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Fantasy Oocky oocky

Cece Meep] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/38049-angelofgeek/ said:
Are there specific classes for each grade level?
Not specifically, I would classify it as things like 'English I' to 'English AP', and all students are able to get into those classes if they have the grades for it. Things like Magic skill, and Herbalism are free for all for all grades.
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Angelofgeek said:
Not specifically, I would classify it as things like 'English I' to 'English AP', and all students are able to get into those classes if they have the grades for it.
Alright, gotcha!
I'll be posting up a School Calendar after a nap by the way, with Magical and Non-magical holidays. If anyone has any suggestions please offer!
School Calendar was posted up, after whipping it into submission, read over it, review, ask questions.
I'm going to draw my character a bit later, so don't mind the placeholder image on my CS^^''
Hey! Just letting you guys know that I am on my phone, so my amount of lines is going to be different. If you ever need more material from me, please let me know and I'll see what I can do!
Woo, finished sketching my character!

How are the dorms gonna be working? Like do we pick or are they assigned or can they request to be alone? Like my character needs to probably be isolated so nobody accidentally dies.
SassyAndroidSera said:
How are the dorms gonna be working? Like do we pick or are they assigned or can they request to be alone? Like my character needs to probably be isolated so nobody accidentally dies.
I'll have it set up so that students can request room mates or they'll be assigned randomly, I think a special clause can be in place for a few.
@Angelofgeek Hey, I'm sorry but I'm going to have to retract my character in this rp. Don't get me wrong, it's a very good idea! It's just that I've just broken my ankle, and with things starting up I don't know if I can maintain posting.. Sorry! @Songbird500, really enjoyed the little but of roleplaying we did!
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Xaphael said:
@Angelofgeek Hey, I'm sorry but I'm going to have to retract my character in this rp. Don't get me wrong, it's a very good idea! It's just that I've just broken my ankle, and with things starting up I don't know if I can maintain posting.. Sorry! @Songbird500, really enjoyed the little but of roleplaying we did!
Oki doki, I hope you get better soon and same :)
Well, there's 3 pages that I'm too lazy to read it all...is there any openings that can happen for me? What time is it?!

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