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Fantasy [OPEN] The Price of a Life

Alexia had wrapped her arms around his abdomen and held on tight, squeezing her eyes sight as she prayed over and over again, mumbling them in hopes she would make it off this thing alive. When they stopped she held onto Asher a bit longer than she needed to, before letting him go and sighing in relief, slowly slipping off the bike, her legs shaking as she looked up at him, then to his house. It was nice, like the one she used to live in. She bit her lip, knowing then she definitely had to keep her last name out of the picture. If he found that out he'd surely know who she was, what family she came from. "Thank you, for offering shelter to me," she spoke quietly, even before they had gone inside as the rain still beat down on the both of them. @Missykay

@Yaoke Saint @StoneWolf18 @Dominaiscna @ProjectMischa

Francesca was slightly startled by the offer, but the fact that she was grateful was evident on her face.

She glanced towards the window and watched the sleet fall. Perhaps she should stay a while, at least until the weather calmed. She would have to make it up to them later.

"Thank you, sir." Francesca said towards Alva's father. "I'll leave when the weather's a little better."

She would hate to be a burden, but she wasn't prepared to leave just yet. Her home wasn't exactly close by.

She looked around just in time to see a little black blob fall onto Alva's head. Huh. That was kinda weird. Piece of fluff or something? She couldn't really see.

"Er, you've got something on your head." She commented.

Harper trotted down the beaten dirt path in her horse form. She was surrounded by thick vegetation, including large oak trees that formed a canopy with their branches overhead. Even still, the rain managed to pour through the gnarled branches and dampen her mane. She was soaked to the core and starting to shiver.

Should be close now, she thought. With a snort of determination, the mare pushed off into a steady lope.

It had been more than a couple days since she'd had a warm meal and a bed to sleep in. This wasn't anything new to her, though - she was a drifter, and many of her days were spent out on the road. She could whip up a campfire in a jiffy, but not with this damn rain. Hopefully she could take refuge in the Hive for awhile; maybe pick up a job or two and earn enough money to buy supplies for her next trek.

Harper’s eyes lit up as she spotted the city lights peeping over the crest of a hill. Thoughts of steaming bowls of noodles entered her mind, causing her to lengthen her stride.

She’d have to cut through the Riverbank Residencies to get to the Marketplace, and from there, she would figure out what to do after purchasing a meal. Her muzzle quivered at the thought of the scant amount of money she had; hopefully it was enough for at least a meal and a room.

She approached the entrance to the city and shifted back to her human form. Her dirty blonde hair stuck to the sides of her face in wet strands, and her hazel eyes soaked up the sight before her in admiration. The architecture was breath-taking – there was a myriad of porcelain white houses built from limestone in a sleek and modern style. Gorgeous.

After glancing around in awe for a moment, she slung her backpack over one shoulder and ambled towards the Marketplace.

Alva couldn't help but be a little surprised that Aeola was not laughing at his name. That was usually the first thing people did, at least with most people he met. And what was this about royalty? What royalty? He furrowed his brows slightly, but he wasn't able to comment much else when his father heartily clapped Alva on the back and addressed the two girls. "It's no problem for us at all, you two," his father said to them in his cheerful voice, "We've got plenty of room. The house has been pretty empty since my other sons and daughters moved out. Now it's just me, my wife, and good ol' Alvie here. We'd be happy to have ya, as long as you don't mind the smell of fish!" He chuckled gently.

"Oh yes, the joyful smell of fish guts," Alva mumbled apprehensively, "who wouldn't love that?" He froze when he felt something land on his head, widening his eyes a little. What the . . . ? He tensed his muscles a little, and the reality that something fell there was confirmed by Francesca's little comment about it. His skin prickled, like a bug was nestled into his hair. Now, he shouldn't be so freaked out by the thought of a bug in his hair because he himself could turn into a bug, but the creepy crawly feeling persisted in anyone who wasn't used to the feeling of little legs tickling at the skin. He let out a small little shriek and swiped his hands across his hair, shaking it out in hopes to shake off whatever landed on his hair.



@Yaoke Saint

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In all the commotion, Alec hadn't noticed how much of a mess the bar was in. The flickering lights didn't help it look any better. He drummed his fingers against the table, while he watched Chess clean. Doing nothing was almost as bad as being out in the storm. He grew increasingly fidgitey, until he finally had to speak up. "All this sitting around is boring. Are you sure I can't help?"


Chess stiffened and paused to glance over his shoulder at Alec. The sleeves of his white shirt were stained red and brown, and his waist-length hair was doing its own mopping of the floor.

"... No. This isn't your mess, kid."

Alec grumbled to himself and went back to trying to occupy himself. He couldn't blame Chess for his boredom. After all, he was the one who was on the wrong side of town when the storm hit. It was his own stupid fault, not Chess'. Still, it didn't change the fact he wasn't happy about it.

(Sorry about the short replies and the lack of Alec doing things. I don't really seem to know what to do with him at the moment)
Thomas Terrance Tilderson

As he shifted around in the forest of hair, one of the others noticed and pointed him out.
Damn, these kids are observant. Well, I guess they just became my next target. Just then, the kid he was on started freaking out and raking through his hair, one of his fingers narrowly missing Thomas as he desperately jumped onto the boy's hand and promptly changed back to human. When finished his transformation, he dropped the few inches left from his feet to the ground, a wicked smile hiding the panic he had just experienced. Faster than the blur of a cheeta, his half serrated, half straight machete was gripped tightly by his fingers, knuckles whitening. The long blade was already at the boy's throat (@ProjectMischa ), and he reached his left hand to dig into the boy's hair and pull his head back.

While attempting to further make his hostage vulnerable, he called out in a gleeful voice to the rest of the room, eyes shining like the blood he so loved to spill. "If you want this prettyboy to have an intact neck by the morning, please stay calm. Although, I would prefer you to run and scream about, because then I would have an excuse to spill his pretty blood. If it even is a he..."

@Dominaiscna @ProjectMischa @PowderSnow


(I think I found the perfect song for Thomas...)


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(yoh.. Red-ish background with blue text ;-; still hurts man, still hurts)

Aeola was up on her feet before she even realized it. Her body, driven by adrenaline and instinct, immediately shot off the chair to her feet, making it crash to the floor behind her. Her hands instinctively balled into fists that, try as she might, she couldnt relax.

"Who are you...?" Her voice wavered ever slightly, but she took a deep breath, pushing out any weakness in her voice. It was a skill she had learnt as a wee child. After all, one could never show weakness in court.

"What do you want... With us?" This time, her voice was firm and calm, composed despite how scare she was actually feeling. Her eyes that held Alva's travelled up to Thomas, meeting his gaze with her blue one without a single waver.

She would not show weakness, especially not in the face of danger.




@Yaoke Saint

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@Yaoke Saint @StoneWolf18 @Dominaiscna @ProjectMischa

Francesca couldn't help but laugh slightly at the sight of Alva freaking out over what she presumed was a small piece of fluff. This joy did not last for long, however, when the "fluff" turned into a human and put a blade to the boy's neck.

Oh shit.

Oh shit oh no oh no oh no oh no-

Francesca quickly put her hands over her mouth to stop herself from screaming. Calm own, Fran, calm down...

You can't just run, Fran. That won't work. He'll die.

You don't want the nice man to die. No, that would be bad.

You can't shift either. The man will see you and kill him. You can't come up behind him because you aren't behind him already.

Damnit Fran, think!

Talk to him. Maybe that'll work. Maybe you can make the man leave you all alone?

Wishful thinking. But still, better than nothing, right?

But then Aeola started talking. Maybe she was better at talking than Francesca. So instead of saying anything, the girl simply stood, watching, and trying to control her breathing.

Breath, Fran, breath. Calm down. Breathe.

(Oooh snap! Poor Alva xD )

Alva immediately tensed when the spider - now man - grabbed him by the hair and held a machete to his throat. He dared not to even swallow in fear that his skin would graze the blade and cut him. He let out a small grunt of pain at the tug in his hair, his heart beating rapidly. This was it. This was the day he'd die. All this because he decided to help out a dying mouse. Why? Why did it have to be like this? And even better, his assailant didn't even think Alva was a male. Great. He would be angry, except all of his energy was put towards being afraid and trying to not tremble like a little wimp. He glanced between the other occupants of the house with wide, scared eyes, and when his eyes rested on the shocked and concerned expression of his father, it took all of his effort to not cry. He had never been so afraid.

His father looked at the assailant, who Alva couldn't see due to being too afraid to move, and spoke in a tensely calm voice, not wanting to accidentally get his baby boy hurt, "Now, now, sir," he said, not daring to move closer but desperately wanting to, "this doesn't have to end in bloodshed. We can all just walk away from this before it's too late, okay?"

Alva's mind was already busy raking through potential plans, maybe if he turned into a butterfly, he could flutter away to safety? It'd mean utter embarrassment for him, it'd mean that his attacker would know that his animal form was useless in a fight and could be easily taken down. But he could still potentially be alive after all of this, unless the attacker decided to go after his father or the other people in the room. He wouldn't be able to help them even if he tried. Plus, there was always the concern that if this stranger was grabbing his hair, he might be holding Alva's antennas if he shifted, which would then do jack shit in this scenario. Dammit. What the hell could he do here? Think, you idiot! he berated himself mentally. There had to be a way out of this. He glanced around the room helplessly.

@Yaoke Saint



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(You guys have such cool ideas and Lupin and I are just sitting here like... Scrub the floor. LOL @LittleLupin I'll give you something to do in a minute. and don't worry about post length, I didn't put a limit in the rules :P )

(Also, my inspiration seems to be running a little dry lately so my posts will be lacking in detail. I might come back to edit them later and make them better.)

The lights continued to flicker, sending the room into a strobe of darkness and light, then darkness again. Some of the lamps were beginning to blow; the flourescent lights had grown dim and cold, and some of the swinging overhead bulbs failed to light up again after blinking out of life.

A faint sigh passed Chess's lips. A darkening room would do little good to either him or his guest.

"Hey, stoat-boy," the bartender began in his signature Outlandish accent, pushing his clumped-up hair aside to clear the space in front of his round eyes. "You from 'round here?"


The swirling clouds that had for hours loomed above the Hive hung loosely from the sky, seeming to lose their churning vigor. The wind was picking up again, and the silvery blanket of mist lingering on the ground appeared to dissipate with the currents. One-by-one the stars retook their places above the Earth and cold grey moonlight once again pooled on the ground. Sleet thinned into dancing specks of floating water. The thunder rolled away to plague another land to the east.

Perhaps the storm was on its last legs.

Thomas Terrance Tilderson

This was priceless. Priceless! He could just feel the fear radiating off of the... person he grasped, filling him with the utmost joy. Thomas spread his mouth open, bellowing with laughter, and lightly pricking the boy he held with the edge of his blade. A drop of




The blade, and time slowed for Thomas as his insane bloodlust began to set in, but he restrained himself as he remembered his mission. Get... The... Fourie!!!

His eyes slowly raised to meet the apparently fearless woman's brilliant orbs, and he noticed them shake ever so slightly. He slowly wet his lips with his tongue, imagining them filled with terror and dripping with crimson... He wasn't entirely sure about her identity, but there was only one way to tell.

He talked slowly, in an almost seductive yet horrible tone, eyes never leaving the girl's. "If you want to save him, or more accurately, all of your lives... The Fourie is coming with me." He now scoured the girl's face, searching for movements, twitches, and the signs of fear behind those unusual eyes. Then, directed to the others in the room, he let out a comment in his deepest voice, more of a rumble than actually, talking, but it would carry to all ears in the room.

"I. Can. Smell. Your. Fear... "

A small giggle escaped last his lips.

@Dominaiscna@ProjectMischa @PowderSnow

(Woo I have a small intermission :D )

Alva flinched as the blade pricked his skin, letting out a small, strained cry of pain. He couldn't help but tremble a little bit as he felt a small bit of his blood trickle down his skin. Why did he have to be too small to actually do anything? Why did it have to be him, of all people? If only he was stronger, he could wrench the machete from his attacker's hands and turn the tide, but alas, he was not built that way. He did know one thing for sure, the voice of his attacker was familiar. It sounded like the creepy man they saw in the alley, which meant that the old man followed him home. Shit that was creepy. Alva did not want any stalkers. Nope. He was not going to have it.

"W-What the hell are you talking about?" He rasped, trying not to sound as afraid as he was, but it was futile. Alva was pretty sure the old man could feel the poor boy trembling against him.

His father stood firm, watching the old man warily. Actually, the two grown men were probably around the same age, now that Alva thought about it. Focusing on trivial things helped him calm down very slightly. "Please, you don't have to do this," Alva's father said gently.

@Yaoke Saint



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@Yaoke Saint @StoneWolf18 @Dominaiscna @ProjectMischa

Breathe, Fran. Breath.

You can figure this out. You can fix it. You're not alone. The other nice people will help.

Everything will be fine, Fran.

Talk to the man, Fran. Keep talking. He won't hurt you if he's talking, right?

He's going to hurt you, Fran. He's going to hurt everyone. Men like that don't care. He won't listen to the pathetic otter lady.

But you have to try, right?

Fourie. Was that meant to mean something?

Damnit, Fran, this is why you should be paying more attention to the world around you. Fourie is probably important. Maybe you should ask. Would that make it the scary man mad?

He probably wouldn't explain it, though. Is it worth trying?

Francesca's body trembled like a leaf, and it took a few tries to get the words out correctly.

"W-w-why do... do you want... do you want the 'Fourie'..?" She asked, her voice hardly above a whisper.


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Raphael felt the pain ebb somewhat as Alva's father applied the disinfectant soon followed by a small strip of bandage. Her breathing evened out as she was able to finally function normally and think clearly...sort of. She was a mouse for crying out loud! And she couldn't shift back until the wound was somewhat healed. So, she turned to face the group before curling up as best she could without aggravating the cut and laid her tail in front of her nose, the still soaking wet dormouse tried to close her eyes and drift into sleep.

But that was before a man held the father of the boy who had helped her.

Remaining motionless though not able to help but release a surprised squeak, she bit her tonuge, trying her best not to draw any attention. Raph was more than vulnerable in this state and offering less assistance and more of a liability.

@Yaoke Saint



Asher led the bone soaked woman into a great Hall and up a curved staircase. He pulled some towels from a closet and tossed them to her. He opened a white wooden door with gold colored handle. Inside was like a grand hotel. A big bed with satin sheets and a private bathroom. "This is where you can stay tonight. Bathroom is to the left. There is a robe you can put on till your things are dry. I suggest putting them by the fireplace. I'm the second room on the right if you need anything." His eyes twinkled when he smiled as if even they were smiling. He turned and walked towards his own room. @McMajestic

Aeola's eyes widened when the strange man spoke his proposal to give them their safety in exchange for her. A Fourie, he had said... So he knew? But who was he? He definitely wasn't anyone she recognized as someone she had known in her past... So he couldnt have been royal or noble... Then was he some type of outsider? An assassin? A revolutionist? A hitman?

Whatever he was, she didn't trust him one bit and definitely didn't trust his proposal. He could take her and then turn around and slaughter.. All of them... At this, her gaze moved to the young man named Alva, to his father, to the girl named Fran and then to the little dormouse who she somehow felt she had met before. She couldnt let them die..

"Who are you? And what do you want with me?" She questioned in a calm and non threatening voice, standing her ground with her head held high like she had been taught all those years before, meeting his gaze as unflinchingly as she could manage. "and how do you know about me?"




@Yaoke Saint

Alec tried to ignore the flickering lights. At least the storm seemed to be letting up. "The name's Alec, not stoat-boy, and I am from around here. Born and raised in the hive. Live about twenty minutes walk from here. Why do you want to know?."
"Thank you," Alexia whispered, waiting till he left before closing the door behind him. She went into the bathroom, knowing her way around expensive houses quite well, though it'd been awhile since she had showered under truly hot water. She turned the knob so that the shower water would be boiling hot, and began to take off her wet clothes before stepping into the water, letting it wash away the pain of that day. She thought about the money in her bag, and wondered how much more she'd need to get. Perhaps if she could find another predatory bird, maybe a great grizzly bear or timber wolf. They always sold for a lot. She sighed, washing herself and continuing to rest in the steaming shower before finally getting out and drying herself off before placing the robe on. She moved over to the bedroom and sat on the bed, laying back on it with a sigh. She missed beds like this. She missed her life like this. She missed her father the most, though. @Missykay
Thomas Terrance Tilderson

These kids were pretty smart, but not experienced. They let things slip, and made it an even easier time for Thomas. He lifted the blade off of the trembling figure's neck, figuring that the sight of blood would be enough. Hearing the father's surprisingly calm plea made him chuckle, shaking his head the slightest bit.
"You are perfectly right, I don't have to do this. The thing is, I want to. So I will." Thomas placed his lips just outside his captive's ear, and whispered in a complacent tone, breath as warm as blood, but his words as cold as the blade they dripped on.

"There is no reasoning with a madman..."

A small, satisfied smile grew when the now confirmed Fourie spoke, and he laughed at her, his shaking with mirth almost cutting the boy he held again. "You are a stupid girl. Stupid, stupid, stupid! Perhaps it was for the best your family was killed, if more people like you ruled the kingdom, it's people would starve and borders fall. I wasn't even sure about your identity! And now you confirmed it for me, trying to hide behind that brave face. Come now, show your fear, you might be allowed to live a little bit longer... "

His burning gaze flicked to the girl he had barely even heard, and giving a genuine smile at her naivety and fear.
"See? You must wear you feelings like a badge, like her. She even admits to stupidity! For that, when I find you all after tonight, she will live the longest. As the answer to your question... You have no need to know. As for this boy I hold, he won't live to see that fateful day unless you do not agree to come with me!" His sentence ended with shouting and a snarling face as he let go of the boy's hair and whipped his revolver from his sleeve, pointing it directly at the Fourie's head. "Make up your mind quickly, you only must choose from everyone here dying or their safety."

@Dominaiscna@ProjectMischa @PowderSnow

Alva let out a shuddering exhale as the creepy old man whispered in his ear, tickling his skin with his breath. He was gonna need some serious memory bleach after all of this. When the psychotic man finally let go of him, he carefully moved over to his father, who proceeded to give him a big, protective bear hug, gently stroking his son's hair to try and provide some comfort for the terrified boy. Alva carefully wiped the blood off of the small cut on his neck, glancing back at the man with narrowed eyes. This old psycho was now pointing a gun at Aeola, and while Alva himself had barely gotten to know the lady, he didn't particularly want to see her get shot in the face. Especially in front of everyone here. It'd traumatize him for days. While he had lived in a dirt poor house, he was sheltered towards crime and death because of how often he shut himself in at home. He didn't want to start getting used to the sight of it.

Alva listened to the old man's proposal and shook his head, looking at Aeola. ". . . He's just gonna kill us all anyway," he sounded a little resigned, but now that the man had let go of him, they all had more of a chance. They could shift and make a run for it, he could hide in one of his siblings' houses (as much as he hated them, it was still a viable option), and his dad could call the proper authorities during the escape. Maybe lock this madman up for good. Or kill him. Maybe they'd be safer if the man just died. It'd certainly help Alva sleep better at night.



@Yaoke Saint


For a few painfully long seconds, Aeola remained where she was as still as a statue, eyes trailing from the face of the madman to the barrel of the revolver pointed at her head, then to Alva who had just been let go. There was something in her eyes, something that seemed calculating.

Her choices were very limited... Either she go with him, but she would die and most likely everyone here would die. And she couldnt win a direct fight with hiim considering she had no weapons at hand... Unless...

A cold laugh bubbled up from her, filled with mock. "Wait, you intend to blackmail me with a bunch of peasants?" She questoned, with a questioning raise of an eyebrow, "and no less, Neidrenth paupers? If they were Valiceen then i'd at least give you some credit, but really, such a messy job."

"But the stupid one is you, madman. This isn't some fairytale where a royalty will give their life up just for the lives of these... Mere filths.." She cast a look around, disgusted. "how funny. Fine, i will dutifully play my part."

She raised her hands up to her head as if in submission, turning slowly as if to have her back to him in defeat only to bring her leg up in the swiftest of movements in a round house kick, sending the glass of alcohol right into Thomas, shattering the glass.

With him hopefully momentarily distracted, she swept Fran's feet out from under her to send her falling to the ground, just in case he fired. Taking a running leap, she jumped, shifting in mid air, right through the pane-less window.

Thomas had to options now. He could either stay with the family and Fran, or chase after Aeola. Most likely one would think that if he didn't catch her now, he wouldn't get another chance.

She prayed that he would follow.




@Yaoke Saint

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@Yaoke Saint @StoneWolf18 @Dominaiscna

Francesca could barely hear the conversation over her own thoughts.

Something about a stupid girl and some kingdom thing and how the hell did you get caught up in this, Fran? When did the guy put a gun to the nice lady's neck? Something or another about filthy peasants - does that mean you, Fran? - and fairytale royalty and oh god Fran you're all going to die--

And then suddenly glass shattered and Francesca's feet had been pushed from beneath her. She was falling now - what just happened?

The girl hit the floor with a
thud and oww, that hurt. She sat on the ground where she had landed for just a second before looking up just in time to see a fox leap from the window. Francesca shifted - Manners, Fran! there's no time for manners though - and darted to the nearest corner as fast as she could. Francesca, now in her otter form, made herself as small as possible and cowered, watching Thomas fearfully.


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