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Realistic or Modern (OPEN) Supers, High School Edition

Willow Pillow

Three Thousand Club
Hello {!FirstName},

You have been selected to attend Ridgeview School for the Gifted. Receiving this letter, this means you are special and you possess certain gifts and abilities that can help man kind or bend it to your will.

The heroes you see protecting your city and the villains that cause the chaos in the first place are not just born, despite media and popular belief. They attended school, they trained with the best professors and chose the power business as their career.

This is your opportunity to follow the same footsteps as the Atomic Visionary, Areial Ghost and the ever sinister Poison Shade.

Location of the Ridgeview School will be sent to you pending your acceptance.

You are gifted and special. Begin your legacy at Ridgeview and you will have a promising career.


- Principal Jonathan Hapswell

Ridgeview School for the Gifted is located in Idaho, in an isolated part where it is 40 miles to the next city or human convenience. We are not starting school on the first day. The setting is Wednesday, October 14th 2015. You've been at the school for almost two months and the Halloween festivities are soon ramping up at school. PLEASE GO TO OVERVIEW FOR LAYOUT OF SCHOOL, RULES AND MORE.
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White tang top and military cargo pants. Lexi had worn the same outfit practically every day at this school. Sometimes it was black tang tops, forest green ones with black cargo pants, tan cargo pants, forest green ones. Her variety of fashion barely changed. As she sat in the cafeteria, hundreds of trays stacked against eachother and her stomach growling as if she had not eaten a single thing, she wondered if it was because being here she didn't have much of a fashion sense because she hated it here and felt like a jailor....or if she truly didn't have one.

(In fact Lexi had eaten hundreds of plates. Her metabolism burned through food and it was quite the horror for the cafeteria staff to witness every day. One second there was food and the next it was gone....like she managed to stop time and become a food black hole)

She looked up from her thoughts and growling stomach to see Aidan Turner in mid fall to land on his face. He was a junior and she saw him time from time. Everyone knew who he was. THe nicest blind idiot you can find...that would be Aidan Turner. He tripped on everything, fell on everything and if you told him you had three horns and a rabbit tail he'd believe you like an idiot.

But for the most part he was harmless.

He wore a blazer, his ties always tied incorrectly, jeans and a buttoned down shirt. (Who ironed his clothes? This was a very important question)

With a heavy sigh Lexi let all the noise drown out. Everyone slowed down until it looked like people were frozen in place. This was lexi's natural state. Her entire body moved so rapidly fast that sound, noise....all crawled to a still. She called it the void. Walking over, she picked up Aidan, he was light as a feather, strapping him over her shoulder she picked his tray, sat him down at the table and pushed the tray his way.

To her....she waited what felt like hours for the noise to come back, tapping impatiently. He jumped. "What...how did I..."

"Hi Aidan...."

"Oh! Lexi! Was I falling?"

"Yes....yes you were. You need to walk with your walking stick Aidan."

"Oh I'm fine. I somehow manage."

"Sure you do..."
As he looked at the building before him, Léon shivered. Whether it was from the cold, or how bland the building looked he wasn't sure.

Why did I have to start in the middle of the week? Papa should have just let me wait to come on the weekend. Then again, I doubt I'm far behind their curriculum, in fact the school in Paris is probably ahead of them. I miss my home.

Shivering again, Léon decided he couldn't put it off anymore. He straightened out his jacket and tie. Grabbing the handle of his suitcase in one hand and twirling a rose betwixt the fingers of his other he made his way into the office to find out his rooming situation and get his class schedule. He winked at a trio of girls he passed that were whispering to each other and casting quick glances at him, smiles on their faces.

Maybe this won't be all bad he thought to himself smiling. Running his fingers through his hair in an attempt to flatten it a little more, he readied himself and knocked on the door to the principle's office.

"Enter" came a man's voice from the other side of the door.

He did so. Bowing to the man behind the desk Léon said "Good afternoon Principal Hapswell. I'm Léon Bellamy, your new student."
Principal Hapswell was doing very important work. Paperwork was put into a pile as a ceramic glass lion laid on top. A colony of glass animals were at the bottom as Disney's Circle of Life was playing off his cell phone.

"Enter!" He bellowed when he heard the door knocking.

A blonde headed boy with a rose twirled a rose in his fingertips stepping in. Hapswell was organizing the hippos by the watering pool....which was several waterbottle caps filled with water. "Mr. Bellamy, I spoke with your father this morning....or was it his afternoon or dinner over there. Time zones. A very peculiar thing, don't you think?"

He smiled up at him. Hapswell was a man probably in his sixties, a grandfather every child would like to have who probably snuck you a twenty when their parents weren't looking. "Welcome to Ridgeview. Before I begin my whole spiel of....well it's the same old same old...let's start with you. Do you have any questions, concerns or anything you'd like to say."
"It was this morning, sir" Léon said. "We just finished unpacking our things out in California two days ago, sir. Time zones may be a peculiar thing, but we're only a couple hours ahead of him there."

This is the man in charge? he thought to himself He seems more like a child in a grown man's body. I suppose they wouldn't have chosen him for the job if he wasn't qualified but they could have gotten somebody more mature.

"I guess the main thing I'd like to know is if you have a pool here or not. Swimming is one of my favorite hobbies you see sir. Other than that...I guess what sorts of classes are available here, what the living situation is like, if it would be possible to have the rest of my things sent here, and if I am to start my classes today or tomorrow are among my top questions. Other than that nothing comes to mind, although I wouldn't mind a tour or at least a map if you've the time to spare sir." Léon was laying it on a bit thick with the formality, but one thing he learned is that it never hurts to leave a good impression on the people with the power.
A steady stoft tapping of her black Fly London Anto's across the cold floors as Min passed by the other students. Her violet dress swayed from left to right slowly. It has been two months and Min has hardly made any friends. She knew going to school wouldn't work out, but with her mother working on a new cure for a virus spreading across her planet she was too busy to homeschool of Min. Holding her bag close to her she watched the other students pass her by. Each one unknowingly stepping into her range.

Thoughts raced through her head. What am I doing here? I don't belong here. You control life and death. I miss my family. Maybe I should fake being sick, then I'll at least be in my dorm room. No, I'll probably be stick in the nurse's office. I don't want to do this. Some her own anxieties, while others were dark whispers from places unseen. Her small shoulders shivered as she felt the heavy weight of a powerful presence. Closing her eyes she shook her head and briskly made her way into the cafeteria.

The mass of students moving around surprised her. After two months she still wasn't used to lunch in such a noisy place. Scanning the room she hunted for the empty table where she usually sat, far off from the rest of the school. With shock she realized that the table was gone a empty space where it one was. "Oh, no... where will I sit?" she softly whispered to herself. Lovering her arms her bag slid to her thighs as she stood there nervously.

Min hated sitting next to others. she always worried about hurting them. She spent most of her time focusing on keeping the others safe she forgets to actually socialize. Sometimes Min wished that her powers never manifested. She missed having blue eyes and a normal life. Well as normal as being the child of famous super heroes could be. With a heavy sigh she looked back up for a place to sit. Finding a spacious spot near the blind Junior Aidan she began to make her way there.

Nialla fiddled with her glasses as she watched Lexi effortlessly save Aiden, and smiled. Those two were always so amazing together, it was odd they weren't in a relationship yet. Or maybe they were, and Nialla hadn't noticed their budding love thanks to her terrible glasses clouding her vision. Unfortunately she didn't have a choice in the matter, as her usual pair of glasses and backup contacts had all been lost with part of her luggage during the flight to Idaho. Still, at least crappy vision was better than seeing nothing but blurs.

After a moment, she felt a shiver down her spine, like she was being watched, and turned, looking around the room. It was useless, of course. She couldn't pick out the person watching with her crappy glasses, and she doubted they would be foolish enough to let themselves get caught if her vision had been perfect. Part of her knew it was Vi, it had to be. Nobody else could send those shivers, and Nialla had taken an effort not to show off during her first two months at school. She was a perfect student so far, but but nobody knew that but her and the teachers, who barely even noticed her.

In the corner of her eye, Nialla saw Lexi's massive pile of plates being to wobble as another girl (Min? Her hair and eyes looked like Min's.) sat down beside Aiden. With a deft move of her hand, Nialla threw a barrier around the plates, slowly shrinking it until they stopped wobbling. Once they stilled, she moved them an inch from the side of the table, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Lexi, you really need to make sure the plates aren't on the edge of the table next time." Nialla said, making a playful quip at Lexi's plate placement. They didn't know one another too well, but Nialla figured she and Aiden were a decent enough crowd to stick with, and there was no way she was going to befriend them by sitting silently in her part of the table.
Hapswell blinked a few times, adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose. "I thought you lived in France. I was about to ask you what the shopping was like there. Oh well. Hour behind. Seven hours ahead. Your concept of time with all your travels must be completely irrelevant if you think about it."

He went back to adjusting the giraffes and the elephants with his little zoo on the desk. He placed a monkey with the lion. "I can't seem to find a glass baboon...if you ever come across one, please let me know. As for your other inquiries. Yes we have a pool. Depending on what kid is there, it may be an ice rink or a sauna. Mr. Elastic does love his hot tubs after all. Classes, tomorrow. I am very busy with...." He spun his chair around and returned with showing a coloring book of Dora the Explorer. "These reports. These are very important reports. It's lunch for most students. Find one, tell them that Principal Hapswell ordered that you should shadow them for the day and answer the rest of your questions you probably have. On your way out, you can select whatever you want from the candy jar....but my skittles. If you touch those that might be grounds for expulsion."

His smile was soft and his voice carried the air of a man who had not a care in the world, but the cold look in his eyes stated he was incredibly serious about expelling you for eating his skittles.


Lexi looked up at the trays and back at Niallia slumping further into the bench. "Sorry," She smiled softly. "I kind of get in the zone when I'm eating, and I just forget about them." Her stomach growled the sound of a wild tom cat. "I'm probably going to go for seconds. You want anything? My treat."

It would always be her treat. The amount of hush money she received for the government destroying her entire life and forcing her to play dead and resume a new identity after this whole school shit....well...it was enough to pass around for years.

Aidan turned when he felt the brush of cloth against his own jacket. He wasn't sure who was there, it could be anyone. But when the smell of her perfume went up his nose, soft and unique, he knew instantly. "Hi Min." He said. Aidan was one of those special juniors who took classes freshman took, seniors took, sophomores you name it. He either excelled or he failed horrendously. That was Aidan in a nutshell.

Lexi stood up. "Opinion for the two of you, maybe you can get through to this knuckle head. Should blind kids use their walking sticks to get around?"

"Lexi, I'm fine. I know every corner of this school...."

"Let me rephrase. And let's take into account I can bring his nurse records here, which are an entire file cabinet just for him...should Aidan Turner walk with his cane...maybe a helmet and kneepads to boot?"
The fact that the principal didn't answer some of his questions didn't escape Léon's notice.

"I would be happy to discuss my home some time if you would like sir. For now though I suppose I will take my leave. One last question though, where exactly am I staying? I can only shadow somebody for so long before I need to leave them."

The principal said he would have to look through some paperwork to find out and to come back to him after dinner time but for now he was welcome to leave his suitcase in the office if he didn't want to take it around with him all day. With another bow and a word of thanks Léon did just that. He left the office, trying to figure out where the cafeteria could be. Deciding to head towards the loudest source of noise he could find. He walked in to try and figure out who he should shadow. His eyes alighted on a girl, likely a freshmen based on how old she looked, with silver hair sitting amongst a few others. He put on his best smile.

A bit of charm never hurts he thought to himself.

He approached her from behind, tapping her on the shoulder.

"Je m'excuse ma amour. I'm new here and Principle Hapswell said I should shadow someone for the remainder of the day to get better acquainted with the school. If it wouldn't inconvenience you too much, would you mind terribly if I followed you? Where are my manners! You must think me quite strange not even introducing myself. The name is Léon Bellamy." He said the last giving a small bow. "Please accept this flower as an apology both for my poor manners, and for asking such an intrusive favor."

The longer he talked the faster his words got. It wasn't nerves, simply a result of the energy building up in his body.

I'll have to get to the pool sooner rather than later. Before the end of the night certainly.
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Don't use your power, don't use your power, don't use your power. The thought continued through her mind like a chant as she passed by the other students. Her heart beat faster as she passed by the students. Each one slowly moving in an out of her range. Every second she grew more and more afraid of hurting someone. It bothered her, being around so many people. She would have gone to the terrace or the gardens, but they were also full of students. Besides if she didn't socialize she'll most certainly be alone. Taking a deep breath she walked past Lexi and Aiden, trying her best to be undetectable. Her ears picked up a familiar voice as she saw Nialla walk towards the two from the corner of her eye. Min remembered seeing her around school. She's a freshman right?

Praying that she could just be left noticed, her head turned as someone greeted her. Following the voice she looked to Aidan and the group a little surprised they noticed her. Giving a nervous smile she spoke softly, "Oh... umm hello Aidan, Lexi, Nialla." She gave a polite nod to each of them, secretly wanting to just leave now. She was about to get up and move further off when Lexi spoke up. Min gave a light laugh and gently shook her head. "I don't think Aidan needs all that. Maybe he should use his cane when it's crowded, but I mean he's capable and smart. We shouldn't force him to do anything he doesn't want to. Besides, you always seem to help him out Lexi." She gave a earnest smile as she added, "I admire that about you Lexi." I wish I could be useful, like she is.

Suddenly Min felt a light tap on her shoulder and turned to see who it was. It was a student she had never seen before. He talked very quickly, but she caught his name as he introduced himself. Léon Bellamy, he must be a transfer student, she thought to herself. She looked at him and blushed as she accepted the flower. "Ummm, thank you." Looking down at the flower she poked the delicate petals. Seeing such a thing seemed to calm her down a little. The flowers reminded her of ones her mother used to bring for her father.

Looking back up to Léon her cheeks slightly flushed. "Y-you said the principal asked you to shadow me for the rest of the day?" Min wasn't planning on keeping any company. All she wanted to do was finish school and go back to her dorm room. However, she couldn't disobey the principle. "I guess it's alright." Glancing at the others she spoke up again. "Let me introduce you to the others." Her hand gracefully motioned to each of them as she said their name. "This is Aidan, Lexi, Nialla and my name is Min Johannas welcome to our school."

@Homage @CosmicChangeling @Brinni
Mr. Elastic was a man barely above five feet and five inches. On his driver's license it would say 6'2, with the picture of his facial features stretched like taffy. You could imagine the horror the DMV men and woman had to see a man who looked vertually stretched stand to take his photo. Unfortunately...to have his body stretched that way for the rest of his life was too painful of an option. It hurt his joints, and he was beginning to get old.

So as he sat down next to a very skeletal man of six feet and five inches, his paranoia of looking too short was only getting worse. Watching the students mingle, he grumpily bit into his burger. "Speedy takes all the fucking good shit before everyone else."

Mr. Savolt shrugged. The effort to do so seemed just plain exhausting for him.

"You never talk. It's the same old same old here though. God I wish it was summer. That felt like the longest summer of my life."

"It felt like 516 days to be exact. I thought the school was condemned." Savolt spoke.

Elastic dropped his burger from his hands, it rolled on the ground. "You said more than one word....in a single space of time. When I chucked that kid through the gym walls today, did he fling all the way to your head?"

Savolt shrugged letting out a yawn.
As Min blushed, Léon smiled brighter.

How lovely. Not the time though. Introductions and connections to be made.

"Hello everyone" he said, taking care to stay with English without slipping some of his native words in. "My name is Léon Bellamy. I just transferred here from the Parisian school. It's a pleasure to meet you all. Like I said to Miss..Min was it? Anyways like I said to Miss Min about shadowing her, if it isn't too much of a bother would you mind if I joined you? At least for today? If it is an issue I would be more than willing to find somebody else.


"Come on Mo" Harriet said to her friend down the hall, "lunch started ten minutes ago. If you don't hurry up you won't have time to eat."

Mo sighed. Oh alright. Pushing his field to its max range he jogged to catch up to Harriet. Passing her he made his way towards the door. Smiling he brought his field in just far enough to encapsulate her too. He slightly expanded it as he kept getting farther away so she stayed in the field.

As soon as she felt the change she got pissed. "I'm gonna kill you Moe!"

Moe chuckled and with a smile said to his friend and rival "It's like they say, slow and steady wins the race" and he pushed his field back out to the max range and made his way into the cafeteria first, knowing he had a few moments before she made herself light as a feather and pushed ahead of him to the line.

@Homage @CosmicChangeling @The Suspicious Eye
Nialla shook her head to the blur that was Lexi (who was actually a blur, thanks in part to the fact that the girl never seemed to stop moving, and the fact that Nialla could barely see anyone else normally), and tried to thank her for the offer, only to be cut short by her second question, asking about blind kids and walking sticks. "Well, as someone who has crappy vision, I think it's his choice. He wants to be dangerously unsafe, let him. I mean, you'll probably sense it and get halfway across the school to rescue him if anything goes wrong. And if not, Min and I could totally save his butt." Nialla felt a bit uncomfortable at the idea of volunteering Min's assistance, but she was somewhat certain she would understand.

Once that was done, she turned with the others to the new kid, trying and failing to get a good look at his face. Shoving her hand a little too close (Depth perception, What's that?), she gave the kid a smile. When what seemed to be an unusually hairy faced kid finally turned around to look at her, Nialla paled and realized she shoved her hand into the back of the boy behind Leon. "Oh my gods, so so sorry about that!" She said, immediately backtracking and taking her seat. Once he seemed to dismiss her, Nialla turned back to the others, feeling a lot more anxious. "I'm the Nialla she mentioned. Call me Nia, though, I like that name better."


@The Suspicious Eye

Admire that about you...

Min's words trailed an echo in Lexi's thoughts as she slumped in her seat. She didn't want to keep saving this kid. She didn't want to see him nearly kill himself, lose control just so he didn't hurt himself. People at this school viewed their powers as a gift....and maybe they were right. But for Lexi, her powers were nothing but a curse.

And maybe Aidan's clutziness and sheer lack of common sense was her curse as well now.

The boy introduced himself and Lexi waited for Nialla to tell the boy he could sit down, answer his question and say he was alright. She waited for Min to do it, even looked at Aidan at this point for him to step up and take lead. Which didn't happen. He extended his hand out "Nice to meet you Leon," the kid smiled, his golden eyes sparkling but he was off Leon's direct gaze by an inch or two.

Right before Leon could grab his hand. "Wait. Don't." Lexi stood up. "Aidan's a psychic and he doesn't have the greatest control. You touch him he's going to see some past event of your life through your eyes, thoughts and memories. You don't know us that well....I don't think you want to get that vulnerable with us just yet."

"Oh...."Aidan withdrew his hand. "I forgot about that. Sorry," Both hands up. "It doesn't happen all the time, but you getting a fair warning is fair."

"As for sitting, table's all yours." The tom cat growling came from her rumbling belly again. "Alright, seconds...I'll just guess what you want."

Lexi to the outside world seemed to flicker out of you, for a fraction of a second. In that second, there were double the amount of stacked trays than before, and her hair was wet, dripping on the table as she was wearing a black tang top now with military green cargo pants. A tray of food at each PERSON (not table) she was ringing out her hair. "As for the pact on Aidan...you two aren't supposed to encourage him. You were supposed to side with me."

"The two of them agree you're just being silly." Aidan grinned.
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I suppose I should get something to drink then, since she forgot one, if I'm to join these people. It'll let me keep options open for who to hang around as well. Not they don't seem like good people, but one never knows.

He got in line for something small and heard bickering behind him. He didn't want to make it look like he was listening in so he didn't turn around.

Sounds like some sort of lovers quarrel he assumed based on the fact that it sounded like it was between a boy and a girl. Something about one using their powers to beat them at something or other.

After thanking the worker for the water bottle he went back and sat down, feeling eyes on him.

I suppose it should be expected since I'm the new kid that transferred in partway through the semester.

He sat down, smiling and not saying much unless he was asked something directly. He was looking around, taking in everything. Soon enough, the bell rang signaling the end of lunch. He thanked....Lexi? he was sure her name was Lexi, for the food. He said good-bye to Nia, giving a polite bow. He said farewell to Aiden, then turned to Min.

"Shall we go then? I can't wait to see some of the school. You'll hardly know I'm around, I'll be quiet unless I have questions. I won't follow you in to class, I feel that would be a bit rude to you, the teacher and the other students. Again I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I'm sure you'd rather not have me hanging around"


The bickering was Moe and Harriet. Harriet was annoyed that Moe had essentially cheated by keeping her moving slower than she would have been. Her argument trailed off as she realized that there was someone new in front of her.

He walked away after getting his water, but Harriet's eyes never left him.

"Hey Moe....do you know him? I don't recognize him." She got herself an apple and a salad. Moe got the same.

"Mmmm nope. Can't say that I do Hare" was his response after taking a look. "Maybe he's new. Looks like Lexi and crew got him for now."

"What do you think he does Mo?" Harriet asked her friend

Moe simply shrugged, it was of no concern with him. "It's not like we're going to be able to tell just by looking at him."

@CosmicChangeling @Homage @The Suspicious Eye
Leon was a very polite kid. Lexi watched him curiously. Maybe it was where he was from, or just being the new kid in the middle of October. Never fun. When he mentioned about not being in the classes, she waved it off before Min could answer. "The teachers here are different than normal teachers, Leon. The three of us have gym class with Mr. Elastic and let's just say...you might not really have a choice on whether or not you want to participate. Do you bruise easilly?"

She did, but they disappeared before anyone could actually see them. "I'll see you guys later for Mr. Savolt's Focus class." Aidan said. He stood up as the bell rang and turned around. Lexi let out a physical groan at Savolt's class. They did legit nothing, and every day he gave them F's...because they focused wrong.

Kris the raccoon ninja, no she of course fucking passed his class. It was physically impossible for Lexi to do NOTHING for 45 minutes. She would slip into the void and that 45 minutes turned to hours....so when she came too maybe two minutes went by and FAIL...because she fucking figited in her seat. Fucking savolt's class. Aidan was still in it because for certain powers it was a mandated requirement to pass that pass or fail class. Hers happened to be one of them.

In her anger at the idea of dealing with Savolt again later today she was too late. Aidan tripped on his shoelace and tripped right into Leon. "Wait Aidan NO!" but it was done. His eyes lit a bright gold and the kid looked like he was mentally checked out and practically mindless as he knocked Leon onto the ground with his fall.


“What do you mean we’re moving?” Leon said to his father, the disbelief evident in his voice.

“I’m sorry Leon. But my job offered me a promotion that was too good to pass up. Now we have to move to the United States for it. I’ve already got your school arrangements made; you’ll be surrounded by people like you and me. You won’t have to hide your abilities” was his father’s response. He used a tone that didn’t leave room for questioning. “Now we need to start packing.”


A tearful goodbye, surrounded by people.

“I don’t want to leave either everyone. But I’ve no choice” he said, wiping the tears from his eyes. “You people are like family. It’s going to be hard living over there without you. I’m going to write as often as possible, you guys do it too okay? Don’t forget about me.”


The Seine looked so peaceful. Looking to his right he saw his oldest childhood friend. Her red hair swayed in the breeze. The sun was beginning to set and the Seine was lit up, looking like something out of a painting. She looked at him and smiled sadly.

“You better keep me up to date with all your adventures, romantic and otherwise. Then I can tell you what an idiot you are when you screw up because you have no idea what you’re actually doing” she said. They both laughed.

“I could sweep anyone off their feet if I try hard enough” was his response. “It worked with you.”

Instead of the usual “you wish” that he would get whenever he made a comment to her like that she leaned in and gave him a quick peck, stunning him. A small shock went through his body, zapping her. She was prepared for it, she was one of the few normal people that knew about his popwers.“Yup, it did” she said before walking away, her hand to her lips.


He stood on the balcony, looking over the Parisian skyline at night. It was beautiful. It certainly lived up to its name of “The City of Light”. The only comfort he could take in leaving all this behind was that they weren’t selling their house. They would keep it for any vacations they wanted to take.

“Farewell, city of my heart. I will return to you one day. Hopefully my friends won’t forget me.”


Rolling off of him onto the cold cafeteria floor Aidan's golden eyes returned to it's natural state, his pupil's returning. All the color and brightness of the world faded away and slipped back to pitch blackness. He knew his powers were wrong, and it was an invasion on people. He would never do it on purpose...but those brief seconds he could see color...and even though it fleeted away...it was the greatest gift anyone could give him.

"You loved her..." He let out almost breathless, the emotions fleeting as well.
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"You loved her..." Aiden had said

In an instant Léon was on his feet, yanking Aiden up by his vest taking care not to touch his skin. If Aiden hadn't said that, Léon would have forgotten all about his power to see the past of what he touches. Having his memory intruded upon like that angered him. Who knows what else the boy could do.

"What did you see?" he growled. He let loose enough electricity to give Aiden a jolt. Not enough to actually hurt him. It wasn't until the blind boy yelped from the shock that Léon had realized what he had done. He instantly let the boy go and backed away.

"I'm sorry..I..I didn't mean to.." he looked at the faces of the four students who had, just moments ago, graciously let him share their table. And then here he goes, hurting one of them. "I'll just go."

While the girls checked on Aiden, he walked out of the cafeteria. He had no destination in mind, not knowing the school, but he walked anyways. He took a right and kept walking until he heard something familiar. He had found the one place that he cared about, the pool. It was even still in liquid form right now. He picked his way up to the top of the closest set of bleachers. He sat and thought about what the psyhic could have seen.

I loved her? What is he talking about? Unless he's referring to Jeannine? She loved me, not the other way round. I suppose I did, in a platonic way, love her. She's my best and oldest friend. She means a lot to me. I don't think thhat's what he meant though.

Léon sat and put his head under his arms and just listenend to the gentle slapping of the pool, trying to calm himself..

Great first day so far.
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Min looked at the school lunch that Lexi gave her. Looking a little shy Min appreciated the food, but she brought her own lunch. Besides... She said poking the food with a napkin, it instantly became soaked with grease. Shivering she draped the stained napkin over the food and watched the others interact. She didn't need to talk much, but I was nice to hear them, soothing even. It took her mind off of trying to keep her powers in check.

Min looked back to Léon as he spoke, the soft blush returning to her cheeks. "Oh... really it's no trouble... besides...." Before she could continue Lexi spoke up explaining some of the classes here, especially gym class. Min watched Lexi as she seemed to vibrate ever so slightly. Her super speed always seemed to baffle Min. Power's were very common in her previous home, but she rarely met speedsters. They were uncommon, rare, a delicacy.

Waving at seemingly nothing as Lexi vanished Min turned her attention back to Léon. "Ah, yes. It may be better if you simply..." She was cut off again as Aiden tripped and fell into Léon. Her first thought was to use her power, when suddenly she felt a shocking pain in her head. Too late to do anything she watched as Aidan began to see into Léon's past. Min didn't know what he saw but she heard him whisper, "you loved her." Surprised Min only watched as Leon began shocking Aidan. It was wrong to invade his privacy but Aidan didn't deserve that.

Quickly she made her way to help Aidan. She created set of long black gloves over her hands. Reaching for him Min helped Aidan to his knees. "Aidan are you alright?" Placing a gloved hand over his radial artery she checked his pulse. His pulse seemed alright, but she worried about his brain. Electricity was a dangerous power. A sharp pain resounded in her head again and she closed her eyes. Hiding the migraine she took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

@Brinni @CosmicChangeling @Homage
Nialla remembered Aiden's first (and last) mind reading of her the day they first met, when he fell on top of her. She knew he never touched her skin, but he still managed to read her memories. Wanting to spare Min from that, she formed a small, flexible barrier around the girl's gloves, blocking any attempt at mind reading. Or, at least, she hoped that was the case. She'd never done it before, so she had no idea if such an attempt would work.

She knelt beside Aiden as Min helped him up, and almost instinctively waved her hand in front of his face to ensure he wasn't unconscious or otherwise disoriented, before realizing how little that would help. Without any real way to help him beyond doing what Min was doing, Nialla watched Leon escape the room, thinking she watched another student leave just behind him. She didn't think too much on that, knowing that in a school it was more than likely some kid had to go to the restroom or something.

It was nothing to worry about.


Vi followed the boy who shocked the blind kid (Aaron? Arnold? It wasn't important) as he left the room, noticing how distraught he felt. His movement seemed erratic, and it was obvious he had never been given a walk around the school.

Once he arrived at the pool, Vi grimaced. She hated being near water, it was annoying and made her powers almost useless. Swallowing her feeling of distaste, Vi walked into the room and pushed against the ground, propelling her to the bleachers a feet meters from him. It was one of her better ideas. He would only assume she could fly or jump high, meaning that even if her powers became a topic of conversation in a situation she didn't control, they still wouldn't give her away to Nia, if she paid attention.

"You seemed upset when you left. You okay?" Vi asked the boy, scooting slowly towards him. She didn't know why he seemed to interesting to her, other than his proximity to Nia. Regardless, he caught her eye.

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It reminded him of the time he was five. He wanted to help his mother vacuum, so he tried to plug the machine in. One finger on the plug to feel it's shape and to feel it going into the socket, the other finding the socket. His mother rushed him to the ER that night as his father was upset that they spent 9 hours at the hospital for something not even that serious.

It had felt like that through his body, Leon snapping at him. "Leon....I'm the one that's...he ran away didn't he..." The footsteps very distinctive.

He felt a hand grab him, to help pull him on his feet, the world didn't light up with color or strong emotions didn't string through him....it felt like just a hand. Min's voice was very distinctive, and in that moment of clarity it didn't feel like a stranger was pulling him into something unknown and probably not friendly. "I'm ok. I shouldn't have been in his head like that, that's my fault."

"You need to tie your shoelaces." Lexi crossed her arms pointed in finger up for 1. "You need to also get better control, what are you going to do when it's the outside world? How are you going to protect yourself?" Her second finger up. No one talked, no one said a word. Lexi groaned, her hands now in her face, pulling it down "You need to take better care of yourself...I don't want to see you get hurt, ok?" Not a word. Nothing.

Lexi looked to her left and right, at Nia, Min, Aidan...their faces locked in one expression as the rest of the world was frozen. "MOTHER FUCKER SHIT BAG ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME.


As Aidain said 'fault' Lexi flickered out of sight. She flickered back, in the end of the t sound behind the two, in a completely different outfit. Now green tangtop and dark kakki color cargo pants. "Aidan's ok..." She sounded tired, "That kid probably is alone somewhere here blaming himself for what happened. So we can let him know we don't blame him, go to gym glass or make sure aidan atleast sees a nurse before his next class. What do you guys want to do?"

Lexi had been stuck for what felt like three hours between letters a to l in that one little word fault.
Léon looked at the girl who was scooting closer to him. She seemed friendly enough, there wasn't an sense of maliciousness coming from her. He wasn't sure if he trusted her, this was still a school for both heroes and villains after all, but having an ear to listen to hiim didn't seem like such a bad thing right now. Especially given how hectic his life had become the last few weeks.

"Yeah....actually no. Not really." Léon sighed. "Between everything that's happened the last couple of weeks I'm a little fried. See, two weeks ago I was living in Paris, I grew up there. Then out of nowhere my dad gets a promotion from work and tells me we have to move stateside. So between the stress of moving, leaving everyone I knew behind, and the culture shock I was already a bit on edge. And then that blind kid, Adrien or something, goes digging around in my head. It was the last straw, I snapped. I usually have control over my power, but if I'm not focusing on keeping it from spilling out, when someone make contact with me a jolt goes through them. I was mad enough that it was a fairly big shock this time. So I wound up hurting one of the first people to show me kindness around here. I've probably blown away my chances of remaining friends with them. On top of everything else I have no idea where anything is in this place and I don't think I have a room yet, so it's not like I can go there to sulk. I just..."

Léon's voice cracked and his eyes filled with tears, though he refused to let them fall, especially in the presence of a stranger

"I just want to go back home" he whispered.

Wiping his eyes he looked at the girl.

"My apologies. Here I am unloading all of this on to you and I haven't even introduced myself. I'm Léon Bellamy, a pleasure to make your acquaintance" he said, extending his hand.


Harriet got excited for a second as she thought that a fight was about to break out between the new kid and Aiden. Once the new kid dropped Aiden and walked away she was a bit disappointed.

"Aww, just when I thought the day was gonna get good too" she sulked

She watched a girl with black hair follow him out.

Eh, none of my concern she thought. However it's almost time for gym class, that's when my fun starts

"Come on Moe! Let's get going, we don't want to be late again for Mr Elastic's class. Remember what happened last time?"

The pair shuddered at the memory

"Good point Hare, let's get going"

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Surprised that her gloves actually worked. Min didn't realize that it was Nia who was protecting her secrets from being revealed. It was a relief to not feel the invasive prodding into her mind. She feared that it would be too much for Aidan. The realistic nightmares Min has every night were not ones for such a innocent soul. Her world was not as cheerful and perfect as she pretends it was. It changed her in more ways than one. Some changes Min has yet to discover.

Min looked at Aidan worriedly, he seemed alright but. She had her doubts. Her heart felt a sting as he blamed himself for what happened. Remembering her time when she blinded her teacher in elementary school. Placing a hand on his shoulder she smiled at him. "Aidan it's not your fault. It was a accident. You shouldn't feel guilty." As Lexi spoke Min looked up at her and nodded. She sounded tired, as she spoke. Her clothing changed she must have been in the void.

Min gently helped Aidan up to his feet and looked at them. "I'll go find Leon. He's my responsibility anyway, I'll tell him we don't blame him." Brushing the dirt off her dress she looked back at where he went. She whispered curiously "I wonder where he went?" Taking a few steps towards the door she turned back at the others and waved at them. "I'll see you guys in class."

@Homage @CosmicChangeling
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Nialla turned to Lexi as she asked her question, only finally deciding an answer once Min had chosen her own. "I think I need to head to gym. Unlike you, I don't have super speed, and it seems like Mr. Elastic has me on his 'good kids' list. I think you should take care of Aiden, and I'll explain your absences to Elastic if you both aren't around when gym begins."

It was a crappy compromise, and Nialla felt terrible for leaving Aiden with only Lexi, who he seemed least likely to listen to after hearing her for so long, but she didn't have a choice. Someone had to tell Elastic that everyone else would be tardy, and if anyone could make the excuse seem genuine it would have to be Nia, who Elastic had yet to abuse.

Or she hoped so, at least. With that done, she nodded a confirmation to Lexi and left the cafeteria, knowing the girl would probably already be halfway to Aiden before Nia even hit the doors.

As she walked out, she noticed two others, Harriet and... She forgot the boy's name. They were both in Elastic's gym class as well, and there was no harm in heading there as a group. As they walked, Nialla picked up her pace slightly until she was within speaking distance, and introduced herself. "Hey guys. Ready for Elastic own personal brand of hell today?"


Vi almost felt bad for the kid. He was obviously distraught, and wasn't used to living in the US yet. She took his hand without a hint of worry, and frowned when she felt no shock at all. "Well, I can't help with your family, but I can tell you that your biggest problem going forward is your lack of control over your powers." Vi's near sympathy turned into a form of determination. This boy needed to learn how to control himself, and not fear his powers.

He was an interesting challenge. His way of thinking was the biggest obstacle, by far. Instead of thinking of himself as in control of his powers, he seemed to think that all he was doing was holding them back. He needed training, yes, but he wouldn't get far at all until he changed how his brain thought of his powers.

"I'm Isabel, by the way. And I'm going to be teaching you how to control your powers." She made the announcement confidently, without any hint of worry. He could decline, of course, and if so it was his loss. She saw a challenge, and through him she could take one step towards creating the future of the Powered race.
Aidan duty. Great. She took in a deep breath and exhaled. She could be at peace, one with the universe. Every moment he nearly tripped or did something stupid....she could just breathe and try to let go of her anger. She seemed to go out of frame for a fraction of a second, just a slight body position change. "He's at the pool talking to some girl, but he looks upset, Min." Nodding at Nia. "He hasn't given you a nickname like the rest of us either...you're probably the best one to diffuse whatever....craziness he has planned today."

Lexi closed her eyes and tried to drown out the sound of the world. She could slip into the void, just pick up the blind kid and bring him to the nurse. Done in a few seconds, avoid the chaos he would cause.

But the sound never filtered out. She felt Nia run past her and Min take her cue too. She opened her eyes and groaned. Powers, when you didn't want them they worked, when you did, you got shit. "Ok, I'm walking behind you....the nurse's to see if you're still an idiot.

"I've been electrocuted before, I'm fine." Aidan went to take a step but felt a hand on his leg. Lexi knelt down, stopping him with one hand. Aidan's eyes zoned out and began to glow, his pupils shrinking until they didn't exist.

"What are you going to do, Lex?" a kid tugged his hands into his sweatshirt pocket. Aidan saw himself wearing girl gene shorts with a flyer of NOLAN GRAVES AT THE PRUDENTIAL CENTER advertised. "It sold out, you're not going to be able to get in there.

"You kidding? This guy is a legend, my hero. I'm getting in there. Just you watch."

She released her hand and tied his shoes.

"That was the place where you died right? Prudential building?"

"I swear to God....you're going to see every freaking memory I've ever had before Christmas if you keep being..."She looked up at him. "Being you."

"I see you die mostly. I feel how scared you are, but that's the one that plays the most." Aidan shrugged he felt a tug at his tie, Lexi pulling it lightly like a leash to get him to start walking. She let go, it hit his chest light enough to let him know it was free.

Shoving her hands into her own pockets she followed behind him fielding the hall of students. "Well...yeah. I was in an explosion. Who isn't scared in that shit?" Part of your problem is you don't keep your mouth shut after you invade their brains. Someone is going to get super pissed at you one day and actually kill you. These are personal things. Really personal things, Aidan." She paused. "Do you choose what you see?"

"No. I think it has to do with what the person is feeling....or what's really impacting them. So...with you, repeated memories and ones that have any association to you dying...that makes sense. Lexi, can I ask you something?"

"You're going to anyway. So, what?"

"What was it like to die?"

Great. She inhaled a big breath. "There was nothing. Nothing at all but darkness." She said. "Alright, you're almost to the nurse so let's end this heart to heart right now."


Mr. Elastic stood in the gym, his clip board in hand as he waited for the class to show up. Rainbow suspenders, shark bow tie the man stood at his migitlike height.

HE had a few....announcements....to make today before he began his stress relief...or teaching. Teaching was the politically correct word.
Léon took a second look at Isabel. Nothing about her said she wasn't being generous, but, skeptic of any handouts, he couldn't help but wonder...

"Why? Not that I don't appreciate the offer, and would be more than happy to learn how to control my power more and see what else I can do with it, but I'm curious. You don't know me, for all you know we could end up on opposites once everything is said and done at this school, why would you help me learn to be better with my abilities. Why help me? What's in it for you? And more importantly...when can we start?"

Léon gave a half-hearted smile to his new "teacher"

That's why I came here right? To find out just what I can do?


Hare looked at Nialla, then gave a crooked grin

"Hell might be a bit of a stretch" she said, cracking up at her own joke. Moe rolled his eyes. This was the third time today she made the joke.

"As long as everyone gets there on time we should be fine....relatively speaking. By the way where are the others? Min and Lexi?" Moe said, taking a quick glance around. "I could have sworn they were in this class too."

Harriet's walk gained a bit of bounce "Ooh! Ooh! I bet they went to wail on the new kid for shocking Aiden. Lexi probably did at the very least. The way she's always with Aiden there just has to be a thing going on between them, but they're keeping it on the DL for some reason. I person's relationship may be their own, but this is high school and private lives simply don't exist here. After classes I'm gonna find out what's going on between them! Do you think Aiden's powers trigger when they kiss, or they may haven't had their first yet. If that's the case maybe I can give them a nudge to find out."

Harriet was practically vibrating with excitement at this point. "This is gonna be so much FUN!" she squealed.

"Don't you think you might be getting ahead of yourself there Hare? After all...first we need to survive Mr. Elastic" said Moe, opening the doors to the gym. We might as well get this over with he sighed inwardly

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