wєll @Erin Shintetsu, wє cαn wαít fσr pєσplє tσ jσín fσr αnσthєr grσup σr чσu cαn mαkє αnσthєr αpprєntícє σr α ѕuppσrtєr ínѕtєαd. αlthσugh íf чσu dσ, чσu wíll hαvє tσ chσσѕє ѕσmєσnє tσ вє α pαrtnєr fσr чσu íf ч put knσw whαt í mєαn.
@Iryxa I honestly have no idea what I wanna do. I don't really wanna bet on other people joining the RP and magically making Genin. Nor do I wanna create more characters and confuse myself. And, although I'd bet some people here would be nice enough to work with me, I don't really wanna send my character away from the ideal "train in a squad" thing and just have him be an apprentice under one mentor. That would be like Naruto never joining team 7 and just letting Jiraiya train him outside the leaf village forever. I don't like making a fuss, but there's gotta be something other than those options. I do have one idea though, if you'd let me. Instead of having an entire squad ordeal, maybe my character is like a freelance shinobi, but still under the command of the Hidden Moon. Lets just say I introduce him as a shinobi who was late to the academy assigning of teams, and just ended up as a "Backup" Kinda like in the filler of Naruto, different shinobi from different squads would mix together for separate missions. Perhaps my character just runs around, tagging along with any jonin squad leaders that need a 3rd on missions. As far as his training goes, my OC could either just tag along in one squads training, and in other cases just train with one "Mentor" as you mentioned. I didn't mean to make this a paragraph, but its very important to me >.<

What do you think? (Sorry for the rant)
@backlash You would really consider that? I mean, I have no complaints if you want to comply, and everybody seems okay with it. But besides that, what will your character do if they resign? I don't want to put you in that position, it ain't fair :/  
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Well, I will see if @Loki Odinson will be on the same page and get this plan up and running. If my character gets injured to the point that he can no longer participate within the team, then his spot will be vacant for the time being. He will then have to recover and train to get back in the game. But seeing as how i am planning a nasty injury, this will take him some time to recover. @Erin Shintetsu
@backlash I see. If that's how you want it to work, I have no problems helping out. Don't rush anything if its not gonna help your character development. If @Iryxa Is giving the go, I'll just start up a post for my character learning about missing out on having a squad, and get him going and whatnot. He most likely will end up tagging along with Saito's Squad for training for the time being, but will not interfere with the squad itself unless the time calls for it on your account. I appreciate you trying to help me out :)  
wєll, @Erin Shintetsu, чσu cαn mαkє ít hαppєn íf чσu rєαllч wαnt tσ. thєrє prσвαвlч wíll вє mαjσr ínjuríєѕ σr "drσp σut " kíndα thíng whєn thє αkαtѕukí αrє rєvílєd. íf чσu αnd @backlash gσt ít dσwn fσr чσur guч'ѕ ѕєlf thєn í αm σk wíth ít.
wєll σnє thíng juѕt thαt mч jσnín  ín íѕ αlrєαdч σut σf trαíníng grσund fσr tєαm 1 αnd thє gєnín íѕ ín thє σthєr tєαm nσt єvєn ѕpєαkíng σf thє αkαtѕukí whσ íѕ ín α rσughlч díffєrєnt plαcє nσw ѕσ чσu míght nσt wαnt tσ mєntíσn mє thєrє. í ѕtíll gєt nσtífícαtíσnѕ αnd tímє ѕσmєвσdч pσѕtѕ.

@Erin Shintetsu
Oh, that's it? Got it, I was aware your jonin had already left, I just never knew you already got notifications for posts without a mention. No worries, I'm just glad I didn't have my character directly speak to your jonin directly. I'll remove the mention for ya. :)

@Iryxa (Ironically XD)

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