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Fantasy (OOC) Department of Defense Against the Supernatural

Yep, that's it! You're good. 

We have noticeably higher interest this time around; as an announcement for everyone, you can put your characters on whatever cases you like.

@Azure Skyand @The Fantasy Incentive, Mo is gonna need help, yes? I believe most or all of my combat characters are occupied at the moment but I may be able to send backup.

Ok. Ark-D should be fun to deal with :D...

...Not for the characters themselves though....
Geez I really need Galleytrot for this one but he's busy

Ashlynn wouldn't be very useful and neither would Aidan. Hmmm. I'm gonna try and draw a close on this first case here soon. Maybe Galleytrot can jump in once I'm able to send Piper in. Until then anyone who feels like it can help with Ark-D. 
Galleytrot's lightning face

He's associated with electric attacks. If I recall correctly, Ark-D happens to have a weakness against electricity

(And also yeah he's my strongest character in a fight)
Wish they'd have brought back the Tab System with this update

Regardless, glad to be back in business with more time to RP

I'm making another character too for more cases

I wonder if we run this through the interest check with the update still fresh, would we get more players?

Hel Hel
Sleipnir Sleipnir
We'll get the tabs back soon!
We may look into running another interest check, yeah. I'll wanna chat with Hel about it, and if we do that, we might consider adding a coGM or two since I've been struggling to keep up on RPN, not gonna lie. Partially because I'm lazy, partially because I'm renovating my pop-up camper, and partially because I'm preparing to go back out to volunteer again. I don't recall whether or not the Department was active last time, but last fall I volunteered for three months in New Mexico. I'm doing something similar, only this time I'm going to a different state and volunteering with the Forest Service, not Park Service. Which means next to nothing to you guys. That being said, I'll have a car this time, and the nearest towns of Slade, Pine Ridge, and Rodger(?) are not far away. I actually may have signal and LTE on my phone in my campsite.
The most important thing to know is that I'll be away for another three months, but will likely have more internet access, and this'll start in late, late April.

I'm alive now I swear

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