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Fantasy CLOSED ATM! Heartbroken Souls CHARACTERS


The sinniest of pies and Pais
In a world of guilds and clans, with humans and all the sorts living together in a large society, in the city of Roovloit lays the guild Heartbroken Souls. It's filled with many unified creatures, and they all have one thing in common.

They're broken.

But they're all together.

RP Thread - Will start after up to 5 characters are in!


Race / Species
Who broke them?

How broken are they?
Theme Song(s) | CAN HAVE UP TO 3 THEMES
More images | Please put them in spoilers to help save page space! CAN HAVE UP TO 4 IMAGES/LINKS TO IMAGES​
Name: Valentina Ross
Gender: Female
Age: 1,000 but appears to be in her early 20s.
Race: Fallen Cupid (A specific type of Angel)
Likes: Sweets, Flowers/Nature, Love/Romance, Archery, Dresses, Flying
Dislikes: Heartbreak, Sour food, Ventus, Adultry, Talking about how she fell from grace
Abilities: She has the ability to generate her wings to allow her to fly, as well as her Eos Arrows that either generate a feeling into the person it hits if the energy being put into it is positive. If the energy is negative it will cause pain that builds with every arrow that is taken until a positive arrow is received. Her feathers can also be used as projectiles. Due to her origins as a Cupid, she does have a natural charm about her that makes her appealing to others as well as the ability of empathy. She now only has slight rejuvenating powers due to having fallen from grace, however for it to be activated by another person, she needs to kiss them.

Background: Valentina was once an angel. An angel that was specialized with guarding the balances of love and hate. She had helped many couples make or break their relationships without anyone being no the wiser. She loved her job for most of it was bringing love to the world, however, it began to change on one of her cases. A man could see her shoot the arrow into the soon-to-be lovers, and had even tried to stop. The rarity that a person could see Cupids like her only happened once in a millennium if that. So out of curiosity, she broke one rule to talk to him and it snowballed until all her available time went to this man who she had become smitten with. She was soon found out and put on trial for breaking cardinal rules to spend time with that man. Valentina was lucky to have been given misery in the form of their relationship continuing so long as the man was faithful to her... He was not, and never had been as she came to find out. So now with her heart torn to pieces, her punishment was served. Her grace was taken away from her and she placed back on the Earth broken. Not long after that, she joined the guild.
Who broke them?: Ventus the Human
How broken are they?: She put everything she cared for on the line for a man who never loved her. He made her a mistress and thus made her be banned from ever being able to go back. Despite how cheerful and kind she is, she can also be terribly bitter.

Theme Song(s): I Hate You, I love You
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Name: Vix

Gender: Female
Age: Unknown. Her body has not aged after her twenty-third birthday.
Race / Species: Elf
Abilities: She has some control over plants and animals, being able to manipulate the shape and size of a plant, which has allowed her to create makeshift weapons, as well as platforms and shelters. Additionally, she has been able control animals, allowing her to pacify wild beasts, or make them work by her side. Additionally, she has mild telepathy powers, although she can only use these to communicate with those she holds a close bond to.
Background: Originally an elf belonging to a larger group, Vix lived in a large forest far south of Roovloit. She would help weary travelers on their journey, listening to the stories they had to tell and wondered about life outside the forest. One day, she traveled outside of the Forest, heading east to a small village. She kept hidden from the inhabitants, but watched their everyday life in awe. When she returned, however, The other elves placed a curse on her for leaving the forest, forcing her to live the rest of her life outside of the forest. With her banishment, she additionally lost her voice, and her ability to age. It has been centuries since her banishment, but she has only recently joined the guild of Heartbroken Souls.
Who broke them?: She finds it hard to remember, but it was the elves she grew up with. Their names left her memory long ago.

Dislikes: Liars, large crowds, other elves.
Likes: Forests, nighttime, making clothes.
Birthday: She doesn't remember, so she says the start of Autumn.
How broken are they?: She'd tell you if she could talk.
Theme Song: Everything's Alright - Laura Shigihara
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Age and Birthday
235 years old, born December 14th of 1781. But he only looks about 10

Changeling. Probably originally some type of elf.

. Doesn't age
. Night vision
. Can see and communicate with creatures from realms usually invisible to humans


.Staying inside
.Collecting paintings of ships
.Writing letters
.Fruit, especially apples and cherries

.Music that was made after the 19th century
. Winter
. Cars and similar automobiles
. Historical documentaries (they tend to bring back bad memories)
. Traveling
. Loud noises
. Bright lights
. Modern architecture (he finds it rather ugly)

Who broke them?
The French Revolution, the inevitable passage of time, and a rather unfortunate injury.

How broken are they?
Fairly traumatized, I'd say. But functional.

Theme Song
Mozart's Symphony 40

About a century ago, he broke his left leg so badly that it never healed properly. As such, he is in near constant pain and he walks using a rather ornate walking stick.

Forrest Scar


Forrest has purple eyes that are purely natural, but appear to have come in from his use of magic, and his hair is blonde with dyed black streaks in it. He's covered in bandaids, bandages, etc. due to the injuries he's gotten from slipping up, being caught, or landing the wrong way.

18 years
Race / Species
Human - Mage / Bandit of sorts
Forrest is a mage of secrecy, he can use spells to unlock and get into locked/blocked areas, but it's not too strong.
He's a great lockpick anyway, and he's strong when it comes to physical fights, as he's not strong enough in magic to use any attack spells that are strong.
Forrest is great at parkour and is very agile with climbing and can run and jump long distances.

Forrest grew up in the city of Roovloit with only his father, watching his father be broken by different women who took advantage of his money and kindness. Forrest taught himself how to spy upon them, and he would even warn his father of any dangers, but his father kept trying to find him a mother.
Forrest watched as his father finally ran off with a woman, but his broken and scarred heart was to be broken again forever.

At age 14 Forrest lived all alone and taught himself how to steal for food, and eventually started a small business in stealing items for money in return. He fell in love with a woman who happened to be a regular customer, who took advantage of him at age 16, and eventually broke him to no return.

Who broke them?
The Woman (He never mentions her name)

How broken are they?
He's pretty heart broken, to the point he can't recover, and he says that even the mention of her name breaks him.

Theme Song
If You Can't Hang - Sleeping with Sirens


Norylia 'Nory'


This petite harpy has feathers similar to an arctic owl, and her hair is white. With natural flame orange eyes, Nory has very pale skin. and feathers sprout from her tiny neck, curling down and covering her chest with large, fluffy tan feathers.

Race / Species
Harpy - Owl Harpy
Like any harpy, she can fly and use her talons for attack and movement.
Nory can cast air magic spells, using her wings and feathers as the source of this magic.
Nory can freeze a person in their place if she looks them in the eye.

Nory has always been the average harpy, she grew up in the mountains on the edge of the country with a whole colony, but her life changed when she met the first human she would ever meet. She had broken her wing and landed in a nearby village, she met a man and his wife; they took her in to help heal her.

It always takes months for a large wing like hers to heal, so she got to know them and actually felt as if she were their child, having been 9 years old at the time; she and her new 'family' were one together, and she had a blast.

But however, nature always took it's course.

Due to the family being somewhat dumb and not knowing a harpy is just a humanoid bird, they had tossed her out at age 12 when her first egg was to be laid. They thought she had slept with someone, and ended up not knowing that they just naturally came every few years as an aging process, and it had to be fertilized externally.

She carried her egg with her until she dropped it, not really having been taught that her egg wasn't ever fertilized as no other harpy was around to explain to her. She cried for a few hours.

She stumbled upon Roovloit at age 13.

Who broke them?
The man and woman, along with her lack of knowledge.

How broken are they?
Not that broken, but she has broken down at the mention of family, as in being asked of her family.
She also found out about the egg and how it worked, and she ended up beating herself up and laughing for a few good days.

Theme Song
Sing me to Sleep - Alan Walker​
Name: Creed Tale
Gender: Male

Age: 789 and Apparent age is 22

Race / Species: Elder Dhampir

Hemomancy - He can control his blood to a ridiculous degree.
Shapeshifting - Creed can shapeshift, although he can't shift his burns away.
All Tongue - Can speak virtually any language.
The Hearth - He can make an aura of warmth, that can't be uncomfortable. The effects increase the closer they are.

Creed was the child of the loving parent, Genna Tale, he was born in a small farming town, Of course, he had no clue that he was half-vampire. When he did find out though he had cried, broke things, but he had gotten through it. Although Creed was a Dhamphir he kept on trying to be human, but soon enough the village had found out in the worst possible way.
Creed had fallen in love with a certain Braille Free, daughter of the elder of the town. He had found out she also liked him. Several years later they were married, but on that marriage, night was when everything had gone wrong. Creed had woke up to the elder and several of the guards and a man dressed in a trench coat. They found out, and they brought a true vampire to 'exorcise' him. He tried to explain the graveness of what they had done, but they didn't listen. He was torched in holy fire, a weakness he still had even without most traditional vampire weaknesses. In his cell, Braille had visited him and started a normal conversation.
Creed asked only one thing.
Braille had smiled, that brilliant smile that would light up his darkest days, "For the fun of course!" She left. Soon enough the screams started because they hadn't listened. Even if they did would it have mattered? Could he have stopped that vampire? He had no clue...

"Please... Just make everything disappear..."
He had joined a guild later in life called, "Heartbroken Souls".

Who broke them?
Braille Free the Human

Dislikes: Apples, Alcohol, Fish, Sleeping, and Screams

Likes: Sweets, Coffee, Bandages, Smiles, and Concealing clothes

Birthday: He thinks it was it was the start of December.

How broken are they?
He couldn't sum it up in words, but the black burns that sometimes show could tell.

Theme Song(s) |
Basil Aellia


Gender| Female

Age| 24

Race| Shapeshifter

Increased senses (hearing, sight, touch, taste, smell)
Enhanced balance
The ability to shift forms
The ability to communicate with animals
Slight healing powers

Basil was born and raised in a small village near a small forest, a forest which the village needed to survive. She was often sent out into the forest to collect herbs and fruits for the village to eat and use in medicines. Every day she spent many hours in the woods, frolicking around with other animals and shapeshifters. It was normal for Basil to be gone from the village at dawn and to arrive back at sunset along with her friends, the group typically bringing back plenty of plants and berries. However one day, after the group of shapeshifters had returned from the forest, Basil wasn't with them. They thought that she would come back before the sun went down, but the next morning came and Basil was still nowhere to be found. Instead she was laying injured under a bush, her leg stuck in a bear trap. Before the shapeshifters could find Basil the hunter that had placed the trap took her away, unaware that she was a shapeshifter as Basil was in one of her many forms and unable to shift due to the pain.

Before the hunter took her away to his hometown to be sold the two ran into an elf. It didn't take long for the hunter to give up Basil in exchange for other meats. The elf nursed Basil back to health with her being in her animal form the entire time. It took a couple months before she was able to run around like before because of how damaged her leg was. By the time the leg was healed it turned out that Basil wouldn't be able to run because of all of the tears and rips there were in the leg. The elf wasn't able to heal the leg any further, which deeply upset Basil. Eventually she left the elf to try and return back to her village.

Once she found her village there was no one there apart from the buildings that looked exactly the same as before. She had no clue where the shapeshifters had went, meaning that she had to find another settlement to live in. After a few weeks of searching around for a suitable place to stay Basil came across Roovloit.

Who broke them?| The Hunter

Cold weather

Warm places
The sun

Birthday| 12th April

How broken are they?| She is unable to run which does upset her a lot, but not enough for it to affect her life.
Daisuke "Dai" Vixen
"I was once told something: Take your heart and patch it up because it's the one heart you got, and that's what makes it life. But that's open for debate."





|Although he has no magical or abnormal human powers, he still has a few aces up his sleeve.|
- Can tell a good bluff -
- Able to keep a clear mind, even in stressful situations -
- Knows how conceal his feelings -
- Slight of Hand -

Daisuke had a bit of a rough life, for sure. He was a bastard of a Vagabond and a Mistress. He to take care of his twin sister, along with himself. They were broke, on the streets, and only kids trying to simply live. But he made the best of it. He stole sometimes, worked, and managed to survive. They both kept their bodies in well shape, and often either didn't get into or got out of trouble. And above all else, the two had each other.

But life is cruel, even to the helpless.

You see, on the streets, not everybody was nice to each other. Namely, it was the exact opposite, the gangs killing anyone who tried them; but the siblings left the gang alone, and they left the two alone. Of course, Daisuke himself would be the undoing of this. It was a heated argument one night; his sister nearly got her hand cut off after getting caught stealing, and he was trying to get it through her to leave stealing to him. She angrily left, upset that her brother didn't trust her, and unwittingly, straight into the gang's territory; not even that, but the heart of it. The last he ever saw of her was her bloody remains having to be removed, causing some people distress from the odor and crude sight. He could still see the look of terror, one you only experience in the face of death, on her face.

That day, a piece of Daisuke died and never came back, and nobody batted an eye.

So he left the city, and ironically like his father, became a vagabond. Soon, in just another town, a particular guild caught his attention. He had no other plans (ever), so he said to himself....
"..I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try."

|He did his own undoing.|

|How broken are they?|
He's okay. Deep, deep inside, he's a self-loathing and simply lonely person who'd like nothing more to curl up and die. But he keeps on living, and goes back into the denial that keeps him from weeping helplessly.
|Theme Song(s)|
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(From my count there should be a spot open still so I would like to hold a spot for me while I make my character)
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Syntel Relictus, Bones to his guildmates
Personality is mid 20's, true age unknown
Race / Species
Undead human, demon, undead lord
Necrotic fire- an ever burning fire that consumes his hands. Anything 'Burned' begins to rot or corrode instantly, depending on if its metal or food. Cannot actually burn.
Necromancy- skilled in the ways of necromancy. Prefers using creatures over humans, though has never said why...
Enhanced Physical prowess. Stronger, faster, and lighter than a normal human. Magic infused in his bones makes them as durable as iron.
Regeneration- by using the bones of the deceased he can repair himself, effectivly regenerating any broken bones.
Demonic aura- easily mistaken for a demon, and is weak to holy magic.
"Thats for me to know, and you to leave alone. Got it?"
Who broke them?
A traitorous demon
Disrespecting the dead, people staring, fire, thunder
Rain, animals, combat, well kept cemeteries, respect, tobacco, the guild
Theme Song(s) |
Ten Million Voices- Shamans Harvest
Wakee Up- Avicci
Diamond Eyes- Shinedown
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Name: Who Tetsunori

Gender: Male
Age: 13
Race: Human
He can imbue constructs with his life force giving them the ability to move or even fly depending on how much life force he puts into them. At any point he can retrieve the life force. Though at his current stage he is forced to touch the construct to imbue or retrieve the life force. He can do this with anything including people. Though if he dose it to a person he dosn't gain complete control of there body. He can only ether aid or hinder there movements.

Who has amazing craftsmanship and can make incredible constructs. Though he has a lot to learn. His mentor Brundyn has more skill then he dose by a long shot. Which is why he asks his mentor for help form time to time with building. He such as enhancing them in such a way that they can shrink to be able to stored easily. They can only grow as big as they were originally.

Background: So he lived a rather piecful life, it was nothing amazing but it was good. Everything was fine until his parents died. So his brother had to drop out of shcool to get a full time job in order to support Who. Though the loving brother turned violent. Taking the stress of life and his drunk ragging, he would beat him and verbally abused him. This went on for years until Who was ground into a pulp. He could only accept his place in life. Though he managed to find a skill he was good at in shcool. He was able to make great robots for the robotics team. He leaned that he had a gift for it. So he started to enter contests and win money. It wasn't much but it did lessen the beatings. Though his brother still took and wasted all of the moeny. It was at the finals of a big competition that actually had some big money on the line. It was easy for Who to get to the finals. Only another person seeped through everyone as well. His name was Brundyn. It was just those two in the finals. It was a hard fight but in the end Who lost. Brundyn was interested in Who. Turns out that Brundyn is a rich business man who builds robots for personal, private, and even governmental reasons. They make other things but that dosn't mater. They saw potential in Who. So they decided to take Who under there wing and teach him how to better them self. Brundyn hired Who as a intern. They would go on "missions" to retrieve rare meterilas. Brundyn could have just payed for it but that's not as fun as they said. Eventually Who's only friend Buzz begged to be on one of the missions. Eventually Who got Brundyn to agree to let Buzz go on the mission. But there was another person after the material. A fight broke out and Buzz sacrificed himself to save Who. Let's just say it destroyed Who. Brundyn could tell that this along with many other facets of Who's life. He gave him some time off and told him that he had to attend the Broken Hearts Guild. Brundyn told him it would do him some good.

Who broke them?: His brother as well as someone called the blood hunter.

How broken are they?:
He has clinical depression
He has extreme social anxiety.
He suffers form bouts psychosis.
He suffers form delusions
Fear of physical contact.
In extreme situations he will faint if it gets too scarry.

Theme Song:
Sound of Silence by Disturbed
Concrete Angle by Martina McBride

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