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Realistic or Modern Our picture perfect family (NOT) (Re-Boot)

She laughed and said "I won't, don't worry." She kissed his cheek and said "Anyway…what's happening with you? Are you going to have to go on trial?"
"No word yet though Joe recent incarceration should but out of the police eye for now."He said confidently."So i just going to be around for now doing the gardening like normal. Maybe i try out for a band again, they say lead guitarist with criminal past are considered hot stuff."
"They've not told me what i'm wearing but i'll find out when i get there." Sally knew that Rex wanted to get a preview and usually, she was happy to oblige him but she lacked the clothes or undergarments so she was unable to. "Feel free to fantasy about what i may be wearing in two hours." She blew a small kiss at her husband and started to make her way down to the kitchen.
"We should make our own band, seriously that was a good idea!" She smiled and said "I hope you don't have to go on trial. If you do I will be really upset."
"Dont worry about the trail. With trouble Joe is doing i am an after thought, a trial will only come back innocent."He said confidently."Cool, i get on the phone with my friend to ste...acquire an instrument. Guitar or base?"
Sally arrived in the kitchen and made herself a healthy breakfast of natural fruit with cereal. She poured some milk into it and helped herself to some coffee. She walked out to the pool and sat down one of the deck chairs. She placed the bowl and cup of coffee on the table next to it. "Today is a lovely day."
"Yeah, Snow was quick to take advantage run off quick enough to leave a dust cloud in her shape. Glad to see her wheelchair didnt slow her down"Rex said not looking up from his newspaper apart from sneaky look at Sally through the corner of the newspaper. The alarm on his mobile beep, he checked to see it was a reminder on his calender."Tommy made contact? His birthday today."
"He hasn't and I was going to surprise him by taking him out to one of the theme parks." Sally untied her dressing gown and ate some of her breakfast before drinking her coffee. "Nothing seems to stop Snow when she puts her mind to it and i know she will grow into a strong woman."

Snow was assisted into the cab and taken to the hospital. After requesting to see her primary doctor she was lead to a examination room. It wasn't long until her doctor entered the room and whacked the girl on the head. She was scolded then told that she can ditch the wheelchair and go on with life on crutches for another 4 weeks. The girl agreed and within a hour she was out the hospital and on her way to the park as the soft warm colored leaves crunched beneath her crutches. She searched around for Tony but was unable to find him. She sat down on a bench and pouted before deciding that since he wasn't there that for now she would just go home and try to see him later. She called a cab and made her way to the street before the big yellow taxi pulled up and the driver assisted her into the car before hopping back in and taking Snow home.
"Tommy too is no slotch. I had a look at Tommy's account while i was making a coffee, wonderful things these smartphones, i see some birthday money spend on a house and few basic. If nothing else the kid is responsible for a 14 year old, sorry 15 year old."Rex said casually, the act of Sally robe uniting enough for him to nonchalantly lowering his newspaper.

"He, he! So when are you off to play?"Jason asked with a smirk before actually remembering his meant watering the plants and not his right shoe."Whoops..."
"Your children were raised well and despite their incidents, i know they will become strong people. I do wish Tommy had spoken to us before running away." Sally caught Rex lowering his paper a bit as she drank more of her coffee. "I love them as my own and I hope we can convince Tommy to come back home." She ate more of her breakfast.
"I do too wished he did and we will."He said raising his newspaper instantly when he notice her noticing him, hiding a slight grin. That grin disappeared though when he noted Sally's chosen words for the kids, that they were his kids not her. An guilt crept up at him as he remembered some of his past mistakes, ruining his mood for the light teasing between them. He had hopped the years would have allowed her to turn a blind eye at the kids bastardy but he figured "forgive but no forget" was justifiable. "I'll see to some friends of mine, see if they can trace back the charge to the house seller and with that Tommy. We can track him down yet."

"Well, i always though my feet were small and could use some water."Jason replied jokingly and slightly embarrassed. "Well, anyway for now its just a duo but in any case we need to get to playing."
"Hopefully, we'll find him and we can convince him to come home." Sally didn't mean to bring up Rex's children and was just making a general statement. She loved them as if they were her own and had married into the family. She finished off her breakfast and coffee.
"I am not sure yet, we need to do some practicing and see." He said trying to show his true opinion on the matter."I need to get back to work and get you the keyboard, will talk later."

"I will get on it."Rex said finishing up his coffee and getting up from his seat, He walked over to Sally and give her a quick kiss on the lips before walking off and dialing his phone.
Sally looked at the pool after Rex kissed her on the lips and got up. She took her almost empty bowl and the empty cup to the kitchen before putting them into the sink. She knew Rex would be able to get the job done and walked up stairs to the couple's private bathroom in order to take a shower.
"I have a keyboard up in my room." she lied. She didn't want him spending money. She would use her own. Andrea smiled and then got back to work.

The blonde had paid the driver and removed herself from the yellow cab and made her way into the house. She saw her father as soon as she entered the house and stated,

"I'm back in one piece today!"

She joked not yet knowing that against her wishes her doctor notified her family of her escape stunt and to keep close watch on her through texting. The girl continued her journey out to the pool, she knew she wouldn't be able to jump into the pool for a few weeks from now and sighed. She simply hopped over to the hammock and hoisted herself into it before setting her crutches aside and deciding on taking yet another nap. Who knows maybe another one of her siblings would show up, excluding Thomas.from her thoughts the girl smiled and drifted off to sleep.

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