OOC chat

Fus ro dah

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Hey guys! I'll be narrating for a while, until you guys get to meet with Kit. I'll do my best to add in things like music and sound effect links to help with the immersion. I enjoy doing that a lot!  The rules are posted below. 

Please note: if your character causes trouble there's a high chance they'll be taken away. They will not be killed, but instead you'll get a PM from me regarding what's happening. This is to remain secret between us until I say otherwise.



  • Have fun, be creative!

  • No Godmodding/God-Moding/Whatever you know it as. Please, don't control/kill other characters without permission! This also applies to Bunnying.

  • Humans only please.

  • Beware: If you cause trouble or break rules in Paragon. Your character -will- be punished.
  • Let us know if you're going to be away/quitting! I'd like a post every two days minimum, to keep things going!

  • Yes! You can play more than one character if you think you can manage it.

  • I will, at random - choose who will, and when, see fragments of the truth behind Paragon by sending them a private message with details. You can ICly talk about this if you chose. The other characters might not believe you though.
  • Please, don't go over the top with any Body Modifications. The more elaborate they are, the more they cost. Not everyone will be rich.

  • Common sense above all! Don't bring weapons to the mall with you. (Yes I had this last time, the guy was really aggressive OOCly about wanting to take a pistol :| )

My first post will be stupidly long, as we'll be using some NPC's as well along the way to make the crowd a little bigger. (And to have some possible non-player victims).
Awesome! It's incredibly late over here, so I'll work on my character tomorrow as soon as I can.
I think the +1 was meant as a like.. Or maybe Fus does have some hidden sheet of horrible outcomes gives out points or takes points, and when the time comes rolls a pair of dice to see what horrible outcome we get.. Naaah.
Wait what do I get +1 in? Can I use it as an advantage ?  lol

I think the +1 was meant as a like.. Or maybe Fus does have some hidden sheet of horrible outcomes gives out points or takes points, and when the time comes rolls a pair of dice to see what horrible outcome we get.. Naaah.

It looks like there are two more people who joined up/is joining? SecretRock, looking at the "active" members and then Houndstooth guy in the interest thread.
Pulling a character together now, hopefully I'll have something up today. Feeling compelled to add a female to this Dudeshow.
I had that idea too, sorta swinging either going with a Female techie or with the Mechanic you see. Might've made the techie if nobody else showed up. =P
They're basically red-shirts to us though, unless we directly disrupt the rules of Paragon, they might be the ones that go missing first. >.>
Oh damn... lol I was hoping to actually interact with one... because yeah...

sausage fest = boring lol

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