OOC Chat

Very nice beginning @Esther_Silvers. One thing... not to be picky, but I have a little OCD... the capital is Lunaris, not Lunaria. Other than that, it was perfect. Oh, and don't feel pressured to type that much if you don't want to or you cannot. I'm fairly easygoing about length :)
Oops XD I thought it was called Lunaria. Gonna edit that. 

Oh and it's okay :)  I usually rite long intros, and am not a fan of one-liners or short paragraphs, so expect long and detailed posts okay? :P  

Hey, the longer the better :) but I'm okay with single paragraph... just no less than three sentences. Either way, your character will be fun to interact with... all of these characters made so far look awesome.
I know right! Some of them haven't been completed, but still, they're amazing. And by the way, who are you? I don't know if you've made a character or not.
Oh, wait nevermind XD I completely missed your character; Corliss Damours. She's spectacular! Wouldn't be surprised if she approached Isaac at one point in the RP to see if she can join his group.
Sure! Most of the rebels that aren't with Isaac at the funeral gathering, are at the gated, waiting for Isaac and his troupe to come back to the gates with Cynthia and Bramble. Shane can see them there, hiding. I can't respond right now, since I'm a bit busy, but once I'm done, I'll respond :)

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