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Fantasy MvT: Magic vs Technology


This is my loudest bork
All throughout history, there have been debates between which is better for humanity, Science/Technology or Magic. Both have made compelling cases, but the overall verdict is in a deadlock, as each individual country has chosen its path. In either case, the government is highly oppressive to the other, driving the enthusiasts and sympathizers underground, completely shunning each other. Any usage of the other is/must be kept secret at all costs. This has made occult activity and gang activity high. This has also led to witch hunts, church-sanctioned assassinations, Gov't ordered assassinations, heavy riots, Nukes, and overall chaos.


Some countries have advanced via magic and others via technology. As a result the countries differ widely in most aspects. You can go from a steampunk industrial country with steam balloons to a magic country with Horses and Dragons.

The patriotism and pride in the people are immense. Some believe pretty wholly in their respective gods and the gods in question have actually shown themselves, but others believe that, with technological advancements, they can survive on their own. Both of these have been shown as Gods and Mechs wreck each other on the battlefield and how all countries did very well with the path they chose. Monarchs have been caught using technology and have been publicly executed. Governments have been exposed as a magic user and overthrown almost overnight. The fighting as brought EVERY race into the crossfire, from humans to gods (no such thing as an omnipotent being in this world), and literally every race in between.

The countries soon came to a truce. The land between the countries must be respected at all times, while the open air and open sea are neutral zones. No dragons on concrete and no air ships on castle grounds. The divide between the 2 are absolute by pure choice. No trading between the 2


The Magic side takes on......... well Magic. Magic Swords, Bows, Staffs, Dragons, Gods, Demons, Churches, Rituals, Alchemy, Monarchs, Relics

The Technology side takes on.......well Technology. Technologically advanced Swords and Bows, Guns, Rifles, Steam Jetpacks, Air ships, Prosthetics, Robotics, Mechs, Hospitals, Anti-Magic, Businesses, Government, Gears

And for a while, it worked...............

However, the Governments and Monarchs whose efforts have been driven underground are about ready to take down the other in their oppressed country.

Throughout all of this, a group has risen up. Even though they may not agree with each other's beliefs and there may even be some infighting, they aim to fuse their abilities together in order to stop the war and show that, together, science and magic can make an even greater world
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