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Futuristic (Open and Accepting) Mecha Fantasy: Character Sheets and Mech Specs


Two Thousand Club
Character Sheets:


Appearance: (Anime reference required)

Personality: (1 Paragraph)

Bio: (1-2 Paragraphs)

Talents: (2 Things that you are good at, must be a skill that has been learned. Explain how they got the skill.)

Weaknesses: (2 Things that you are bad at. Must be something realistic and has an effect on your character's proficiency in battle.)


Writing Sample:

Mech Specs:

Appearance: (Can be concept art, the anime Infinite Stratos has a few concepts that are good)

Preferred Role:
- Tech (Support/healing)
- Agility (Attack/ scout)
- Strength (Tank/defender)

(Put a 1 next to the stat that you are most proficient in, a 2 next to the stat you are kinda proficient in, and a 3 next to the stat you are not proficient in)

Abilities: (Limit to 2, must relate to the role you chose)

Weaknesses: (Minimum of 3.)

Role List:

Four Heroes:

The Original Leader: (Open)

The Delinquent in Disguise: (Open)



The Horde:

The Ex-Leader: Entity.Eclypse Entity.Eclypse

The Charitable Overlord: GhastlySquash GhastlySquash


Last edited:
Name: Connor McKinley


Personality: (1 Paragraph)

Bio: (1-2 Paragraphs)

Talents: (2 Things that you are good at, must be a skill that has been learned. Explain how they got the skill.)

Weaknesses: (2 Things that you are bad at. Must be something realistic and has an effect on your character's proficiency in battle.)


Writing Sample:

Mech Specs:

Preferred Role:
- Tech: 3
- Agility: 2
- Strength: 1

Abilities: (Limit to 2, must relate to the role you chose)

Weaknesses: (Minimum of 3.)

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