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Fantasy (Open) Supernatural High School, New.

Kall's face twitched slightly and she nodded a bit to Yoko as some sort of chaos erupted a ways away. She could hear the faint bits of angry beings over something. Yelling... Who was yelling? Ackero yells... Is he looking for me? He's looking for me! He found me here too?! I need to run! Run run run run run run run! Run! Run run run run run run run run runny run run run!

Her eyes got really wide and she launched to her feet immediately with wings beating as though to take flight. "Pan, span, hand, man, land, bland, understand, command, um, wonderland!" She continued to try and rhyme as she clambered up onto the tree and hugged it as her panic grew. The trees leaves on the very far edge wilted very slowly and it spread up a full branch. Kall was panicked and angry at the boy/girl/person she didn't understand what was what, for walking by and 'causing' the tree to hurt.

Her cries got louder until the fluffy white winter storm finally got to her and calmed her. She could tell who had started it, and they did not seem happy. For the moment, Yoko would have to wait to be awkwardly flirted with by her. She jumped out of the tree and stumbled after Aleks to try and show her the little ball of snow she had.

"H-Hello! You ma-ma-maaade?" She asked and held out her little fluffy treasure. It was kind of sweet how she was so delighted by this little bit of cold. "Right?"
As Cain was walking to the library, he happily ate his Gryo. Previous issues items of the past he no longer cared that his morning was a bit odd. Things only got more odd when the Earth began to shake dramatically and a blizzard began to take over the sky. Aleks. He thought to himself, knowing of the girls abilities. She was set off quite a lot last year so it didn't surprise him the she was getting pissy on the first day.

The shifter stood in one place, feet shoulder width apart as the shaking grew worse. He figured that he should just focus on stabilizing himself instead of walking to the library. Soon after the earthquake settled down though, someone ran into him. If the ground was still shaking then the shifter definitely would've toppled over, but things were calm now. Well, other than the raging blizzard.

When he turned, Cain saw a rather small, crying boy. Behind him was a trail of dead grass and wilted plants. "It's alright man. What's wrong?" He asked. It only took Cain a moment to realise that the shaking had stopped When the boy appeared. "You met the raging bitch, didn't you?" The shifter asked, putting a hand on the boy's shoulder. "Just ignore her, man. She's crazy. You should've seen her last year. Yeesh." With that, Cain offered a smile to try and comfort the boy. Damn was this day just one big rollercoaster of tears.

The antichrist was storming away from The Q. Just as she was about to slam open the doors to the Girl's dormitory a small angelic creature approached her, stammering nonsense. The fact that a creature with wings was approaching her was going to make her explode again, but as she tried to make sense of the girl's shuddering babble she realised that she was childishly excited over the snow.

Aleks' anger dimmed down, causing the full I'm blizzard to turn into a light flurry. Now she was just confused. Why was an angel approaching her? Why was the angel seemingly happy in her presence? Why was she so excited about the snow? They were in Russia for Christ's sake! All she had to do was walk out to the border of the campus and she could see it.

"Yes. What about it?" Aleks asked, slightly harsher than she intended. Whoops. It's not like it was that big of a deal though seeing as Aleks was the antichrist and the girl standing in front of her was obviously some kind of angel. They were bound to hate each other... right?
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Sergio had two suitcases full of clothes and it made tracks in the Russian snow. Sergio's face had been scrunched in anger 'I, haven't even inherited the curse, what does my father think he is for not letting me go to school with my freinds!' He stormed through the snow when suddenly snowfall increased rapidly and high winds blew behind causing him to lose balance and fall into the snow face first where he lay for two minutes.

"Thanks nature, I really needed that!" Sergio exclaimed sarcastically into the snow. He lay there for two minutes before the blizzard turned into a light flurry. After this, he got up and wiped the snow off his face and body. He got down to the charmed zone that was warm like his homeland. He would walk into the class building before getting his schedule and going into the room that he had been assigned. He put all of his clothes in the dresser and hung up his favorite overwatch poster next to the window. All Sergio had to do now, was wait and hope that in all of him being forced to live here for several months that at least his roomate was at least nice.
Raven sighed as she stood a few feet away from the school, feeling the ground shake and the snow fall even harder before letting up not too long after. "Do I really have to go here?" She asked as she pushed her sunglasses back up on her face, an somewhat elderly man stood beside her an chuckled. "Yes you do. I've taught you as much as u can, here you will be able to learn more about yourself and hell maybe make some friends."

Raven made a face at the man before giving him a hug, "I'm a half breed...who would want to be friends with someone like me?" She said. "Besides you're gonna be a junior, you won't have to be here for like another year." the man said before Raven laughed when she stepped away, "Thanks Whistler....for everything." She smiled at him before lifting her bookbag over her shoulder an picked her suitcase and walked up to the school, crossing through the charmed force field and inside the building. Seeing the random encounters that everyone was having Raven went to find the main office to get her class schedule and find out where her dorm room was. With her dark red hair covering most of her face, she walked up to the front desk and told the angel that sat behind it her name. Raven could smell the little but of fear that was coming off of the angel but dropped her head a little as her eyes glowed gold behind her sunglasses but quickly took her schedule from the angel and quickly left the office.

Finally getting up to the third floor, Raven got to get dorm room and opened the door, it seemed pretty bare, "Guess I'm solo. Perfect." She smiled and started to get her room set up to her liking before heading down to the 'mess hall' to grab something to munch on since she had already taken a serum to suppress her urges. With her drumsticks sticking out of her back pocket, Raven managed to grab what looked like a meat bun from one of the cooks and headed outside all without making contact with anyone, her baggy pants made it more easier to move when she got out doors.

Sitting at a nearby table Raven tool a bite out of the bun, "Oh! It's a sweet bun." she said to herself as she took out her drumsticks and piddled with them tapping out a piece an on the table while holding the sweet bun in her mouth.
Rynn walked onto the campus for another year here. she looked up to the sky and was feeling the ground shake as she sighed and thought "what now," she started walking to the dorms. passing the "Q" and the boys dorms she saw a few students she didn't know. cross the courtyard, she opened the heavy door to a girl in line with dark hair like hers. she waited and looked at her as she took her schedule. "Rynn nice to see you," the angle smiled and handed her the schedule for this year including her teaching schedule. Rynn looked up and over to the other girl and smiled. Rynn put her bag down othe wooden floor and placed her folders in her other shoulder bag. "thanks," she smiled and started walked up the stairs to the second floor. her heeled boots thumping and her black and grey scarf hanging down past her waist. she walked down the hall and opened the door to her dorm and saw the bed next to hers taken and some clothes laid out.
"great a room mate" she sighed.
After Rynn got her stuff put away she walked out of the dorm and down the stairs. passing a few girls who knew her and she smiled and waved and buttoned up her long dark blue coat seeing a lot of snow coming down. "why is there so much snow," she walked passed the mess hall, the snow lighting up to a flurry and she pulled her hood down. she stopped for a second, and saw the same dark hair girl sitting at a table alone. Rynn walked over and sat down at the table.
"hey saw you in the dorm, I'm Rynn," she smiled, nervous out of her mind she never normally talked to people.
She looked at her face while she was eating. she felt rude, and almost akward and folded her hands in her lap.
Abel approached the campus about thirty minutes after his slightly older brother. He didn't really care to stay side by side his fraternal twin. Sometimes that would confuse some people, seeing as twins were usually joined at the hip. In all honesty though, Cain and Abel were just normal brothers. They would bicker and fight and bro-hug it out. There was no twincest or constantly being in each other's presence. They needed their space as much as any person.

Anyway, Abel felt the ground shake and rolled his eyes. Aleks. He though at the same time as Cain did. Cain couldn't care less about the antichrist, Abel however had a small fling with the girl. It was strictly physical though so he didn't really know about her past, just about her present. Their fling ended after about a month though because he wanted to expand his horizons, which resulted in Aleks walking in on him and some random guy. Thankfully she didn't really care so it wasn't the literal end of the world.

Soon after the shaking stopped, the blizzard that had formed on campus slowed to a small flurry. Well that was fast. Abel thought as he walked to the main building to recieve his schedule. The angel secretary was fast in getting his schedule ready, seeing as they once had a small fling as well. Now, you might think that Abel is a little hoe but man you gotta do what you gotta do to get rid of boredom.

Once the shifter received his schedule he walked to the dorm office and got his room number. 7. Cain's next door neighbor. Great. This would probably be a bit awkward. Abel was fine with hearing the occasional moaning from his next door neighbors, but hearing his brother would be weird. Although he should've grown used to it by now seeing as they shared a room all their lives.

Abel regrettably walked up to the fourth floor of the boy's dormitory and opened the door to his room. Thankfully it was empty, meaning he wouldn't have to worry about barging in with some random person while a roommate was chilling inside. To be completely honest though, Abel wouldn't mind. That's besides the point though.

As soon as Abel's things were put away, the shifter walked out to venture around campus. He tended to do this when he was bored because there is honestly nothing better to do.

Raven had finished the small skit she played out on the table and also the sweet bun. Looking around to the random people that were outside then back at her drumsticks and started to retape them until she felt a presence sit down at the table she was at. "hey saw you in the dorm, I'm Rynn," the voice said, Raven looked slowly looked up, her dark red hair covering most of her face.

Sniffing the air, "Half breed..." she mumbled, "Um..hey. I'm Raven." She said then pulled her hair back into a low ponytail and adjusting her sunglasses, unknowingly running her tongue over her fangs. "Sorry if I'm staring, it's just I'd never though I'd see another half breed. Uh no offence."
Rynn got up from he table after a few minutes of silence pasted. obviously this girl did not want to talk to her. then she herd her response.
"oh well um thanks I guess, and I'm used to it," she nodded and still smiled at her. "i know there aren't many of us left but hey that's what I am. hope we can talk more." she looked down kind of in shock. she smiled and got up beginning to wonder the campus out of boredom. her boots crunched in the snow and she was looking at the classes she was going to be helping teach. "great ill be with Mortimer" she thought and remembered all the years of all his flings and how all the Angle girls looked at her in disgust. she was a half bred angle. That's what they called her, she sighed and kept walking and reading the line up of students in the classes. the snow flakes falling on her paper. Her canvas leather bag hanging at her waist, brushing up against her black pants. Then she ran into someone and fell back into the snow dropping her stuff and looked up ready to yell at someone and saw a guy bend down saying he was so sorry and smiled while grabbing her stuff brushing the snow off it.
Abel was simply walking in the snow, enjoying the chill in the air as he did so. The bliss didn't last long though. Before he knew it something hit him and sent him falling towards the ground. "Bloody Hell!" He exclaimed as he caught himself, placing his hands on the ground to push himself up. As he looked next to him to see who had managed to bump into him, Abel saw a cute girl that looked to be about his age.

The shifter didn't really say anything else. In fact, he just began to help her pick up her things before standing up completely. "Did you simply run into me or were you trying to get my attention?" Abel asked, flashing her a smile as he extended a hand to help the girl up. If it were anyone else he would've just helped them gather their belongings and then leave, but she was cute and why not talk to a cute girl on the first day of school?
Rynn took his hand and smiled. for once some one wasn't calling her a half breed, and he was handsome. "I-i'm sorry," she stuttered softly and stood up and looked at him. "I was reading my schedule I'm sorry, um do you know where the head master is, need to let him know I'm here ," she adjusted her coat, blushing almost while starting to walk. He still had her things and looked like he was planning on keeping them they walked through the court yard slowly and she now was getting plenty of looks for other female students. she looked back at him, those eyes locked in her gaze and she looked down grinning her brown hair covered in snow still. "well, I should thank you for getting m stuff, what's your name," she looked u a him, she was much shorter then him, even with heeled boots on. then she herd a small but loud sigh and she looked over her shoulder to a girl. "Aleks, great," she thought to herself and turned back facing him, still locked in a gaze with those amazing eyes and smile.
Abel walked alongside the girl, listening to her reason on why she had bumped into him. Obviously she had not been exposed to flirting before, seeing as she apologised twice and then gave a reasonable answer. It didn't really matter though since the explanation didn't lower the shifter's outlook.

"I do indeed. I'll walk you there, just to ensure a pretty little thing like you doesn't get lost. We wouldn't want that, now would we?" Abel gave the girl a wink as he directed them towards the main building. "I'm Abel, by the way." He added, extended a free hand in an attempt to introduce himself properly. What good would reeling in a girl be if she didn't know your name? How would she ask around to find you later on?
she took his hand slowly and smiled. "thank you," she continued to walk with him. she wasn't used to guys talking to her at all. With her being a know Nephilim, it was hard. As they continued to walk and talk she looked around the campus, almost was a ghost town at the moment. she wondered where everyone was. Rynn looked up at him as he opened the door for her into the building. "So The head master, him and I haven't really talked yet, what is he like." she took off her coat and she had on a grey V- Neck shirt exposing all her tattoo's on her arms and neck and continuing down her back. it normally was a shock to most but she was used to it.
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Prof. Mortimer Voltaire
Visiting the gardener, and having an intense conversation, Mortimer soon slunk his way back to the headmaster's office; removing his hat to run a frustrated hand through those swept ebony locks. A strand or two falling to cup his sharp cheekbones and further accentuate the sloping, handsome structure of his face. Redwood eyes darted from left to right as he patted himself down for those ex-soviet cigarettes, putting them to his lips and finding his cheap matchsticks to light up the tobacco. Mortimer ducked through the office, till he heard the voice call out "No smoking!" And immediately the vampire turned, his lips twisted into a playful half-smile whilst a hand drifted over the top of the desk. "Come on, Carrie. You know it's just one." He leant in removing the cig from his mouth, only for a disguised kiss - using the flat of his hat to block the view from the entrance. In that moment, surrounded by wisps of smoke, Mort's eyes glinted a crimson. "You won't tell anyone, will you? I thought not. Now, I think there's work to be getting on with."

Replacing the hat back upon his head, adjusting the brim, Voltaire strode away. Finishing the cigarette quick enough that he shoved the end into a plant pot outside the headmaster's office. Rapping his knuckles upon the door, Mortimer noted in the reflective glass his mouth was stained with lipstick - causing the vampire to turn away hurriedly to wipe at his lips with a handkerchief before clearing his throat and entering. "Ah, Dmitri. I see our newest friend has left to get himself settled. Mind if I take a seat?" His brow arched elegantly with question.

_Lucifer_ _Lucifer_
Kall stared at Aleks with a small smile as she watched the little fluffy bits swirl and land on the person's skin. She seemed a bit confused by Kall's presence, which left Kall confused as well. Had she done something wrong herself? Was it the stutter again? Maybe the snow was supposed to be just for the creator?

Kadence was rather dumbfounded by the next words from Aleks, and she flinched away at the harsher tone. "U-Um, it's verr-verry nice? Tha-thank you for making! I'm Kall... Y-you are very nice! I like your s-sphirit color! Snow i-is good to y-you?" She asked without meeting Aleks' gaze. The harsh words had created a mild sense of dread and panic, so burying her face in her scarf and rocking back and forth was her way of calming down. "Fluffy..." She breathed and pushed around the melting snow with her thumbs as its chill sunk into gloves and made her fingers all the more cold. Of course she was always cold, but this new freezing liquid started to burn to her and she flinched away quickly while pulling off the soaking gloves from her skinny little hands.

Again, they were not a nice sight with all the wounds and scars covering them. As soon as the gloves were on the ground she was picking off the coverings of those healing wounds, making her look a lot less angelic. Honestly, she looked like a skinny and messed up child having a melt down due to a small bit of anger in a tone. "U-Um, um, prehistoric... Relating to a time before written records, usually used in referring to t-the dino-sa-saurs and thin-thinnngs be-f-fore hum-human. Human, u-um, humans are n-not good. We are responsible f-for kills a-and, um, pollution... Sn-snow..." The bits of frost landing on her almost blue hands did seem to calm her down and she turned her focus to the sky and letting the little flakes land on her sunken cheeks.
As they approached the main building, Abel moved forward and opened the door for the girl. He still had no idea what kind of creature she was but considering he had slept with the antichrist it didn't really matter to him anymore. The shifter did find it a bit odd that she took his hand and replied with a thanks instead her name, but he wasn't going to judge her ways of communication. If he had it might lower his chances with her and he didn't want that.

Once she removed her jacket, Abel was subtle with his eyes as he checked out the V-neck. He noticed the tattoos as well but it didn't bother him. Being a humanoid shifter he would sometimes give himself tattoos just for the Hell of it.

"Well he's a rather get to the point or get out of my office kind of guy." Abel replied, getting a little bored with the conversation. He wouldn't let that show though since he would prefer to have a chance with her still.

Dmitri was growing rather tired and impatient with his work. He had been filling out paper work all day and honestly just needed a break from writing. Thankfully, someone had knocked on his door. Usually he would be a bit pissy with someone interrupting his work but when he heard Mortimer's voice, the angel's expression lit up.

"Is that even a question anymore, Mortimer? You should know perfectly well that I wouldn't mind." The headmaster replied, giving the vampire a smile as he motioned towards one of the chairs infront of his desk.

Aleks just looked at the stuttering angel in front of her. What the hell was this? Some kind of joke? Now she was just randomly defining things? Was this even real? The antichrist really couldn't process what was happening so she simply huffed in annoyance and turned, walking into the girl's dormitory and up the stairs. As soon as she made her way into her dorm room she noticed that there were unknown items placed there. You have got to be kidding me. The girl thought to herself as she fell onto her bed. She really wasn't looked forward to having a room mate.
"Rynn," she looked up, "just remembered I didn't say my name," she smiled and was happy for once he didn't say anything about her tattoo's. "Well he seems like a typical head master." she giggled a little. "So, what brings you to this school," she stared at him not knowing really what to say, she wasn't good with boys at all she felt her cheeks getting red in embarrassment and tried to think about something to say. "Would you like to meet up later, I mean if your free" she asked softly her boots squeaking on the floor wet from the snow. she was so nervous. one she never asked a guy out, two not one this hot or nice ever so this was new for her.
Kall stood there in shock without movement for a very long time. She had her hands in the same position, with the left one causing the right stinging pain as it slowly pulled off skin. For around a minute she even forgot to take a breath, allowing her body to collapse in the small pile of snow and begin to rot.

She felt the flesh slowly dying as her whole self melted away. It was draining out of her with a flowy feeling as though her soul was melting into an arctic stream trickling down a rock face. Her vision was kind of hazy and she could have sworn she was in two places at once, watching herself fade away from both inside and outside. She felt little creatures digging into her body and using it as a home, but she could do nothing. Every sense was dulled through the hot feeling in her head. Even her body felt warm, despite it's lack of fat to protect it from the cold. She knew she could have been panicked by the birds swarming around her head, or by the fact that he skin was peeling off and exposing just her bones, but the grey tint in her vision made it hard for anything. People were whispering around her, saying things she couldn't make out, but none stepped forward to help her. One single tear slipped down her cheek before her face suffered the same fate as her body.

The little angel lay limp on the ground, body fully intact, but half conscious and not aware of reality. She couldn't tell that she was not decaying, or that there was nothing around her. Kall was just laying there with her hands twitching, mouth agape, and eyes switching from a panicked to glazed state rapidly. She was not decaying, just hallucinating and suffering from lack of body mass and possibly poor heart rate over blood pressure leading to passing out.
Prof. Mortimer Voltaire
"Ah, it will always be a question, my dear Dmitri. You are, after all, an honourable employer of mine. I should at least grant you the respect you deserve in your current-..." He rotated his hand in thought. "- Position." Mortimer punctuated the end of his syllables by pulling out one of the leather chairs facing the headmaster's desk and taking his seat. Placing his fingertips together in a pyramid, Voltaire then gave a small, rich laugh. "But, again, I suppose you are a close friend. A confidante, one might say." His brow twitched upwards with the spread of a smile over his features.

"As lessons are off for today, being the start of a new term, I had wanted to discuss the pastoral team. I understand this year we appear to be slightly understaffed." Mortimer adjusted Dmitri's nameplate on the desk whilst glancing up from beneath his brow. "Students have a hard time, as do we. As teachers, one might say we're shepherds trying to bring stray sheep back to the flock. And more often than not - there appear to be wolves among them. Take Miss Xavier for example. We couldn't nip the problem in the bud and we face trying to tame the antichrist. As much as I am a faithful follower of the lord-" A dry chuckle drew itself from the sarcastic notion. "- I can't help but see lack of directions in where to push her. As much as I admire her studies, students like Aleksandra seem ..." He held his non-existent breath. "Lost. Non-commital. Emotionally stunted."

Mortimer drummed his fingers on the arm of the chair, after pulling his hands free from one another. "You see my dilemma. I have nowhere else left to put them. And to let them out into a world of mortals with unresolved issues - I'm uncomfortable."

_Lucifer_ _Lucifer_
Yoko gasped in surprise when Kall suddenly left, so those wings did work. He watched her disappear and he let out a slight exclamation.

He nervously looked around. He could just go, leave and find someone else to help him. On the other hand, the angel didn't seem fit to be by herself and he was already moving in the direction she had left.

Yoko eventually found Kall, she was just lying on the ground, crying. Shit...

He rushed over, "Kall?" He knelt down to her, oh god, he had just met this girl and there was already chaos happening. She wasn't responding. "Kall! Kall please, c'mon!", he lifted the smaller girl into his arms. "Please wake up...", he uttered.

He didn't shake her, but looked into her eyes and began to hum softly trying to clam both her and himself down, his hazel eyes glowed softly. Unintentionally surrounding her and himself in a calming aura as he hummed.
Sighing Raven laid her head on the table, "Nice first impression Raven." She scolded herself, how the hell was she gonna make new...no any friends if she always shooting her mouth off before thinking.

After contemplating on if she should go apologize, Raven looked up to see the little angel walking an talking to a rather attractive guy. "Yeah that's a big no." She said to herself until she heard someone call out a name. Raven could hear the concern in a males voice then looked over at young man with a weird looking head wrap cradling an angel in his arms, she seemed to have passed out. Raven human side got the best of her and got up to go see if she could be of some help, "Hey is everything alright?" She asked as she knelt down beside the two.

Raven could tell that the girl was still breathing but at a quicken pace, slowly she waved her hand over the angel the young man called Kall face, "Panic attack...and a bad one." Raven said as she moved a strain of hair behind her ear, she could hear the guy humming something, she guessed it was a way to calm Kall down. "Maybe this could be a good way to talk to someone?" She thought, "I'm Raven by the way, I'm not sure how angels can have panic attacks but the best thing I know is to make her comfortable until she comes out of it."
Kall was still being a limp noodle as Yoko held her, she kept staring at the sky with an almost puzzled expression. Her skin to her still felt rotted away, but there was pressure against her clothes and against her skin. Was she... Was she dead? No, that wouldn't make sense. If she was dead, her body would feel so cold and her head wouldn't hurt so much from the blurry thing calling her.

It started to make very calming sounds however, and Kall's body began to relax. She closed her eyes and curled up against Yoko with breaths becoming easier. Her arms felt really tingly as they woke up, but her wings just kind of stayed limp. She seemed okayish for several long moments before her eyes opened and she tried to look at both of the people around her.

They didn't seem bad, maybe just very blurry. The sounds were muffled too which confused her a bit. She saw their mouths moving and could make out Yoko's head wrap. Her mind decided that was what was causing the muffled ness and she slowly reached to try and take it off. She knew that the ears were under there, mostly due to the fact that he was trying to hide them, and she'd decided that she liked them. If she came back to her senses, she would have realized how stupid that was, but she was very out of it and still curled up against Yoko with Raven not yet noticed enough to freak her out.
Dmitri couldn't help but watch every movement of the vampire as he spoke. The way his lips moved, the way he used his hands, the way his Adams apple bobbed as he spoke. Right now he was so done with headmaster duties that he honestly couldn't focus on a word that Mortimer was saying. It was all a buzz in his ears as he tried to collect his thoughts.

Once the vampire teacher was done speaking, Dmitri cleared his throat. "Well, Professor Mortimer. I understand your predicament is rather unfortunate but it is the first day of school. I have been rather busy filling out paper work all day, as you know, and right now I am drained of any working thought process. In all honesty, I would much rather-" Have you bent over my desk. Wait, no Dmitri! Be professional for Christ's sake! You are an angel of the Lord and should not even consider thinking about such unholy acts... even if it is as tempting as Mortimer Voltaire. "discuss or proceed in other activities for the time being. Just as a small brake before I begin to consider the pastoral team."

"Well, Rynn, I've been here for the past three years, this being my fourth. I'm what you call-" Abel paused for a moment to run a hand through his hair, causing it turn a platinum blond before he continued, "a Shapeshifter. A humanoid Shapeshifter to be exact." Omce he was done explaining, Abel shook his head slightly, causing his hair the go back to it's natural color.

When the girl spoke again, Abel couldn't help but flash a small smile at her. "Are you asking me out on a date?" He asked, giving her a wink as they walked through the main building. It would take them about a minute or two to get to the headmaster's office, seeing as it was all the way on the other side if the rather large building.
Prof. Mortimer Voltaire
Mortimer leant forward, his hands on the desk of the headmaster whilst slowly pushing himself up. Close enough to smell the cologne he wore. "Krushnic, my old and dear friend, one might think you're preoccupied in that mind of yours." Mortimer's lips parted for a smile. His palm then clasped Dmitri's. As if to hold it down to the surface of the table. "Tell me, Dmitri, do angels find temptation far more difficult? Or is it far easier to fall into such a human trap?" Locking the headmaster's gaze with those redwood irises, Voltaire released Dmitri's hand and adjusted his cufflinks. "You know what the French say, C'est la Vie." The vampire shrugged, sitting on the corner of the desktop whilst glancing over his shoulder at his employer. "Now, I distinctly remember a bible verse Romans 1:27 'and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error'. Mm, to taint what lies beyond Earth is surely damnable."

His silken laughter reverberated around the room. "- Watch out, my friend. I hear bad things from the fallen." Mortimer wetted his lips. "Yet, I pray rarely. So perhaps this unspoken confession won't reach the ears of those who live up in the clouds."

_Lucifer_ _Lucifer_
The angel's heart rate slowly began to accelerate as the vampire drew closer to him. His hand was soon pinned down by Mortimer's and the vampire remained close to him. So close that Dmitri could practically taste the vampire's scent. The fact that Mortimer knew exactly what he was thinking got to him as well, although his composure remained calm and unintimidated. The fact that Mortimer pulled away just lowered Dmitri's heart rate back to normal.

"Temptation is simply a test that God puts upon us. I myself find it rather easy to stay away from what you call 'the trap.' My will power has always been quite strong." Dmitri spoke. His will power may have been strong but damn was this vampire something else. Perhaps being with the vampire would be a less severe punishment than baring a child with a human. He certainly couldn't have offspring with a male, now could he? No. No. It's still not right and the though shall no longer go through his mind... hopefully.

Dmitri cleared his throat before sitting up in his chair. "Perhaps we should change the subject. Has your assistant for this year arrived yet?" Mortimer's assistant. The Nephilim. An abomination to this planet. The child shouldn't exist let alone go to a school to learn about her abilities. It was a disgrace to even have the creature accepted into the school.

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