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Dice Once Upon the End


Drifting Writer
In order to set up your character, please provide a Core Concept and Trouble at minimum along with a name and description or picture.

Kinadra also came up with a formatting method that looks really awesome, so feel free to use that, but it's not required.
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(Picture here once I draw her)

Eyia Frey/Evvyanna-lor

Age: 20/Unknown

Gender: Female/Female


High Concept: Sorceress of Calamity

Trouble: Bound to a Demon

As Eyia sat, hands between her legs to keep them warm, she thought.

Days before...

"Father. Please," Eyia murmured, eyes down at the floor where they belong. Her long white hair draped down in front of her face, tips slowly darkening the further down she looked. That was a new effect... due to the, ah... new guest. {Its hardly a new thing anymore after more than three years, Eyia,} ...the cretin said to her in her mind, responding to her thoughts. She had to house this... this abomination. All to further her Father's goals. Her Father caught her chin and forced her to look up at him, "No. I've told you this a hundred times today alone. I shall not change what has been put in place. This is your birthright. This is the one damned thing you can be good for, and I will not take that away. Now go. You have to go out. Go on the pilgrimage as you were instructed by the elders." He moved away after what seemed like an eternity.

Her head dropped as soon as it could at her Father's command. She didn't want to leave here... be alone with the thing. Hell, the orders were more to the demon than to her. After all, she was supposed to be her meat sack, right? Or something like that... Further what her Father set in place, ruining the Earth for everyone else. This calamity... it was all his fault. she was raised by their creed, though, and so that didn't bother her. What bothered her, really? The damned demon bound to her soul. She could remember... She could remember being tied down, arms and legs splayed on the table like some sacrifice. Basically what she was, really. Then... pain. She blacked out for over a week... but not exactly. It was like being trapped in a pitch black room, with snippets of conversation from every direction. Her Father's voice. Elder May. Elder Josai... and then this... Woman. A sound she didn't recognize, but she knew it was coming from herself. It would be weeks before she actually heard the demon's voice, two months before she knew her name. No one would speak it, but she didn't care. Eyia would voice the demon's name, even if it got her beaten with whippings, it was the only way to get back at the men who did this to her. Evvyanna-lor.

Phases Two and Three: Still to be added

Aspects: Demon's Mind


Sorceress Version

  • None yet

Possessed Version

  • None yet



Strength From Determination
. Use Will instead of


http://fate-srd.com/fate-core/physiquehttp://fate-srd.com/fate-core/physique on any overcome rolls representing feats of strength.


Magic Missile.
The shot splits into five, much weaker projectiles that the shooter does not need to aim.


Arcane Expert.

Gain a +2 bonus using Lore, whenever the situation has to do with the supernatural, occult, or Demons.


Danger Sense.

You have an almost preternatural capacity for detecting danger. Your Notice skill works unimpeded by conditions like total concealment, darkness, or other sensory impairments in situations where someone or something intends to harm you

Refresh: 2

Stress and Consequences:

Physical stress track: 3

Mental stress track: 5

Physical stress track: 3

Mental stress track: 2

Consequence Slots


Mild [ ]

Moderate [ ]

Severe [ ]
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Name: Dale Artec


High concept: Awakening Wild Mage.

Trouble Aspect: Things tend to heat up. (Both his temper and literal fire)

Cool under Pressure


Phase One: (First noticeable encounter with his awakening talent) Casual - Once Upon the End | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum

Phase Two:

Met with Evvy, got Cool under Pressure

and Three:




  • __


Lore (Old Tech) +2 to old Tech related Lore.

Ritualist: Can use Lore in place of another skill during a challenge, including using it twice in same one.

Always Making Useful Things. Always has the proper tool ready for use, (no need to spend fate point)

Refresh: 3

Stress and consequences:

Physical stress track: 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ]

Mental stress track: 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ]

Consequence Slots:

Mild [ ]

Moderate [ ]

Severe [ ]
Working Concept:

Dale is an Old Tech researcher aka. Scavenger, handy with weapons, but has a keen insight into Old Tech.

Recently things have taken to bursting into flames and worse.
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(Minus the eyepatch, and she has black hair):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.686a90009c9287f084f56f7459eacc01.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72642" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.686a90009c9287f084f56f7459eacc01.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Rivorneth Soul Castellan

Age: 100

Gender: Female

High Concept: Elven Empress

Trouble: Craves Power

A few days back...

Rivorneth sat on her throne with a smile as her ambassador bowed down before, definitely bringing good news. When it came to a battle for power, she had never lost before. And she didn't plan on losing ever.

"Branneth has agreed to hand over the plot to you, my empress."

"Good. You may now take your leave, and consult with Ezitil for your reward."

"Thank you very much, your highness."

The male stood up and left, as the Elven empress let a triumphant smile appear on her face. No one wins over me. Her Gaurdian (more like tiny companion) fairy floated up beside her. You've done it again, Rivorneth! Renée congratulated her in her own way. Not even Branneth was able to win!

"I know, Renée. But now, it's time for dinner. Let's celebrate with a toast!" Rivorneth stood up and walked to the dining hall. "What can stop us now?"

Little did they know that the future held some unpleasant surprises.

Phases Two and Three: Still to be added

Aspects: No One Wins Over Me


  • None yet

Stunts go here.

Refresh: 3

Stress and Consequences:

Physical stress track: TBA

Mental stress track: TBA

Consequence Slots:

Mild [ ]

Moderate [ ]

Severe [ ]



  • image.jpg
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Second picture too big to post::']http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb121/Xistund/Anime Boys/Techno Boys/26f0c8deac82b0b28b4b3d22d20b71e3_zpssxsjbnez.jpg

Name: Jacai Chaiton

Age: 28

Gender: Male

High Concept: Genius Bionics Engineer

Trouble: Burdened with Adopted Daughter

A man sits in a bunker alone except for a child and graveyard of broken down machines. As he tried to keep both his and the little girls hopes up he tries to recall what happened before the events that changed his life.

Before the end...

Jacai Chaiton the tinkerer and engineer sat in his workshop working on his own side protects, moving gears into the contraption he was building. The device itself looked to be a long metal cone device that looked like it was made to move. He was not that well versed in spell casting but he could move a gear in the right place without needing futz around with his tools. Jacai moved the gears and saw how it affected his toy. The light haired man smiled as he saw that everything was working as he designed it to.

He moved off to connect the part he was toying with to the main body. From the looks of it he was putting the tail of a small dragon. But not a normal dragon of scales and blood but a dragon of steel and oil. "Almost done just need to find a way for you to breath fire without depleting your fuel." He mused to himself as he looked at his creation.

Phases Two and Three: Still to be added



  • None yet

Stunts go here.

Refresh: 3

Stress and Consequences:

Physical stress track: TBA

Mental stress track: TBA

Consequence Slots:

Mild [ ]

Moderate [ ]

Severe [ ]
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