OOC [Toulouse Academy of Refinement~Year 2]

It's not carefree, unfortunately. Nothing is, yet if I can make her smile at least once everyday, my deeds are done.
LOVELY .U. ~hugs then begins to think with you~ A fighter who wishes for the day his fighting wont be necessary & a girl who thinks she has so much too lose except her own life OqO
I probably should have asked what the characters were for...yet if those really do work for you, sure o-o.
Sickly....o-o. Someone who's parents have been through a divorce, & got (insert disease here). So he'd be a bit indifferent about most things & wishing to be a part of things his/her friends do as to make up for the attention they didn't get from there parents
o-o does it? Meh, I was going off the top of my head...guess I'm more influenced by rp than I thought ~lays head in your lap~ We'll I'll be here while you do those. Glad I could be of service you you Saphy .//u//. ~puffs out lips for kiss~
One: You upset Ana, and even though she said it was ok I'm still mad.

Two: You haven't helped me with formations and/or replied.

Three: I'm in a bad mood because I just spent three hours on two different CS's.

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