OOC Talk

I think I've got a new idea for Wyrms, partly inspired by GOT and E.E Knight; I like the idea of them having black bones/teeth/horns/nails due to some sort of extra mineral that forms in these places (maybe also in their scales, giving them the metallic shine) as a result of mineral intake in their diet. They may even have an instinctual need to eat metals as a way of obtaining these necceassary properties that strengthen their bodies. 

That sounds pretty cool. I'll be having the angels know about the needs and requirements of certain types of demons, so people like Draak and D most like won't end up having to explain themselves.

Also, I'm going to make a post in response to all the people who have posted so far, but that doesn't mean it's too late to keep posting! I just thought I'd keep everything up to date for now.
Ok. Phew, that turned into a longer one than I set out for it to be. Sorry about the large post xD
@ThatDove I hope you don't mind Draak seeing through the fire illusion. I really like the idea that Ebony is hiding her abilities, and unless it's fire or something Draak should really recognize then he won't be any less susptable than anyone else. 

It's fine and looks like she's been caught xD  
I'm curious in this as well @A Mysterious Figure. Part of me likes the current ones, but at the same time, I think Kalthazar being paired with an angel might be a bit of an issue at the moment. No telling what happens in his sleep, know what I'm saying? *wink wink nudge nudge*

Ahaha, I see. I was planning on having an angel there to kind of become like a 'buddy' of some sort, you know, finding out the secret but being surprisingly chill with it? Of course, I can choose the outcome, but I don't really know. I might change it, but any changes from now on will probably end up happening during the RP. I will take a look and see what I'll do for it.
Ahaha, I see. I was planning on having an angel there to kind of become like a 'buddy' of some sort, you know, finding out the secret but being surprisingly chill with it? Of course, I can choose the outcome, but I don't really know. I might change it, but any changes from now on will probably end up happening during the RP. I will take a look and see what I'll do for it.

Oh, it's nothing necessary. I just figured an Angel would probably rat him out to the higher ups. And they'd freak out, save Morgana. She'd be like "Let's see what happens then, but just keep it quiet okay?" Also, Morgana would like to speak to the council.
Oh, it's nothing necessary. I just figured an Angel would probably rat him out to the higher ups. And they'd freak out, save Morgana. She'd be like "Let's see what happens then, but just keep it quiet okay?" Also, Morgana would like to speak to the council.

Ooh, perhaps Morgana can be the one approached in the case of something like that. Of course, it'll all depend on what happens in the RP. I will have a point where demons and angels alike can come to the older angels and ask for special privileges, in the case of animals, special abilities, room changes, and the like.
*meanwhile, Myrddin is still running for the sake of not being scolded by Cyra and Valzael*

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Oh, it's nothing necessary. I just figured an Angel would probably rat him out to the higher ups. And they'd freak out, save Morgana. She'd be like "Let's see what happens then, but just keep it quiet okay?" Also, Morgana would like to speak to the council.

At the moment your character is currently paired up with one of mine. I'd be willing to do some plotting with you about that if you'd like, Kilnuri would most likely think it either normal for demons or compare it to something he's seen on human tv. 

Draak would understand the stigma and danger of being considered a monster as well as going through deep emotional stress, but I think Azra would have the most understanding and sympathy of the three because of his own experiences as a Vessel and his relationship with Glädgen.
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At the moment your character is currently paired up with one of mine. I'd be willing to do some plotting with you about that if you'd like, Kilnuri would most likely think it either normal for demons or compare it to something he's seen on human tv. 

Draak would understand the stigma and danger of being considered a monster as well as going through deep emotional stress, but I think Azra would have the most understanding and sympathy of the three because of his own experiences as a Vessel and his relationship with Glädgen.

I think Azra would be the best companion out of the three as well. The knowledge of having a beast inside himself that he could awaken while having to keep it hidden despite his nocturnal earth bending would allow the two to get at least somewhat closer. And another demon would CERTAINLY keep it under wraps.
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I think Azra would be the best companion out of the three as well. The knowledge of having a beast inside himself that he could awaken while having to keep it hidden despite his nocturnal earth bending would allow the two to get at least somewhat closer. And another demon would CERTAINLY keep it under wraps.

Azra has yet to have found someone sharing this kind of similarity so I imagine he would be very glad to have it.
I hope everyone is ready for another hard ass student supervisor. *whistles nonchalantly while Algaecia appears in a blast of lighting*
I'm posting while in class, so if my post doesn't make a lot of sense, I'm blaming it on that. I'm sorry I'm late to reply. I got caught up in stuff earlier. 
All my usual devices are down. It's difficult but I'll try and get a post up sometime later tonight.
Heya, sorry guys, I've been super busy with school this past week, and I still have a long way to go before I'm going to be sorted with the thousands of assignments they seem to be piling up. :/  I will still be around to check up on things every now and again, but at least now you all have time to post! Feel free to interact with each other, and hopefully my life will become stable very soon. Sorry again, and I promise I won't leave this to die.

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