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Fandom One Piece

Jake Killiams

One second she was telling him to not worry, the next she is beating up the whale and then telling it she'll be it's rival, not to mention promising it they'll come back for it. Looking around he noticed one of the newest recruits was out on deck. Jake tried to remember her name, however wasn't exactly sure what it was. Sadly, he was better at remembering images rather then words, and eventually just chose to call her what she was.

Age: 17

Mood: Calm, Relaxed, Slightly Nervous

Location: Deck on teh Thousand Sunny

Interacting: Tsuki, anyone else on deck

Health: 92%

"Hey Recruit!" He said, getting up and walking over to her. Jake only realized up-close that she was taller then the Captain, but he still had a clear foot of height over her. "Sorry, I knew you were part of the crew but kept forgetting your name. Everything good so far? I didn't notice you were up and out until now." He tried to get friendly, however wasn't used to being the one who started conversations, much less, he had avoided the two newest members of the crew lately because of his own distrust towards strangers in general.

"If you know who I am, then again, sorry for avoiding you. If you don't, I'm Jake, the Vice Captain. I'm the guy always training up in the Crow's Nest, but I always call it the training room." He oddly introduced himself, not knowing if he had even said a word to her before. It wouldn't be that surprising since it took him forever to even trust Rikka that she wouldn't try to poison the food, tell Enzo about damages to the ship, and Jake still had issues talked to Momo or Sarah sometimes.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_nskevjpPgO1tub8mlo4_400.gif.2d53909bb769e31a2a9203a5bb016008.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67386" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_nskevjpPgO1tub8mlo4_400.gif.2d53909bb769e31a2a9203a5bb016008.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Rikka sat peacefully at the kitchen dining table sipping on her coffee enjoying the silence that filled the room. The mug she held in her hand was only half full as she had already drank the majority of her coffee. She liked being around the crew all day, but sometimes you need to just sit down in a quiet room and drink a warm drink.

With her mouth pressed against the glass mug she heard the sound of the door opening and closing. Kazuichi sluggishly walked into the room rubbing his eyes. It was pretty clear hadn't noticed Rikka in the room, but she didn’t really mind.

Still holding her mug in both hands she watched as he made himself a sandwich. She couldn't help but stare at all of the ingredients he slapped down onto the bread, it's a cook thing I guess.

It was brought to Rikka's attention that everyone must be kind of hungry, after all its been a long day and no one had really eaten yet. She took one final sip of her coffee and placed the mug down onto the table to see Kazuichi was now sitting across from her. He gave a nod and Rikka chuckled.

"I don't guess I ever actually cooked anything today, huh?"

She was usually on top of things and cooked at least three times a day for the most part, but today wasn't all that usual. She leaned her head back and let out a sigh. Her peace and quiet was gone and now it was time for her to do her job. She slowly swung herself up from the chair and stretched her arms, getting ready to make a meal for the crew.

@Nenma Takashi



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Kazuichi ate his sandwich and spoke up. "Hey if it's not too much trouble another sandwich would be nice." He sat his head down on the table and yanwed. "And a cup of coffee would also be much appreciated." He watched her stand up she chuckled but then she'd to not enjoy the fact she had to cook. "Is cooking more of a hassle then fun sometimes if you need help I can somewhat cook. I had to cook for two for a while so I'm okay at it."

Soji Sento

Mood: Boooooorrrred

Interacting With: Sarah

Health: 97%

Location: Deck

The excitement on the ship died down fairly quickly. Suzumaki's heartwarming moment with Laboon was great and all, but now what? As a constant thrill seeker if Soji wasn't being swallowed by whales or sexually harassing his crewmates then god dammit he just wasn't living.

After taking a quick nap on the lawn of the deck, the gunman sprung up to his feet with a bright idea.

He approached Sarah, who was blissfully looking out into the blue minding her own business.

"Ooooii Sarahh," he called and stood next to the buxom bombshell on at the rail. "'Ow's about a good ol' fashioned shooting game?" he challenged the woman. As the other gunner on the ship he figured the two may as well establish a friendly rivalry to increase both of their skills.



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Rikka began to gather ingredients from the pantry for the large meal she was about to cook. She tried to cook as fast as she could to prevent the crew from getting antsy.

Carrying the ingredients stacked up to her chin, she slammed them down onto the counter. It was a small crew but boy did they eat a lot, granted it was mainly Suzumaki.

Rikka could hear Kazuichi speaking as she began picking certain ingredients off of the counter. She placed her hands on her hips with a sharp exhale.

"Sure, but are you sure you don’t just want to eat along with the rest of the crew?"

She moved all over the kitchen pulling out pots, pans, cutting boards, and knives and started cutting up the ingredients she had plans to use first.

She zoned out of what Kazuichi was saying as she was cooking and waited a minuted before she responded to his offer too help cook.

"That's okay. I was the Sous Chef of the Baratie for the majority of my life, so cooking has become more of a hobby than a chore." (Yes I stole Sanji's arc. but that's okay because I love him and he is mine)

As soon as the food was done it took up almost the entire dining table, to normal people, this was a feast, but to our crew, this was a snack. Rikka twirled a cutting knife in her hand feeling very accomplished. Slowly, she walked to the door as if there was a trap waiting behind it. She flung it open and crossed her arms still holding the knife.
"The food is now done, so you can all come and eat."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/feast-log-horizon-s2-25.png.4a2ac8dbf48fa0b000ee1353653f8763.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67398" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/feast-log-horizon-s2-25.png.4a2ac8dbf48fa0b000ee1353653f8763.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_ma3qy5hV4p1ruakfio1_500.gif.9d8ae21b0a047a1a57d1469cc58416e6.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67399" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_ma3qy5hV4p1ruakfio1_500.gif.9d8ae21b0a047a1a57d1469cc58416e6.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

I want it all aaaaaaaaa

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Momo was now sitting on the floor, knees pulled up to his chest as he laid a map in front of him. He pursed his lips as he occasionally mumbled to himself, using some ink to draw out routes and such for them to take. He ran a hand through his blond hair, looking around at everyone. He noticed Rikka speaking about the food, but he was too busy at the moment. "If we go this way...no, no..." He murmured, blue eyes fixed intently on the map in front of him. Sometimes, as horrible as it sounds, Kumiko forgot to eat because he was working on routes. The ship relied on him, so he was often up day and night creating routes and future routes. He bit his lip as he stared at the map, giving a soft sigh. This work was also what probably made him a tiny bit grumpy.


@Kumiko the sassypants



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Kazuichi was in awe at not just how fast she manged to make the food ut how good it all looked and smell. He could tell it tasted even better this was beyond any simple dish he could make. "Wow your really amazing Rikka!" He reached out to pet her then quickly pulled his hand back and looked away. "Sorry force of habit." He chuckled a bit.


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Suzumaki - Crocus - Mr.9 - Miss Wednesday

As the ship was now docked near the large lighthouse upon the cape of Reverse Mountain, everyone ran around and continued on with their own thing; Suzumaki included. The small captain was sitting near the back of the boat, away from everyone as she examined the 'toy', shaking it around. "Tha hell is this?" Her eyebrows did some sort of wave as she tilted her head with curiosity. Eventually she lost interest in the thing and wrapped it around her wrist before limping back over, riding down the slide that was built by Enzo upon her own request. The girl now stood on the grassy deck where a couple of others seemed to rest as well. Suddenly, Rikka called out that everyone could come eat, causing the hair on Suzumaki's head to stand straight up with excitement. Running back up the stairs to the second floor, Suzumaki darted through the entrance and into the kitchen as her tongue dangled from her mouth. "Meshi!!!~" She was still beaten and bruised from the whale fight but it didn't seem to phase her. Taking a seat, the captain then began grabbing food from every direction, slapping one thing after another onto her plate with a large grin. "Shishishi!! Meshi! Meshi! Me-" Her mouth was now filled. -The ship still needs repaired- -Also, if Momo were to look at his compass, it could be seen spinning around like it was broken.-

Meanwhile, Crocus had made his way onto the boat, taking a seat next to Maki with a stern expression. Watching him, the old man could notice that it seemed as though the navigator had no clue as to what he was doing. Marking out his own course? After clearing his throat, Crocus crossed his arms.
"I take it you young'uns came here without any idea what you were getting into. What brazen stupidity. did you come here to throw your lives away? I told you. This ocean has no common logic to it." Pulling a small compass from his pocket, he showed it to the other. The hand could be seen spinning round and round on the inside. Was it broken? "This compass is not broken, if that's what you're thinking. It's a magnetic field. The islands of the Grand Line are abundant with minerals...causing abnormal magnetic fields along the entire line. What's more, the wind and currents here are completely unstable. If you are a navigator, you must realize how insurmountable this is." Which is exactly right. The Sunny-Go Pirates will be doomed without any way to determine their direction. "Navigating the Grand Line will be impossible if you don't have a Log Pose. It is a unique compass that memorizes a magnetic field. They have a very distinct shape."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Crocus.gif.89f787b0915ceddf0666ed980b1b730d.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67437" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Crocus.gif.89f787b0915ceddf0666ed980b1b730d.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Uwaaah! Rikka! This is amazing!....So good! That's my chef!" Suzumaki continued to shove food into her mouth as she watched Kazuichi make an attempt to pet the woman. This caused her to laugh, "Ahaha! Rikka's not a pig Kazu! Dahaha- ack! Gwa! Aha!" The small girl was now beating against her chest, choking on a piece of meat due to laughing too hard. Standing up from her seat, Suzumaki darted out of the kitchen in a full-fledged sprint and out onto the second floor's deck, then down the stairs and onto the grass, then up another two flights of stairs and towards the helm in which Momo and Old Man Crocus sat with a map laid out before them. Suddenly, right as she went to take the last step, the meat she had been choking on finally slid down her throat once she tripped and fell, skidding a couple feet on her face. "Ah~....ow..." Suzumaki lifted her head to see Momo and Crocus. The Log Pose continued to remain strapped around her wrist as Crocus then looked at it and raised a brow, "Nevermind...I take it you already have one." At these words, Suzumaki tilted her head, now sitting in an Indian style position. "Had what?" She looked down to notice the object, "Aaaah! My precious!....What is it?" Crocus then explained the device to the captain...but she didn't seem to understand at all. "Heeeh~ So this is a Log Pose?...Cool..."

"This islands dotting the Grand Line obey the rules created by magnetic fields. So in order to travel from island to island, the Log Pose must readapt to the magnetic field at each island, and it will point you in the right direction. The truth is that there's no way to determine your exact position on this ocean. You are utterly dependent on the magnetic field memorized by the Log Pose. You must first choose one of the seven magnetic fields emanating from Reverse Mountain. But regardless of which island you choose to start from, your route will eventually join with the others into one final route. And the name of the island at the end of that route is...Raften. The final island of the Grand Line. In all of history, the only person to have confirmed its existence...was the Pirate King. The island is legendary." -Damn Crocus...keep talking.- "Raften...cool!" Suzumaki's eyes lit up and the excitement could be seen around her as it oozed out in a sparkly aura. "One Piece!" Crocus spoke up again, "That legend is the most prominent of all...but not one other soul has yet reached there alive."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3d7c557d_MissWednesdayandMr.9.jpg.f8e42b110556ce0cf0791f33546e413e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67438" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3d7c557d_MissWednesdayandMr.9.jpg.f8e42b110556ce0cf0791f33546e413e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"We'll find out when we get there!" The girl's arms were now crossed as she nodded repetitively with confidence. These words lit a dim fire in Crocus, causing him to smile a bit on the inside as the small one let out a large belch, laughing shortly afterwards. "Alright! I'm ready! Let's set sail!" The Log Pose...it's truly precious to them; their fate at sea is counting on it. Suddenly, Suzumaki went to stand up...and to their luck, she stepped on her hair and fell backwards, using her hands as a cushion to avoid any head injuries. In the process, a sound that resembled shattering glass could be heard as the girl's eyes went wide before darting towards Momo for a second before Suzumaki jumped up and looked down at the broken Log Pose on her wrist, "GAAAAH! THIS WAS IMPORTANT WASN'T IT!?" She then began running circles around the two, hands pulling at her hair in horror at her mistake. "What are we going to dooo! - Don't worry, I've got another one you can have. I owe you for saving Laboon." Crocus spoke up over top of the squealing pipsqueak, causing her to almost instantly appear before him, bowing on her knees. "You're truly a saint Old Man."

Overhead, Laboon could be seen throwing two people up onto the reddened dirt of the twin capes, they looked familiar. This action caught Suzumaki's attention, causing her to jump up, once again -hopefully not breaking anything- and dart off of the boat within the blink of an eye. Once she was near the two, a laugh escaped her mouth as she poked at the orange haired male's crown -that somehow never seems to fall off-.
"Oi, you two again? Shishishi." Mr.9 and Miss Wednesday both sat up and looked at the captain with stern expressions. "I have a request." Mr.9 spoke up, causing Suzumaki's grin to fade just a tad as she tilted her head, "Take us to Whiskey Peak." Well that doesn't sound too hard... "Whiskey Peak? Weird name...but I like the sound of it. What's it to ya?" Due to being frustrated, Mr.9 raised his voice a tad, "It's the town we live in!...erm...ma'am." Suzumaki laughed, "Don't you have your own ship?" - "Sadly, it was destroyed." The small captain leaned in towards the male, a shadow residing over her eyes as she gave him a eerie grin, "Wouldn't that be a little too kind on our part? Mr.9. Shishishi, considering you tried to kill Laboon. Just who are you two?" - "I am a king!" At these words, Suzumaki's eye lit up as she shot back a little, "Hontoni!? Wow! Alright! I'll take you both! Come on!" Of course, Mr.9 is obviously not a real king...but Suzumaki's just too dumb to actually realize that. When the girl agreed to take them, the two glanced at each other and smiled before bowing to the captain. "We will surely repay your kindness!"

((And long-story-short. Suzumaki talked with the two for a little more then went back to the ship and spoke with Crocus some more. Everyone had to wait about an hour or so to let the Log Pose -given to Momo by Crocus- set on a certain course -to whiskey peak- Momo had to orient it to the map of the Grand Line and some other things, he got it to point to whiskey peak with the help of Crocus. Suzumaki said her good-byes to Laboon then took a seat on the Lion's head, pointing towards the sky and yelled FULL SPEED AHEAD like and idiot. And now they're on their way to whiskey peak!))




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Location: Deck

Mood: Excited

Health: 100%

Interacting: Soji

Height: 5'7

Weight: 127

Age: 25

Sarah looks back at Soji and a smirk appears on her face.

"So you want a gun off eh?" Sarah twirls Shock and Awe in her hands and laughs.

"I'll have you know that I always shoot first." Sarah aims Awe towards a random bird in the sky and shoots it down. Poor birdy.

"Now," Sarah's eyes are filled with fire, "The fun begins." She readied her guns to await the challenge Soji of what to shoot.
I haven't shot anything in awhile and going against the sniper won't be bad either now would it. If I could find a way to distracted him at least. Sarah's thinking of tricks, dirty little tricks of into winning this gun game. She may or may not use them, depending on the out come.

Soji Sento

Mood: Fuck yea

Interacting With: Sarah

Health: 97%

Location: Deck

As the woman pointed her firearm at a bird flying in the sky, Soji began to protest. Too late! She had already shot it down. Though he disapproved of killing an animal for no reason, his lips twisted into that "Obama Not Bad" meme position. "Oooooii, not too shabby lassy," he said, genuinely impressed.

His mouth twisted into a devlish grin.
"Alroight, but first, we gotta lay down some conditions. Not a proper game without some rules, now izzit?" Soji looked around and rubbed his chin in thought. He already knew what kind of game he wanted to play with the woman.

"I've got it!" the man shouted triumphantly. He leaned on the rails and held his hand out in handshake position as he explained the rules. "So 'ows about this. Every shot ya miss ya remove an article of clothing. Ya lose when you get to a point where ya refuse to do so. Soundin' fair mate?"

Location: Deck

Mood: Excited

Health: 100%

Interacting: Soji

Height: 5'7

Weight: 127

Age: 25

Sarah smirk grows even wider.
Well either way it's a win for or for him and I don't mind showing off myself either.

"Oh you are so on baby." Sarah is itchin for this gun down. Now she can see who is better gunner Soji or herself. I wonder how this is going to work though. What'll our targets be? Hmm very interesting and exciting. Sarah rolls her neck hearing it pop and moves her shoulders in a circular motion to release muscle tension.
I hope he's ready for me.

"So how are we gonna do this then?" Sarah asks.

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Soji Sento

Mood: Fuck yea

Interacting With: Sarah, Enzo, Asuka, and namedropping others

Health: 97%

Location: Deck

And she agrees! Finally a lady with some backbone around here! He pressed his flask against his smiling lips and tilted his head back and took a swig. "Then thems the rules." He turned to lean his back against the rail and search for a crewmate who wasn't busy. As he did so, the sniper quietly voiced his opinions on his fellow shipmates. He already had a game in mind.

"Shizuka...hates me...Momo...hates everyone...Jake's probably too busy punching something...Cap'ns too spazzy...Rikka wouldn't wanna distract her from dinner..." he took a swig as he continued to scan the deck. Spotting Enzo and Asuka on deck, he grumbled, "Oooooooooiii Asuka...she doesn't say it but she probably hates me all the saaaame...Enzo...." a nasty grin formed on his face as he sprung from the rails and approached the tech savvy guy. He gave a brief greeting to Asuka, "Ahoy, Doc," before addressing Enzo.

"Ooooi Enzo-kun, we don't hang out much, do we mate?" he said as he wrapped an arm around the engineer's shoulders and casually stole him away from Asuka.

Jeez. What a fucking cockblock.

"Enzo, 'ows about ya help your good friends Soji and Sarah out...we're trying to decide who's bullocks with a gun." he explained as he guided Enzo over to Sarah. He took a swig upon arriving at his opponent. Caring not for Enzo's response, he told Sarah,

"Enzo's gonna throw some shit in the air and we're gonna shoot it..." he held up a finger and took yet another god damn swig. "I think I've got some empty bottles in my room that'll do the trick. Sound fair?"

@GardinOfEden @RyanJXavier @theglassangel @Leaf Fi @Suzumaki Arakai @Silvey @TRASHLYN @Zero Gravity
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Location: Deck

Mood: Excited

Health: 100%

Interacting: Soji and Enzo and Asuka

Height: 5'7

Weight: 127

Age: 25

"Sounds perfect sweetie." Sarah taunts. "Oh and Enzo make sure you don't mess up okay?" Sarah gives a sinister grin

(That's basically how she looks like)

Sarah couldn't wait for the game to start.

"Oh and Asuka would you mind getting everyone else to come and watch us please." Sarah asks her sweetly not wanting to scare the poor girl, even though with that stunt she pulled with Enzo probably frightened her.

"So you can go get the bottles and I'll wait here for you two, then we can begin!" Sarah happily shouts.

@theglassangel @RyanJXavier @SirBlazeALot
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It's been about an hour since everyone has set sail, heading for Whiskey Peak, and Suzumaki is still sitting on the head of Sunny, up near the helm, staring out at the ocean as they continue on. Soji and Sarah are having a shoot off and Rikka is still in the kitchen, like usual. Where everyone else is...I've not a damn clue. Rocking back and forth as she sits in an Indian style position, Suzumaki hums a song to herself, "One piece! Gonna getcha, getcha, getcha, ONE PIECE! To the West! To the East! Gotta find my way, sail away, all the way to One Piece! YOSHAAA!~" Throwing herself backwards, the small captain fell and rolled down the small staircase and onto the hardwood deck of the ship with a grunt. Sitting up and rubbing her head, "Itai..." The small girl eventually stood up and headed down to the main deck, the grassy one, shooting Sarah and Soji a glance of enthusiasm, "Yosh! Go, go, go! Fight Sarah! Fight! This calls for sake!" She then disappeared, running up to the kitchen.

Meanwhile, Mr.9 and Miss Wednesday are sitting on the couch in the dining room, tense. "Mr.9...what are we to do if they question our identies?" The blue-haired woman whispered to her partner in question and worry, causing him to close his eyes shut for a moment before whispering back in reply. "I've no clue, Miss Wednesday. Boss would surely have our heads."

@TRASHLYN @RyanJXavier @SirBlazeALot @GardinOfEden @Nenma Takashi @Silvey



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Asuka Rin

Asuka walks over to the deck with Enzo in hand. "Suzumakiiii-san? Are you hurt? Hmmm...she seems pretty excited..Lorenzo, do you think we should leave her alone? Oh...and thank you. You better bring me the best books I've ever seen!" Her face softens once she looks at Enzo, then excited once she looks at the excited captain, a bit conflicted over what to do until.."Is food ready?!?! Kyaaaa~ Healing captain-san can wait!" Running over to the chef, in a swift movement, without forgetting to bow politely, eats a little of everything. Asuka liked the fact that she could eat as much as she wanted without people judging her, lunchtime was when she could really unwind. "Rikka-san! This is amazing!"

After a few minutes of savoring the chef's delicious food until...
goddammit Soji. "Soji-san, what are you doing? A-Are you sure this is safe? I-I mean, he just got beat up...and gunshots are a lot harder to heal.." Asuka held onto his arm protectively, like a mother to an injured child, eyes wide with worry then came to her senses and rolled her eyes. "Sigh..I'll get the others." Nothing in this ship was "safe". She smirked as she decided to watch the show, at a safe distance of course, as she alerted everyone in the crew. "At least you'll make some use of the rose now. Be safe, okay? I am a bit torn about whether or not I want you back on the Sick Bay." Asuka softly laughed and ruffled his hair, which was still a bit of trouble even on her tippy-toes. Beauty, huh? Asuka didn't quite know why she took it to heart, it was a while since she had been genuinely complimented, instead of from a drunken stupor (looking at you Soji). Well, guys, especially in this crew, don't tend to lie.

@RyanJXavier @SirBlazeALot @GardinOfEden @TRASHLYN @Suzumaki Arakai @everyone see the shoowww

Side note: Hoeruna would be so stoked to see this happen while Asuka is freaaaking out
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You know what? Momo had actually thanked the man, much to everyone's surprise. They would be utterly lost without the new device, and he was thankful for the route and the navigation device. He wasn't a bad navigator, but his late teacher had never shown him one or told him anything about this.

Momo was keeping watch on the Log Pose, but he was a lot more focused on the gun show about to take place. A small smirk laid on his face as he leaned against the rail of the ship. This would definitely be interesting, hopefully no one got shot in the face or whatever, or the bullet ricocheted and hit someone else. That would be bad. Truth be told, he didn't hate his crew, he liked them all. It was just his personality that made him seem cold and distant.
"Make this a good one!" He cheered, folding his arms across his chest.




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Soji Sento

Mood: Fuck yea!!!!

Interacting With: Sarah, Enzo, Asuka, Suzumaki...pretty much everybody

Health: 97%

Location: Deck to men's quarters to back to the deck

"Asuka, Asuka...safety third," he said to the doctor. Basically that was code for: "Sit down and shut up," a phrase he was fond of but for some reason...the doctor made him want to be more polite. It was as if she had an air of regalness about her. If we're being honest, Soji was wondering how she had even found herself on a pirate ship, she simply didn't seem that type. Or maybe it was all a facade. He wasn't sure yet. The alcoholic never asked because he was usually too busy relentlessly slinging "compliments" at her and attempting to tell her what he'd like to do with her hair. I say attempting because most people began to cover their ears as soon as he got into detail.

The Captain's enthusiasm was contagious as fuck, causing Soji to extend his arms into the air and shout
"WHOOOOO SAKEEEEEEEE!!" before following the Captain into the interior of the ship. He proceeded to the men's quarters to collect his bottles and dashed back to the deck.

Upon arrival, the sniper raised 7 glass bottles into the air as he walked to Enzo. The gathering crowd made him even more hyped to begin the game. As he set the bottles down in front of Enzo, he told the teen,
"Alright mate. Just throw 'em up as high as ya can when we tell ya to." As he moved away from the boy, he stood in the "Are you not entertained!?" pose as the crowd gathered. He pointed at Sarah. "And none of that 'Ehh I missed I'm taking off my gloves' shit. I'm talking shirt, I'm talking pants, I'm taking vitals, tops, bottoms you know what I mean..." he clarified.

@GardinOfEden @RyanJXavier @theglassangel @Leaf Fi @Suzumaki Arakai @Silvey @TRASHLYN @Zero Gravity @Nenma Takashi @Yato
Shizuka Sasaki

Mood: A little excited, but anxious

Location: Deck, where all da peeps are

Interacting: Everyone, I guess. She ain't chatting though

Health: 100%, I suppose

After finishing the meal prepared by the chef- no matter how low or high on ingredients, she always seemed to really bring her A game- Shizuka released a soft yawn as she listened to the conversations play out. The whole story that the old man had told them still played on her mind... After all, it was a pretty emotional one, and being the sensitive, delicate flower she is, it definitely brought about a few tears... Although, before any new tears could come forth, a shot out was announced to take place. Any upsetting thoughts were shot (heheh) from her head, and a feeling of dread began to bubble. What if someone got hurt...? Accidental shots weren't common, but they still could happen... Especially with the drunk sniper and his... Love of being tipsy. But raising an objection wouldn't be the best idea, so the pink haired girl remained quiet as everyone began their journey outside. Once out, she took a seat on the railing of the Thousand Sunny, exhaling softly as Soji pulled a rather... Intriguing pose. Oh, this was definitely going to end well... "B-be careful, you two!"

Asuka, stand by. This probably wasn't going to end well...

@SirBlazeALot @GardinOfEden @Y'all @Wow, first post I've made in a while... @I'm not pleased with it @But hey @I'm tired, so screw it
Location: Deck

Mood: Excited

Health: 100%

Interacting: Everyone On Deck

Height: 5'7

Weight: 127

Age: 25

"Oh your acting as if I never done this before." Sarah flirts, "And even if I lose everyone here gets a little show now don't they?" Sarah flicks her hair back. She looks at her crew,
Yep everyone's here the show really is going to begin now isn't. Sarah pulls up here guns and twirls them. This little competition here is going to be grate! Sarah hears the crowd cheer, this reeves her up even more. She could feel the fire and passion wielding up in her right now. 3 bottles, 3 bottles. That's what all it takes to win. Sarah had confidence and is sure she's going to win this, besides her mother was the best guns woman so the traits been pasted down to her. Hearing Shizuka's warning Sarah replies back to her.

"We'll try!" And winks her way.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_nqzbi4EFHf1qzhgaao3_540.png.0544ea25b8b07cfe8dddad460df51c47.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67472" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_nqzbi4EFHf1qzhgaao3_540.png.0544ea25b8b07cfe8dddad460df51c47.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Almost everyone had finished their meals and continued on with what they were previously doing or started doing something new, except now, they weren't as hungry. Not everyone had came to eat and by the looks of it they might not get too.

Rikka tried to keep food around but it was hard, since they only stopped every few weeks and Suzumaki ate the same amount as ten men.

The two strange people from before were not only on our boat but they were in our kitchen eating Rikka's food. Something about it just itched her to the core. The boat had now set sail and we were on our way to the next island with the newly found information of the so called 'Log Pose'.

Rikka was excited to arrive at a new island, so she could finally get some food and hopefully keep it on the ship for more than a day. Also, this was there first island they would be visiting on the Grand Line! It was somewhat thrilling. So many people said the grand line was impossible or that you couldn't just "stroll" onto it. Well, in our case that's not quite true. We did in fact "stroll" onto the grand line, through a whale but we did it. (*Cue Dora theme song*)

Hearing the ruckus out on the deck intrigued Rikka and she figured whatever was going on out there was better than hanging around with the freak duet. Excited to see Soji and Sara were having a battle of gun's Rikka walked halfway down the stairs and took a seat to watch. Hopefully she'd get to have a duel of her own.

@Suzumaki Arakai @SirBlazeALot @GardinOfEden @Leaf Fi @Yato @theglassangel @Zero Gravity @Silvey @RyanJXavier @Nenma Takashi



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Lorenzo Hayashi

"There she is!" Enzo exclaimed seeing Suzumaki run into the kitchen. He began to make his way to the kitchen with Asuka when the small girl suddenly sprinted back out then onward to the whale. That girl is fast. The scent of delicious food made its way to Enzo causing him to dash into the kitchen, temporarily forget about the captain, and eye everything the cook made. He glanced at Rikka before flashing the cook a quick smile, "I can marry you right now". Lorenzo happily prepared his plate and chowed down on the good stuff. After a few moments, Enzo said his thanks to the best cook around and walked back onto deck.

His eyes spotted Suzumaki doing her thing and just being a Suzumaki. It's not hard to find her. The challenge was getting her, and keeping her still. Enzo's gaze casually shifted to Asuka, "Now she's-". The man's words were suddenly cut off by Soji's actions. Enzo didn't mind the interruption though, "Yeah, we don't hang out much. We could change that if ya want". The protective Asuka caused Enzo to blink a couple of times in silence. He calmly placed his hand onto the concerned girl's shoulder. "...Relax, Asuka. I'll be okay" His eyes closed as the doctor ruffled his hair. Determination and excitement filled Lorenzo's mind prompting him to furrow his brows and grip a bottle in each hand, "Alright, let's do this".

@Suzumaki Arakai @theglassangel @SirBlazeALot @GardinOfEden @TRASHLYN @imoutatthemoment
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Suzumaki.gif.fef8b694d96d929b2317e40954007cee.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67475" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Suzumaki.gif.fef8b694d96d929b2317e40954007cee.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Just as Suzumaki had entered the kitchen, Rikka left, leaving the girl alone with Mr.9 and Miss Wednesday. Looking over at the two tense quests, Suzu gave a thumbs up and stuck her tongue out. "Rikka's a great cook ain't she!? I know!" She didn't even give them time to answer...Mr.9 scoffed lightly and looked away with a stubborn glare, "Hmph...I've eaten better." Miss Wednesday nudged the man upon hearing these words, indicating that he should straighten up his act, but before he could, Suzumaki's cheerful smile turned into one that could send chills down a person's pine as she leaned on the dinner table, resting her head in her hand as a couple of noodles dangled from her mouth. "Have you now? Heh-heh-heh~...well then..." Standing up straight, the girl pulled her sword from the small sash that normally holds it up, and approached the two slowly. No, she didn't un-sheath the weapon, it's still in it's scabbard. "I'd like to know where you eat. Take me someday." Suzumaki gave two taps to Mr.9's chin using her sword, "Ne~ ne~?" The two spies were now even more tense than before, Miss Wednesday was curled up, hugging herself as Mr.9 was pressed against the back of the couch as far as he could possibly go. That's when the captain suddenly remembered what she had came into the kitchen for in the first place, "Ah! SAKE!"

Running over into the kitchen area, Suzumaki began searching through everything...everything, trying to find her beloved alcohol. It makes watching things more interesting. A catchy tune could be heard from the girl as Mr.9 and Miss Wednesday watched her with confused expressions. "Ahaha! Sake!" Finally, the short one pulled a large, glass bottle of sake from the back of a cabinet, lifting it triumphantly into the air with a cheer. "Yosha! Ja ne!" She gave the two a smile before running out of the now trashed kitchen, and onto the upper deck, looking down at everyone who was watching Soji and Sarah. A rat-like laugh escaped Suzumaki's vocals as she twisted the lid off the top of the bottle and turned it up, only to suddenly spit out whatever it is that she just attempted to drink. "What the hell!? Is this shit!?" Looking at the label on the bottle, she stared at the words...Suzumaki can't read. "Fuck."

After allowing the vinegar to drop to the ground, Suzumaki stared down at Rikka who was sitting on the stairs to the upper deck with an angry glare. "I see how it is." Suddenly the girl jumped up onto the upper railing of the Thousand Sunny, throwing her sword out into the air above the chef. With a quick and powerful jump, Suzumaki was airborne momentarily, along with her sword, before yelling out to Rikka. "You tried to poison my sake didn't you!" Before gravity could catch up to her, Suzumaki grabbed her sword with both hands and began falling down with great speed, ready to bash the other right on top of her head. -The sword is still sheathed.- "Bakaaa!~"




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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_nn3dja5tUG1tydz8to1_500.gif.b454532c15f4cceceab1b4fbfb405314.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67486" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_nn3dja5tUG1tydz8to1_500.gif.b454532c15f4cceceab1b4fbfb405314.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Still on the stairs, watching the two snipers battle, Rikka cheered them both on. She was with herself betting that Sarah would win. I don't know something about drunk guys and guns really put her off. Everything was fun and cheerful at the moment until Rikka heard a gag from the top of the stairs and then the sound of Suzumaki yelling. She never seems to shut up.

"You tried to poison my sake, didn't you!?"

Rikka had zero idea who this was meant for until the shadow of Suzumaki hovered above her. Rikka's eyes grew wide. What would she do. She wasn't prepared! How would she dodge!?

Just as Suzumaki's sheathed sword grazed the top of Rikka's head, she flung herself down the stares landing on her stomach and getting a face full of grass. Suzumaki's sword smacked down onto the wooden steps as is it let out a crack.


Rikka yelled as loud as she could towards Suzumaki as she rolled over onto her back staring directly at her tiny frame.

@Suzumaki Arakai



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Soji Sento

Mood: Fuck yea with an extra side of YEA

Interacting With: Sarah, Enzo, Suzumaki, Rikka, and anyone watching

Health: 97%

Location: Deck

As Enzo geared up to throw the bottles, Soji aligned himself with Sarah, preparing to blast his respective bottle. Suddenly, all of the endearing inebriated clumsiness of the man had dissolved. There was only gun, finger, bottle, and Lady Luck. Many a woman has suffered through Soji's affections, but none more so than Lady Luck. As Enzo tossed the bottles in the air, the man extended his arm and shot.

The ever satisfying sound of glass breaking reverberated in his brain. Most would expect a drunken celebratory dance in this moment, but Soji was no monkey. He simply turned to Sarah, who had missed, and smiled politely, tilting his head.
"One article of clothing, please," he said before looking to Suzumaki for some of that sake.

But as he finally tuned into the world around him he spotted a vinegar bottle and Suzumaki and Rikka involved in some sort of dispute. A vein immediately bulged under the skin of his forehead.

"Excuse me!! I would very much appreciate SOME SAKE right now!!" he shouted at both women childishly. This anger was simply not good for his aim.

@GardinOfEden @Suzumaki Arakai @TRASHLYN @RyanJXavier @all y'all watching.
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As Suzumaki came down in an attempt to hammer Rikka in the head with her sword, the girl dodged, causing her scabbard to smack against the wooden stairs of the Sunny with a loud crack as the chef received a face full of grass before turning around to question the short one. Suzumaki stared down at Rikka, breathing heavily, with her legs gaped like a mad man. Both of her hands still gripped the sword as tight as possible. "Onibaba!" Just as the adolescent was about to continue with her assault, Soji called out with an irritated tone in his voice, asking about the sake. "Hah!?" Looking down at the male, Suzumaki yelled out in belligerence as she walked up the stairs -halfway considering she's already up them a little ways- and grabbed the vinegar bottle, "The sake it poisoned! Baka!" In one swift movement, the captain seized the bottle from the ground and made an attempt to launch it at the sniper. Unfortunately for Rikka, Suzumaki has horrible aim...Instead of going where directed, the bottle somehow curved and shot towards the chef with great force, bouncing off of her head and busting open. At this sight, the short girl's eyes gaped wide, averting to the side as she lowered her guard in guilt. "O-oops..." Yeah...that was not intended.

@TRASHLYN @SirBlazeALot @People



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