

Elder Member
Name : Orpheus, Lost Son of the Faerie King

Appearance :3cc2a6b8fc40104ecd77b882982197d6.jpg

Age : N/A

Role : The Lost Son of the Faerie King

Place of Origin : 'Their Land'

Bio : Eldest son of the Faerie King himself, Orpheus has always showed the fact that he was different. He had always been curious - curious of what lies beyond his kind's little island. His father had tried desperately to sway Orpheus' interest from where it was headed at that time and he succeeded only to fail. Not too long after Orpheus had succesfully mastered flight and swordfighting, he decided to pull off a stunt madder than any Faerie has ever done before - he left his island and has ventured about since then - picking up the lifestyles of humans - never harming a single person.

Personality : For being one of the few Faeries who don't despise humans all that much, Orpheus is fairly gentle. He won't assault a human upon confrontation (same thing with any other creature) unless threatened. If anything, he feels more uncomfortable around his own kind rather than humans. He's grown to even like them as he admires some of their works (of art and music). He prefers keeping a distance withal, with the exception of perhaps trusted individuals (not that there are any as of now).

Magical Abilities (if any) :

-Aerokinesis: can cast deadly cuts of wind, barriers and even cyclones. Orpheus can channel free-flowing air but not when in constant motion (he can control the air around but not typhoons as they are moving too rapidly. Sucking the air out of someone is possible but ludicrously difficult - it can be used as a stealth attack but not an offensive one as it is very time-consuming.

Physical Skills :

-Musical Talents: Orpheus is musically gifted. Despite being able to play every instrument in existence flawlessly (he can play almost any musical pieces by ear), he prefers the piano over the others as it was the first instrument he laid hands on as a child. In addition, Orpheus is also capable of composing his own music. 

-Exceptional Swordsmanship: Orpheus is no less aggressive than he is passive - he is certainly one of the best Faerie swordsmen in history. Lacking brutestrength, Orpheus makes up for this by possessing profound celerity and heightened reflexes - this makes the rapier his weapon of choice.
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Best of my knowledge, @ViolntSian and @CharmyPie are making faeries. And I must inform you, that the Fey dont lie. They can't change a truth. It's against their nature. But they can give half truths, and they can bend it to an extent. 

do you want our charas to know each other or nah? :3 I don't know how I'm going to make my baby yet... 

Well, I sure wouldn't mind... But my char doesn't live in the little island, he fled to the mainlands and is just living his life there - playing music, fencing and all that.

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