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Fandom One Piece

Soji Sento

Location: Whiskey Peak


Health: 30%

Interacting With: Mr. 5, Vivi, Miss Valentine and Luffy

Luffy's blows weren't hard to dodge, especially in this bulbous form. Again, it would seem that the sniper's uncanny fortune was working in his favor. In fact, for the most part, he found it quite humorous. He laughed maniacally as he barely worked at dodging blows, while simultaneously trying to explain the situation to Luffy. "They're bounty hunters-- ya idiot,-- the whole island was -- a trap! C'mon mate, ya know -- I wouldn't -- just go about blowin'-- brains out!" He spotted Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine going for Vivi. Oh no ya don't. He positioned himself in a way to line up Luffy with the path of Miss Valentine and Mr. 5, and then, with all his force, he kicked Luffy's huge belly and set the boy flying into the pair of assassins. "This here is my booty!!" he said in reference to Vivi as the trio flew backward. Real tasteful choice of words. Sounds like he's defending his prison wife from butt rape. If Luffy wouldn't listen to reason, he'd have to use the boy's erratic fighting style to take out the devil fruit users.

@Suzumaki Arakai
Location: Whiskey Peak

Mood: ( -_- メ) So done with this

Health: 100%

Interacting: Soji, Luffy

Height: 5'7

Weight: 127

Age: 25

Sarah watches the two boys fight. She leans on her rapier and watches the assassins chase after the Blue Haired girl.

"Hey someone should-" And Soji sends Luffy to the assassins. "Nevermind." Sarah wonders how on earth this crew is still intact.

"You know I wonder what the others would think about this mess right now." Sarah watches the two boys juke it out with each other hoping that they don't kill the poor princess.

"Boys are so overrated." Sarah pulls out her rapier from the ground and places it in her scabbard and follows the mess they are creating.

@SirBlazeALot @Suzumaki Arakai

A Serious Fight! Luffy Vs. Soji: The Unexpected Duel

Mr.9 - Nefertari Vivi - Igaram - Miss Monday - Mr.5 - Miss Valentine - Luffy

Luffy wasn't prepared for the sudden kick sent by Soji; his body now propelling at great speeds towards the two Baroque Works members, which Luffy doesn't know of. "Guwaaaaa!" The rubber boy soon crashed into Miss Valentine and Mr.5 as they ran towards Vivi, sending them back to where they started, even further actually. Within the blink of an eye, Luffy, Miss Valentine, and Mr.5 all three crashed into one of the townhouses, busting through the wall. Vivi watched in suspense as the dust began to clear, waiting for what might happen next. Letting out a grunt, Mr.5 began to stand up, anger in his tone, "It's just beautiful how you bastards have gotten in our way..." Miss Valentine, too, sat herself up, rubbing the pained part of her head, What the hell was that?" Mr.5 was now all the way to his feet, situating his sunglasses, "If you nakama are so intent on killing each other...then why don't I just kill the both of you?" Looking over at Luffy, "Right?" The bouncy captain made an expression of confusion and anger, maybe even a little bit of constipation, "Beh?!" Letting out a sharp exhale, Luffy stared up at Mr.5.

Next thing you know, five loud explosions were set off, and from Soji's point of view, Miss Valentine could be seen flying out of the smoke cloud, holding her parasol in hand with a look of vengeance. "Now you've made me angry! You will now die by my Kilo Kilo power! Kiyahahaha! Prepare yourself! I was able to ride on the explosion because my weight is a mere 1 kilogram!"

"Mr. Sogeki! Get out of the way! That woman..."

Meanwhile, Luffy was now holding Mr.5 in one arm; blood could be seen dripping from the man's face, his expression one full of pain. "Ah, good exercise." Luffy's body was no longer big and round, but back to it's normal, flimsy size. Giving a pat to his stomach, the boy walked away from the destroyed townhouse, "Got rid of all that food..."

Seeing this, Vivi's expression grew surprised, "M-Mr.5...No way! A Baroque Works Officer Agent..."

"I can finally get serious." Luffy's eyes were dead-set on Soji. Miss Valentine was floating over top of the sniper, grinning wildly to herself, "Here I come!" But no one was really paying any attention to her..."My power allows me to change my weight from 1 to 10,000 kilos!...Don't ignore me!" Mr.5 let out a pained grunt as Luffy practically threw his body to the ground, now rearing back with his head and yelling into the air, "LIAR! ENEMIES DON'T GIVE YOU FOOD!"

"Eat this! 10,000 Kilo Press! Kiyahahaha!" Miss Valentine then shifted her weight and began hurdling towards Soji, ready to crush him and walk away in triumph.


((Lol, a bit of a crappy post. But I'll tell @GardinOfEden when to have Sarah stop the fight!!! It should be within the next post or so.))

Soji Sento

Location: Whiskey Peak


Health: 30%

Interacting With: Mr. 5, Vivi, Miss Valentine and Luffy

Alright, now Soji was thoroughly pissed off. Sure, he knew that most people perceived him as a scumbag. But that was because they lived in a fake world full of lies and sugarcoating. People simply didn't like to hear the truth at times, and though Soji understood that, he felt it necessary to be honest with his friends, or at least his comrades at all times. Thus, many of them disliked him. But this was a whole new low of perception. For Luffy to think that he'd just randomly go on a killing spree for no good reason, was downright offensive. Even more hurtful, Luffy didn't trust a him. Him! A man who never lies to his friends. Luffy had cut Soji deep, very, very deep. Calling Soji a liar meant that Luffy perceived the sniper as an enemy. And that did not sit well with the gunner. He didn't want to explain any further, anymore. He'd officially been angered.

He merely sidestepped the incoming blow from Miss Valentine. These super villains really need to learn to stop announcing their attacks before they initiate them. As Luffy launched toward him he extended his arm out and shot his grappling gun to a nearby townhouse, causing him to lurch hard to the right and avoid the boy's bazooka blow.
"Luffy!" he screeched to him as the boy went flying past his original location. "How could ya ever call me a liar!?" The shirtless man drew three poison darts in his left hand, clutching each between his knuckles."Hmmph!" he jerked his fist forward, releasing a single dart towards Luffy, but he missed. "Grrr...." It would appear that Soji's aim isn't what it normally is. He didn't have it in his heart to kill Luffy, how could he possibly try?

@Suzumaki Arakai @GardinOfEden

A Serious Fight! Luffy Vs. Soji: The Unexpected Duel

Mr.9 - Nefertari Vivi - Igaram - Miss Monday - Mr.5 - Miss Valentine - Luffy

Miss Valentine's attack came to a halt once she rammed herself into the ground at the speed of a falling 10,000 kilograms. Finally, we don't have to listen to her ridiculous laugh anymore. Meanwhile, Luffy and Soji were preparing for an all out fight...to the death? Muffled growls could be hearing reverberating from the rubber captain; his legs were caped and his fist balled up by his sides. A look of confusion and worry grew over Vivi's expression as she just sat there watching the two, "Hang on...What's going on? Aren't you two nakama?" As she was saying this, Luffy reared back and took a deep breath before flinging his arms behind him, and allowing them to stretch out, "GOMU GOMU NO..." Stepping forward into a sprint, the boy took off towards Soji, "BAZOOOKA!" Without noticing, Soji grappled himself to right, dodging Luffy's savage attack. Because of that, Luffy almost did Vivi in, but luckily Carue saw that coming, and shot to the left out of the attack's line of fire...I guess. A small scream was heard from the Princess as she toppled to the ground, crawling towards the destroyed mountain that blocked her former escape, "Wha-" Skidding to a stop, Luffy glared up at Soji; and just as he did, a poison dart came flying towards him, but he was lucky enough to dodge it with ease. Soji's aim seemed a little off, but Luffy didn't take notice like he normally would. "URUSAI! LET'S SEE WHICH IS STRONGER!" Luffy took a step back and held his breath before shooting forward towards the building Soji stood atop. The boy could be seen sprinting up the wall, kicking off right as he reach the top edge; now suspended in the air, Luffy shot his arm back, "GOMU GOMU NO..." And within the blink of an eye, his fist came flying forward towards Soji, knocking the sniper right across the jaw with immeasurable strength. "PISTOL!" Because of how hard he hit, even Luffy was sent flying backwards into yet another townhouse, breaking it apart with ease. Soji was instead sent flying to the left, into a small tower atop the building beside the one he was previously on. Once the smoke cleared, Vivi climbed back onto Carue and stared at the battlefield...if you want to call it that. "What should I do? I want to run...but I wonder if it's safe to..." Slowly. Carue began forward...passing a few townhouse that still remained in tact. Everything was quiet...which made it a little suspenseful. That is, until Luffy jumped up from where he lay, flinging the remnants of the broken building from his little rubber self, and instantly sprinting towards Soji without a care as to whether or not he was recovered from the blow. Mr.5 and Miss Valentine were now standing side-by-side, well Mr.5 was beaten and ditied on the ground, making his way to his feet in a way. "Shit. These guys have made a fool of me. And disgraced the name of the Baroque Works Officer Agents!" Miss Valentine was still smiling, for some fucking reason. "Mr.5. Let's show them exactly what we can do!" Motioning as though they were about to run, "Let's go, Miss Valentine!"

"Yes, Mr.5!"

The two agents took off towards Luffy and Soji, preparing to attack. "We are Baroque Works Agents! You won't make a fool of us!"

@SirBlazeALot @GardinOfEden

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Soji Sento

Location: Whiskey Peak


Health: 20%

Interacting With: Mr. 5, Vivi, Miss Valentine and Luffy

"Tch..." Soji growled as he assessed the situation. Unlike Luffy, Soji already knew the answer to Luffy's challenge. Who was stronger? Clearly Luffy. Physical strength was not an asset of the sniper. He relied more on his brain and his aim. To him, this was a faulty match; a game he'd never win. Homie don't play those. And he already knew he didn't have it in his heart to kill Luffy. To deprive the world of such a passionate man would be an injustice to its fullest, even if he was an impulsive rubber dumb ass. Soji figured he'd better find a way to immobilize him, seeing as Luffy was intent on killing him. Sad thing was, Mr. Sento was actually planning on snatching the princess and ditching the Straw Hats after this. He was pretty butthurt about Luffy not trusting him.

So when Luffy's fist shot out at him, in the flash of a moment before it made contact with the sniper's face, a coy smile could be seen crossing his face. And then, Luffy's fist smashed into his cheek causing the sniper to careen away into a tower. He played dead in the rubble for a moment as he switched darts. If Luffy was Superman, then Soji was Batman. He could counter anyone's strength with a trick up his sleeve. Soji's new darts were dipped in a nonlethal paralyzing agent. He'd won them a while back on an island who's name he couldn't remember, but he hadn't had much use for them. The gunner usually shot to kill. But this seemed like as good a moment as any to use them. Of the five he had, he only needed three.

"Alright ya sodding fuck! You're gonna regret this!" he bellowed as he arose from the rubble and watched Luffy charge toward him. Behind Luffy, as expected, he spotted Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine, just as expected. Soji strafed to the left and threw a dart at Miss Valentine, and then dove to the right and crouched on one knee as he threw another at Mr. 5. As for the other, he concealed it in his fist, with the tip barely sticking out between his knuckle. "C'mon Cap..." he murmured as he took a fighting stance. The next part of the captain's body to connect with Soji would be met with the end of the needle. "Let's see who's stronger!!!" he taunted the Captain.

@Suzumaki Arakai

A Serious Fight! Luffy Vs. Soji: The Unexpected Duel

Mr.9 - Nefertari Vivi - Igaram - Miss Monday - Mr.5 - Miss Valentine - Luffy

Seeing Mr.5 and Miss Valentine dart towards he and Soji, Luffy turned to look at them with a highly intimidating glare. "SHUT THE HELL UP. OUR FIGHT..." Rearing back his fists, the rubber boy sent two swift punches to the agents, just as Soji stuck'em with some strange darts. "YOU'RE IN THE WAY!" And with that, Mr.5 and Miss Valentine were sent flying into two separate townhouses, busting through the walls.

Deliver Princess Vivi! Luffy Pirates Depart

Mr.9 - Nefertari Vivi - Igaram - Miss Monday - Mr.5 - Miss Valentine - Luffy

Luffy didn't waste any more time than that on the two idiots; quickly, he turned to continue sprinting towards Soji who was making his way towards the captain as well. "Who was that!?" He practically asked the question to himself as Princess Vivi and Carue stared in awe, their jaws gaped wide open, as well as their eyes. "That's just...What strength! Unbelievable." The aura surrounding the two fighters was deadly. It felt as though you'd suffocate upon stepping any closer. As Luffy neared Soji, his fist reared back and ready to punch the sniper, it seemed like they were in slow motion...Luffy's fist only a few inches away from Soji's, in which a coated dart stuck out.

@SirBlazeALot @GardinOfEden

((Alright. Sarah! Stop the dumb asses lol))

Location: Whiskey Peak

Mood: ( -_- メ) Someone's getting smacked

Health: 100%

Interacting: Soji, Luffy

Height: 5'7

Weight: 127

Age: 25

"Are you KIDDING ME!!!" Sarah had just about enough she walks under the two and uppercuts them both sending each boy flying threw the air with huge red marks on each side of their chins leaving burn marks. The two boys fall to the ground with a thud and puff of smoke.

"Seriously." Sarah brushes her hair back, "Can't you two solve anything without fighting." Sarah walks towards a building and leans on the side of it.

@Suzumaki Arakai @SirBlazeALot
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Deliver Princess Vivi! Luffy Pirates Depart

Mr.9 - Nefertari Vivi - Igaram - Miss Monday - Mr.5 - Miss Valentine - Luffy

I believe that neither Soji nor Luffy were expecting Sarah to show up out of the blue at the final point in their fight. What a waste too, we could've see Luffy all paralyzed and limp. Large burn scarred their cheeks as the two flew in sync to the ground; their eyes looked as if the life was knocked out of them both. Luffy's face hit the ground with a thud; I don't know about Soji, but I do know that Vivi looked astonished...Carue too. "You people..." Sarah was already leaning on a nearby wall to one of the few townhouses that remained in tact. Looking over in continuous growl, Luffy reached towards the half-dead sniper beside him and punched him weakly across the jaw. "What...are you doing?" The Princess thought back on Soji's words from earlier and how he spoke of saving her. "...You saved me, right?" Meanwhile, Luffy was still fighting with Soji....

@SirBlazeALot @GardinOfEden

((We're so close! Uwaaah! Just gotta finish up this conversation and shit. And we've technically got until the end of this episode to go.))



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Erina.gif.cf7df42247eb3487ff7f00330e81fc11.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73617" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Erina.gif.cf7df42247eb3487ff7f00330e81fc11.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

In an instant, Rikka opened her eyes to see a brown, wooden, fairly ugly, unfamiliar ceiling. It took a while and a whole lot of staring to understand just where she was. There was a lingering pain in her head. From what? I have no idea. Headaches weren't all that new to Rikka but only because of all of the yelling and screaming that took place on our boat. Damn, our crew is dumb.

She had to look around and get a feel of the area. Although she spent all night here, it still felt so odd. It felt different last night, homier. Turning her head, Rikka saw another head, nothing too scary yet though...this was a familiar head. Rikka knew who lied next to her immediately. Asuka. Nothing really made sense to Rikka right now, because its like 5 AM and she probably had a hang over, yes, from a single bottle of sake. No one is judging you, so stfu and please keep your opinions to yourself. Anyways, Rikka sat up and yawned. On her other side lied Shizuka, who was fast asleep.

Rikka ran her fingers through her hair and almost stood up, but first she had to remove the blanket of hair that was draped over her legs; Asuka had some longgggg hair man.

It was cold, dark, and quiet. You could hardly tell it was almost morning. Once again Rikka yawned. Standing up and yawning > Laying down and yawning. She trudged over to the arched door and stepped outside. Not really sure why, maybe it was a habit from being on the boat. She looked around and saw pretty much nothing. Most people wouldn't be too alarmed but things were starting to get creepy. There were over one hundred people partying here last night and only our crew can be found.

WOOP THERE IT IS. Rikka turned around and walked back into the loft.

Oh shit. Not even our whole crew is here. Soji, Sarah, and Luffy were all no where to be seen. Nothing. Makes. Sense.

No. It is not time to panic.

Rikka was now in sneak mode. She started to make her way out of the house and walk around the dry island. It was pretty much a maze, what with all of these houses and stuff.

Both of her hand were put up in front of her face in karate mode, which was odd for someone who only uses her legs. So sue me bitch.

With one misplaced step Rikka instantly backed her junk up and freaked her junk out. What did she step on?



Rikka covered her mouth and looked up. She can handle dead people, but dead nuns with bullet holes in their faces, in the middle of the night, on an empty island is
'hell no' material.


Ok. It is officially time to panic.

Rikka took a few steps back from the nun and sprinted back to the house as fast as she could. She slammed the door behind her and looked around at her crew who lied on the ground sleeping. The first instinct was to run in the room and yell as loud as she can.





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L.G looks over at Rikka. He was having a perfect dream where he was swimming with a bunch of hot mermaid chicks, and then this blonde slut had to wake him up. Stretching, he yawns as he runs his hands through his gorgeous hair, something he had huge confidence on. He peers over at Rikka, his eyes widening. She stepped on a nun? And a dead one at that? That didn't seem right. He looks around. Only the crew was here. What the hell? And Soji,Luffy and Sarah were gone. "Let's take a deep breath Rikka. Calm down." He stands up, his full fishy fishman size being reflected on how tall he was. @TRASHLYN
Kazuichi opened his door rubbing his eyes mumbling to himself. "Hey Kazuichi you should totally join my crew I'm gonna be the pirate king. Sure Luffy why not I got nothing better to do." He sighed. "What'd that idiot of a captain do this time?" He asked annoyed he heard that Luffy was involved.

Kuro Yume

Kuro was sleeping soundly, snoring loudly and drooling from his mouth. The place he was sleeping at was strange, his head being next to someone's foot. He rolled around in his sleep, mumbling something about being captain, having eight thousand followers, and a giant mole. He was having a blissful rest, being tired from last night's party. Unfortunately, his dreams were interrupted by the yelling of their cook telling them to wake up. She mentioned three of their crew being gone, and so he sat up and glanced around to check if she was right.

"GWAH! LUFFY, SARAH, AND SOJI REALLY ARE GONE! Oh well, back to sleep..." He went back to his previous position, before realizing what he was doing and sitting up again. "WHAT AM I DOING?!? THIS ISN'T THE TIME TO BE SLEEPING!"

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/tumblr_nmpla7qgcJ1rejibwo3_400.gif.73e1be869be269d98b8c3c75f6bf9149.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73735" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/tumblr_nmpla7qgcJ1rejibwo3_400.gif.73e1be869be269d98b8c3c75f6bf9149.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

When everyone woke up, Rikka could be seen standing in the door way. She was trying soooo hard not to freak out but it wasn't working...at all. Right now, the only thing on her mind was to find the three missing crewmates. Who knows what happened to them! They could have been skinned alive! Oh no, they could be harvesting Soji's oddly feminine looking skin. He just looks the type of guy who moisturizes.

She was definitely worried but, the fact that Sarah was with them put her mind at a slight ease. Sarah knows what she's doing, and with Luffy and Soji's strength they should be okay. She still couldn't help but think maybe Sarah was just off changing clothes again and Soji and Luffy were both running around by themselves killing people for the hell of it.

It was clear everyone was killed with a gun, which was even scarier because maybe Soji just snapped and decided to kill everybody because they didn't have good enough sake. There was absolutely no good possible outcome.

Rikka looked at everyone who sat in front of her, noticing that L.G. looked like a lil' bitch, and tried to stay chilllllllll.

"We need to find our crew, that's it."

And with that eight worded sentence (Did you count?), Rikka turned around and exited the building to do exactly what she just said, expecting the crew to follow behind her.

The sky was starting to get lighter and you could now see the dead people scattered all over the ground. It didn't seem as gruesome now that Rikka knew what to expect.

The main idea was to just follow the bodies and see where they'd take us. Little did Rikka know was that Luffy, Sarah, and Soji were almost on the other side of the island by now. Almost 13 bodies down, Rikka heard and explosion and the location of the other three were given away right then. Immediately, Rikka took off in that direction, rather than following the bodies.

After about seven or so minutes of running she passed one of the houses and in the corner of her eye, she saw a big yellow bulb-thing. Backing up, it became clear that it was a bird. Alrighty then. On the bird saw the blue haired chick that they had met on Laboon the day before, only she was on a chicken, which tbh was really to none of Rikka's concern. What did concern her though, was Soji and Luffy who could be seen fighting with all of their might, and at this point they didn't have much might left. Near them, against a wall, was an angry Sarah which was not a good Sarah. The two men had definitely been fighting for a while and they seemed pretty okay.

Cue instant relief.

Rikka wiped her face and walked straight past the chick and her light duck and headed straight in the direction of Sarah, which was a few feet away from Soj' and Luf'. She stopped right in front of Sarah and placed an arm on her shoulder.

"Thank the Lord. You guys are okay! I saw the dead bodies and you all were gone! I thought something awful had happened...I have no idea what I would have done if I lost you all!"

Annnnddd... the moment of love was over.


"So what the balls happened here and why are they fighting?"

@Mugiwara @GardinOfEden @ThatsAllICanThinkOf



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Location: Whiskey Peak

Mood: Calming Down

Health: 100%

Interacting: Soji, Luffy

Height: 5'7

Weight: 127

Age: 25

Sarah annoyed as she was was trying to cool off. Hearing footsteps in the distance Sarah stiffened a little and gripped her sword just in case it was another person. Seeing the anonymous person turn the corner Sarah saw that it was Rikka looking a bit frantic. She loosen her grip on her handle and proceeds to cross her arms. Sarah saw how blatantly obvious how worried Rikka was about the three. Taking notice of the hand Rikka puts on Sarah's shoulder say wonders She does know that my skin is literally burning right? Well not saying anything she lets the cook continue with herself. Rikka was being a kind person, until that is the drastic change in mood.

*Sigh* Sarah leans her head down and pops it back up.

"Well let's see here. " Sarah looks to Soji.

"That guy over there was still awake looking for what I assume either booze or someone to sleep with, then soon realized that everyone on this island was a bounty hunter trying to take our things and kill us in our sleep. So what Soji decided to do was kill each and everyone of them. Well besides the child heavens know where that kid is at. Then after a while they started to assume that Soji was the captain because of how strong he was, which I call Bull Shit over. After that and with the fighting I discovered that The Blue Hair Girl is a princess and is being hunted down by Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine. That was when around Captain here woke up. He saw the dead bodies and thought that Soji killed them all for no reason and decided to attack Soji. Being the idiots they were they fought out destroying and causing more of a mess they made. A little later I came in and well that happened to them."

Sarah pointed over where the two bodies were with burnt cheek marks, almost lifeless.

"And that's about it."
Asuka Rin

Asuka woke up slowly as she always did after hearing loud voices, silver eyes emerging open. The girl found herself lying down in the floor, with

Location: Whiskey Peak

Mood: What....even....

Interacting with: The four of them, Shizuka kind of

Health: 89%

Shizuka's hands intertwined with her own. Her head hurt, in fact, everything hurt and Asuka felt nauseous. Beyond her physical pain, she felt like absolute shit on the inside... as if something emotionally intense had just happened to her. This was strange to her, it was always easier for Asuka to heal cuts and scrapes, but...
it had to be something else. Think, Asuka...oh no. Oh hell no. Looking around the strange yet unfamiliar area without getting up, she tried to rationalize what had happened.. Asuka remembered approaching Whiskey Peak, with it's lively guests....and taking a glass of wine. That was about it, until she found herself stinking of alcohol, primarily shots. Strong ones at that.

Turning over to lay on her side, the princess saw a glimpse of her reflection through a shattered glass of alcohol. Man, she was a wreck. Her hair that was supposed to be in a braid...supposed to, now it was just all over the place. Her eyes were still bloodshot from crying...for some reason? Asuka's dress wasn't looking so good either, torn at the seams once again. Piecing two and two together, she rubbed her eyes. Clearly she had been drinking and doing god knows what. Groaning and feeling disgusting, she then noticed the scrape on her knee, only slightly bleeding and staining her once beautiful dress. Sitting back down onto the wooden floor, she wrapped her hair around the knee wound and grudgingly sang her song of healing. At least she felt a little bit better moving around now.

"Rikka-san? W-What are you--"Asuka suddenly flinched at the appearance of all the dead bodies. Gunshots. Soji. Why else was he one of the people that were gone? She quickly checked her body for any gunshots, of course not. Why would there be? Asuka was absolutely horrified, but she knew that out of all the stupid shit the sniper was capable of, he would never shoot a nun or over a hundred people if it wasn't for a good reason. "Wait!" Asuka ran as fast as she could in her not-so-nice looking dress to where Rikka, Sarah, Luffy and Soji were. "Someone please tell me what's going on... I don't even remember last night...W-Why is everyone...dead? Do I even want to know?" Asuka fearfully asked the four of them with trembling eyes, coming in a bit too late to hear the explanation. In fact, it might even look like she was starting to cry again, rest assured it wasn't happening. At least, for now. But hey, it wasn't like she actually wanted to remember what happened last night anyways.

@GardinOfEden @TRASHLYN @SirBlazeALot @Suzumaki Arakai @i'm back bitches
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Soji Sento

Location: Whiskey Peak

Mood: TY Sarah

Health: 20%

Interacting With: Vivi, Luffy, Sarah, Rikka, Asuka whoever went outside

Soji leaned his head back in the rubble after Luffy's weak punch. Maybe he wouldn't have to use the dart after all. "Good. Better not to waste it," he said to himself as he stared at the dawning sky. He hadn't gotten an ounce of sleep, and his eyes were becoming droopy, his consciousness fading. The sniper kept the dart in hand just in case Luffy thought the whole crew was conspiring against him as Sarah explained what had went down. "I told ya, ya fuckin'...fuckin' fuck..." he growled from the ground before standing up wearily. He finally returned the dart to its sleeve before getting a good long look at his hungover crew mates. "You're all a buncha lightweights!" he said mockingly as he began to stagger about toward Vivi. He recalled last night, thinking specifically of the cook and the doctor.

Along the way to the blue haired woman and giant duck, the shirtless man crossed his arms and rubbed his shirtless shoulders in an exaggerated manner and hissed, "Sure is cold this morning," before shooting a glare at Asuka. He continued on toward Vivi before stopping in front of her. "We'll take ya home for 10,000,000,000 Berri." he announced in a matter-of-fact tone, even though he knew Sarah didn't approve of his price. She clearly didn't understand the rules of bargaining. You start way higher than you really intend to be paid, that way the asshole on the other end thinks they're getting a better deal when you lower the price.

Now before Vivi could respond, he held up a finger to stop her. "Now I know that sounds a tad bit bonkers BUT! Think about whatchur payin' for." He motioned behind him and began to brag about the crew. "We gotta rubber man, a fire woman, a gourmet chef with a mean roundhouse..." he paused when he got to Asuka and venomously said through gritted teeth, "A wonderful lady, who can heal just about any wound by singing, and somewhere around here a big giant fishman bastard with the greatest hair the world has ever seen," he waved his hand dismissively, "A couple other blokes and...well," an arrogant grin twisted onto his face. "You know what I'm capable of. I'd wager I alone am worth the money, mate."

@Suzumaki Arakai




Deliver Princess Vivi! Luffy Pirates Depart

Mr.9 - Nefertari Vivi - Igaram - Miss Monday - Mr.5 - Miss Valentine - Luffy

As random people began to pour out from nowhere, Vivi and Carue just stood there with confused expressions. Tonight was literally nothing but crazy and what the hell. Yes, what the hell. Luffy flinched lightly once Rikka showed up and began asking Sarah what happened, struggling lightly to sit up on his knees, "Rikka! Soji ki-.." That's when Sarah began her explanation. Once she was finished, Soji stood up at cursed at the rubber boy, causing Luffy to laugh loudly, standing to his feet as well. "Man, Soji! Why didn't you just say so!? I thought that you got mad and killed'em all...just 'cause they didn't have your favorite food!" He just continued to laugh after that as Soji began his way towards Vivi who gave a look of worry, stepping back a little. I would do the same... "...Uhm...W-what?" Once he mentioned an offer that involved a very...very large sum of money, Vivi's brow shot up and almost off of her face. "W-..." And her words came to a halt...stupid Soji. As he spoke about how great his crew was, Vivi silently contemplated and made up her mind by the time he finished, giving her input almost instantly with a furrowed brow. "Impossible. You have my gratitude for saving my life. Thank you." There was a brief moment of silence as Luffy made his way over to a barrel to take a seat in a criss-crossed position, looking at Vivi with an expression that said he's listening, but probably isn't. "...Do you know of a country named Alabasta?..." Probably not...I mean, they just got here, to the Grand Line. And it was only yesterday that they got swallowed up by a giant whale with a tragic past. When no one really answered, Vivi took that as a hint that they don't know, and began an explanation. "It was a great pillar of civilization. A land of peace. Long ago, that is...But now....it's on the verge of civil war. In recent years, a call for revolution has emerged. The citizens began committing acts of insurrection....causing the land to fall into chaos. But one day, I heard the name of a secret organization: Baroque Works!" Dun dun dun! Hearing her words and seeing the girl's gutsy expression made Luffy blink. Tilting his head, he gripped his chin and spoke up, "...I see." Nodding as though he knew exactly what was going on, "This is serious." A short moment of nothing went by and Luffy finally opened his eyes, looking back up at Vivi with shrugged shoulders, "I don't know what that is."


Vivi had stood up within the blink of an eye and slapped the air as though it were a solid surface, growing irritated with Luffy. As she sat back down, a small sigh escaped, "...I guess I'll explain then...." Vivi took a deep breath before starting, "Baroque Works...is an underground criminal organization....The members do not know the Boss' name or face...They specialize in espionage, assassination, theft...and bounty hunting. Everything moves according to the Boss' orders....I understand that it sounds foolish to follow the orders of a Boss you know nothing of, but...The final objective of Baroque Works....is the foundation of an ideal nation. Those that carry out the Boss' wishes successfully are promised high positions and great wealth in the 'ideal nation' he will create. The Boss' codename is Mr.0...To put it simply, the members with codename numbers closer to 0...will receive more power and prestige. They are the strongest members! And the power of Mr.5 and those above him is..." Looking up at Soji and Luffy, she narrowed her eyes a bit, "Unnatural...I discovered that Baroque Works...they were responsible for inciting the rebellion. Aside from this, however, I was unable to procure any further information. So I went to Igaram, who had looked after me since I was a little girl." Luffy lifted his hands and made "C" shapes near the sides of his head with a blank expression, The chikuwa-haired ossan?"

"Un, the chiku- Yes, that's him....I decided to infiltrate Baroque Works. I thought that if I did, I could find out who was pulling the strings, and find out what his plans were. Which would be the ideal nation I told you about. But that's a complete lie! His true intention is to seize the throne of Alabasta! I must return to my country to tell the people the truth! And prevent them from joining the insurrection. If this continues...If this continues...!" Talking about everything and reminding herself about how bad the situation actually was began to overwhelm the Princess. Her head bowed as she clenched her eyes shut, gritting her teeth tightly. "...Money is scarce. Therefore, I cannot pay you." Leaning forward a little, Luffy spoke up towards Vivi, "Oi."


"So...who's this mastermind?" There was a large grin on his face as he asked the bold question, causing Vivi's eyes to gape open in surprise, "Eh!? The B-Boss' true identity!? You can't ask me that!"

"But, you know don't you?"

The Princess was now waving her hands at Luffy in an attempt to shut him up from afar; her voice was raised as well. "Don't ask that! I can't tell you! If I told you, they would hunt you down too!"

"Heeh~ He sounds strong."

"Yes. He is! No matter how strong you may be, there's no way you could even hope to touch him. One of the Shichibukai...CROCODILE!" Uhm...Vivi...You just fucked up, hun. Once the girl said this, Luffy remained quiet and just stared at the girl for a short moment before speaking up, "Who's that?" Suddenly the Princess' face turned pale and her eyes went blank as she turned away and covered her mouth with both hands; Luffy's smile had grown large once he came to think that maybe that's the strong guy. Standing on the roof of the building above the group of pirates were the Unluckies; staring down at Vivi. And within the blink of an eye, Mr.13 and Miss Friday flew off to inform the Boss. Luffy could be seen with sparkling eyes after pondering Vivi's words. Looking over at Soji, the rubber boy spoke with excitement, "She said Shichibukai!" Of course, everyone in the crew knows of the Shichibukai. And for those of you who don't, here we go. The Shichibukai is made up of seven powerful and notorious pirates who have allied themselves with the World Government. Although they work for the World Government, the Shichibukai themselves typically do not care about nor respect the Government. On the other hand, they are known as "government dogs" and are despised by other pirates, but are still feared and respected for their infamous reputation and strength which they gained before, and even after they become Shichibukai. "Wonder what he's like!" As everyone sat doing their own thing, Mr.13 was around the corner drawing pictures of Luffy's, Soji's, and Sarah's faces to show to Crocodile, the Boss that we now know the name of.

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Kazuichi grabbed the sides of Luffy's cheeks he knew it wouldn't hurt but he was reall upset he pulled them away from each other. "First you wake me up to stop your retarded fight! Then you get us wrapped up in even bigger mess by sticking your nose where it doesn't belong! Now you want to fight a Shichibuka there's a limit to how stupid you can be!" He sighed and all his rage seemed to leave with that sigh. He let go of Luffy's face and shook his head. "If you do become Pirate King god have mercy on us all. So oh wise captain I take it we're gonna find this Crocodile and your gonna fight him and possibly get us in even more danger then you normally do. Awesome just point me in the detection of the guys who you want me to beat to a pulp I wanna get back to sleep as fast as possible."

@Suzumaki Arakai
Jake Killiams

Jake woke up from his nap, feeling horrible. He instantly recognized the intense feeling of waking up from being drunk, as his friends back home would sometimes put beer in Jake's drinks during celebrations. That however was rare, as the first time Jake got a hangover was also the same time people started calling him the 'Assistant Of Death' due to the destruction he caused during his rage. Getting up as he looked around, he noticed almost nobody was in the bar anymore. Angry, annoyed, and with a pounding headache, Jake walked out of the bar to find most if not all of the locals beat up on the ground everywhere.

Spotting everyone near the blue haired girl from before. Deciding to stay quiet, Jake walked towards them and simply listened for once instead of asking a thousand questions about the situation. He spoke up only to greet everyone, as it would have been rude not to. "Hey everyone. If any of you see someone try to put something in my drink next time, stop them, because my head hurts like hell from the beer." ((Sorry for the short post >~<))
Asuka Rin

Okay, fine don't tell me. Asuka held in her annoyance as she always did whenever she was angry with another member of the crew. Normally she had

Location: Whiskey Peak

Mood: Ohhhh another princess :3

Interacting with: Ew Soji, Vivi, kinda sorta Sarah, Rikka and Luffy, anyone outside

Health: 90%

excellent self control that she worked on over time, although that scene was Soji yesterday and the day before was an extreme exception. Speaking of normal behavior for Asuka, she also wasn't always a wreck, or even hangover per se, but hey, it's been a weird week. In fact, Asuka controlled her temper enough to ignore Soji's insult about her being a lightweight, maybe she'll ask him what happened once they left. What soothed Asuka's worrisome face was that everyone looked just as bad as her. Especially Soji, the poor sniper certainly looked like he had taken a beating, though the hundred dead bodies would beg to differ. But no matter how much like shit he looked, Asuka personally refused to heal him unless absolutely necessary. Besides, the silver haired girl figured he deserved it anyways.

After hearing the jacket/weather comment, Asuka was 500% done with his shit. Elegantly walking closer towards the blue haired princess and the sniper, the small girl put up a semi-front for the two.
"Hmmm...I don't know Sento-san, I think this morning is just beautiful. Quite a nice breeze." Just by that statement alone, she shuddered at the phoniness, although Asuka was pretty sure she was the only one that ever referred to him by his last name. The silver haired princess smirked at the sniper, almost congratulating herself on her own self control as she listened into Vivi's explanation, trying to make sense of her surroundings.

Being the bookish girl Asuka was, she hadn't exactly heard of Alabasta, but she did read about some "pillar of civilization" in the novels.
Maybe this was it? Or... maybe not. As Vivi talked about some sort of civil war, her heart sank. The kingdom she came from was peaceful, war was almost unheard of. But she felt a sort of empathy for the girl, she would probably be scared as fuck too. And...Shichibukai? Asuka was one of the few people that had no idea who the Shichibukai were being sheltered and all, though the fear in her voice said enough. They were dangerous. Pirates, too.

Trying to take it in, the fellow princess curtsied in front of Vivi and kissed her hand, the polite greeting she was used to. At that time, Asuka had no idea how out of place this action was for a pirate, and much more suitable for a--
"Sento-san, don't be so insensitive to a lady's problems, much less a beautiful girl like yourself. My name is Rin. Asuka Rin, I'm not one of the violent ones." Briefly looking at the sniper, the small girl's gaze returned to the princess as she continued to flirt with her in the most subtle and mannerly way. After the girl introduced herself, Asuka decided to go on. "Princess, I am extremely sorry about your kingdom. We'll do our best to help you, right, 'Oh great sniper-san'?" The poison in her voice was apparent every time she said his name, feigning a "Who, me?" tone with a hint of condescending-ness.

@SirBlazeALot @Suzumaki Arakai @GardinOfEden @TRASHLYN @everyone that is up and rolling
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Soji Sento

Location: Whiskey Peak

Mood: *rolls eyes*

Health: 20%

Interacting With: Vivi, Luffy, Sarah, Rikka, Asuka, Jake, Kazuichi, errbody outside

Controlling his rage isn't one of the strongest skills Soji has under his belt. Between Luffy's idiocy, Kazuichi's cowardice and Asuka's smug demeanor, he was pretty pissed at the entire crew. However, he was far too fatigued to act out on his anger. His annoyance manifested in the form of assorted, inaudible curses. Other than that, he was all ears as the princess regaled the crew with a sob story about her kingdom. At least, that's how Soji saw it.

He began to wretch a bit as Asuka behaved in her unusually regal, yet flirtatious manner. Her behavior reminded him of her little drunken breakdown as well as her make-out session with the absent Shizuka. "Ooooi, and they call me a perv," he turned away and folded his arms until Asuka commanded his attention once again. Turning to face her, arms still folded, her turned his nose into the air and replied, "Oh suuuure. Sniper-san just loves babysitting princesses," he gave her a knowing wink out of the side of his eye before whipping out a pistol and spinning it around idly as he walked away from the girls and toward Luffy and Kazuichi.

"Kazu, quit ya bellyachin', mate. We're huntin' down a croc and that's that. Cap can't even contain himself at the prospect and I like the sound of Soji Sento:" he paused his twirling of the firearm and extended his arms as if he was reading his name in lights. "Shichibukai Slayer. It's got a nice ring to it." Kind of does, there's a lot of S's in it.

After giving his opinion on the manner, he raised his arms high in the air and stretched while yawning simultaneously. "I need a ciggy," he announced as he began to search through the ubiquitous corpses. "C'mon mate, lemme bum a smoke," he growled as he searched. "Could use some more-a-that wine too." He'd prematurely accepted that there was no Berri to be made here, but Luffy's lust for punching dudes in the face would lead them on the quest regardless. May as well be "properly equipped."

@Suzumaki Arakai @GardinOfEden @TRASHLYN @theglassangel @Silvey @Nenma Takashi


Deliver Princess Vivi! Luffy Pirates Depart

Mr.9 - Nefertari Vivi - Igaram - Miss Monday - Mr.5 - Miss Valentine - Luffy

After speaking the name of Crocodile, Vivi practically threw herself backwards, both hands clamped over her mouth. It looks like the Straw Hats are officially on his hit list. Luffy just continued to laugh; he was thoroughly amused by the scene, and made no attempt to release himself from Kazuichi's grasp on his cheeks. The rubber-boy turned his head just in time to see Mr.13 flash him a glimpse of the three portraits he drew before finally flying off to find the Boss. "..That guy's pretty cool..." Luffy always speaks with so much enthusiasm; no matter what the situation. Upon seeing Jake arrive, joining up with the large group, Luffy gave a bendy and wild wave, still laughing about the situation from earlier in which Vivi still seemed slightly distraught over as Asuka spoke up towards her. Hearing her words of help struck the Princess slightly surprised, "E-eh? I couldn't-" That's when Luffy expressed his opinion on everything in words, once again laughing, "Nihihi, this is so exciting!" Looking over at Soji, Vivi raised her hands, "Uhm..I...I have savings...about 500,000 beri..." Just as she finished speaking, a familiar voice rang through the ears of everyone. Looking over in the direction in which it came, Vivi's eyes widened lightly upon seeing Igaram...in a strange outfit too. "DO NOT WORRY!" Luffy turned his head to look at the large man wearing the same clothes as Vivi. "Fear- Bughuu! Mah~ Mah~ Maah~! Fear not, for I have a plan."

"Igaram!" The Princess ran towards him, as well as Luffy after jumping down from the barrel he had been sitting on until now. "What are those clothes for?" Luffy began to laugh as he looked around Igaram, studying his funny appearance. "Ossan! You'll fool anyone wearing that!" This crew sure does have a lot of idiots for members. "Vivi-sama, please listen carefully. Baroque Works' information network will soon receive that report." Igaram was carrying three dummy dolls; two in one arm, and one in the other. They're probably going to be used for Luffy's, Soji's, and Sarah's replacements, I take it. "Once they learn we are the ones that know the Boss' true identity...You understand what will happen, don't you?" Vivi lowered her gaze to the ground for a second before sending Igaram a look of determination, "As many as a thousand hunters could soon be coming after us." Well damn. "That is why I have dressed in the manner of the Princess." Luffy could be seen poking at one of the dummies in Igaram's arm, showing great curiosity as he did so. "I will depart with these three dummies, and travel on a straight course for Alabasta." The rubber captain's teeth grit as he looked up at Igaram, slightly un-convinced, "These are us?"

"Once they have begun pursuing me...Vivi-sama and yourselves can depart safely for Alabasta." I guess everyone agreed to help without knowing exactly what they're getting themselves into. Who knows how this shit's gonna go down...? Well, technically I do, but...you know. Luffy looked over at Sarah, then at Rikka, then his gaze shifted over towards Asuka, confusion clearly being shown on his expression, "Take the Princess? What's that about?" Jeez, Luffy...weren't you even listening?

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Kuro Yume

Location: Whiskey Peak

Mood: Confused

Interacting with: Himself I think

Health: 92%

Kuro eventually made it to where Luffy and the others were. He was about to yell out his name to get his attention, and to ask him about what was going on, but stopped when he noticed that one of the people who they delivered to their homeland was there. He sat down near the group, as they were speaking and it'd be rude to interrupt, and to listen and try to understand the situation. He looked around, observing who was there besides Luffy and the girl; there was Jake, Soji, Asuka, Kazuichi, and Sarah. He wondered what kind of circumstance they had to be in for them to be awoken from their sleep and for the person who was thought to be at her hometown to be right in front of them. He turned his attention to the blue-haired girl when she stated that she had 500,000 beri, and was curious why she let that out. Was she paying them to do something? In the middle of the night? It couldn't be that kind of thing.

He was shocked when he heard a voice and a throat clearing he recognized, moving around to face the direction it came from. What he saw made him drop his jaw to the ground. First they were getting paid by a woman, now the mayor of the town showed up, disguising as the aforementioned female, and came up with a plan?! What was he supposed to comprehend from that? He wasn't surprised that their captain believed he would deceive anyone with that kind of disguise. Who was he going to trick anyways? 'Vivi-sama', he said. Was that what Miss Wednesday's real name? He mentioned a 'Baroque Works', an 'information network', and 'boss'. Maybe it was a company, and the old man was going to infiltrate it or something. He nearly peed his pants at the mention of a thousand hunters coming to hunt them down. Did Luffy, Sarah, and Soji do something to anger this company full of hunters? Vivi was a princess? Well, the last part wasn't that surprising due to the mayor using the 'sama' suffix.

They were going to 'Alabasta'? He was glad they were going somewhere else, because the dead bodies freaked him out. He hadn't gotten a chance to find out who caused them yet though. They were going there with the blue-hair, so maybe it's the country she's a princess of? He didn't have the slightest clue what was happening. Maybe he'll find out later. Find out next time.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/tumblr_no80mdEKfi1txq1mlo1_500.gif.9b7da98768e9126bfd6a3bec6c0dbd2c.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76924" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/tumblr_no80mdEKfi1txq1mlo1_500.gif.9b7da98768e9126bfd6a3bec6c0dbd2c.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

After Sarah explained everything that happened, it was kind of like a lightbulb lit up in Rikka's mind. Everything made total sense now, but either way it was explanation after explaination. Then suddenly Igaram appeared wearing an outfit identical to Viv's only... disgusting. Now, here we go... more explanation. And of course he did. Rikka stood next to Sarah subconsciously fanning her face, because you know, Sarah is really hot. (Heh pun.)

Igaram explained that he was going to pretend to be Vivi until the Baroque Works members stopped pursuing him so that we could safely return Vivi to her village so she could save her Country or something. Rikka wasn't too interested in why everything was happening, but she was interested in leaving this forsaken place. Seriously, she was starting to get creeped.

So as soon as Igaram stopped speaking, Rikka took a few steps forward.

"So when can we leave?"

(Sorry this is so short but we need to get a move on before this dies.)



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