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Realistic or Modern OOC: Santa Monica Home for Boys and Girls [Reboot!]

Awesome just saw it and responded to it lol.

I love this whole little scene between the two. A little heart to heart moment ya know.
Alright, all good. we had a few good ones going here tonight, I appreciate it. You have yourself a good night my friend.
Felix post up for him and Nathan to chat. Though I added some bits to narratively move Dez into the Rec room, actually letting her get those pancakes she'd been aiming at the last 3-4 posts.
Love it! We can have the Felx-Nathan stuff going on all while the Jack-Asher stuff is going on.
Yep! Though their convo will be less drama and hate filled. Hopefully just more fun.
Got my post up. Also oooo I love the little crushing on Jack from Asher! So adorable! :hearteyes:
Awesome. Parenting comes first, hope the boy sleeps well.

Yea I love this little crush developing and Jack being a guy who just straight up doesn't pick up on crushes and is oblivious to it lol. That's gonna be a fun dynamic.

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