt to a crisp. “How many fucking times do I have to tell you? This is war! You don’t have to request permission to engage the enemy in the midst of battle. You burnt yourself to a fucking crisp, recruit! You’re more than dead.”

She sighs, running a hand through her hair and looking around the command center. “Run the simulation again. This time follow route 6I-H78 with deviation 5-09. Let’s see if you can handle ground combat, recruit... I need a drink.” Alex turns away from the table as her team starts hitting buttons and moving holographs to run the simulation. She rubs her temples, looking up to an assistant holding out a cup of water. “Not exactly what I had in mind, but I’ll take it. Thank you.”

It was a short break in the war where the destruction and chaos had thinned. Any eligible well-bodied person was being drafted into combat. Of course they wouldn't take both parents of a family or a single parent but they were trying to recruit every person possible. They had been running simulations all day with no breaks as each group of recruits cycled in and out. Alex downs her water, shifting her gaze back to the feed of the simulation. She gives the recruit a nod of acknowledgement - although, he cannot see her - as he ends the simulation flawlessly.

"Get Teams Psi and Omega out of there and give 'em a break. Send in Alpha and Beta..." She pauses, scanning the room once again. "And, send Team Gamma up here. You all could use a break and the simulation mechanics run near enough to the weapons." The simulation crew sighs appreciatively as a woman hits a button on the console to voice the announcement. "Recruitment Teams Alpha and Beta to Simulation Room E and Recruitment Team Gamma to Simulation Control Center B. I repeat, Recruitment Teams Alpha and Beta to Simulation Room Echo and Recruitment Team Gamma to Simulation Control Center Bravo." This would be the first time the recruits of Team Gamma put a face to the name of Captain Alex Conners. A smirk finds its way to her face as she braces for all the comments of "Where's the Captain?" and the subsequent shock. After all, some of the recruits were older than she was.
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“Damn it all to hell!” The captain yelled. Did she have a very, very short temper, even tough he agreed that the pilot was way too stupid to be in these combats. Emile's gaze shifted to her, thinking about what was happening. ''Captain, we're wasting way too much energy in unnecesary simulators for soldiers who clearly don't have the slightest clue of what meaningful task they're performing. I think this should be cut off.''

Energy was scare, and they only had a few battery cells left, which activated the mechs in their suits, which were their greatest weapon at this point. Emile shuffled around the place, his armor moving here and there. It was extremely bulky, after all, he was made solely for combat, and his years of military payed off in this suit.

There were way too little people in the earth left, last time they checked there where only 500 thousand all around the globe. From 7 billion, to 500,000. These creatures had left them biting the dust, which was way too dangerous for their species. Even tough it sounded very perverted of him, reproduccion was neccesary, very neccesary.

Every single power armor was made by their owner, molded how they desired. For example, Helena was a very unique person, since her power armor isn't at all protective, only her mech. Of course, you should never underestimate someone. She might aswell be the greatest ace under the sleeve, who knew, he never got the chance to get close to her.

Then, the base got bashed in. A bunch of Alphas released an enormeous screech, as they threw down the metal doors. Emile was in shock, and quickly shuffled to the nearest cover.
''General! Get the fuck down! Enemy fire!''

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