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Fantasy [OPEN] The Price of a Life

I just have to say, this RP has been brilliant so far. Every RP I took part in on other sites would die out after a page or two of posting. It's great to see something with great interest and momentum for a change.

*gets some popcorn and gleefully watches everything unfold*
I think more RP's need evil characters... Created a conflict people want to solve, rather than some non-driven half hearted plot with forced flirting and extremely quick relationships. When everybody is nice and lovey-dovey, there is really nothing to do. What would heroes do without villains? And would you want to watch a movie where the worst thing that happened was two nice characters getting in a fight then making up right after?
[QUOTE="Yaoke Saint]I think more RP's need evil characters... Created a conflict people want to solve, rather than some non-driven half hearted plot with forced flirting and extremely quick relationships. When everybody is nice and lovey-dovey, there is really nothing to do. What would heroes do without villains? And would you want to watch a movie where the worst thing that happened was two nice characters getting in a fight then making up right after?

So true. I completely agree with that. Conflict is the most important part of a story, without conflict there is basically nothing.

Plus villains are so much fun, it's a shame that there aren't a whole lot of people willing to play them.
ProjectMischa said:
So true. I completely agree with that. Conflict is the most important part of a story, without conflict there is basically nothing.
Plus villains are so much fun, it's a shame that there aren't a whole lot of people willing to play them.

Am I the only one who likes the Joker better than Batman?
But, the one thing that kills me when it comes to villains is when they don't have motive. I mean, yeah you could go kill a few people, but why?
xD No, no you are not. I find the Joker to be far more interesting and fun, though I do tend to like villains with motives reasons, sometimes the one who just likes evil can be good if written well enough.

xD I tend to be more partial to liking the villainous characters, especially the kinds who are scary intelligent and cunning.
StoneWolf18 said:
But, the one thing that kills me when it comes to villains is when they don't have motive. I mean, yeah you could go kill a few people, but why?
I suppose "he loves killing" is a weak reason, but Thomas is part of an organization of Hitman called the Shrouded Widow, and has been contracted to the last surviving Fourie almost since she escaped, with a huge sum of money eating at the end of the tunnel.
[QUOTE="Yaoke Saint]There is never only one answer...
Except in trig

Except in trg... yup

Did she make a pleasing choice? xD
Dominaiscna said:
Except in trg... yup
Did she make a pleasing choice? xD
Well, not for Thomas xD

But I think it was one of the best things she could have done in that situation
[QUOTE="Yaoke Saint]Well, not for Thomas xD
But I think it was one of the best things she could have done in that situation

Yay xD i will reply now. I'll let one of the bullets slightly leave her at a disadvantage
Honestly, I was considering making a reaper character earlier, but then after Thomas came around I figured we didn't need another villain.

If you want more conflict, guys, call on me.

Any particular place I should send Fran, btw?
@Kenji Jensai Despite being fantasy, things need to be somewhat realistic. There is no animal with such proportions and sea green hair would have to be dye.

That's what I got from skimming but I'll read in more depth soon.

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