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Fandom our final journey to the ground


She didn't struggle when they came for her. The guards had no trouble pulling her out of her cell, she didn't make it any harder for them. Her heart was beating out of her chest already, but she didn't want the guards to grip her tightly then necessary, so she complied. Other kids were being taken out of their cells, screaming and fighting against the guards that dragged them but to no avail.

She was strapped down in the ship. Something was attached to her wrist. It hurt, but she had other problems. They weren't sending her to float, but she very well could die today. If no one had been to the earth in so long, who knew what was waiting for them? Tears streamed down her face, but Alley didn't make a sound.

The turbulence was the scariest part; the screaming of the other passengers, the fear that suffocated the ship. The tears didn't stop until they landed. By then, her entire body was shaking with fear. While others were making their way out of the wrecked ship, Alley could not find the strength to move.

"You coming?" One of the boys had turned to look at her, and Alley nodded. She gingerly stood. Her legs felt like jelly but she pressed on, moving outside of the ship. It was.. beautiful here. She took it all in for a moment, and really wondered if they could start a new life on this pretty planet. But everyone was already mumbling about humans already here, the dangers that they would face. Was it true? Were there others here?

Her eyes fell on Langston; a familiar face. She moved closer to the girl, but paused when she watched another start to mock her. Alley wasn't sure if she wanted to get into that, and instead, hung closer to the boy who had called her out of the ship and his friends, glancing around nervously.

And no one could run like she could

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As expected, Oliver's enthusiasm about his situation on the planet decreased as the smell of smoke filled his nose and the others' voices filled with more fear and worry than excitement. Why didn't he expect the crash to affect what was around him? Well, he didn't exactly expect other structures to be around him, but it was still a bit jarring. The debris must have hurt people, and while perhaps he shouldn't really be concerned for these other people, if they were people, over his own safety due to their crash, he couldn't help but feel a bit responsible. He was never really one for self-preservation anyway.

While he could understand Langston's defensive reaction to the buildings, he thought it was a little hasty. Wouldn't acting like they wanted to prevent the other people from approaching them make them angrier than they already were? He wasn't exactly sure either, but he personally wanted to go for a more open approach. He decided that he should speak up, since he really doubted that everyone would agree with each other on their own. The people here sure were one to hold grudges. He assumed that that it was his role to be a voice of reason in the bickering.

However, before he could settle on what words to say, since it was a common occurrence of his to be indecisive, he stopped. Perhaps he was wrong, and if he spoke up about not building a wall and people died because of it, wouldn't that kind of peg him as a murderer? If he stopped what would help people survive, then he'd be hated by everyone. Sure, he was a thief, but that didn't mean he was evil. Yes, that was his decision. As much as he disliked following what could be considered the chancellor's orders, Langston was unfortunately right in this matter. Perhaps he was the hasty one. With that, he approached the group and spoke.

"As much as I really hate to admit it, Chancellor 2.0 has a point. When you think about it, the people or whatever's buildings we've accidentally destroyed probably won't exactly want to be peaceful with us. There's a large chance that we'll die if we don't try to protect ourselves, since I doubt any weapons were hidden in the dropship," he concluded, his eyes darting between the disagreeing groups, hoping that the people around him would be able to be convinced by a person who holds such little intimidation power in his body.

@Eunoia @Ecstasyia
S a b i n e

Tags: @Eunoia

Seb couldn’t help but laugh at her two best friend’s comments on her excitement, but she playfully punched Perseus’s shoulder for the comment about her cheerfulness. She was plenty cheerful, she just normally didn’t show it. When Perseus grabbed the two girls shoulders leading them off, Seb grabbed Perseus around the side and rest her head on his shoulder. She felt… at home. These two were her family and Perseus’s line about ruling the world just made her chest swell. The three would thrive here, she just knew it. Perseus adored the audience (who’d follow anyone with charisma), Nove would be somewhat removed from her guilt, and Seb herself, well, she just was excited to be out of that goddamned prison.

Seb was not surprised at Langston’s pushiness: that girl always wanted everything done her way. When they were in an infirmary, this was a good thing, when they were a bunch of teenagers who just got out of prison under the practical dictatorship that was the Ark… It wasn’t such a good thing. Sabine would not be ordered around, and
neither would her friends. Her face assumed a cloudy expression. Perseus at least wasn’t gonna allow anyone to tell him what to do… that was obvious. As she listened to everyone, though, she became really unsure. If there was people on the ground, they’d need a wall. If the “royalty” was just trying to keep everyone under their thumb… then they could burn in hell.

Yeah he was getting carried away with the “make Earth our bitch,” stuff, but that was how Perseus rolled, and where Perseus rolled, Seb and Nove rolled. They stuck together and backed each other up, so Seb would support him if anybody challenged him. She was slightly amazed, though, either people really hated Langston and the “royalty” or Perseus was a great leader. Seb hoped it was the ladder for many reasons. Seb shot Nove a look that said
here we go in anticipation to the response.


@Semblance @LastRomeo @Akeira @MrBossMan ...@Arkanians.

Niko was glad that someone actually had an idea up their sleeve, but there was one thing bothering him that had to be taken care of immediately. He stepped forward, nodding in agreement to his fellow Arkanian's words. "Yes, it is quite imperative that we build some sort of defense and shelter--but we do this together."

He stopped halfway between his friend and her naysayers. Hhis tone was not one of anger, but disappointment. "It doesn't matter how the hell we got on that ship, what matters is that we are here now. You don't even know us but you'll be quick with your lofty comments. Princess? Ark Royalty?" He stopped and grinned at the dark-haired one who'd agreed with Stoney earlier.

"Chancellor 2.0 was a good one though, I'll give you that."

His smiled hardened as quickly as it came. "But, from what I can tell this
princess is the only one here putting any good suggestions in the air. But, why listen to me? You're probably just hearing me and thinking 'This guy has some nerve'. Well you know what? This guy is gonna live. This guy is gonna protect himself and everyone else with every breath I take on this forsaken planet. Including you assholes." He raised his voice at the end so that everyone left was sure to hear him.

"Now, what we should do is work on getting lumber and the supplies on the mountain we were
supposed to land on. Whoever wants to live another day can follow me." And with that, Niko turned his back on the rebellious few and approached his friend once more. "Was that too much?" he asked lowly when he was out of their earshot, with a goofy smile plastered on his mug.
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Marsh had positioned himself in front of a beautiful view; the trees being rustled gently by the wind. He had his sketchbook and his charcoal and he smiled to himself as it stained the paper, illustrating the serene scene.

Jude thought it funny to position himself right in front of Marsh, so he could not see what he was drawing. Marsh only chuckled, playfully shoving his brother out of the way with his charcoal stained fingers, dirtying his clothes.

"Hey," Jude exclaimed, pretending to be offended as he shoved his older brother back. "This is my favorite shirt." The younger boy protested, now earning a laugh from Marshall. "Yeah, right." "I'm not kidding!" "Yes, you are." Jude paused, letting out an exaggerated sigh. "Darn, you caught me." Marshall smiled. "Just like always."

Jude, with his back turned, could not see the thing in the sky. He could only watch in confusion as Marshall's face contorted in horror and bafflement; the fire, the shrapnel, the chaos. It was all so quick. He couldn't even begin to put together how they'd gone from such a perfect moment to.. hell.

He felt something lodge itself in his side, pain coursing through his body and the air leaving him in a panicked gasp. But what physical pain he felt was nothing to the way his heart twisted and then shattered as he watched his brother fall beside him, a large piece of shrapnel that had pierced his back and gone through his chest.

In that moment, his world fell apart. Not like it had when his father, and then his mother passed away. Because right there in front of him lay his brother. The one who had gotten him through both their parent's passing, the one he held closest.

He didn't know it but he was screaming, tears streaming down his face. No one had ever seen Marsh like this; Marsh had never, ever acted like this. His cries echoed throughout the entire camp as he screamed his brother's name, over and over and over.

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Conner had to push Dakota up in his arms as he waited for the woman's response. The little girl wasn't heavy at all but she was skinny and tended to slide down his side. It didn't take long for the woman in front of him to stand on her feet. Conner unconsciously raised an eyebrow as she walked up next to him, mere inches from his chest. She awkwardly gauged Conner up and down, a look of disgust and curiosity on her face. As if she couldn't believe Conner was concerned for her well being.

Then she walked off to the recently opened door, shoving her way past him. Not saying a word in response. He had to take a step back as he bit his bottom lip and turned around. Watching her strut away as if she owned the whole damn world. He took a quick glance at Dakota in his arms and she was actually smiling.

"What?" He asked her with a little irk in his voice.

"She didn't like you, at all." Dakota said as she released a loud, cheerful laugh. Conner couldn't help but crack a smile as he made his way to the drop ships ramp. Pulling Dakota's tiny frame closer to him he took a huge breath.

"Ya I reckon she didn't now did she." He said to her as he took his free hand and rubbed it through his dark hair. When the pair of Arkainians made it to the ramp........Conner couldn't speak. His jaw slowly opened as he took in the sights and smells, the noises and the cool air hitting his face. Every time he was about to say something his voice would give up on him. He'd end up scanning something else, something new and foreign.

It was simply "Pretty," he heard Dakota say, her voice breaking his focus. Her blue eyes seemed to be lost in the sea of color. Eating away at everything they could find. He could feel Dakota's heart beat thumping away through her tiny chest. For the first time in a long while Conner felt free. He looked out and he didn't see walls or emptiness. Conner saw trees and clouds, birds and grass, he felt the wind gently brush against his plain clothes. He saw colors he never knew existed, textures he wanted to run his massive hands through.

He scanned his fellow Arkainians, all of them happy. All of them free, same as him. He saw Ardyn and locked eyes with her, a half smile on his face. He didn't say anything but he let his eyes do the talking. He was happy she was here with him, sharing this moment in their on way, but together. Then he saw her, Karina, Conner's smile instantly went away. His eyes hit the ground and he turned his back towards the ground. Taking a knee Conner looked at Dakota and made her look at him as she sucked on her bottom lip.

"Go have some fun," he said as he messed up her hair and patted her on the back. Then the girl was off and away, laughing and playing around in the grass.

Conner however didn't step off the ramp, not yet, instead he went back in the dropship. The Chancellor said something about Mount Weather, food, supplies, clothing and shelter. She also said something about a map, Conner knew that that map was vital. He searched the ship and found a small box welded onto one of the walls. Conner opened it and inside he found a map, a flashlight, a roll of bandages and a box of matches.

"Thanks Chancellor," he said aloud knowing just how screwed him and his friends were.

He took out the map and decided it was best if he held onto the matches as well. Stuffing both items inside his pocket he turned around and decided it was time to meet the others. That's when Conner heard the yell, a mans voice hollering out for Langston. Instantly Conner hurriedly walked outside and saw a crowd of people forming. He could hear the arguments, the orders and the muffled voices, he sensed the concern and worry, the fear.

Conner simply watched as everyone shouted back and forth. Then he saw a kid, he was standing next to the girl who blew Conner off earlier. He spoke and his voice was careless, a man who had no worries at all. A fool in every sense of the word. But once the man spoke the crowd roared in approval. All of these people were kids, they'd follow damn near anyone. But for all of their sakes, they couldn't follow this kid. If they did they were all doomed.

Then another man spoke up and the crowd silenced instantly. Their voices turned into mere whispers as they listened to him. He called out some of the kids who spoke harshly about Langston and him. Then he had a plan, mount weather. Conner could jump on board with that. But the man was missing something very important.

"Wait!" Conner said as the man turned his back and before the others could protest his plan. Suddenly Conner felt the eyes swarm him and he had to cough to clear his throat. He tried to find a familiar face in the crowd but couldn't find one. So Conner simply kept on. "You're missing something buddy." He said to the guy who had just spoken "I don't think you'll find the mountain to easy without this here map, my man." He said as he pulled the only map out and waved it in the air for all to see.

Conner than took a step forward and straightened his body posture. "I'm going with you," he said to Niko "and we'll find that damn mountain. But until then don't build walls. There is no need for walls once we find shelter at mount weather. Instead collect the lumber to build a fire." He then pulled out his matches and tossed them to a random kid "your in charge of that." The kid looked like he wanted to protest, But he didn't and that's all that mattered.

Conner than looked at Niko again and simplely said "we should leave soon, otherwise it'd be to dark to go out."
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Ardyn's bright blue eyes were still filled with wonder as she observed the new environment around her. She loved the warm sunlight against her pale skin and the listening to the gentle rustling leaves around her. She turned around to watch quite a few Arkadians join her on the ground; some faces were filled with excitement and wonder while others contained fear and caution. She made eye contact with her friend, Karina, and gave her a soft smile. Ardyn turned her head to look back at the drop ship and locked eyes with Connor, who was bringing Dakota onto the ground. She breathed a sigh of relief to see that he was okay from the crash landing. She was happy that she would be able to experience this with her best friend, as his presence was often comforting to her.

However, her excitement was short-lived as Niko pointed out a small wooden shelter in one of the trees. Talks of people still living on the ground erupted amongst the teenagers. Ardyn's red eyebrows furrowed in worry and confusion. How could there still be people alive after the nuclear bombs? The Ark had told them that the Earth was inhabitable.

Her attention was diverted when Langston suggested that they build a wall to keep whoever was out there away from them. However, this suggestion was instantly shot down by one of the more defiant boys, Perseus, along with his friends. Others, such as Oliver and Niko, supported this decision and proposed possible courses of action. The teenagers instantly grew into a large argument, filled with shouts and discordance, as they disagreed over what to do. Ardyn sighed, running her hands through her red hair with frustration. They were never going to get anything done with all of this arguing.

The only plausible idea she agreed with was when Niko suggested they collect supplies from the mountain they were supposed to land on. This was further supported when Connor spoke up over the opposing voices. The redhead smiled softly as she watched him try to take control of the situation and put together a group of them to head to Mount Weather.

When he was done speaking, Ardyn instantly pushed her way through the crowd to stand next to him.
"Well you already know I'm going with you," she told him firmly. There was no way she was going to let Connor venture into this unknown land without her. Plus, a small sliver of excitement and curiosity had broken through her feelings of confusion and anxiety at the thought of exploring a new environment.

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tagging @Ethereal @Semblance

Calix couldn't even hear the two people speaking to him. His mind was racing. The blood on his hands made his soul sink. The blood of his people. The blood of his people. "These... people." He stared at the death around them all. He shook his head before finally letting it sink in what Holland had said.

"No," he stated, a little harshly. The girl in his arms becoming frightened of the exchange between the two men. He handed her to one of the women of the village. "Take her, take care of her." He directed before holding his hand out and pulling Ember up. She was one of his... stress relievers. Yeah, sure. That's what they do together on occasion.

He couldn't feel the pain in his thigh anymore. He hadn't even noticed the rest of his injuries. "Anger does not do well on the battlefield." He yanked the piece of shrapnel out of his leg, ripping his shirt and wrapping the piece around his injury. The longer they stood here debating, the more of his people needed him. "Have either of you seen Kathelena? Xerxes? I need t-" he was cut off by the scream. He recognized the sound, though he'd never heard it sound so broken.

"Marshall." He breathed, immediately taking off in the direction of the sound. His run was more of a limp, but he had to get to him. The gate to the village had been blocked, but he didn't need to be there yet. The pain in his leg was getting out of hand, but he didn't care. He
couldn't care. Finally, he reached Marshall. Then he saw the source of the other male's screams.

Jude. He reached his hand out, gently placing it on Marshall's shoulder. "Marshall," he said lightly before kneeling and checking Jude's pulse. "He's alive." He spoke lightly. He was glad he wouldn't have to say goodbye. That was the part that he hated the most. Saying goodbye to his people who died. Especially those who died innocent. The blood of his people mixing with his own.

The blood seemed never ending. There was so much blood. So many of his people were dead. He was losing his ability to think straight. His vision beginning to blur. Calix looked at Marshall, "we have to carry him back to the village."

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Location | Trikru Camp

With | Xerxes

Mentions | Calix, Holland & Arkanians (refers to them as traitors)

Tags | @Eunoia
Kathelena couldn't tell on whether to focus on the newly formed barrier that was in flames and expanding all throughout the camp, her dying people, or the large chunk of metal lodged deep into her thigh. She felt herself aching to scream, and maybe it was the loud commotion going on around her, but the grounder heard nothing come out of her mouth. She was right next to the burning metal and injured. Kathelena could feel herself getting lightheaded from the thick fumes emerging from the flames. Right now, her main focus was to get herself away from the fire, and somewhere she could try to pull out the painful object stuck in her thigh. Though, before she could make an attempt in sitting back up, the grounder found herself getting lifted up by a large pair of muscular hands.

Her burning eyes, squinting, could barely make out the face of the individual who had pulled her aside. But as soon as they spoke, the individual was made clear. Kathelena was able to recognize the familiar raspy, and husky voice from a mile away. It was Xerxes. On the inside, she felt relieved that he made it into the camp in time and that he wasn't hurt. If it wasn't for him, she'd still be struggling with getting away.
"Are you okay?" With her hand still grasped on her bloody thigh, Kathelena motioned her head towards her leg. She signaled for him to take out the chunk of metal."I'm sorry. This is gonna hurt."

Shit, Kathelena thought. It already does hurt. Kathelena was in extreme pain, no doubt. Her whole leg pierced with agony. But it wasn't as If she hadn't gone through worse. She did. So this was nothing. Barely a scratch, compared to the other injuries that she'd received throughout the past years. The scars inked all over her body would prove it too.

As Xerxes clenched his hand around the piece of metal, Kathelena held her breath, looking straight into his eyes. They always reminded her of the water, and she so desperately wanted to drown in them. She always wondered if that was the reason why she was so intrigued with the idea of aquatic nature and fancied it so much. And with a single pull, Xerxes yanked the chunk of metal right from her leg, now with a large gash, and blood spurting out of it like rainfall. She let out a loud gasp, biting down on her tongue, and muttered a few curses as he threw the object to the side. Kathelena's whole leg went numb, and for a moment both grounders stood there, lost in each other's eyes.

It wasn't until shouts coming from the other side of the barrier, recognizably Holland's and Calix's, did Kathelena and Xerxes snap back into the devastation going on around them. Xerxes' warrior mode quickly took over, and so did Kathelena's despite her numb leg.
Calix. Oh my god, Calix. She still had no idea if he was hurt, or not, and her not knowing practically killed her. She didn't know if the traitors that were responsible for this mess, had gotten to him or not. Kathelena knew that Holland was on the other side with him, as well as others, but the attack had been so unexpected. What If they got to them too? Anger and adrenaline build up inside of Kathelena. All thoughts of her leg was forgotten, and replaced by the hatred for the enemies that had caused all of this. They'd pay for this whole thing with their own blood, if it meant Kathelena's last breath. But even they didn't matter. What mattered was Calix. And only Calix.


Ember couldn't decide what was worse. The aching pain in her thigh, or the smell or burnt bodies lining the air. She sucked in a breath, and choked on the smoke. She heard a scream, one that could shatter glass miles away. "Marshall." She and Calix breathed at the same time. Calix ripped out the piece of metal in the righ, before running to see what was wrong. Ember would have liked to do the same, but unfortunately her piece of metal was much larger and heavy. She put two hands on it, before slowly pulling the spike out.

She quickly wrapped her slash around her thigh, then proceeded to follow Calix. Although she wasn't really following him because smoke had fogged her vision. She was as good as a chicken with its head cut off. She followed the sounds of the cries, which was hard to do even with her ears still intact.

She was feeling faint, she was bleeding out and the pain was something even she couldn't bare. As she approached, she could see Marshall standing over someone's body. Beside him she could Calix, looking distraught as Marshall.

She arrived, tripping over her own feet. She could barley get out a sentence, the smoke was making it hard to breathe. "Marshall... I'm so sorry.... Jude...." It was a string of nonsense. She finally arrived to them she fell to the ground looking to her gash. It was pouring blood, she looked back to where she walked. Their was a trail of blood there too. She looked to Calix and said "I....need....heale-" Those were her last words before her body gave out, dark spots clouded her vision as her head fell against the wet dirt.

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"Marshall, A voice appeared, making Marsh jump in surprise. Calix. The first thing he did was check Jude's pulse. "He's alive." Marshall gaped. There was no way -- no way he could've survived it.. didn't it go through his heart? "I.. I always knew he was strong." Marshall croaked, face contorting in both pain and happiness, as his own wounds were beginning take their toll.

"We have to carry him back to the village." Marshall glanced back at Jude, who's chest was just barely rising and falling, and then back at Calix, his leg wrapped tightly, but still, Marsh could see blood seeping from the wound. "Calix, your leg." Marshall croaked, and then rolled up his shirt to get a look at his own wound, the piece of shrapnel embedded in his side. "Neither of us can carry him."

Even though Jude was unconscious, Marshall still gripped his brother's shoulders tightly.
"Hang on," He was begging his brother to stay alive. "We'll fix you up, I promise."

That was when Ember stumbled in.
"Marshall... I'm so sorry.... Jude...." Marshall opened his mouth to reply, but she fell to the ground. Marsh's eyes widened. She mumbled something about needing a healer before entirely passing out. "Oh no," Marshall exclaimed, scrambling towards Ember. "I-I can't -- I can't save all of you," He took a deep breath and glanced back at Calix. "I need to cauterize her wound," Marsh swallowed. "And yours too. But Jude -- he's going to die if I don't.." Marshall ground his teeth together. How was he supposed to choose?

In the mean time, Marshall moved towards Ember's body and pulled off his own shirt to double bandage her bleeding gash.
"I need help over here!" Marshall shouted, as loud as he could possibly shout. Too many people to save and so little people left to save them.

tags: @Eunoia @Ecstasyia [Grounders]

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k a r i n a . a n d e r s o n


Mentioned: @Eunoia ,

@RedIncubus , @MrBossMan , @Semblance

Karina glanced, as more delinquents joined them at the edge of the clearing, continuing to stare at the structures in the canopies above. She listened to the suggestions made by others, particularly Langston’s idea to build a wall. Almost immediately, protests could be heard from the others, and she listened to both sides of the argument. Ultimately, the brunette thought it was a decent plan, as the hundred needed a way to defend themselves against a possible foe. Her only concern was being trapped in the enclosure. If an emergency were to occur, how many would they have to leave behind? ”I think Langston has a good point, but I’m worried about the exit for the wall, in case we need to get out of here immediately. I don’t want to be trapped.” She suggested aloud, the fear of an emergency evacuation causing her voice to fade. The brunette cleared her throat in an effort to boost her confidence, knowing she had to be strong if there was any hope of surviving on the ground. There were so many unknown variables in play, and Karina wanted to be prepared for each one.

Her brow rose in curiosity, when Niko attempted to take control of the situation, an amused expression crossing her lips, as he defended Langston and himself. She nodded in agreement with his proposition to gather lumber and supplies on Mount Weather. Fortunately, the idea was supported by some of the others gathered near the edge of the clearing. She thought about going with him to help until Connor’s voice filled her ears. Karina thought the map would be convenient, but she wanted to protest his suggestion of embarking on the journey. As much as she wanted to tell herself she did not care about her former friend, he meant the world to her. Despite this, she knew they were in a bad place, and things never may be right again. For that reason alone, the brunette was very hesitant to volunteer for the trip to Mount Weather, though she would be a valuable participant.

But she had to be a big girl and make decisions that would benefit the group.

Soon after Ardyn pushed through the crowd and announced her wish to go, Karina stepped closer to the traveling party.
”I’m going too.” She stated, glancing at each of them and avoiding Connor’s eyes entirely. ”We may be able to find functional parts from the drop ship on our way there. If we do, or find anything I can use on the Mountain, we may be able to construct makeshift weapons… Just in case we need them against whatever may be out there.” She expressed to the others with her head held high, wanting to appear optimistic about this trek. After she finished speaking, her brown eyes flickered toward Connor once more before quickly finding the ground. She bit her lip and ran her hand through her brunette curls, pondering the difficulty of traveling into uncharted territory in the forest and with Connor. The forest seemed like a minuscule problem, as knowledge from Earth Skills would be a useful tool. As for the second problem…Well, at least she would have Ardyn as a buffer.
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After he spoke, numerous other voices rose as well, those who had spoken before, and those who hadn't. In all honesty, the rush of ideas confused him, but he made out most of it. While the possibility of a trip around the surrounding area definitely seemed dangerous, who was Oliver to chicken out on an opportunity like that? Plus, it certainly wouldn't hurt to take a look at something outside of the clearing, especially to see if it's safe. Again, he was pretty sure it was fairly dangerous to go along, but it was worth a shot right?

"I'm coming too. I need to see what's out there before the wall goes up," he spoke up, stepping towards the group who was going on the trip. He was certainly wary around Connor, considering that he was a guard, and nearly everyone here had a hard time with them. However, he didn't necessarily hate him either. He must have done something to get on the dropship. For now, his trust was limited, as it was with everyone else. It probably wouldn't be the best for him to put his trust in anyone right now, especially in someone who could have had some of them locked up. He stopped thinking about it for now, not wanting to create unnecessary stress between him and anyone else going, even if it was just in his head.

He switched his train of thought to the forest. Who knew what could have been in there. The amount of things he didn't know about this wilderness was both daunting and intriguing. It was his main reason for offering to go, really. His curiosity overpowered him. While he waited for the departure into the woods, he imagined what he thought would be there. He was unsure whether or not the animals would be alive, and if they were, whether or not they were affected by the radiation. Whether they were affected or not didn't really matter to him currently, since it'd be exciting to actually see an animal. He did admit that seeing some two-headed animal would be pretty creepy if he was used to normal animals, but he'd take anything at this point.

He stopped thinking about the forest now, deciding that it would only make him more anxious to leave. With that thought, he looked to the others who he would be joining expectantly, wondering when they would leave.


@Semblance @LastRomeo @Akeira @MrBossMan ...@Arkanians.

It had been decided:

The one known as Conner approached him, with Ardyn behind him. Karina followed with ideas of weapons and Oliver after her, led by his curiosity. They were able bodies and willing souls--they would do well. But, Niko knew he couldn't lead the search by himself. "Hey, Pipsquaek..." he called out, striding over to the one person he knew best on this planet. "I can't do this without ya. You have all the good ideas, I just make them sound pretty. Besides,"

He waved to the crowd, which had started to group together and chatter while slowly collecting sticks and bark in the area--and being idiot teenagers at the same time-- "They'll be fine here. But not if we don't go and get those supplies on that stupid mountain. Are you in?" he asked, giving her the same puppy eyed look he gave her when he wanted an extra piece of cake for her 11
th birthday.

No matter where they'd go, their friendship would never die.
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Location - The Village / Mood - Sentimental, Compassionate

Cole had been sent on a mission by the healer of Trikru to gather some of the red medicinal herbs that tended to grow at the bottom of a nearby creek. He'd never been one to turn down someone who was asking for help, so he'd agreed, despite the fact that he detested the water. He'd been gathering the plant when he'd caught the first glimpse of it in the sky. He had assumed it was a shooting star, something they say quite a bit of, but when it had come far closer and begun to multiply, he had known otherwise.

He'd stood stupefied on the rocky shore of the small river, his hands grasping tightly to the scarlet plant and the sky continued to rain fire. It wasn't until he heard the inevitable noise of the foreign objects hitting the ground and the chorus of wails, did he snap back into action. He shoved the aquatic herb into the bag he'd been given with haste, before running through the woods. He nearly tripped over a root that was protruding from the ground, due to his blind need to get to the village to aid his people.

The sight before him when he reached the edge of the buildings was horrific. Men, women, and children were laying limply on the ground. There were children stuck under pieces of metal debris, the sharp edges cutting into their flesh. Elders were moaning with pain. Cole briefly caught a glimpse of the commander and a few of his lackeys, but he chose instead to move towards an elderly woman who had a deep gash painting her cheek. He kneeled down beside her, whispering words of comfort and reassurance, taking note of her ragged breathing.

It wasn't long before he discovered the fragment of metal that had lodged itself into the left side of her chest, hence the labored intake of breath. He was unable to do much, as he wasn't a trained healer, but he was there to reassure her that everything would be fine if she chose to stop fighting. With a final shaky exhale, she was gone and he reached forward to brush her eyes closed, murmuring the final farewell.

He stood from her side and looked around, dizzy from all of the movement, all of the fire. Despite this, he made his way toward the village healer, offering him the bag of herbs, hoping that the gathering of the plants would aid someone that was injured. He chose then to leave the central area and migrate to the outskirts, not wanting the village to be entirely vulnerable to an attack, should anyone take advantage of their current weakness. He chose to climb up the nearest tree, sitting on a branch that was somewhat close to the ground, his legs dangling. He leaned back against the trunk, remaining silent and vigilant.

mentions: @Eunoia



Xerxes' brief moment with Kathelena that drowned out all of the death and destruction around them was quickly interrupted by painful crying and angry shouts. He snapped back to reality, and he saw one raw emotion overcome Kathelena's face: concern. And it didn't take much for him to know that her concern was for Calix. He had always admired her loyalty to their leader, somewhat jealous of their close connection. Not in a jealous romantic way, but in a way that made him yearn to have that type of fiercely protective relationship with. The only person he had ever felt like that with was his girlfriend, Thea, who had died sacrificing her life for him.

Pushing the aching thoughts out of his mind, Xerxes swiftly scooped her into his muscular arms, knowing that it would be painful for her to walk on such a freshly injured leg. Because he had used his shirt as a makeshift bandage for her wound, he could feel the intense heat of the blazing flames against his rough skin even more.
"Let's go find Calix," he said, making his way towards the back exit of the main camp so that they could loop around to join the other Grounders on the outskirts.

As he walked across the clearing, he noticed Adana, their Healer, speaking the final farewell to a motionless elderly man.
"Adana, we're going to find Calix. Would you join us?" he asked her through the burning heat. The Healer stood up and nodded, a sorrowful expression on her face. Her clouded brown eyes filled with worry when she saw him carrying Kathelena, her anxious gaze instantly shifting over to her leg wound.

"Is she okay?" Adana asked with concern, touching a gentle hand to Kathelena's leg.

"Yes. There was a metal chunk in her leg, but I pulled it out, so she should be fine," he replied before continuing on his path. Xerx pushed through a few falling branches and stepped over other burning pieces of metal as he trekked through the undergrowth. It didn't take long for them to circle around the outside of the camp and enter the section where Calix and the others were.

"Calix!" he shouted when he spotted the male warrior amongst a ragged cluster of weakened Grounders. "Is everyone alright?" Xerxes asked as he gently placed Kathelena onto the ground next to Calix. His piercing blue eyes scanned his clan mates, noticing quite a few injuries amongst them, mainly consisting of impaled metal chunks that were just recently yanked out. His attention focused on the still bodies of Ember and Jude as Adana instantly knelt beside the motionless Grounders. Xerxes breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the Healer signal that there was a pulse, watching her get to work. They didn't need anymore deaths today.

He turned his attention onto the Grounders who were still alive and standing, his blue eyes mixed with grief and anger.
"Once everyone is healed, we should take a patrol to investigate that flaming metal thing. I can bet all the deer in this forest that whatever that thing was is responsible for all of this destruction," Xerxes proposed, keeping his voice cool and even as his gaze landed on Calix for approval.

@Ethereal @Eunoia
@Ecstasyia @CloudyBlueDay @whitefoxkiller @other grounders

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H o l l a n d

@Ecstasyia (this is kinda just a post giving Holland something to do until something else happens)
Warning- slightly gorey stuff in paragraph 4 (you can never be too careful)

As Calix spoke Holland’s anger grew because he thoroughly disagreed. Anger was his power on the battlefield, Holland was a berserker warrior: anger made him much more skilled and focused. Despite this, Holland would never disobey Heda. Shockingly, Calix just ran off before giving Holland and his crowd of equally blood thirsty warriors a real order. Holland watched him go and didn’t bother to follow him, though Ember trailed hurriedly after him. Holland assumed he remembered someone who he’d not ensured the safety of, and was drawn away to make sure that whoever it was, was okay.

So Holland turned to the crowd who’d formed behind him. He tried to keep a calm face as he barked, “YOU HEARD HEDA! We won’t have our blood tonight…” He tried to stress the word “tonight” to show them that they would have blood sometime. Holland knew Calix enough to know that he would
not let this mass murder of unsuspecting civilians fly. “Go home! Tend the wounded!” His voiced boomed even among the scattered cries and panicked people passing around them, “But ready yourselves my friends…” he paused as his horse started shifting in anticipation, he knew the rises and falls of Holland’s voice and knew something was coming, “WE ARE AT WAR.” It was a bold statement without approval from Calix, yes, but to say that they wouldn’t be at war after this slaughter was crazier then assuming a war without approval from Heda. And with that strong statement, Holland rode off and left the group to whatever they would do next.

Holland knew, even though it was obvious he was seriously injured, that Calix would be fine. He was a strong man and while there was no one actively attacking Calix
right then, Heda wouldn’t need Holland to follow him. Even if he did, Holland wouldn’t be much help in his rage. So instead, Holland set about finding the whereabouts of his nephew and his sister’s former husband, Burke. As he rode through it, he was broken by the devastation of the village. His rage was slowly dissolved by the horror at the realization that the kind of enemy who could launch an attack like this would be hard to defeat. Trikru was by far the more powerful clan among the people… so he wondered who’d managed this bold assault and more importantly…why. First he went to the blacksmith’s house, Burke’s house. It was gone. Absolutely burned to nothing, with a smoking pile of black in the middle of the rubble. Holland’s slight anger relapse was over, he was furious again. He thought to what he did to members of the Azgeda clan when he received Aniston’s mutilated body on a messenger horse. He’d do it again if his enemies hurt his family. The next place he would check for Burke and his nephew, Artigas, was the infirmary. Other than that he’d be lost.

The infirmary was a large building near the road leading out of the village, and was normally more than big enough to fit all the injured of the camp, but currently it was overflowing, with moaning and bleeding people lying outside the building and a gaggle of medics and non-medics who were uninjured and knew how to tie a bandage were flying around patients and barking orders and wiping the sweat off their foreheads. Holland was not squeamish, but what he saw inside the building shocked him. People with more than 50% of their bodies burned and blackened, about four freshly amputated limbs (all with different skin colors), the overwhelming smell of blood and flesh, it reeked. If this place was filled with his enemies, Holland wouldn’t bat an eye, but being his own kin, he wanted to hurl. Nevertheless, he steeled himself and searched the faces of the injured and dying. Finally, he found the face of Burke. Both his shoulders were severely burned. His skin turned the texture of mud during a storm, with little building puddles of blood in the severely melted sections of the burn, which was all lined with flakey charred lines of what used to be skin. Holland slowly approached him. Burke wasn’t a fighter... Holland had never seen him this kind of injured.

Summary of the paragraph for those who skipped it: Holland goes into the infirmary, sees gross stuff, finds Burke with lots of burns

“Burke, where’s Artigas?” Holland demanded, trying to sound comforting and utterly failing. Burke was in-and-out, drunk with pain, it seemed. He couldn’t answer, but Holland did get a few indiscernible mumbles from the poor man. He sighed and began walking around the hive of activity searching for a small child. Holland cursed as he noticed a small crowd of blood-stained people surrounding a bed. Holland prayed under his breath, hoping the person in the middle of their huddle wasn’t Artigas. He approached slowly and clenched his jaw. Once he got close enough to smell the sweat on the bodies of the medics and see who was in the middle of the huddle, he breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn’t his nephew. As soon as he made this realization, he heard a small voice call his name. Holland’s neck snapped to face the source of the sound: Artigas was sitting on the floor, his arm wrapped in cloth, a concerned face displayed. Holland ran to him and embraced the kid in a bear-hug, thanking divine powers his family had survived.

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Ember. Falling. Jude. Breathing. Marshall. Scared. The Heda tried to organize his thoughts. He couldn't. Bleeding. Throbbing.

He closed his eyes for half a second, opening them to find himself face to face with Skye. Sweat dripped from her forehead, she was bleeding too much. It wasn't supposed to be like this. This wasn't supposed to happen. She wasn't even nineteen yet.
"No. No." He stumbled backwards, somehow managing to trip and come back to reality for a moment.

He had lost too much blood. He knew that. The wound needed to be cauterized. He vaguely remembered Marshall saying that. He closed his eyes and placed a piece of the still hot metal to his leg. He grit his teeth through it all.

The battle was raging around them. It was bloody. It was Aeron's final fight. He was face to face with his brother. "Focus." Aeron's voice made him snap back to himself. "You need to focus. You need to let me go."

He was gone.
He was gone. Calix faded out of consciousness then.

The Sun girl didn't even respond to the insults or the chorus of disagreement. Why should she? They'd either figure it out, or they'd all die. She personally didn't think the world would miss them very much. Any of them, really. They were delinquents. Outcasts. Society didn't want them.

She listened though, and some of it ate at her. These people didn't know her, yet they condemned her for the crimes of her mother. It wasn't fair. None of it was. They acted as though it was her fault they were there to die. Before she knew it she was roped into a quest to find the mountain they
should have landed on.

"How am I supposed to say no when you give me that look?" She snickered, shoving his shoulder lightly. "Come on, let's get going or it'll be dark before we have a chance to get out of here." She looked around, spotting Alley. "Hang on a sec."

The girl ran over to her other friend. "Hey, Alley, you wanna come with us? It'll be fun." She grinned. Both of the two girls both had pretty shitty luck when it came to the dad department, the ironic part of it all being that the two men were friends. She hoped Alley said yes, if only for an extra bit of support. Seeing as most everyone seemed to already hate her.
When the guard started barking orders is when Perseus decided to talk again. "When did we start listening to a guard?" He called out to his fellow delinquents. He looked around at all of them, "are we really going to let Ark royalty and a guard tell us what to do?"

The troops rallied behind him. He watched a large portion of the group lose their shit and felt proud of himself. He looked at his girls, his family, and grinned. He listened to the riots and grinned. "Okay girls, let's have some fun."

The boy was ready to get out of the presence of the others. "Let's go explore, elsewhere. Maybe we'll find something cool. Animals, maybe." His face grew even happier. He was excited for the adventure. Albeit a little concerned with Nove's well being. "We're going to have such a great time. Little rebels that we are." He pinched her cheeks lightly.

The brunette looked at their blonde companion and smirked. "Are you ready to reek havoc?"
Conner watched as Niko made his way to Langston, asking her to tag along with them. As far as he could tell they had a pretty big group heading out for the mountain, more than Conner would have liked, but he figured it didn't matter in the end. Letting out a cough he started to walk to the edge of the treeline. There he found a large fallen tree and pulled out the map, unfolding the surprisingly large paper he layed it down on the moss ridden tree. That's when he found out it was a topographic map, slowly a smirk formed on his face, he remembered a little bit of Mr. Zangs earth skills class. Luckily topographic maps was just something that he found interesting, probably because he liked to imagine soldiers fighting for the lay of the land when he was younger......

"Okay," he said to no one in particular "I'm no expert but I think we're here." He said aloud still looking at the map. He bit down on his bottom lip as he made sure he was right. He figured that would explain the edge of cliff were they all saw those buildings off in the distance. "And judging from how close these lines are here," he said pointing on the map to where he was referring to "this must he mount weather."

Conner than looked behind him to gauge the others. He'd accept any input from anyone, he was almost certain these people probably had something good to say. "So it looks like we have to cross a river and trek for roughly six miles." He then stepped back from the map. However, the group needed to go east, Conner didn't know which was was east.

"What are y'all thinking?" He asked everyone. "We need to head East, and I don't know how to tell east....." He said letting his voice fade away in the wind.


"The Sun rises in the east,"

The mechanic pushed himself off the tree near the group, slightly crushing the packet of matches that was handed to him by the same person who couldn't tell up from down. "I know that because it's a part of an old Earth study...astronomy. Looking at the stars." He nodded to the group in a greeting fashion.

"The name is Jonathyn, but my friends call me Knowby. I just came over here to give you morons a pro-tip: The sun is gonna set
real soon. Who knows what boogeymen lurk in the forests 'round here. So, if I were you I would stop standing around like ducks in a row and actually start making an effort in finding the crap you're oh so worried about." The teenage boy turned around and flashed them the bird with both hands, earning a sneer from the tall blonde one. "Comeback not-dead." he called back, walking toward another group.

"Are you ready to reek havoc?"

"I don't know about any of you, but I know I am. The name is Knowby. Might I suggest we give ourselves an advantage to those who wanna piss on our parade?" He cracked his knuckles while winking at the platinum blonde girl whose facial expression was stuck on 'bitch'. "I'm a mechanic, which means I build shit. Granted, I do agree with Snooty Pants Jr. and her giant on building walls. But, if you wanna get the jump on being
the leader, I could help you out with making...oh, I don't know, knives and shit?"

He popped one of the matches out of the box and chewed on the side not ignitable. He knew how to make fire with other things and, honestly, he thought this made him look cool.




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Ardyn noticed Karina follow her through the crowd to join Connor on the quest to Mount Weather, but the redhead was somewhat surprised that she had joined them. She made eye contact with the girl and offered her a gentle smile. She herself was ready to mend the friendship that had faded away due to Karina's father being floated and her own father being on the Guard. Ardyn was confident that being placed in these impossible odds on the ground was enough to bring people together. She only hoped that Connor felt the same way, as she knew that the relationship between him and Karina was even more strained.

Ardyn shifted her piercing blue eyes onto the map that Connor pulled out, listening to him decipher Mount Weather's location as well as their own location. Her gaze shifted over to the tree that he had pulled the map out of and noticed a small circular object that had fallen out with the map. She reached down and picked the compass up from the ground.
"There's a compass here. That should help us figure out which way is East," she replied, lining up the magnetic needle with the lines that symbolized North on the map.

Ardyn narrowed her eyes to observe the compass and map, feeling glad that she had actually paid attention in Earth Skills.
"It looks like East is-," the ginger started to say when she was cut off by a rude voice. She turned her head to see an arrogant teenage boy telling them that the sun rises in the East, before heading off. "Thanks for the help, jackass," she retorted, her voice thick with sarcasm, not appreciating the boy's hubris.

Ardyn shifted her attention back onto the others and pointed towards the direction where they had originally noticed the wooden shelters in the trees.
"East is that way. And of course it's in the same direction as these shelters built by god knows who," she added before Monroe snatched the map from Connor's hands and proceeded to head off on her own. Rolling her eyes with amusement, Ardyn could relate to her impatience and joined her at the entrance of the forest, ready to explore the new land.

@RedIncubus @LastRomeo @CloudyBlueDay @Akeira @Ecstasyia

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It wasn't long before the whole group was arranged. There were a lot of them, more than he would have liked, but he wouldn't comment on it. In fact, the more people there would be more people to distract him from Miss Chancellor and the stray guard. He probably wouldn't even pay attention to anyone once they were out there, since the nature enamored him way more than these delinquents did.

He barely heard what the people around him were saying, mostly because he didn't really care. He wanted to get going already. It was the only thing on his mind, really. As much as he'd pretend to care about whatever mountain they failed to get stranded on, all he wanted was to get out of the clearing. So, he took a quick look at the map before spacing out, eyes wandering into the forest. He couldn't shake the itching wonder of what was out there. He'd figure out soon anyway. He had seen a river on the map, which troubled him a bit. He had no idea how to swim, and he was nearly certain that nobody else did either. Hopefully the river wasn't too fast.

The speaking of directions only made him more tense, especially as it was revealed that they had to go in the same direction as the structures built by whatever was out there. He couldn't help but to be a little nervous. However, he wasn't a chicken. He wouldn't back out on this. Plus, he had no idea if anything really was out there. There was a large chance that whatever built those things were long dead by now. Well, he hoped he could convince himself of it.

He could see that the others in the group shared his impatience, as some of them began to go toward the forest, but he stood where he was. The group hadn't all come together yet, and splitting up before they even got into the forest seemed like a poor idea.

"Not to be a buzzkill, but shouldn't we wait until everyone is ready to go?" He questioned, wringing his hands. In all truth, he just wanted a larger group, but if that could be conveyed by false caring towards Langston and Niko, so be it.

@mount weather group

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S a b i n e

Tags: @Eunoia
@RedIncubus @TheLovelyDead

Seb gave Perseus a small smile to let him know she was down with exploration. Sabine couldn’t really care what they did, just as long as she wasn’t bothered by the more self righteous of the criminals. They way she saw it none of them should be too high-and-mighty, since they’d all been condemned by the Ark. She was also intrigued at the idea of seeing wild animals. She’d never seen a wild animal. But unfortunately, they were interrupted by someone named Knowby. Seb had seen him around, but she’d never talked to him and she didn’t know what he was in the Skybox for.

She liked his idea of weapons, but wanted to punch him for his delivery. Especially the wink.
Who actually ever appreciated winks? What was the point of them? Nobody ever sees a wink and is like, ‘Wow, that’s really hot,” Other than his attitude, though, he seemed like he wanted to help… or maybe just end up on the winning side of the argument between Perseus and the self-righteous mother fuckers who thought they knew what was best. Knives could help him do that. Knives could help Seb, Perseus and Nove do that. Seb looked to Noce and gave her some raised eyebrows, she hadn’t said much; she wanted to pull Nove aside and ask her how she was doing, but she wouldn’t.

“You’re just gonna make us knives out of the goodness of your heart?” Seb asked in a flat tone, turning her head back slowly to Knowby.
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"Calix!" Xerxes, thank god -- he was able-bodied, and didn't seem to be injured, if at all. And to top it all off, he was carrying an injured Kathelena. But when he asked if everyone was alright, Marshall grimaced. Obviously no one was alright. "Ember's just fallen unconscious, and Jude is barely alive. Shrapnel has pierced his chest. Calix is --" Marshall looked back at the Heda, only to see him pressing the hot piece of metal to his own wound. "Calix!" Marshall shouted, alarmed that he had done such a thing without a second thought. And moments after that, he too, dropped to the ground.

Marshall was now surrounded by three unconscious people, and he felt himself at a loss for what to do, which was something he never, ever felt. His own wound was seeping blood, but he couldn't risk taking it out and losing enough to pass out. Marshall was forced to leave his brother just a few seconds longer, because Calix had to come first, and he knew that.

"His wound isn't bleeding anymore, he cauterized it well.. he's just passed out pain and loss of blood. For now, he's fairly stable. I need to cauterize Ember's wound --" He glanced at Kathelena. "Yours too." Marshall pried the hot piece of metal from Calix's hands, and began to undo the bandaging on Ember's leg. "Xerxes, I need you to take Jude back to camp. He can't last long and I can't help him like this. I can, however, help Kathelena, Ember and Calix. Their wounds are not life threatening." Marshall, was as always, finding the most efficient approach and taking hold of it. He paused one moment to look Xerxes in the eyes. "Please, take care of my brother." Marshall sounded worn and worried, more raw and sincere then he ever did.

With that, Marshall pressed the hot metal to Ember's wound, successfully sealing it shut. He bandaged it back up and tried to position her as comfortably as possible. Then, he looked at Kathelena, silently asking her for permission, the hot metal blistering and burning his hands, but he cared not.

@Eunoia @Ethereal @Semblance @Ecstasyia

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