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Fantasy [OPEN] The Price of a Life

Aeola is going to do something pretty risky. It can either end very well, or very not well.

Btw @ProjectMischa

what type of windows (are they open or closed?) and doors are in the house
Oooh hoo! I'm excited for that!

And @Dominaiscna

Like all poor houses in the Riverbank Residencies, Alva's house has open windows since they can't afford to put glass in them. The only door they could afford to have aside from just open rectangles is the front door.
ProjectMischa said:
Oooh hoo! I'm excited for that!
And @Dominaiscna

Like all poor houses in the Riverbank Residencies, Alva's house has open windows since they can't afford to put glass in them. The only door they could afford to have aside from just open rectangles is the front door.

Perfect, time to put my plan into action.
Well, they have the leftover cloth they didn't use while bandaging Mouse!Raph up, I believe that's still on the table.
It's taking a lot of willpower to keep from clicking on those......

I think I'm gonna go watch some Anime. Keep myself distracted y'know?
ProjectMischa said:
Well, they have the leftover cloth they didn't use while bandaging Mouse!Raph up, I believe that's still on the table.
and is the rubbing alchohol still there? In a bottle?
[QUOTE="Yaoke Saint]It's taking a lot of willpower to keep from clicking on those......
I think I'm gonna go watch some Anime. Keep myself distracted y'know?

That might be wise xD
Yaoke Saint]It's taking a lot of willpower to keep from clicking on those...... I think I'm gonna go watch some Anime. Keep myself distracted y'know? [/QUOTE] We greatly appreciate your sense of restraint :D You shall see in time! [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/33175-dominaiscna/ said:

Yeah, it's still there, in a glass since it was homemade. They didn't have time to move anything since the hostage situation happened right after Alva's dad finished helping mouse Raph. xD At least the old man was polite enough to wait until they were done xD
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xD Oh nooo!

Not like Alva can grab her as a butterfly anyway though xD

Fran probably has better chances launching onto the table, grabbing Raph, and then leaping through the window.

Plus Alva's dad is still there so xD
PowderSnow said:
@StoneWolf18 I'll have Fran fetch ya, hang on
...if its reasonable to assume thomas would be distracted for so long
Well I'm assuming this would actually last a matter of seconds rather than the minutes it taking to post, so -shrugs-
Yeah. I cant see why he'd want to go after an injured mouse, a broke fisherman, and a cowardly broke otter rather than the one he's been targeting this entire time

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