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Realistic or Modern One Rich Family, One Huge Secret (REBOOT of Family of Secrets)

Keira Winston

Golden State of Mind


GMs- @Amanda Cromwell

We will be making sure everyone follows the rules

This is a reboot of an rp made originally by
@EmilyPower . This rp has actually been rebooted many times, and in this one, the plot will take many different factors from the old reboots.


The Parkers seemed to be a typical, normal family living in Santa Barbara, California. They seemed to be perfect on the outside. They lived a glorious life in their sea side mansion, and they had enough money to do what ever they wanted. But then again,
Everything is not what it seems.

The family had powers. Each and everyone of them, had their own unique power. They use their powers freely, but they had to keep them secret. It was the family rule. They couldn't trust anyone to know about their powers. Especially since a government agency is trying to find out their secret so they can do tests on them and reveal them to the world. But they aren't the only ones watching. Maybe even a few of their close friends or enemies are trying to find out. Who knows? Just keep one thing in mind,
Trust No One.


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