Our man the Emissary


Black Sun in a White World
I found this topic interesting on the White Wolf forums, but it quickly degraded once more into an off topic subject, but I digress as well. The question is: What do you think that the Emissary of Nexus is, looking at material in Scavenger Sons and the now infamous scenes in A Day as Dark as Night. With his power and a Third Circle Demon knowing him, what do you see him as?

My group and I have had many a discussion on this subject and we believe him either to be a First Age amalgum of something already potent or perhaps a Third Cicle Fetich somehow unbound by its master. One other theory is he is a last defense mechanism of sorts for the old city of Hollow, which Nexus is built on. Anyone have any other thoughts?
what do you see him as?
The way I see it is that he is a really powerful God, I mean he is the God of the city of Hollow, so he was probably there during the first age and somehow met the third circle demon during that time, but I guess the only way to find out who or what he is is to get rid of that wyld zone in nexus.
How utterly bizarre that my party met the Emissary for the first time tonight, and there is a new posting about him.

I sort of wondered that myself, when I had him meet them coming off the smuggling ship deus ex machina style to tell them the rules and behave.  He didn't meet anyone else, only them.  I figure a being that powerful ought to know when a couple of Solars roll into town and to instruct them about the rules accordingly.  My players are now (correctly) terrified.

During all of this, though, I had a spare eight or nine seconds to decide what I wanted the Emissary to be.  Perhaps the god of the city, perhaps the Emissary IS the city manifesting an alter ego to keep people from destroying it.

I don't want to post more until Jakk sees this post and replies, because I'm really tired and his ideas are easy to bounce other ideas off of.

I figure my circle is gonna run into him either next session, or the one after, as we are currently "raiding my tomb" in the middle of Nexus.

oooh the possibilities...
We've talked about this in our group and we think he's either a powerful God/City Sprit or he's the Council, via Unity Of The Closed Fist. There are hints that the Council are Celestial Exalts so it could be possible.
Asahi said:
We've talked about this in our group and we think he's either a powerful God/City Sprit or he's the Council, via Unity Of The Closed Fist. There are hints that the Council are Celestial Exalts so it could be possible.
I don't remember him being described as massive, which is what he would be if he was a Solar Voltron.

He is pretty big i think. One of the reasons we thought Unity was because of the way he speaks with the absolute authority of the Council. Well, more than that, he can talk on behalf of the Council if you ask him anything, which i like to think is a hint that he is actually in some way the Council.
A rather unconventional take that a campaign I was involved in took was making the Emissary a powerful First Age ghost, with access to Void Circle necromancy. Nexus was being beseiged by Walker, and someone needed to be able to negate ther most devastating attacks that Walker and his Daybreaks could wreak.

The characters had to defeat the deathknights, then neutralize Walker through a bit of, oh, divine intervention. Otherwise, After Nexus fell, the Emissary would be persuaded to become the 14th Deathlord.
The Emissary's plainly not the god of Hollow. The god of Hollow (now of Nexus) is Gen, currently Minister of the Ways (E:S p. 48).
Maybe he's the god of Nexus, then... Cities built on first age city ruins usually have two City Paters/Maters; one from the First Age City, and one from the Second Age one. It´s not uncommon.

I'm quite sure there's a canonical example for this, I just don't remember where, exactly...
The page reference I gave refers to Gen as the god of Nexus, too. Sorry for forgetting to mention it.
For that matter, what the hell are the rest of the Council?  Turning peoples muscles to scorpions?  Boiling blood in mens veins?  Sorcerors at the very least, though of what variety I do not know.  They are so steeped in lore it's difficult to figure out exactly what the hell these guys are.

I can't help but think that they can't be too powerful and amazing, as surely if they were the Sidereals would have either slain them, or they would keep tabs on them.  Of course...the Council could be entirely made up of Sidereals...
I think that the Emissary is a leftover from the time before the Primordial War, a behemoth of massive power but modest proportions.  Perhaps he was a failed experiment of Gaia or Autocthon that lived the best that it could until it found Nexus and persuaded the Council to let him be their 'voice'.  Some behemoths can so Terrestrial and Celestial Sorcery or Shadowlands and Labirynth Necromancy, so it would explain his power level.
Or perhaps he's just the undefined, mysterious element in the game, which the wirters use to confuse players. Just like J. R. R. Tolkien's Tom Bombadil. Or the Wheel of Times Sahdar Logoth.

How did you find out that the Balrog and Tom Bombadil where doth Istari?

I knew Gandolf was, as are all the wizards (Sarumon and those not mentioned) and it I thought there were hints that Sauron was one too, but that could be misinterpertation.

BTW, which book discusses Nexus and the Emissary most?
Things like this make me wish we could pick through the developers brains to see if even THEY had an idea.

On that note, I wonder if Grabowski plays at all, and what his games are like.......
Seiraryu said:
Tom Bombadil was an Ishtari, same as Gandalf, Saruman and the Balrog Gandalf battles with.
They are Maiar a kind of demigod that serves the Valar.  The Istari was a group of wizards (Saruman, Radaghast, Gandalf and two blue wizards without names.
On that note' date=' I wonder if Grabowski plays at all, and what his games are like.......[/quote']
I'm pretty sure he's run some convention games, at the very least.

Just to clarify, as my geekery extends far deeper into the Tolkien mythos than the Exalted: Tom Bombadil was never defined as being Maiar. It was even hinted at that he was in the world before the Valar(the Maiars' betters) descended into the world. Just my two cents.

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