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Fandom One Piece: Dawn of a New Age


Professional Nose Bleeder

  • Welcome to our little One Piece RP!

    We wish to create a original and personal experience to our players, all based on the fantastic world of One Piece.

    If you wish to join, please, don't hesitate! Previous knowledge of the manga is not necessary if you have the desire to learn about it!

    We will be covering the adventures of a pirate crew, but don't feel restrained! You can be a Marine, have Akuma no Mi's and all of that sweet stuff! Just contact me via PM so we can make it happen without damaging the adventure

    We will be playing on a different version of the One Piece Universe, you may even call it a parallel world. None of the original characters will appear on the course of the story, mainly to keep the thrill of not knowing who are the Shichibukai, Younko and so on.

    The RP has already started, but there are plenty of space for new people. Feel free to join us!

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Count's back was killing him, as usual.

Sleeping on crates instead of a proper bed was something incredibly casual for him, but he still hadn't got used to it.

Incredibly hungry, Count walked right ahead up to the "Mermaid's Den".

Oi! Sellart! Good morning, friend! So, I'm here to make a deal! - he shouted spontaneously, as he walked into the bar.

- You want food, don't you? I'll tell ya what. You play for us tonight for about 5 hours, and I'll give you breakfast AND lunch! -
replied Sellart, a short, bald cook.

- You know me all too well. I'm feeling a little peculiar today, so give me something different, will ya? -
Count said as he sitted on a chair at the empty saloon.

While the food was being prepared, Count took a cigarrette out of his pocket. This day was feeling different, after all.
What could the future be holding?


The shark fishman was near a shore of a beach,currently wearing a tropical shirt with khaki shorts. "Man,its freaking hot out her. what the heck.." He said with a frown and sighed. Cloud pushed his sunglasses up on his face,blocking the sun from his eyes. At the moment,he was fishing the human way which started to rather hard for him to do."ahhh..screw this, im going this my way!." Cloud growled,walking over to the water and took off his shirt. Cloud took of his pants,revealing his swim trunks. He then dove in the water and begun his hunt for fish​
Sunny was on board a fishing boat, the same one he had been on for six months after leaving his home town. Ever since Sunny had joined the boat the crew said their fishing had been much more successful, catching nearly double what they used to, mostly since Sunny told them the best places to set and the best times to collect. However not everything was all good no Sunny was dreadfully bored of fishing and wished for something else, he decided to tell the crew that they would be down a 'lucky charm' as they called him. Walking up to the bridge where the captain was Sunny quickly got his attention. "Captain, I felt like you might want to be the first to hear this." Sunny said as the captain looked his way. "You look like you've got something you want to say?" The captain said as usual it was almost like he could read minds. Sunny nodded "This is going to be my last trip, i'm a chef not a fisherman." Sunny said. The captain didn't seem that bother. "I can tell you make food better than catch it." The captain said before quickly continuing. "Well i'm bring the ship into a port right now, your more than welcome to disembark there." The captain said and Sunny nodded. Arriving at the town Sunny disembarked, got his last pay from the captain and decided to wonder around town for a while.
Heavy footsteps shook the trees in the orchard as Juggernaut made its way towards an apple tree covered in white fruit. It reached up and picked an apple. A piece of metal retracted at the top of the metal creature, and it dropped the apple into the space. It picked more apples until it could carry no more, and when it was done it turned and walked back out of the orchard the way it had come.

The metal machine stopped outside the cave that was its home. It was on the side of a hill that overlooked the village. There was smoke rising into the air close to where it was. The metal creature turned and lumbered towards the source of the smoke.

What it found was simply an abandoned campfire left burning. It walked up to the fire and stopped moving for a few moments. And then it brought up its metal leg and slammed its foot down on the fire. The ground shook from the weight of the metal foot coming down. It repeated this process until there were no more flames or smoke.

"A-ah it's the monster! It's here!"

The metal creature turned. A man and a woman were standing a short ways away, staring at it with fear. When it turned and started moving towards them they ran away yelling. Two more people who had seen the metal monster. Juggernaut reached a massive arm out and grabbed a thick tree. The tree cracked and splintered, falling to the ground with a crash. The metal monster picked up the tree with one hand and dragged it back to its home.
Muna made her way through a small crowd of people, trying to maneuver herself through town. On her she carried a large backpack that to most people would be heavy and hard to carry but she didn't mind. It held her tools after all. She hadn't had much luck today, as she was getting used to. She would come to a town with a port, ask if there were any ships in need her skills, get rejected, and go eat her sorrows away. Which she was planning to do right now if she could find herself some food. She spotted a bar up ahead and thought over her options. "Well... It doesn't look to pricey." She said herself, walking to it. "And I can get a drink." She was already smiling at the thought at she entered and took a seat. Quickly looking in her bag to make sure she had enough money to even buy anything.
Heloisa wandered around the town. She hoped someone here would hire her. She hadn't sent money to the orphanage in a while. She hoped they were all okay. She shifted her guitar case on her back. There were so many people. She passed by homes, hotels, and markets. None with a good spot to stop and perform. She walked into an area with several bars and restaurants. She stopped outside one of the buildings. The people passed by her without giving her a second look. She took out her pink guitar and set the case on the ground open. No one still took any notice to her. She began to strum. At first she hummed with it, then started to sing. As people walked by they'd drop a small coin or two in her case, while others would stop and watch her for a little before tossing a coin and departing. She just continued waiting for someone to give her a job offer.
Haru stood on the deck of his marine ship he was hitting a punching bag with a final hit it broke off it's chain and fell to the floor. "Crap I broke another one these things are getting weaker." A marine laughed. "I believe you are just getting stronger sir." Haru nodded. "Yeah that sounds about right. Send for a new one." The marine saluted and walked off. Haru looked out at the vast sea in front of him. "Such a peaceful day......I'm bored."
Joan cheered softly as her little dinghy landed on an island. She was dreadfully tired and starving. She went to jump onto land, but instead tripped over the side of the small boat and faceplanted onto the ground. Groaning, she got up, looked around, and sauntered around the town. She was a misfit among the crowd because she had two pistols and was noticeably more irritable than everyone else. She finally spotted a little restaurant. Holding back a smile, looking like she was getting ready to murder someone, she dragged her feet into the restaurant, grinning like a madman as she placed some amount of belis onto the counter, she didn't care how much it was.

"Give me. A drink." The woman behind the counter took the money and nodded slowly, kind of scared at Joan's behavior. The woman came back a few seconds later with a drink, as Joan shoved it down and fell asleep on the spot.
Libby looked at the books in the library. She heard that this island had some extremely interesting books, but Libby already read all off them. She sighed and left the shop. There was a only one books she wanted. The Kokogaku Himitsu. She remembered reading an old book that mentioned it had secrets that not even the greatest archaeologist knew about. She walked down the hill towards the dock and smiled at the sea. It had only been two years since she left that sad town to explore the sea. And she never regret her decision.

Business went as usual on the Mermaid's Den. Count fiercely ate the pancakes he was served, as if his time alive was running out and this was his last meal. Sellart put down his Den Den Mushi, with a worried look on his face.

- Count, come here, please - Sellart said.

- What is so important that you can't tell me her- Count was abruptly interromped

- Just come...here... - Sellart said, grinding his teeth

Count walked up, at his own slow pace to the balcony.

- So, what up? - Count said, while he scratched his head, still awfully tired from the rest he didn't get.

- The monster, they said he's at the hill. By the place we usually hold our Appleton's Festival!

- Yeah, but so what? There ain't even a bounty on this thing for me to go after it.

- Yeah man, but... you're like a damn cloud! You can't be stopped! Would it hurt to check it out? Because if this thing settles on our Appletoniperfect spot... - he whispered

- ... What? What is going to happen?

- I will not feed you anymore.

Count went running to the hill, in search of clues of said monster. Upon arriving, he only found split roots, a burned out campfire and...nothing more. There were few changes in the pattern of the grass, which could suggest a huge thing was walking in it, but it was too much to assume. So, Count sitted on the grass and took a cigarrette out of his pockets. Maybe the smoke will help him out.​
Sunny whistled as he walked around the town, he decided that he wanted to buy a bunch of ingredients to make a giant stew. Going around to all of the shops selling food he could see and or smell he picked only the very best and most beautiful ingredients. After purchasing all of the ingredients he felt like he would use, a whole three bags full, it only just occurred to him...He had no place to cook his stew. He began to think where could he persuade someone to lend him their kitchen and just as if it hit him right in the face he looked up and saw a building called the Mermaid's Den and the smell coming from that building was the smell of food. A wide smile appeared on his face as he walked in. Right away he was getting some strange looks but by now he was used to it. Walking over to the counter Sunny got the attention of the person behind it, who also seemed to be the cook, he was a rather short and bold man but Sunny didn't really care he only had one thing on his mind. "I have a request if you would indulge me for a few moments." Sunny said as the short bold man looked his way. "Go on." The short bold man said. " Its a bit of a strange request." Sunny said "So I recently as in right now purchase some ingredients to make a stew, however it just occurred to me I don't have a place to make the stew as I've just finished being the chef on a fishing vessel." Sunny added before wiping the sweat of his brow with the back of his hand. "You can see where i'm going with this yes?" Sunny asked still smiling as the small bold man nodded. "You want to use my kitchen right?" The small bold man said as Sunny nodded. "If it isn't too much to ask, I would even give you three quarters of the stew if you want it." Sunny said trying to sweeten the deal a little. The small bold man nodded and instructed Sunny to come inside Sunny did so. Sunny then washed his hands and got to work.
Muna finished digging through her bag, having finally found some money. "This should be enough for... at least something." She muttered, looking back up. The first thing she noticed was a man with extremely brightly colored hair walking into the kitchen. Now that got her attention. She had seen many colorful characters in her travels but this guy... well... He was certainly colorful. She wondered if he worked here as she went up to the counter. After quickly ordering the cheapest food she could and paying the man she went back to the table and took a seat, every once in a while glancing at the kitchen to see if the colorful guy would show up.
Juggernaut sat in front of the cave that it called home. Splintered wood covered the grass around the metal monster. In one hand it held what remained of the large tree it had dragged back. The other hand held a large piece of stone crudely fashioned into a blade. It brought the stone blade up and made a slow cut down the side of the wood. It was carving something but what was unclear. As Juggernaut continued making one cut after another patterns and shapes began to appear in the wood. Those lines there could be hair, and that shape a mouth, those eyes. It was carving people out of wood.

Something clanged against Juggernaut's metal skin, and its stone blade cut off a piece of the carving. The metal monster slowly got up and turned in the direction the rock had been thrown. A group of boys, teenagers, stood a ways away, a couple looking like they were going to throw more rocks. Juggernaut raised its arm and walked towards them threateningly. In its arm it held the stone blade. The gang of kids ran hollering away back towards the town. It was not the first time they had tested the metal monster, and it was unlikely to be the last.

Juggernaut held the disfigured wood carving in front of it. It was two people, bit they looked to be disfigured, as if they were in pain or grimacing. The metal arm pulled back and threw the carving away over the treetops. The sound of shattering wood could be heard off in the distance as it landed. Juggernaut walked over to the nearest tree and crushed its trunk in its hand before dragging it over in front of its cave to begin carving again. The space in front of its cave was littered with the shattered stumps of treed that Juggernaut had taken to use. IT was starting to form a clearing in the forest.
The sound of trees clashing and cracking caught Count's attention. While somewhat far away, the arrival of sweat covered kids clenched his eyes. With unproductive efforts of getting information out of them, they couldn't, wouldn't stop running away from the forest. With a heavy sigh, Count tossed away his cigarrette and ventured forth into the path of destruction laid out by the shattered trees.

The sound of trees cracking only got louder and louder, untill he eventually came to what seemed like a cave. All the sounds apparently came from there. Count sat on a nearby rock and started throw small rocks inside the cave, to see how deep it actually was, or if something was inside it.
It took a while for Joan to realize where she actually was. A restaurant called "Mermaid's Den". It seemed like a rather fancy name. She saw a man walk in with brightly colored hair.

'That's just too much.' She thought. He really should get a haircut. She ordered a simple chicken stew from the restaurant with the little bit of money she had.
Cloud dried his self off with an towel and placed it back in his bag. After he did,Cloud placed his fish in the cooler and headed back to town."All these fish..and i have no way i can cook them..maybe i should put them back." he growled and let the fish back in the water,then handed back to town."Urg..such a waste of time,but..i didn't have anything better to do."

Juggernaut ignored the rocks being tossed into its cave at first, but whoever was throwing them showed no sign of stopping until they had gotten to see the monster. It set down the stone blade and piece of wood before stopping and grabbing a large piece of waste wood it had cut off. Holding the splintered piece of wood in one hand, Juggernaut walked out of its cave.

A scruffy looking man was sitting on a rock outside the cave, still holding more small rocks in his hand to keep on tossing in. Juggernaut just stopped right outside the entrance of its cave, its metal body and huge size all the intimidation it needed. The painted on skull on its front, the paint now worn and faded, seemed to stare at the man, warning him to leave and go back to wherever he had come.
For a few seconds, Count forgot everything. Forgot he couldn't be hit by normal attacks, forgot he had somewhere to run, he even forgot the reason he was doing it all. Fear took over his body, and he froze there, looking at the giant metal machine. The figure was intimidating, but, after a few minutes of silence, Count grasped the situation at hand once again. He eased up his shoulders, took a small sigh and threw a last small rock at the giant thing. He tipped his fedora and starting to tackle the creature with smaller rocks. Count knew they wouldn't do any damage, but that was the intention. If the creature came, he'd take it inside the city, hopefully avoiding any damage to the buildings. Untill he could understand how the creature worked and attacked, he knew everything he did would be useless.
Cloud kept walking in boredom and stopped when something caught his eyes. A bead of sweat came down his face when he saw a large..whatever is was by a cave."W-W-W-What is that?! it must be..it gotta be. A ROBOT!" the shark fishman's eyes lid up brightly and ran over towards the what he thought was a robot. He didn't even notice the other man there,Count."Oh..my..gosh..can you talk?! are you robot?????!!! i love robots??" he seem to almost be drooling in excitement
The scruffy man continued to throw rocks at Juggernaut even after it had left its cave. Was he stupid, or dangerous enough to not be afraid when faced with a monster? But not a second later, the scruffy man and Juggernaut were joined by another type of monster. A shark fishman appeared out of nowhere and charged right up to the metal monster, a river of questions falling from his mouth.

Juggernaut took a step backwards away from this second intruder, and then it bent down and picked up the last rock the scruffy man had thrown between two strong metal fingers. Standing up tall, the metal machine moved its arm to the side. There was a loud crack as the released pebble was sent completely through the trunk of a tree off to the side of the two intruders.

Moving the piece of wood from one hand to the other, a piece of metal popped up from Juggernaut's free hand. A small jet of flame came out of the metal nozzle, and it burned something into the piece of wood before throwing it onto the ground in front of the closer of the two intruders. Burned into the piece of wood was the word: LEAVE. The metal piece on Juggernaut's palm retracted as it stood motionless in front of the human and the fishman.
~Thriller Bark~

Tremki had only just killed the doctors who had resided in the castle, it was rather simple really he marked them all using a piece of DNA in order to use his Voodoo dolls to take the appearance and gave him the power to alter their life, tremendously he was often pleased with this power becoming fond of it quickly after being forced to eat it. "Ooohh, are you okay Doc?" Tremki said leaning down at the dead doctor lifting his head with a wide sadistic grin on his face "Here let me help" he added before bashing his head repeatedly into the ground laughing childishly.

After having his fun he had left the room blood written on the wall ~Love, Me~ with a smiley face underneath. He wasn't often like this actually it was a pretty rare occasion, he often maintained his innocence in good company but would lash out when annoyed by someone, having a pretty judgmental personality at times. Fussy. He finally left the castle taking one of the boats the doctors would use on their travels, finally setting off he rush to the front of the boat looking out at the water "I'm finally free.." his voice was rather odd coming off rather creepy to most this being because he was simply....Insane? Although he was like this he thought nothing different of it, and was rather happy in most cases and was excited to see what it was like outside Thriller Bark.

(Sorry it took me a bit to do my intro..)
Taka looks over board the ship in boredom, he was headed in the opposite direction of his goal right after he gained some information from the impel down inmates "Damn those marines I was so close" he grunts in annoyance. He took a deep breath before taking to large sized green and blue pills that would help him maintain control over his body, he looked off into the distance to see were the ship was headed and it seemed they were nearing an island but nothing familiar to Taka so it must be nothing all to great he assumed arrogantly as usual. Needing a answer he headed to the captain of the ship, after a short walk he ran into Haru he seemed as bored as Taka "Hey Haru were are we headed today, I can't stand being on a ship for to long?"

@Nenma Takashi

Haru chuckled. "You know most people refer to their higher ups by rank. To an island we've been sailing for a while so I figured we could us a break." He smiled. "Besides I got a gut feeling something fun might happen."
Taka chuckled lightly at his reply and said "I prefer names over titles, titles mean little and lack character I am sure that I could be a commander but I am a foot soldier" he paused for a moment to prevent him from ranting. He then addressed the second part of Haru's statement "An Island...any specific reason besides a break, I've heard that evil never sleeps?" he spoke in a mellow tone and wore a smirk, he was hoping that gut feeling was correct.

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