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One x One Opposite of Happily Ever After

@Ember89 Hey are you okay, playing as Ulises? The Prince that will be date Attina

And what if Attina goes on a blinddate with Ulises thanks to her sisters? :P

Ulises Personality: He is a dependable guy and man with principles. He is a smooth talkers, confident, charismatic, charming, and always got Attina's back.
Oh well I've been thinking and...I'm still not sure, loving and caring obviously. Maybe a good dancer and flirty. Then there's one more problem. I suck at names. Lol...
That's a good name! How would he meet the sisters? And who does he end up with?

And I started the rp already just saying ;)
My first post tends to always be short and not very good. What should I rp? Like what should my characters be doing right now?
Arista could be arguing with Attina that she should go to a underwater concert where she meets Ulises because Arista had set her up on the date?

And Andrina could backup Arista?

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