OOC Discussion


Hi guys! I'm almost done with Verdana/The Brainer's CS and will start on /سربرنيتشا\'s Maestro D' soon, but I realized before we can really start making character sheets, we have two orders of business we need to take care of.

1) What are all these moves and stats? What do they mean? I have made an Information forum where you can see these, so they'll make sense when you see them on your CS.

2) Boundaries. This is supposed to be fairly gritty game, but I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable. So, we need to discuss what we are and aren't willing to have happen here.

We are not going to see violence to children or non-monstrous animals here, because that squicks me out (please make your characters adults). We are also not going to see sexual violence for similar reasons. Any sexy times will be fade-to-black in accordance with RPN's rules, if we do get to that point.

What boundaries do you guys have?
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no boundaries, im p laidback in general tho im understanding of other peoples limits!! i can respect what they consider crossing the line, we chill(:

edit; fuck. didnt realise this was dice-based. uhghkk
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Well, no... not really

Child abuse (physical or sexual, from the child or somebody else) is not someting I agree with. Violence I'm okay with if it isn't over the top.

That reminds me. Yesterday, a kid took a slab of ice and slammed it full-force against the back of my head.
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Well, no... not really

Child abuse (physical or sexual, from the child or somebody else) is not someting I agree with. Violence I'm okay with if it isn't over the top.

That reminds me. Yesterday, a kid took a slab of ice and slammed it full-force against the back of my head.

We might not mention children IC at all at this point, which is something I'm okay with. And I'll be sure to keep violence not-too-gorey for you.
no boundaries, im p laidback in general tho im understanding of other peoples limits!! i can respect what they consider crossing the line, we chill(:

edit; fuck. didnt realise this was dice-based. uhghkk

I thought I'd made that apparent in the Gameplay section of the Interest Check; I apologize if I did not :( If dice isn't something you want to do, I won't force you to stay. In my experience playing the game, the dice haven't been cumbersome, if that means anything.
I thought I'd made that apparent in the Gameplay section of the Interest Check; I apologize if I did not :( If dice isn't something you want to do, I won't force you to stay. In my experience playing the game, the dice haven't been cumbersome, if that means anything.

appreciate your understanding, think i might drop out this one)): ill promote the rp in my status update to make up for the inconvenience, hope this turns out to be enjoyable for everyone!! have a good one
Thanks for the welcoming message! I'd like to claim the 'Battlebabe' playbook. (: 

Is it possible for a character other than 'Driver' to start with a vehicle?
Thanks for the welcoming message! I'd like to claim the 'Battlebabe' playbook. (: 

Is it possible for a character other than 'Driver' to start with a vehicle?

You're welcome, and I'll mark that down! Let me look in the handbook to answer your question...

Chopper, by default, starts out with a motorbike, but that's probably not what you wanted to know about.

I'd say... you'd have to have some sort of justification for it, since the vehicle is what makes the Driver unique. Perhaps you start out with less barter (currency) than normal. Or you have some sort of other cost. Oh! Or if @Yiyel is still interested in being the Savvyhead and they would like their character to make vehicles, the three of us could arrange something.
You're welcome, and I'll mark that down! Let me look in the handbook to answer your question...

Chopper, by default, starts out with a motorbike, but that's probably not what you wanted to know about.

I'd say... you'd have to have some sort of justification for it, since the vehicle is what makes the Driver unique. Perhaps you start out with less barter (currency) than normal. Or you have some sort of other cost. Oh! Or if @Yiyel is still interested in being the Savvyhead and they would like their character to make vehicles, the three of us could arrange something.

Actually, how about I just switch to driver, that one looks fun too! 
Oh, sorry for the delay. Work stuff was keeping me behind.

Congrats on getting this thing going. Hopefully, a character will be up soon.

He'll be the gunlugger. Damn myself if I don't make him that.
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I have accepted one final person into the group, which is officially closed now. Once the last two CSs are accepted, we can start going around for History/Hx questions, and then start the game. Speaking of which, please see the Information topic on Hx that I tagged everyone in.
I'm the new guy whose boundaries don't exist, but I've read everything here and respect the limits that have been set. What about adult slavery? Is that within this rp's comfort zone?
I'm the new guy whose boundaries don't exist, but I've read everything here and respect the limits that have been set. What about adult slavery? Is that within this rp's comfort zone?

I'm okay with adult slavery. Does anyone else have an opinion on that?
Alright, if that's okay with everyone else, we have one (important) order of business:

@Yiyel @Buckteeth I want to start doing History/Hx on Thursday, and hopefully Thursday or Friday we can start the game. Is that enough time for you two to make your characters?

Also, y'all + @Verdana @Tori_98 @Elephantom, here are the worldbuilding details I've worked out. Should give us a good idea of what our surroundings look like, and a better feel for the world and the world's psychic maelstrom:

The oldest remember how the golden age ended. The sky was red, and every structure moved like it had a mind of its own. Complex machines stopped working, computers exploded. The city collapsed. And the oldest know it was the same story everywhere.

Now what we need is scarce. Clean water. You can't drink that salt. Food. The scale-things eat the livestock, nobody likes to share their plants, and the raiders take what they want. (Can you catch a scale-thing? Many can say and fewer know.) And something else. You can't put your finger on it, but you hear it in people's voices, the slang of this city made insular. See it when they walk like they're hunting. The way people pass on diseases like possessions. The way people with resources treat their friends. The way White draws people in close so he can force the hate and desperation in the air into his discipline. The way the hunting pack of the brush-waste tears apart anything it can get its hands on.

This city is called The Spiral. It's made of concrete and steel, lying in tangles under and over your feet, prohibiting movement. Roads have heaved and split, buildings have tilted, bridges have crumbled, a skyscraper is in the shape of a C. Poisonous plants overgrow the debris with a purple-grey cast and if you look hard you can see monstrous scale-things loping and slithering around. Holds stand brazen, reinforced rubble reshaped into something habitable. They control what they protect, but are you going to take your chances in the salt flats? Maybe in the brush-waste?

It's not uninhabitable here. Outside the holds in rebuilt rubble or twisted fortresses, people make and work and love and enslave. Waterbearers find the pipes that aren't filled with black. Skinners and savvyheads scrounge for junk in the pits, and a show plays his songs under on a worn-out bridge. White and his family carve out their home from the military base. The Blues keep chronicles of the rootless mutants with their gas and bikes and bullets. Towers are slanted and picked to nothing but soon to be scraps, bullets, parts, tools, but the C-skyscraper has security intact, and what's inside?

To the east grows the brush-waste, trees and twists and eyes and teeth and scale-things and who the fuck knows. Bull Head and his gang hunt the scale-things and anything that comes near. Sometimes things don't have to come near. What happens when The Blues are too hungry to be sick of their shit? To the south are the salt flats, cracking open and covered in tents. Who'd want to live here? People who eat the food Dune makes. Whose blood spills when Dune finds out his girl has been with Cut Blue? And what are these people to you? What are you to them?

Wafting by on the wind is the cedar-ash scent of the plants overgrowing the outside tearing at each other. The occasional fire, and is that hope or fear? You're awakened by the shriek of a scale-thing after it's torn apart its prey as often as gunshots or some ungodly man-made tool drilling the wastes. The best meal you've had this month is meat patty with wilted greens and bread. Fresh water is also more valuable than booze around here.

Catch yourself staring off, and you see a mutant smearing another with mud. Another threat is outside your senses, outside perception. Water dancing in spires. Holding a candle in the eye of your palm and it doesn't hurt at all. Someone has a hand on your shoulder, shoving you forward with all that power. You don't know what they'll do if you don't walk.

Disclaimer: I don't know that we'll use all of these; my imagination kind of ran away with me when I thought of who lived here. I know the handbook technically says not to create threats until the first session has started, but I had a lot of ideas okay? I'll be asking your characters about things they do and their relationships to people who live here when we do get around to the first session, so I can set things up near them. The general feel and idea of threats you face should be more people-oriented now, in any case.
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