OOC Chat

Kirito Kei

One Thousand Club


|OOC Chat|

Feel free to plan in-character events, ask questions, or even just chat. Just... don't be a asshole, and we should all be cool, right?
Any character sheet we should look to for informative purposes or do we have a more free roam access with character files?

Garfunkled huh? xD  now we just need a Simon. 
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@Saru Nah, I should have a character sheet skeleton completed in the next hour or so, along with any background information for the roleplay as a whole.
Hmm..... Not really. I recall the group of characters will be sent to their respective hosts upon graduating the academy, correct? Kinda like a Kingsman: Secret service scenario but with of course some differences. So each pretty much start off in their own zone and perhaps do not interact for awhile or more. Or did I misread and there by misunderstand the early stages? busy day so perhaps I recall wrong. 
I know things are a bit fuzzy since I haven't explicitly gave very much background information on the roleplay in general, but after passing the second phase of their training, which takes place at the academy, Recruits are sent to a Host (aka a CCA Operative of exceptional skill that has applied to be in the Host program) in the field.

During this third and final phase of their training, Recruits are required to assist the Operative in the completion of their assignments until the Operative deems that the Recruits have the sufficient skill needed to become a full fledged Agent (please note that being a Operative and a Agent is two different things, but this along with lots of other things will be expanded on in the future).

Upon officially obtaining agenthood, Agents can simply go out on their own and work independently, stay with their former Host and continue to assist them, or even brake off and form their own little groups.

Now, in the context of this story, all five of your characters will be sent to the same Host for their third phase. (Unless you would rather everyone be sent to their own individual host like you stated above).

All of this information will be clearly presented in the General Information Tab.

@Saru Did I answer your question?
@Kirito Kei Yeah you did answer that question indeed. 

In terms of preference, a lone host is fine with me. I was just curious as from what i recalled it seemed like a seperate host sort of deal, but a single host is cool with me. 
Sweet! Character skeleton looks awesome. And loving the code-name feature as during my inner monologue/narrated character creation and episode of a flow/ideas, I had a code name in mind already. xD  
Sorry guys, I was planning to officially start accepting characters today, but fleshing out the world took a tad bit looker than expected, and I'm sort of getting tired.

100% expect it to be fully completed tomorrow, though.
Just so everyone knows, gonna be gone for the weekend camping! I'll try to finish most (if not all) of my character sheet before I'm gone.

Edit: Our characters don't have to have any specific kind of citizenship, right? I'm thinking of having my girl be an ex-Mossad agent, but this can easily be shifted to NSA or something if needed.
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