[OOC Thread] [Acrotomo]

Alright, here's our status. I'm about to go on leave from Iraq, going back home to California for a couple weeks, then I'll come back here to Baghdad. I'll resurrect this thread back into active status for the next few days I'll still be here, and we'll have some discussion time. I'll go away for two weeks, come back, and we'll gradually resume.
Before resuming, I would like to understand what you guys think of my stunts.

I cannot take Exalted too seriously, and I like doing all the silly stunt you would see in a wire-fu movie or an anime: this does not mean I can't be a drama queen, but I like to go from drama to comedy.

However, I understand this can be intensive to handle for the ST, so I would like to know from all of you what is your taste and opinion on the matter.
Anything stoopid/crazy/cool is ok for me :)

Being a huge fan of John Mc Lane, I would throw you the first stone on being a little comical after pulling a grand stunt like the avalanche :wink:
That was a sad low due to a bad mistake in my description.

I thought I had cleared that out already.
It's really a matter of matching the tone of the scene. You don't want to be too dramatic in a lighthearted scene, but you don't want to spoil the drama of a dramatic scene by being a clown. For instance, when you fired yourself from the power bow my first thought was "he's desperate and can't think of a way to escape" rather than "wow, that's cool" or "Ha! That's funny!"

It's a struggle to strike that balance, even for professional writers. Sometimes things are just going to fall flat. An example of when it was done well from my recent experience: Naruto's "Thousand Years of Death" attack on Gaara at the end of the Chunin Exam story arc was a pretty comedic attack, but worked well with the action going on and actually accomplished something of merit. I think it partly succeeded as a joke/awesome moment in the midst of the the high drama because it used the trappings of the scene to its advantage--the exploding paper, recently established as a serious tool, the elaborate set-up like it was a real attack, being treated somewhat seriously by the supporting cast--and because it returned the scene back to the drama by having a real impact on Gaara, thus bringing the comedy into the scene rather than being an interruption of the scene. On the other hand, others might have a different view of that scene.

I can't really think of a negative example off hand, but hopefully that illustrates the point. Outrageous and over the top stunts can work, but it's a fine line. If you push that often enough, you're going to break past it at some point. Try to save it and use it when it seems most appropriate and/or overwhelmingly awesome, and see if you can use a lower tone for most scenes to avoid being overdone.
Oddly, I've no opinion. Save, your stunts thus far were fun to read. (Funny? Oo and here I thought you were being reckless xD )
Will definitely have to ask for leniency while I have my vacation. Will have internet access, but may be intermittent. I don't want to resume full-time until I'm sure I can devote myself to this fully.

Considering dream sequences and where you would like this game to go would be great during this period.

When we left off, your circle was on the road, and more or less free to travel as you wish. I handed you a hook, a village of Wyld mutants and who knows what else, but it isn't necessary that you take that bait. If you're interested in a reprieve where you can do a little village-building, help some people in need, and investigate some spooky mysteries that may or may not be related to Twelve Irons' investigations, that's up to you.

In retrospect, it was pretty heavy-handed of me to throw a Deathlord and some background Sidereal stuff at you guys. I can back off of this if necessary, don't want to overwhelm. That can evolve as our game grows, and takes a more firm direction.
Well, the first priority is getting off the radar for a bit, so fleeing to the hinterlands actually kind of suits us. I actually think it's neat that we have an early introduction to some of the villains, and it's perfectly plausible to put them back in the background for a while since they're going to have to take time to get their own houses in order (especially the Deathlord!). After that, they're two well-matched antagonists, so they can just fight each other in the background while we go off and do our own thing for a while. Fits quite well.

I say we go help the mutants. They're well hidden, and that will give us a chance to recover.
Yep the mutants allow us for 3 things:

1- doing our job as physicians and solars (people mutating is bad !)

2- remain hidden for a while,

3- give us a chance of exploring more of the 12 Irons legends (if that's what we choose).

At the moment I think it's our best course of action.

Au, as every good ST, you have plenty of excellent ideas, and you are able to talk to your players in meta game. I recommand the following: give us possible leads and direction (we have good backgrounds we can focus on, and not necessarily Miss Fang's), let's all choose where we want to go as a group (you included), then take us there and work your magic 8).
Also, don't worry about the time. If after 2 months of being shut down this game is revived with the original players... there are no coincidences ! :wink:
Nkemdilim has Whitewall, and Lost Mountain is from up around here. Broken Heron is from just about everywhere, and Mylinnia is from a good distance away.

We do have some options.
I iz twilight, all you need to give me is time, a lab, and the appropriate amount of ressources ! :wink:
You say that like it's a bad thing. ;-)

Mountain Folk remind me more of the dwarfs from Norse mythology. They do really cool things like construct Mjolnir and other epic weapons, but tend to stay in the background. I am kind of intrigued by their battle with the Dark Ones, and I'm kind of hoping to get to spend a bit of time some campaign involved in their storyline.
I have a huge problems with dwarven, elven and most of all hobbits.

Exalted spares us hobbits and elven, yet I look forward to play a Dusk whose sole drive is the violent and bloody extermination of the fucking midgets.

Eat my Melee Infinite, bastards!

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