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Fandom One Piece- A new Adventure character sheets


The Phantom Hexblade
Name- (This is were you put your characters name, nicknames, and/or alias)
Gender- (What gender is your character)
Age- (how old they are)
Race-(Human, FIshman, Mink, or something else. If you make a new race not in the anime/manga talk to me about and we'll see what we can do)
Role of the crew- (Whats your main job on board the ship)
Appearance-(Picture and/or description)
Personality- (A simple or complicated explanation about how they act)
Skills- (What skills do you have with fighting, cooking, building, etc)
Weapons- (What weapons do carry with you)
Abilities- (What special powers if any do you have including Haki and Devil fruit. Ask me before give them Haki and/or Devil Fruit powers)
Strengths- (What they good at)
Weakness- (what they are bad at. Make sure this and strength is balance)
Bio- (A brief history of your character)
Interest check- https://www.rpnation.com/threads/one-piece-a-new-adventure.352190/#post-8155840
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- Kanto
Gender- Male
Age- 25
Race- Shandian
Role- Chef

Appearance- Kanto stands at 5"10 and weighs around 155lbs. He is well-muscled and, like all Shandians, sports tattoos on his arms and torso. His blue hair is on the long side and rarely brushed or tied up. He generally dresses without a shirt in order to display his tattoos and therefore his heritage but is starting to catch up to the rest of the world's dress attire and therefore will sometimes wear a top. For all other clothing he tends to prefer red or brown. Like all Skypieans, he is able to produce two small white wings on his back and even though they aren't useful for flying it does help him balance and move faster.

Personality- Kanto can be best described as a fireball. On the surface, the flames are beautiful and warm but if you give them too much fuel they will run rampant and cause destruction. He is energetic and headstrong, never liking to give in or listen to other people. He is passionate about many topics and lives to argue, often times creating opinions just for the sole purpose of rivaling somebody else. Kanto is very competitive and doesn't like to be out-performed or underestimated, leading to him constantly training and striving to be the best whether it be at cooking or fighting.

His decision making skills leave quite a lot to be desired, often times going with the first solution that comes to mind and plowing through tricky situations with the sheer force of his will. In a lot of ways he's oblivious to the way the world works after spending his entire life in Skypiea. He generally needs a lot of assistance from others when it comes to etiquette or finding his way around, and without help ends up a lot like a lost puppy. Kanto's bark is much worse than his bite, but notably his bite still will leave you bleeding. Above all he wants to enjoy life and will never overlook an opportunity to go out and have fun, and likes to meet people even if he might not agree with them.

Cooking - Seeing that his mother was the main cook for their tribe, Kanto learned how to cook quite well. On Skypeia he was always restricted to a few select ingredients so he became very good at mixing flavor profiles to create unique dishes people haven't tasted before. While his cooking isn't "restaurant quality" per say, it isn't incredibly nutritious and tastes good as well.

Spear Fighting - Having grown up as a Shandian on Skypiea, it is no surprise that Kanto is a talented warrior. The Shandians are a very dedicated race whose worship and determination have led them through countless hard times, and their warriors are fierce and trained from an early age. Kanto has therefore been training with a spear since he was very young and has all but mastered the art of spear fighting.

Speed - The Shandians are also known for their use of skateboard and rollerblade-type contraptions in order to gain extra speed and momentum while fighting. Kanto has been trained in this art and is capable of using his rollerblades not only to hunt enemies down but also move at high speeds during battle which makes him hard to hit.

Spear - A spear with a wooden shaft and metal head, Kanto's spear is shorter and thicker than most others to enable him to have closer-range fighting abilities. The wide shaft also makes it more durable so that it can withstand the rapid-succession hits that Kanto's fighting style contains.

Rollerskates - While not many would consider this a weapon, Kanto's rollerblades are an integral part of his fighting abilities. They allow him to go in and out of battle at high speeds and allows him to both be offensive because he is able to speed by targets while hitting them, but also defensive because his speed allows him to dodge a lot of attacks.

Sword - In the event that his spear ever breaks, Kanto also carries a shortsword. He is not as good at swordfighting as he is at spearfighting but is abilities are still above average with a sword.

Soku Soku no Mi - A paramecia-type devil fruit that gives the user the ability to move at extremely fast speeds, thus making the user a fast human. Aside from just moving at fast speeds it also allows the user to survive falls from heights and collisions that would kill a normal person. One major risk is that he is vulnerable when moving at great speeds, as being stopped suddenly can devastate his body, and if he is hit by any attack he will still sustain damage.

Thinking Quickly - Due to the fact that Kanto is always racing around at high speeds, he developed the ability to think quickly as well. He is good at thinking of things on the spot and is good under pressure because he is capable of coming up with a bunch of different ways to get out of sticky situations. He thinks on the fly so his fighting style also reflects this and is very erratic and hard to predict because he is always just making things up as he goes.

Improvisation - Kanto's ability to improvise is slightly tied in with his ability to think quickly, and he is always able to use his surroundings to his advantage. He is known not only to improvise with weapons but also improvise ramps and platforms for his rollerblades and this strength makes him a threat because he is able to adapt to any situation.

Agile - Due to his lean build and speed, Kanto is incredibly agile. His sense of balance also allows him to pull off a variety of dangerous stunts to help him both in battle and to show off.

Hot-Headed - Kanto has a short fuse and is easily angered, leading him to start a lot of fights that he might not win. His rage sometimes also impairs his fighting ability.

Bad at Strategy - Kanto's fighting style relies on him making things up on the spot so he is incredibly bad at following any sort of plan or strategy because he will just end up doing whatever he wants and ending up in a massive mess.

Has no Sense of Direction - Perhaps due to the fact that he has lived in a small area of Skypeia all his life, Kanto has a terrible sense of direction. If left alone on the sea or on land he will most likely wander in circles and get horribly lost. Not to mention the fact he cannot understand a map for his life.

Bad Immune System - Again perhaps due to the fact that he spent most of his life in Skypeia, Kanto has never been exposed to many diseases meaning he is constantly getting sick. Be it a common cold or a flu Kanto always seems to be suffering from some ailment.

Bio- As a boy Kanto was immediately introduced to the Shandian way of life: namely one of loyalty, dedication and combat. The Shandians were locked in a battle for their homeland and no matter how grim the situation was they continued to throw themselves into battle. Therefore, all kids were immediately introduced to combat and grew up fighting. His father was a great warrior in the tribe so Kanto spent a lot of time with him, however his father died when Kanto was around twelve. Left with his mother, who was the tribe's main chef and made their meals three times a day.

Learning to help his mom prepare meals, Kanto became an experienced chef. At the same time he continued his battle training under the tribe's other men, determined to avenge his father. Finally Enel was overthrown and the Shandians were able to reclaim their homeland of Jaya. The Shandians, after the war, began to rebuild their homeland but after decades of fighting many couldn't come t terms with such a peaceful lifestyle. Kanto was one of these. Therefore, a group of Shandians left Skypeia to explore the world and return to the life of danger and adventure that they had been bred for.

Exploiting his culinary skills, Kanto eventually got a job as a chef on a ship and serves there to this day.
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Haru “Mast Breaker” Kamin






At 170 cm, Haru is all lean muscle, her body shaped by the training early in life just as much as the constant sailing and building/repairing of ships. The pale blonde hair is kept held back by a bandana more often than not and any stray strands that escape are tied up into braids in the vague hope that she will have to deal with them less. Whatever jewelry or other affects depend solely on Haru’s mood and what she had access to at that time with a few of the only staples being the braid just before her left ear which holds a beat at the top, center, and bottom (as well as lockpicks tucked into the middle but whose going to pay attention to that?), the hoops in her ears and a pocketwatch which stays on her person at all times. A few of the other notable pieces include a twist of leather with a shark tooth on it, a gold chain with some kind of ring on it that looks like it probably came from a government uniform, and gold and bronze bracelets although these get removed any time that she is working. Similar to her diversity in affects, the only piece of her outfit that remains consistent is the fitted pants which have been reinforced for her work as well as being fitted with a number of pockets, and flexible boots. The covering on her upper body can range from mid drift that exposes plenty of skin to the sea and sun, to a thicker shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbow. When she is actively working, or walking into a situation she is unsure of, a leather vest gets added. A pair of belts that manage to hold a number of pouches and equipment loops are another fairly common ensemble piece.


Haru is one of those who leans towards all or none. If something captures her attention she will throw her full effort into it with a kind of relentless motivation that can be rather daunting to anyone she is dragging along. At a personal level, Haru is blunt and doesn’t see a lot of value in dancing around or trying to ease into sensitive subjects. She also really doesn’t get lying to people to make them feel better or to spare their emotions. As part of that Haru also isn’t one to pry. Either you tell her, or don’t. She’ll accept that if the other person doesn’t want to do something, or doesn’t want to talk and won’t bring up the subject again until they do.

In armed combat Haru is a menace. She enjoys testing her strength, and takes a near manic joy in destroying walls, shields, or even ships. This is of course with the large hammer. The small one provides her with less power but a nasty amount of speed. Mostly it is controlled, and while heavily injuring Haru does try not to actually take anyone out permanently. The time to truly worry is when she chooses to fight unarmed. That’s when the joy disappears, and if anything Haru actually looks rather bored, a technique which she picked up from her brother.

“When Haru drops her weapons, she’s done playing. Now if she strikes, it’s to kill.” – Souris Kamin


> To build a world renowned pirate ship

> To see Water 7

> To crack a three mast ship in half with a single blow

> To master Rokushiki

> To save her brother


Shipwright – Journeyman level. She still has a lot to learn but at the current time she can build small ships, and is totally capable of maintaining large ones.

Detail Oriented – With an eye and memory for detail, Haru makes for a fast learner and has been known to have drawn detailed ship designs hours or even days later after only a brief glance at the original plans. It would be photographic, except that it seems to be very selective.



Where the Warhammer was bought with the express purpose of fighting, the sledge was more of what happened to be on hand. It was originally (and is still) used to drive in the largest spikes, rivets, and other anchor points on a ship. Set on a 122cm hardwood and metal reinforced handle the double sided head weighs in at something like 18kg (40lbs). It does take two hands to wield although as far as anyone can tell Haru while not fast certainly isn’t slow with the hammer despite the size. Either way whatever she hits takes massive amounts of damage. At some point recently she has coated the handle in some kind of new material that provides a better grip.

War Hammer

The newest of her hammers, the Warhammer is set on a 30in Applewood handle reinforced with steel. Not meant to be pretty it looks perfectly at home beside the work hammers, even down to the rather dulled metal head. A head of the hammer is two sided, with a concave square shaped end on one side that comes to 4 protruding points. The other side bares a curved spike that comes to a blunt point. This hammer also bares a sharpened point on the butt of the handle.

Woo be to anyone who thought that Haru was actually slow in a fight. Without the weight of the sledgehammer Haru is blindingly fast and prone to striking in succession, making use of each of the different points of the hammer to systematically take apart any defense, or lacking that any form of mobility. She takes a particular glee in striking the same point on a shield, plate, or sword over and over again, counting to see how many times it actually takes before it shatters.

Shipwright tools – The tools of the trade which are either in use, on her belt, or on the ship where they are supposed to be. If she has to use these in a fight assume that she is going to be trying to break bones.


Pocketwatch – Leave her pocketwatch alone. She’ll kill you over it…literally.

It’s a pretty basic thing actually. The front is lightly inscribed with a rose design which if it was ever more elaborate has long since worn off. The back is completely smooth. As far as anyone can tell the thing doesn’t actually open, or if it does it’s in a very specific way. Certainly no one has ever seen Haru open it.


Limited Rokushiki – Haru is fairly decent at Shigan and Rankyaku and has a specific fondness of combining a form of Rankyaku with certain swings of her sledgehammer (hence the name “mast breaker”). In a form she can also make use of Geppo. She’s not capable of running on air just yet but she can get touch off other more solid things like wood, stone, and on really good days water. The rest of Rokushiki she knows the basics and the techniques to improve but they are nowhere near capable of use in a fight.


Physical Strength – Haru may be something of a lean thing, and certainly doesn’t look that impressive against the muscle bound men that tend to work the shipyards. Don’t be mistaken however, she swings an 18kg hammer with the kind of speed required to combine it with Rankyaku.

Speed – Haru, with an 18kg hammer moves at the speed that the average person moves. Take that weight away and she is impressively fast and coordinated

Inventive Attitude – Haru is incredibly good at copying things that she has already seen done. Her ability to come up with alterations or complete new uses is not far behind.


Stealth/Subtlety – It’s a little up to debate on if Haru even knows the meaning of the words. Want someone to come in with guns blazing and hammer swinging while they scream to the high heavens, Haru’s your girl. Want to sneak in and get some intel, probably better to leave her on the other side of the island. (Note: She is good at not sharing secrets)

Fixation – Haru can zero in on some interest or project and completely lose track of anything going on around her. Tying in to this, Haru will continue to work on something to the point of even scrapping it and starting over until it is perfect in her mind.

Taking Offense – Haru puts her all into anything that she creates and takes extreme amounts of pride in things that she makes for others. If the thing she made for another is disrespected or intentionally harmed she takes the offense personally, and reacts with quite the temper.

Haru Kamin was born to a single mother on an island close enough to the calm belt that they would occasionally get strange creatures on the beaches, or strange technology from ships that had been destroyed in one of the two strongest belts. Her mother was often considered a beauty of the island with red hair and brilliant blue eyes, however not one suiter came for her, knowing that she had eyes only for the sea. Her mother was rewarded on occasion, her government employed lover passing by on one of his missions.

One of these instances resulted in Haru’s brother being born. Souris Kamin was two years younger than her, and from the start was considered frail looking. Having paler skin than his sister or mother, he also bore blue eyes and a slim body. Still, Haru took him on as her responsibility while their mother pinned after the marine sails on the distance.

When her brother was old enough to walk, Haru would take him down to the beach, or out to where the shipwright lived. An old gentleman who had sailed the seas until he lost a leg was more than happy to explain to them the odd objects that they found, and could even be persuaded to dismantle and explain the inner workings of some.

As the children grew older, their mother began to become more distant. On the occasion that she would snap into some sort of mothering mode, she would tell her children of their father while cooking for them or brushing out Haru’s hair. A powerful government agent, he was tall and strong, and had eyes that would pierce through the very soul. Mostly Haru accepted the stories and Souris didn’t care. Beyond their existence, their father was at best unreachable, and at worst a source of strife with the other island children. Haru got in any number of fights with the other children, viciously defending her mother, and her brother should they decide to go after the frail shadow of a boy. It was a habit that she quickly learned to hide from the adults, as generally both parties would receive harsh punishments which she felt were unjustified in her case.

Haru’s father went from a bedtime story to a real presence when she was 8 and Souris 6. By this time their mother had nearly given up on sitting about watching the sea, but at the bell signaling an approaching ship she jumped up. She dragged both children down to the docks, even picking up Souris so that he could see above the crowd, and more importantly be seen. Once in sight as he came down the gangplank, the family resemblance between Souris and their father was impressive.

Their father came to their house, and while accepting and pleasant about their mother’s dotting on him, was more interested in talking to the children. He coaxed Souris into talking about his troubles with the island children, and smiled at Haru’s muttered comments about getting back at them herself. The next morning their mother sent them off to school, and was appropriately horrified when both of her children came back baring the bruises and scrapes of a particularly nasty schoolyard fight. Their father however, waved her off to kneel down in front of the two children. He offered that if they wanted, both of them could go with him back to the training island where they would be taught how to fight. He explained that he had come with much that intention after hearing of issues on the island, and that it had already been cleared with his superior. There he said, they would not have to worry about people bullying them for their parents or for Souris’s lack of emotion. Haru hesitated, but when her mother gave an encouraging smile, they agreed.

What their father had promised them was true enough. On the island it was completely different and Haru found herself the one defended rather than the other way around. The two had been thrown straight into the training with other children ranging from Souris’s age all the way up to early teens and while Souris took to the technique, Haru had trouble. She would work for hours on the intricate movements under Souris’s calm quiet instruction. Those other trainees who passed would occasionally make remarks, but under the cold look of her brother who was quickly gaining ranks in the class, they would drift away. Haru later found out that it wasn’t the way Souris took to the training that made his glare so effective. Crippling another student that had been gearing up to attack Haru added a lot more weight to his threat. It was of course an incident that was swept under the rug, with their father pointing out that if the student was too weak to handle a little spat, there was no way he could make it in the field.

Shortly after Souris began to take on other training with a sword, leaving Haru now 13 to deal with much of her free time training alone. Of course by this time she had mastered enough to hold her own against the worst insults even if she wasn’t close to the kind of ability Souris wielded. It was during one of these solo training sessions that she witnessed a group of the older students who were already signed to become agents and who had gone on a handful of missions out in the woods. Her father was teaching how to access their devil fruit abilities, specifically their monster form. Under the instructor’s smirk, two of the beasts turned on each other, and when one could no longer move, her father pronounced that the other would advance.

When she told the tale to Souris he just shrugged. Only when she continued becoming more animate about the ordeal did he ask if it was something that he should care about. Haru made him promise her that he would not eat a devil fruit if they gave one to him.

When she was 15, they sent Souris on his first mission. Her 13 year old brother came back after 2 weeks to the praise of the superiors. They of course shared no details, and when asked Souris just said boring political work. Glad that whatever they had sent him to do didn’t affect him like the other trainees who were sometimes sent out to kill as their first assignment, Haru let it drop. At least until they had him sign a contract. She blew up at him about signing it so readily, and in a rare display, Souris responded with anger, saying that he had done it so that they would sign her as well. The argument nearly resulted in a fight, only their father stepping in at the last minute preventing bloodshed.

When both had calmed, they were allowed near each other again. It was a decent enough reunion with neither willing to apologize but both acknowledging the other’s belief in doing the right thing. The anger was redirected quickly anyway. The two had met over lunch, and only when Souris was popping some sort of nut or grape or something into his mouth did Haru realize it had swirls on it. In a fit that they would trick him into a devil fruit in such a way, she stormed out. Before they could even consider doing the same to her, she packed up what belongings she had. When she opened the door to leave however Souris was there. He didn't stop her, although he refused to go. What happened in that cofnversation remains unknown to any but the two. Haru made it off the island, and after only a few weeks into the care of a shipwright to persue her original interest.
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Name- Jared Del Rey
Epithet- Jared De Danser(He usually goes by this rather than his real name)

Gender- Male

Race- Human

Role of the crew- Musician

Age- 23


Defiant and rude, Jared comes across as something of a punk with a slight attitude problem, preferring to do things with actions rather than words. Despite following a sort of honor code, he is generally uncaring of people's reactions in a fight when he interrupts them, often with a kick. In addition, he can be heard thrash-talking his enemies in the middle of a fight and bragging about how he's going to win. He can also be very blunt about things at times, at one point blatantly telling a group of pirates who were begging for mercy to 'get lost'.

When around friends, however, this tends to soften, and when music is playing he is always smiling, due to his love of music. Indeed, almost anywhere he goes he brings a guitar with him, and can be seen playing it in his spare time. His favorite song by far seems to be 'Fiddler's Green', although he is willing to play other songs if requested. While he may portray himself as a punk, but he is a good person underneath it all, being the kind of pirate to prefer adventuring to pillaging, and values his friends highly.

Fighting skills:
Jared's main powers come from the Onpa Onpa no Mi, the Soundwave Soundwave Fruit, which allows him to control sound. Due to the sound being vibration, he is able to run this power throughout his whole body by making parts of his body, such as his legs, vibrate rapidly, adding force to his kicks and occasionally a burning sensation. Due to this power's nature, it is the perfect counterpart to his own Battle Anthem fighting style.

Speaking of which, his style, Battle Anthem, is a kick-based fighting style revolving around dance-like movements, similar to real-world Capoeira. Most of the moves in the fighting style are reminiscent of Capoeira, and it was even created while Jared was held in a Marine prison when his hands were bound, in order to throw off the suspicions of the Marines, although it was greatly influenced by Jared's father figure, Musica.

Jared is a musician born and bred, he's been playing music for as long as he remembered. He can play several interments with the guitar being his most practiced, he can also sing incredibly well thanks to his devil fruit.

Unless you class a guitar a weapon none.

Onpa Onpa no Mi (Soundwave Soundwave Fruit):
The Onpa Onpa no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to create and control sound. This turns the user into a Sound Person. Onpa can be translated to Sound Wave.

The Onpa Onpa no Mi enables the user to manipulate sound. This can be used for, communication and stealth when not used for combat. If the user is struck with a physical blow their body "ripples". This rippling is the kinetic force being converted to hyper sonic vibrations that can be returned to it's source. This allows the user to retaliate with sonic attacks after being hit. The intensity of which depends on the strength of the initial attack.

For stealth purposes, the user can "shut down" any noise by drawing sound into themselves and suppressing it. This is extremely effective for concealing large groups as the powers of the fruit prevents them from making any noise no matter what they try. When group communication is needed the effect can be focused into a specific area, silencing any noise except for between the speakers. This makes it seem to external eyes that they are just mouthing words rather than speaking.

For combat purposes the Onpa Onpa no Mi can allow the user to generate high-frequency sonic blasts that wreak havoc on anything they come into contact with. An advantage of using sound waves is that if the wave is dodged it can rebind off of another object and attack until it fades.

One weakness of the Onpa Onpa no Mi is the inability to function in a vacuum. Sound is created through vibrations in the air and without air no sound can be made, rendering the devil fruit useless. Certain fruits can disrupt the Onpa Onpa no Mi such as a Wind Wind fruit which does it by producing bursts of wind, however, the success of this method varies. Also, the devil fruit is less effective physically against most Logia devil fruits as most logia can simply disperse to avoid any attacks.

Escapist: Even he's not sure where he got this strength from, he has managed to escape two marine prisons, escape from death despite the odds at birth. It seems that Jared is just a natural born escapist.

Stealth- Due to his devil fruit he can 'shut down' all sound that he along, with any allies, make should the need arrive it makes stealth very simple allowing them to do almost anything without making noise.

Strong Legs: His fighting style mostly uses his legs so when his legs are compared to his arms it's clear which is strong by a ten-fold.

Devil Fruit: His devil fruit has many applications that he knows of, he's sure along the way he will find new and interesting ways to use his devil fruit but for now this is his overall biggest strength, it helps out with almost everything he does.

Loyalty: Both a strength and a weakness. If Jared believes in a cause no matter what it is he will stick to it never wavering not even if the cause was found to be unjust. He is also extreamly Loyal to his friends and no matter what happened to him would never sell them out.

Logia types: Jared has very little in the way of fighting logia type devil fruit eaters. His devil fruit doesn't really work against them forcing him to take drastic measures. He has found only one way to harm them currently but doing it also hurts himself. He does this by getting close to the Logia type and letting out a deafening scream using his devil fruit even if the Logia type disperses chances are it injured their ear drums giving Jared a chance to run.

Mean-spirited: To say the least Jared is strange most people think of musicians as cheerful and happy people but not Jared. He seemed to get a kick out of starting fights, insulting people and just overall thrash-talking.

Weak arms: You ever want to beat Jared at something just offer him an arm wrestle, he believes his arms are made for playing instruments not for fighting and as such, they are much weaker than his legs or most his body for that matter.

Impulsive: If Jared wants to do something he will, no ifs, ands or buts. He finds planning overrated and would much rather just storm along headfirst without bothering to plan.

Devil Fruit: He has the standard weakness of a devil fruit eater. The lack of ability to swim or even touch the sea and Seastone. His own devil fruit also has a few others, the inability to be used in a vacuum or anywhere sound can't travel and other devil fruits can cancel out his own.

At a young age Jared was abandoned, thrown overboard by his pirating parents into the sea, only to be saved when he washed up on the shores of Karate Island and met a man named Musica. It was after being saved by him that Jared chose to follow him around, and over time they grew a bond not unlike that of father and son, Musica teaching Jared all of his knowledge of martial arts and his skill of music. However, after a time, Musica began to grow ill, and after dying in his home, delivering his final words to Jared, Marines, recognizing Musica as a pirate, stormed in and took Jared, believing him to be an apprentice pirate. Jared was put in prison after that, only to one day free himself.

A long time after escaping from prison, he had single-handedly overthrown the pirates that ruled Yuki Isle in South Blue. Follow this, he left the island, only to be caught in a whirlpool and washed up on the shore of an island. After taking some time to get back on his feet Jared began to use his musical talent to make some Belly until he was approached by a pirate crew. It was a very small crew so far it was just three people. Jared accepted and then the crew traveled to the next island.

Arriving at Orion Island, he originally planned to buy some sake, and while he was successful in that, their appearance drew the Marine Captain's attention, and after speaking with a passing Monk, he was forced to fight an Ensign. With luck, despite the Ensign's impressive strength, Jared defeated him even after he utilized his strange Devil Fruit. However, after meeting up with one of the other crew members and fighting off a group of Marines, he finally came face to face with Jan Van Edgar, Marine Captain of Orion Island. The Marine Captain proved a dangerous foe, managing to defeat both Jared and the whole crew with little effort, and in the end, Jared found himself falling unconscious after his last attack failed. It took Jared three days to start a riot and break out of this prison sadly the crew was nowhere to be found and as such he was back to traveling alone.​
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Name; Aslan "The twin fang"
Gender; Male
Age; 17
Race; Mink (ferret)
Role of the crew: Swordsman/blade master/Assassin/former slave

Personality; Aslan is a young and energetic mink who haves a rather playful nature. Whenever he fight his foes, Aslan loves to taunt and get under the skin of his enemies. However, when the battle gets more tough , Aslan becomes serious and more Ruthless. Just like most teenagers, Aslan can be abit of a hand full. He's abit rude, Sarcastic , And hardheaded..not to mention childish. Despite his rather immature nature, the young mink will do anything to help his friends and will buckle if he have to
Blade/Sword play; His main source of fighting. Aslan attacks his foes with swift and fast blows with two blades. Hes able to wield any type of blade, heavy or light
hand to hand combat: Aslan is skilled in martial arts. He doesn't really use it unless his he doesn't have his blades or unless he really have to
Weapons; Two long blades
Electro; Like all minks, Aslan is able to channel electric in certain parts of the body. Mainly his hands and something his teeth

Shōmei ha; Meaning lighting blade. Aslan used his Electro abilities and covers his blade with electric . It can leave the enemy paralyzed 50% of the time

Hand to hand combat
his electro abilities

Lock down; If he locked down, most definitely by something strong, he haves a hard time escaping or getting loose. So he's unable to fight back

Brute Force; He's up able to withstand pure power ( such as heavy attacks from a fist, leg, etc)

Low defense; He can easily get hurt if you mange to get him. His body isn't really all that tough

Pride: Once his pride gets ahold of him, Aslan does reckless things

When Aslan was three, Zou was attacked by a fleet of human hunters who manged to find the island. Although the minks fought bravely, They where overwhelmed and outnumbered, resulting in their captured. Aslan was captured along with his parents, however, when they reached Sabaody Archipelago his parents where sold in a auction a day later. Aslan was sold a year later to a wealthy man in Alabasta where he spend five hard years as an slave. Aslan couldn't stand how this man was treating him much longer and killed one night, using his electro abilities.

A few moments after his death, a group of assassins found that Aslan had killed their target, Electric was flowing throughout his body. The leader of this group had saw nothing but sadness and hate, but potential in this young mink's eyes. He was impressed that someone his age had manged to take down an important man, so the leader decided to take Aslan in although the leader of whole group of assassins disagreed with his idea.

Aslan was trained to become a assassin, becoming extremely close to the man he called father. He trained in not only in swordplay, but in hand to hand combat ( mainly martial arts) and has even learn how to hone his electro abilities. He officially became an assassin at a young age, in fact he was one of the strongest besides the boss. After his promotion, he was given a red scarf and became an hired assassin the the rest of group. It didnt take him to get a bounty on his head
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Name- Dr.Narumi Higashimata, or Narumi
Gender- Female
Age- 22
Role of the crew- Doctor

Personality- Narumi is like one would expect from a doctor, she is kind and has a wish to help others who are hurt or need medical attention. That is until she is in the middle of a battle in which Narumi shows off her true colors a lying coward who looks for the easiest way out of her problems. She isn’t afraid to use every trick in the book to get what she wants using her quick wits and cute appearance as simple tools in order to catch unsuspecting enemies off guard. Despite how much of a cheating, lying, coward Narumi is she would never turn her back on a friend or someone who truly trust her. Only when protecting something dear to her does Narumi show actual bravery even if her legs feel like jelly she’d stand her ground against even the scariest foes.

Skills- Dirty Dojo Style- A style of fighting Narumi made up in order to combat stronger foes than her the style consist of Narumi’s greatest abilities. Such as but not limited to lying, and being a coward.

DDS Pocket Sand- Narumi always makes sure to carry a pouch of sand on her at all times, when a tough foe shows themselves Narumi will not hesitate to throw sand in their face. Giving her the chance to either run/hide or attack

DDS Silver Snake- Narumi is a great liar and an even greater coward when given a chance she will deceive the enemy into thinking they have the upper hand than sping her ultimate move on them!

Medical Knowledge- Despite all her shortcomings she’s still a very skilled doctor with knowledge of a vast amount of medicine and diseases.

DDS Higashimate Secret family technique- Narumi holds onto this trump card for as long as she can waiting for the perfect moment to use it. Either when the enemy least expect it or when their back is turned she uses her greatest skill. Running away Narumi will turn and hightail it out of the dangerous situation finding a better chance to strike or simply just running away for help.

Weapons- Narumi doesn’t carry any weapons aside from a busted up pipe

Abilities- Fixa Fixa Fruit- A paramecia-type fruit that lets the user “fix” anything they touch be it a person or object turning them into a fixing human. A downside to this fruit being the user can not fix any damage to themselves. When fixing something say a table snapped in two the two pieces would be pulled together and fixed. If the other half was burned then a new half would be created. If someone had their arm cut off the arm would fly back to it’s original spot like nothing happened. Of course things are never easy for Narumi as the biggest flaw of her ability is the user feels the same pain as the person their healing. So that guy that got his arm back good for him, Narumi who know feels like her arm got chopped off? Not so much of course.

"Seeing" is believing-Narumi over the years she lost her eye sight was taught by her master to see without the use of her eyes. She doesn't know what it's called but she's gotten pretty damn good at using it which is good since it's the only way she can actually see anything.

Strengths- Lying- Narumi is a damn good liar and she’s proud of it.

Run Away- Not exactly fast normally but when she needs to run away you can bet it’s gonna be hard catching her.

Think Fast!- Narumi is a quick thinker when put in a tight spot she more often than not can think her way out of it.

Weakness- Normal Punch!- Narumi didn’t really learn any amazing fighting styles aside from what most street punks know meaning she isn’t too good in a straight up fight with no tricks, even then she struggles against actually skilled opponents.

Glass Jaw- Narumi is a lot of things durable is not one of them she can be beaten around no problem by anyone stronger than her, a good hit or two can leave her in real bad shape and not being able to heal herself doesn’t help either.

Bio- A simple street rat who didn’t have anywhere to call her home Narumi had to learn quick how to survive on her own. That meant being smart and getting other idiots to do all the heavy lifting for her. Combining her natural good looks and silver tongue Narumi became something of the boss of her port town Sengure. That was until her gang of groupies messed with the wrong one an old guy who didn’t seem like much. Instead he beat them all down leaving Narumi to think of something quick. One thing led to another and she ended up becoming his apprentice. He turned out to be a well known doctor and taught Narumi everything he knew.

Originally Narumi was just getting close to steal the shiny chest he kept in his room. Then days turned to weeks, weeks to month, months to years and by the time she was 16 she had forgotten about the chest. That is until he showed it to her and told her what was inside a devil fruit. Narumi realized she didn’t care about the fruit she enjoyed the first home she had ever gotten to experience. As if to spit in her face pirates invaded the port town looking for the good doctor. Narumi tried to help out but she was unable to do anything useful as one of the pirate attacked her with his sword. Narumi was pushed out of the way by her master hearing him beat them down. Hearing was all she could do now after her eyes had been damaged beyond healing by the pirate.

In hopes it’d help her master gave her the fruit only for it to turn out she could heal everyone but herself. Narumi began to get use to being blind over the course of the next few years, one day she work up to the worst thing. Her master wasn’t home he had left Narumi didn’t really need a letter or anything to tell her why. He blamed himself for her injury and left without a word. That wasn't going to fly with Narumi she’d find him and show him he had nothing to be sorry to a liar like her about.
Name- Pen Drake or as the (mad) doctor who made him called him "EX-003". He prefers Pen.
Gender- Male
Age- 28
Race- Pangon (A Panda Mink "mixed" with a dragon)
Role of the crew- Captain
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(He has a pair a small dragon wings though because of there sizes he can't fly with them. He usually wears only black pants and some times a black cloak when put in public.)
Personality- Pen is a bit lazy as well as sarcastic. He does of course still works when it comes to piloting the ship, fighting, any other business he need to take care of but if he can he'll find the more easier way of doing it and go with that. Then he'll spend his spar time eating or sleeping. And when he eats, he eats a lot. Maybe because of the dragon DNA he eats a lot of meat as well as the regular greens normal pandas eat.
Even though he is lazy he does care deeply for his friends and does his best to help them when they need him. He is also fairly good at planing, some what because he gives him a lot of time to think as he takes his naps. But if the needs comes about he has no problem with abandoning a plan and winging it. Last thing to note is if you ever get on his bad side telling him he's adorable (not cute) helps calm him down quick.
Skills- Hand to hand- With his beastly strength and abilities Pen is a fierce fighter with techniques like the Panda Flare fist were he breaths fire on his hand punches his foes with a fiery fist.
Staff fighter- Pen also has small bit of skill with using his iron bamboo staff.
Strategist- Pen is pretty good when it comes to planing and with the proper knowledge and materials he can come up with a plan to get out of any problem.
Weapons- Iron bamboo staff- a staff made out of a special type of bamboo that is hard as iron. Sadly because of that Pen can't eat it.
Abilities- Dragon DNA- Because the experiments done to him as a young child he gained some powers of a dragon. This gives him increased strength, fire breath, immunity to his won fire, and high resistances to other types of fire
Strengths- Tank- Pen can take a lot of damage before going down
Heavy hitter- Pen can throw his weight around deal serious damage with his fire attacks.
Expert planner- As said before with right information and resources he get out of any problem.
Dragon DNA- Being almost fire proof always helps
Weakness- Slow and lazy- His laziness has not helped him increase his speed over the years and shows in combat or even a race. While his punches are strong a speedy opponent could fine a way to easily dodge most of his regular attacks.
Fire limit- He can't breath fire forever. His fire depends on the amounts he eats and takes those calories and literally burns them. So over a long battle his fire breath will lose power and eventual do nothing. This is part of the reason he eats so much.
Gluten- Because of his Dragon DNA and his fire breath he eats, a lot. Over time he developed the bad habit of being easily distracted by food. Be it in battle or during planning if smells some food he'll go for it nine out of ten times.
Highly wanted- The navy wants him because he's a pirate and in there their property. Slavers want him because he'll fetch a very high price on the slave trade. Even some pirates want a piece of him because he was once part of Jackson T. Shades crew, one of the pirate emperors.
Bio- Even before the great pirate age started the navy were putting resources into creating weapons, living weapons depending on scientist. One of people the navy gave money, for one reason or another, to a "doctor" named Dr. Watt. His plan was to create mixed beasts that could think like humans (like a Mink) and would follow his ever order. His first two attempts left an island complete destroyed. This was because he used to powerful animals predators to mix together and gave them devil fruits. So for the third try he went simpler. He injected large amounts DNA from an ancient dragon bone into a young Panda Mink as well as some more experimental changes. This is how Ex-003 was created or as he likes to be called Pen Drake.

For his first couple years of his life he was treated like a weapon that they had to feed. It wasn't a good life sleeping in a windowless room with about no social interaction. But then when he was about six the island he was on was invaded by a one of the most wanted and feared pirates in the world, Captain Jackson T. Shade. After destroying marine base Dr.Watt was working in Jackson found Pen and decide to take him as the crews pet. But once Pen started talking Jackson instead began started treating him as a child and began properly teaching him about the sea and some basic education.

When he turned twenty five Pen decide to leave Jackson crew to began his own adventure. Before leaving though Jackson made him promise him one thing, that he would become a great pirate. Pen agreed and left on his own. And now after three years... he is still looking for crew as well as a proper ship.


Hannibal "Rainmaker" Jackson



Merman-Human Hybrid

Role of the crew-
Master Diver / Fighter /Former Gladiator Slave of Dressrosa


Personality- (A simple or complicated explanation about how they act)
Skills- (What skills do you have with fighting, cooking, building, etc)
Weapons- (What weapons do carry with you)
Abilities- (What special powers if any do you have including Haki and Devil fruit. Ask me before give them Haki and/or Devil Fruit powers)
Strengths- (What they good at)
Weakness- (what they are bad at. Make sure this and strength is balance)
Bio- (A brief history of your character)
Name - Hans Veria
Gender - Male
Age - 23
Race - Human
Role of the crew - Librarian(Self-Proclaimed Storyteller of the Crew)


Appearance -
Hans is a lanky man standing at just 6 feet, with shaggy unkempt black hair and blue eyes, which are often mistaken as black or gray as his eyes rarely widen. He usually wears a white dress shirt one size too big with the sleeves folded up and a red tie with a black long sleeve shirt under it. His pants usually consist of black and are folded up to reveal long white socks, ending with sandals or black dress shoes.

Personality -
Hans an eccentric person many would tell you. He loves dark enclosed spaces and for the most part, can fit in them rather easily. So don't be surprised when you find Hans in a cupboard or closet. However what he seems to love more is talking; specifically, the act of telling a story and creating a reaction screams being the most prominent and pleasing to Hans. His usage of hand gestures is common when he is talking, even more so when he is telling a story. He mostly lazes around, unless he thinks he can elicit a scream from an unfortunate victim. Even though he has a wide audience of fans, he has next to no friends, the only ones he could admit could be are his crew. Even though he likes the sound of real screams, wreaking havoc to hear them is something that deeply displeases Hans, in fact, he could say he hates that.

Skills -
Throwing -
Throwing had become a prominent part of his arsenal, allowing him to escape from people rather easily, as he could throw one of his knives blind folded, and run as the poison took effect. He can throw most things with pin point accuracy within a 120 ft. range.

Story Telling - Even without his devil fruit, he can take someone into his story and entrance them with it easily. A strong force of will can ignore the story, or if someone/thing just doesn't understand the story(Usually non-sentient beings) this skill is pretty much useless.

Eidetic Memory - Being the genius he is, he can soak up knowledge with just a glimpse, however, he can only remember things to the smallest detail, if he is trying to remember something from a book, transcript or things of that sort. His memory besides that is pretty normal, besides being able to remember some things a bit better.

Weapons -
His book is reinforced with metal and is made with special pages that won't crumple and are both water and fire resistant. This book is purely a weapon because of how durable and hard this book is. Otherwise, his arsenal is made up of throwing knives, which are covered in poison that he will not relent the recipe of. This poison is a fast acting paralyzing agent that can bring down bears easily, however, has not killed a single person so far.

Abilities -
Uso Uso no Mi(Lie Lie Fruit) -
A parmecia devil fruit that allows the user to create illusions of sounds and things using his voice. Speaking to someone instigates illusions of what he is speaking about, If the person's belief of that thing is strong enough it can become real to them, being able to hurt and otherwise touch the victim.

Strengths -
Quick on his Feet -
Hans is able to dodge and run around like some sort of roach.

Super Effective! - Not really super, but his devil fruit can affect most types of devil fruits, even logia fruits since most of them can still hear while intangible.

Weakness -
Whats that? -
His devil fruit can only work if they can hear and understand him, so if they are deaf or have earplugs his power is ineffective. If he is gagged and cannot speak then he cannot use it there as well.

Hey Hey... -
For some reason rumors about him, or those around him, pop up extremely frequently, completely exaggerating some parts of it, to antagonize him and whoever is travelling with him as much as possible.

Bio -
The parents, doctors, and nurses all knew when they laid eyes upon Hans as he took his first breath knew he was going to be special.

Unfortunately 'special' took a rather... skewed meaning. Hans' near every breath was spent in the library reading, however, his interest was of the horror genre. And this was at the tender age of six. At age ten he was already telling stories to kids on the porch of his families home, which coincidently was a grand house, which was rumored to be 'haunted' which was untrue, fortunately. It was not only children who would listen to him read a story or create one on the spot but adults as well.
He was well respected as the 'Genius' of the town for many years before a small group of what would soon be his crew mates crashed on the island he lived on. A man by the name of Britianni had found one of his story telling spots and listened to him tell the story about the devil fruits, with some twists to make his tale more exciting.

The man knew that he would have to have this person in his crew as Hans finished his tellings. The man extended an invitation to join his crew, The 'Starseekers', an ambitious pirate group which had one goal which rivaled getting the One Piece was to obtain all the knowledge of each crevice, peak, and the sea of the world. If to make the deal only sweeter Britianni had also offered a devil fruit. Hans, being the eccentric story teller he was said one thing and one thing only.

"If your goal is to gather all of that knowledge, then it is mine to tell it to the world, is it not?"

And so Hans joined the Starseekers and sailed along with them to lands that would surely be a tale to tell. However, as many journies, his came to an end abruptly. One of their crew's trusted information brokers led them into a trap, which only Hans got out, his crew accepting their fates and fought to let Hans escape, to hold each of their dreams as well as his own.

For a while, two years to be exact he was a homeless nineteen-year-old kid, which survived off of scraps that people left for him. It seemed almost all hope was lost for this story telling pirate, until one day, he decided to tell a story, what he had believed to be his last.

Which it wasn't, he realized as he started to shout his story, that he lived to do this. To see each of their expressions as conflicts were instigated and solved in each story, horror in every corner, as they shrieked in terror as he told stories. He told and told until his throat was raw, but he still had a wide toothy smile. He found his way again, so he started to work for money and bought a little auditorium, which he told stories, and then his little story telling shop was becoming popular. Hans told stories for two more years until he found himself wanting to travel the seas again. His dreams as well as his crews stirring within him.

And so Hans the storyteller set off once again!​
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Acethekidd Acethekidd He's accepted but there still some grammars error you may want to keep in mind to avoid, like "It didnt take him to get a bounty on his head" I think you wanted to add long in between him and to.
Sure but make sure you have weakness to even out the strengths. Also put the description of what the fruit does on such into the character sheet. Also please pm any questions you have or things you need me to approve (like this) next time.
fuil fuil
Name: Bob
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Role: Sniper
Appearance: 7'8 tall with shoulder length deep blue hair. He has hansome but angular facial features and deep green eyes. He has a lith but muscular build. He wears a deep purple tux with a black undershirt. He has a pair of black dress shoes. He has a cane that is actually a rifle. He wears a 4 foot tall purple top hat that has a black line every 1 foot, he calls it his trick hat, with good reason too. A monocle.
Personality: Loyal, sly, confident, insane, fearless, vengeful, friendly, stubborn, optimistic, Rash.
Skills: sharp shooting, Gardening, Drinking, Hiding, Anatomy(Knows all the weak spots on the human body).
Weapons: Cane Rifle-A rifle that looks like a cane, it can carry three normal shots or one special shots at once.
Tricky Trick Top Hat-Has 4 sections each one doing something different. listed from bottom to top.
1-gun like barrels that produces a smoke screen wearever he is. two uses before he has to reload it.
2-sides drop off and hundreds of needles spray out. 1 use until nedding to reload.
3-Front drops down on hinges and a crossbow pokes out with a grappling hook. 1 use until need to reload.
4-top pops off and a mini canon ball shots out. 1 use before need to reload.
Special shoots-fire shot, ice shot, hot sauce shot, explosive shot, super glue shot.
Toad Toad fruit-Gives the user the ablity to turn into a toad or toad hybrid.
Toad powers
climb any Surface
long sticky tongue
slightly irritating mucus (like a very mild poison ivy)
Jump really high/strong legs
Strengths:Agile-Fast and flexible, he can get to difficult places easily.
Contortionism-can fit into extremely small places. (as long as head can fit he can.)
No pain-He doesn't feel pain
Weaknesses-Pigeon fear-he is terrified of pigeons.
Rash-sometimes he goes into a situation before thinking.
Unnerving-most people find him creepy and don't really trust him.
No common sense- self explanatory
Frail-He takes more damage than usual. (About two times as much.)
Bio-From the moment Bob was born life was hell. He lived on a desert island, his family was poor, and his dad was abusive. His father was a drunk and beat both him and his mom daily but even so his mom was good to him, she worked so she could pay for his school and she would eve sometimes splurg and buy him some new clothes. He lived this way until he was seven the day he woke up one day strapped to a table with seemingly a doctor standing over him. He never learned why he was there but he knew one thing, this was worse than before. He was operated on by the doc many times, always awake and with out pain killers. The doc modified his body so that he was dubble joint in all of his joints. He also worked on his brain and....removed parts....it made it so he felt no more pain or fear but also broke his mind. He tried to replace the with other parts but it didn't work, all it did was warp his mind even more. One day the doc came down and feed him a wired fruit that tasted of wood. Afterwards the doc told him it was a devil fruit and that he wanted to learn how eating one would change his body. Of course he thought Bob was to broken to fight......he......was.......wrong. He soon learned that the doc was a marine and so with his broken mind he connected marine with evil. So he did the inly thing that made sense to him....He became a pirate.
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fuil fuil I feel like he how to much options in a fight with his gear, which would be okay on it's own but with the devil fruit, which I can see a lot options of use, I think he can do to much. If get rid of the devil fruit (And you can increase your ammo count if want a little) or switch to a devil fruit that does far less, like the one that can turn you invisible. Or (the final or) you give more weaknesses dealing with a fight.
Just add some kind of weakness for him in a fight then he'll be good, because while this devil fruit does far less it still does a few things, so if you could just add in one weakness to do with a fight then your good.
fuil fuil
Name- Sao I Cheng

Gender- Female

Age- 21

Race- Human

Role of the crew- Navigator


Sao has a cold-hearted personality due to his past. She shows no mercy to any enemies, even if they are woman and children. Despite her mercilessness, Sao does has respect for her opponents. She also believes that all of her opponents has pride, so she never goes easy on them to protect that pride. Sao has both respect and disrespect towards her superiors. While Sao does respect them for their prowess and overall position in power, she disrespects them by speaking without any respect at all.

Sao has no fear. She goes into battle without thought of losing or even dying. She has always been that way, even when being bought by World Government and having to leave her parents, Sao was never scared of what might happen to her. She is also very bloodthirsty. Sao is eager to fight anyone that she can. She doesn't know the meaning of holding back.

Sao is never serious. She enjoys talking with people and could always go for a good laugh. Sao is also very sarcastic and goes very far with a joke (ie. never letting someone live down their embarrassment). She is always seen smiling or laughing, even during life or death situations.

Despite her hunger for battle, Sao is not a reckless person. If anything, Sao is very cautious and careful in battle, although it doesn't seem that way due to the way she fights. She has a do first, think later kind of attitude and usually charges in without warning. Sao is also shown to be cocky, never taking any opponent seriously until they land a good hit on her. She is a fearless man, not knowing to be afraid of anything that she's seen so far.

Sao is a really kind person outside of battle, she is friendly with everyone, even enemies if they aren't hostile to her. She enjoys a good laugh and conversations.

Martial arts
: Sao is a skilled and keen martial artist. She is currently trained in three types of martial arts. The first two are both the Fishman martial arts style of Fishman Karate and Fishman Jujutsu she is a master of the two, her last martial arts she knows is Rokushiki she can only use two of the six powers but is skilled in the two she can use.

Speed: Sao is extremely fast even without using her Rokushiki training this comes from her long past of Marine training.

Navigational skills: From her childhood, she has been trained to read and understand every little factor of navigation, from reading maps, all the way to picking up the slightest change in the wind. Anything that could help her she learned.

Weapons- None

She is a master of Fishman Karate and Fishman Jujutsu having been taught it for many years.
She is trained in two out of the six Rokushiki powers being Soru and Kami-e.

She is extremely physically strong.
She is extremely fast and agile.
She is an extremely skilled navigator being able to plot a course to an island just by looking at a map once.
Fishman Karate can affect all types of devil fruit eaters. It all depends on what the devil fruit eater powers are, a fire based one would take slim to no damage while a water or ice based devil fruit eater would take a lot of damage from this.

She is blind in her right eye.
She does not have a lot of stamina usually running dry rather quickly depending on how she is hard she is fighting.
She is extremely wanted by the Marines being a betrayer of the Navy.
She is very paranoid, after betraying the Navy she always is forced to look over her shoulder just in case causing her to often lose track of what she is doing and focus on that instead.
Her body cannot keep up with itself if she goes all out in a fight she can only keep up at her all out strength for around 7 to 10 minutes.

Truth be told Sao doesn't know of her family origins nor even the island she came from, from what little she can remember she was sold to the World Government and began getting trained in the Rokushiki technique. She picked it up rapidly learning her first of six techniques being Soru within three weeks of training, it took her another month on that to grasp the basic of Kami-e. With these two in the bag, she was placed in a Cipher Pol team. The CP team she was placed with consisted of another person around her age at the time, a human male, a fox minks and two Fishman. It was around this time when Sao was being trained in navigation by the fox minks, however, she was more interested in the two Fishman and their martial arts.

Sao spent one year before the Fishman agreed to teach her. She picked it up rapidly and both the Fishman called her a natural. During her time with the Cipher Pol team, she did several missions allowing her to make use of all her abilities that she has gained during her training years, she also ended up being their CP team navigator. She went on mission after mission and over time she became bored. So one day when she had the chance she escaped managing to steal a ship and leave. From that day on the Marines have been looking for her, she hasn't decided where to go in life yet but who knows maybe something will come up.​
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You can master two of the six powers but not three. You can be learning a third right now and over time you can start to master it and the other sixs powers. Other than it's good so after you choice which ones to keep let me know.
Yu Mi-Ra Yu Mi-Ra

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