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Realistic or Modern OUAT CS



  • aspen
    magic mirror
    • i
      full name
      Aspen Remy Normans
      fairy tale
      Magic Mirror
      Cis male
      romantic orientation
    coded by natasha.

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Saving for my characters!

•Draven Castle
Sexuality/Romantic Orientation:
Fairy Tale Character:
•Captain Hook and the Crocodile from Peter Pan

•Henry Cavill
Personality: (bullet points or paragraphs)
•Draven is a man who seems to not give a shit anymore. He is gruff and doesn’t tend to talk with others unless he absolutely has to. The only thing he has a soft spot for is children he will help any kid in need however other then that you are on your own. Inside though he is a very caring man who is tired of being the bad guy constantly no matter what he does. He’s actually a bit of a cinnamon roll but you would never ever be able to tell that with how he currently is. This man also has a no nonsense way about it he’s not gonna sugar coat things just to make you feel better.
Draven has tried to live a simple life within the town though unfortunately for him some reason most people fear him. When he was a teen an accident happened where he was unable to save a child. It ended up looking like he had caused the child’s end when in fact Draven had saved the child long enough for paramedics to make it on the scene. However rumors began to spread that the dark young teen had tried to preform some type of ritual and had sacrificed the child not been saving him. After that Draven began to withdrawal from all the dirty looks and heated words. Once old enough he began working as the towns butcher where no one dares argue or mess with him now. He lets them keep believing he’s the bad guy it’s not like they’ll ever change in his mind.

•Krizlin Blue
Sexuality/Romantic Orientation:
Fairy Tale Character:
•Alice from Alice in Wonderland


Personality: (bullet points or paragraphs)

Krizlin is a rather independent and interesting individual she doesn’t seem to be what everyone would call normal. She’s not afraid to say her ideas or do what she believes is best! Unfortunately for her she also is a huge problem and trouble magnet the poor thing has disasters happen to her all the time or she’s constantly hurt. She currently also is very wary of any drinks or foods not made by her own hand(she also has a select few she will trust to make her food)

•Krizlin has had a bit of a crazy adventure in town she’s always stumbling into things or people. She also has hand a rough time due to many townsfolk believing she’s eccentric or well a little mad. Though she’s continued to strive on and has even opened her own bakery where she tries her best to provide for the town. When she was little she was sure she always was seeing some type of creatures and that animals could talk with her. She soon was forced by her mother to act normal and behave like her older sisters. So every day as a child she was sent to a specialist to make sure she never spoke about the things she thought she saw and how to be a proper young woman. Her mother is still constantly buying her books and clothing that are suppose to attract her a good husband so she can give up the bakery and be a house wife. Unfortunately Krizlin follows her mothers orders and is stuck in a boring life where the colors are slowly becoming grey and dull.

•Allison Wolfram
Sexuality/Romantic Orientation:
Fairy Tale Character:
•Red Riding Hood from Red Riding Hood

•Emilia Clarke
•Her personality is that she’s not some pushover that everyone thinks she is. That she’s actually rather skilled fighting wise and had always studied up on werewolves/wolves to see how to fight them. Not that she was wanting to purposely go after them but she wants to keep herself and her family safe. She’s also very sarcastic because she’s use to people making fun of her or assuming shit so she puts up a defensive nature. Though she’s one of the most loyal people you can meet once you’ve gained her trust it takes a lot to break. She’s also become a bit suspicious of others she knows who killed her beloved grandmother however she’s unable to say who it is and not like anyone would believe her.
•Allison grew up with her grandmother as her only caretaker. When she was around five years old her parents died in a tragic car accident which caused her grandmother to take her in. It was always fun and full of laughter the two relying heavily on one another as they were all they had left in the world. Then it happened when Ali turned seventeen she came home to a bloody mess her grandmother had been killed and she saw the murderer fleeing. She didn’t try and go after them inside had run to her grandmother trying desperately to save her however all she could do was listen to her grandmas last words of ‘I love you.‘before she faded away. When she tried to tell anyone what happened no one believed her they just said her grandmother had died from old age. This lead Allison to begin working out constantly wanting to protect herself however she did go into her dream job as a wedding planner wanting to bring happiness to people like her grandmother had brought her.

•Jaxom Rexroad
•Bouncer at the bar
Sexuality/Romantic Orientation:
Fairy Tale Character:
•Jeckyll & Hyde

•Stephen James
•Jaxom has a bit of a split personality. He usually is calm and rather intelligent always quick to come up with solutions to problems. He doesn’t let things bother him when like that however other days he seems likely a completely different person. He becomes completely reckless still rather intelligent but a dare devil. He suddenly does dangerous acts or starts/ends fights in a very aggressive manner.

•Mason Thorne
Sexuality/Romantic Orientation:
Fairy Tale Character:
•Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty/Maleficent


Personality: (bullet points or paragraphs)
•Mason is very against true love and love in general. He is also rather mischievous not giving a shit if he comes off a snobbish, rude, or selfish at times . He was betrayed when he was younger and it caused him to give up hope of love despite slightly wanting it still(a bit more now that he’s in this town). The only one he seems to care for the most is his beloved pet Raven. All in all he actually has a slightly softer side caring for those who actually deserve it.
•When within his story Mason suffered greatly at the hands of humans. He thought he was in love with a beautiful young woman who treated him lovingly. He had never hated or liked humans before meeting her all he did was protect the fairies within his forest the best way he could. When she crept into the forest he confronted her which lead to many more nights of meetings their friendship blossoming into something more. Then one night when he fell asleep contently in her arms she betrayed him in the biggest way possible she took his wings. A fae now without his wings the anger and hatred towards the cruel human kind built and built within him. He created barrier upon barrier protecting the forest and himself from all humans no longer allowing any of them into the forest. Then news made way to him the woman he had once loved was the new queen and with her husband had just given birth to a beautiful little girl. That’s when a plan formed he along side his raven companion entered the humans realm going straight to the castle where the party was happening. The queen upon seeing him paled and asked him to leave knowing anything he brought couldn’t be good. She wasn’t wrong in his anger he cursed the young Princess using every ounce of his powers to make sure the curse could never be tampered with.

•Natalie Galen
•Helps run the local gym, teaches kickboxing classes
Sexuality/Romantic Orientation:
Fairy Tale Character:
•Ichabod Crane

•Emeraude Toubia
•Natalie use to be a pushover easily over looked and made fun of for her odd fascination with death. She enjoys reading and studying the ways of how people can die. A morbid young woman however now she’s learned to hide her obsession with death she also doesn’t believe in anything she can’t prove or see for herself. She has grown in confidence able to easily flirt, joke, and play around with people now fitting to what society wants her to be.





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  • tumblr_23be62afee05694ad133c1f6f036b76c_440ab9ba_500.gif

    Name: Kane Young
    Nickname: --
    Age: 22
    Height: 5’11
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality/Romantic Orientation: Pansexual/Romantic
    Occupation: Owner of the Ranger’s Guild, a gun/hunting shop
    Fairy Tale Character: Van Helsing

    Personality: Kane is a very compassionate man, he was even as Van Helsing. He’s the type to get every side of the story before judging anyone, even if that puts him in a rough spot with a friend. He’s loyal to those he cares about to be sure, he’s just not a yes man. He’ll tell you what you need to hear and even if you choose to ignore it, he’ll support you all the way. As long as you’re not really hurting yourself in doing so, he won’t push. That being said, he’s very sentimental. Most of his gifts are incredibly thoughtful, if not handmade. He’s not too good with spoken sentiments though, usually it just ends in an embarrassing bit of rambling he immediately regrets. He’s a creative fellow who uses it to come up with unique solutions to problems and stories he can tell to amuse his friends. He’s got an incredible business face that hides the absolute goofball hidden underneath. He’s not beyond dressing up or acting a fool with his friends, but he gets quite serious when it comes to gun safety and the process involved with selling them to people. He’s a lot stiffer around strangers, mostly because he is ever ready for the possibility of a robbery at work and it’s a bit difficult to just turn that off. Unless you really know him though, you’d never be able to tell. He’s fairly talented with keeping his feelings and motives hidden behind a pleasant expression.
    Likes: Rock music, horror movies, lizards, concerts, helping people out, long naps, tea, a bit of peace and quiet after a long day, writing.
    Dislikes: Being alone, seeing his friends upset, creeps, unfair situations, centipedes.
    Fears: Losing someone he really cares about.
    Hobbies: Archery, baking, D&D, woodworking.
    Bio: Van Helsing was orphaned at age 8 after a vampire attack resulted in the death of both his parents. Despite being so young, he came to resent their race and vowed to become the greatest vampire hunter to ever live. The other villagers couldn’t really blame him, they all held a similar hatred for the blood suckers but lacked the courage to really do anything about it. The only problem with his plan? He had no clue where to begin looking for someone to train him. Anyone who could fight in town only knew how to combat humans, they couldn’t offer him anything beyond what he already knew. About a week passed and his patience had been spent. While the baker’s family had been very kind in taking him in, he was hardly interested in finding a new family. He wanted to avenge the old one, needed it more than he needed to eat or sleep. He needed some sort of progress, and there seemed to be only one place he’d have such luck.

    In the dead of night, little Van Helsing set out with nothing more than a hunting knife, a warm cloak, and a loaf of bread with the intent to hike all the way up to Dracula’s castle. He hadn’t left a note, no one would know where he was going or be able to try stopping him. Either he’d come back with the vampire lord’s teachings or he wouldn’t come back at all. Perhaps this resigned determination is why Dracula took pity on the poor, half frozen boy when he finally arrived at the castle doors. Despite being covered in snow and shivering, he held out his knife and demanded answers from the elder vampire. Instead of killing him for both threatening him and arriving unannounced, Dracula invited the boy in and listened to his story. Knowing how primitive others of his kind could be, he felt sympathy for the young Van Helsing. The two made a deal that night. Dracula would teach him all he’d need to know to be a great vampire hunter and, in return, Van Helsing would live in the castle with him until he was ready to face the world on his own.

    And so began the development of an interesting relationship. Dracula raised him as his own and taught him much more than just vampire weaknesses. He found a new appreciation for life and revenge no longer consumed him. The need was still there, ever lingering in the back of his mind, but it no longer controlled him. Beyond that, he came to understand that vampires weren’t so different from humans. There were some bad apples, some good ones, and some who simply wanted to survive. So, rather than hunting just any target he was given, Van Helsing vowed to investigate before executing. If the village’s fear was unjust, he’d help the vampire in question move on with a new slate. It wasn’t easy faking their deaths, but it was certainly rewarding work. He eventually found the monsters who’d taken his parents from him with a bit of Dracula’s help. Killing them did little to ease the hurt that followed death, but knowing they’d never hurt anyone else the way they hurt him did wonders for his conscience. In a strange turn of events, the village eventually asked him to take care of Dracula, the man he’d come to consider his father. Unbeknownst to anyone else, this put him in the perfect spot to protect the count just as he’d protected him all those years. It just takes a bit more convincing than burning a vaguely humanoid body.

    In this world, however, Kane believes he stayed in Storybrooke to watch his parent’s home while they were on a vacation overseas. After a few months of them being gone, they called to inform him that they were actually looking for a place to move to in Australia. Movers arrived a few days later and he found himself with a house to take care of. He can’t remember going back to get his things, though they eventually showed up. He remembers opening the Ranger’s Guild not long after, and supposedly he’s been there ever since.
    Faceclaim: Matt Mercer
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  • nerissa acosta

    # ariel

    # isabellrrose

    ♡coded by uxie♡

    name: nerissa perla acosta
    nickname: neri, eris, rissa, riss, open to more
    age: twenty years old
    gender: female
    sexuality/romantic orientation: pansexual, panromantic
    occupation: works at the golden hour boutique shop
    fairy tale character: ariel from the little mermaid

    personality: bright, stubborn, impulsive, passionate, selfless, naïve, warm, curious, daring, optimistic, honest, rebellious

    nerissa has always had a taste for adventure due to her naturally curious mind and despite her circumstances. she has a fire in her soul. she is driven by passion and is not afraid to take risks in life, which can both get her into a bit of trouble. she is very expressive. it’s not hard to figure out how she is feeling as she often wears her heart on her sleeve. that said, she is not afraid to show her compassion and empathy towards others. she’s always willing to lend a helping hand and to comfort those in need. the flame in her is warm and bright, and it is hard to ignore or deny.

    it is no surprise that nerissa tends to be an impulsive individual. she is forever acting on her passions without completely thinking things through. she is impossibly stubborn so even if someone were to try to interfere with this, her decision is unlikely to change. once she has her mind set on something—good luck. she’s kind of a little rebel in the making.

    though she can be clever, nerissa is rather naïve. as she never quite thinks anything through, she is the perfect victim to play a trick on. she is too willing to trust others and often looks for the good in people—even when there is none. due to her kind nature, she is also often taken advantage of and she never seems to learn from those experiences either.

    ultimately, nerissa is a sweet young lady who is searching for something a little more than the cards she has been dealt in life.

    storybrooke backstory: nerissa was the youngest of her seven sisters. her mother died not long after her birth due to a boating accident just off the town's harbor. thus, she was raised by her single father with the assistants of her elder sisters. while her household had plenty of love to go around, nerissa was bound by many rules for her "protection" as a child. she was kept in this metaphorical box of naivety that kept her from truly experiencing the world. while she knew her family's actions were out of love and concern, nerissa always had this sense of longing and loneliness as a child. but, of course, she would eventually begin to rebel against the household rules.

    at the age of fourteen years, nerissa attempted to sneak out of the second-story window of her bedroom after dark. In this attempt, she slipped and plummeted to the ground, damaging her spinal cord. a couple of her sisters had luckily heard her cry when she had fallen and were quick to find her. she was then rushed to the hospital. as a result of her accident, she experienced paralysis in both of her legs. while she eventually regained the strength of her left leg after several months, she never quite regained it in her right, leaving her with the diagnosis of paraparesis.

    now, though she has been limited in the working field due to her disability, she is currently working at a boutique shop owned by one of her elder sisters in storybrooke.
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