☆ Once Upon a Time ☆


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[h]FULL NAME[/h]
[tab=Simply Me]
[imagefloat=right][img=REALISTIC IMAGE URL][/imagefloat]
[b][i]Full Name:[/i][/b] FULL NAME
[b][i]Nickname:[/i][/b] NICKNAME
[b][i]Age:[/i][/b] AGE {18-25}
[b][i]Gender:[/i][/b] GENDER
[b][i]Appearance:[/i][/b] WRITTEN DESCRIPTION
[b][i]Sexuality:[/i][/b] SEXUALITY[/tab]
[tab=What Really Matters]
[imagefloat=right][img=REALISTIC IMAGE URL][/imagefloat]
[b][i]Likes:[/i][/b] 5
[tab=The Truth Inside]
[imagefloat=right][img=REALISTIC IMAGE URL][/imagefloat]
[b][i]Biography:[/i][/b] GIVE A PARAGRAPH 12+ AND BE DETAILED
[b][i]Heroic Story/Darkness Unfolds:[/i][/b] EXPLAIN WHY YOU'RE GOOD OR BAD AND WHAT MADE YOU THAT WAY
[tab=Writing Sample]

[center][size=5]CHARACTER NAME[/size]
[divide]The Evil Queen is Rising[/divide]


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Princess Eliza

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    {Full Name}

    Princess Eliza Charming


    Liza, Princess


    Twenty Three



    {Descendant of}

    Grandchild of Snow White and Prince Charming

    [Daughter of King Neal Charming]


    Eliza has always been a very gentle featured girl, from the time she was born her father noticed that she'd inherited Snow's porcelain skin tone. Her eyes are a shimmering green color, similar to those of her Aunt Emma. She possesses her grandmother's cascading brown curls and usually tends to keep it down with some sort of small floral arrangement lining her head in a slight crown. For the most part she's forced to wear dresses that are appropriate for a princess although when no one notices her slip out she wears pants and a blouse with a luxurious golden cloak. The young woman is quite average standing at 5'6 and weighing one hundred and twenty pounds. One could say that she's petite and although it might not seem like it she's perfectly capable of taking care of herself.


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Apis Heinz 'Hansel' Rommel-

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    Full Name: Apis Heinz Rommel

    Nickname: Hansel

    Age: AGE 23

    Gender: Male

    Descendant of: Hansel Rommel and Gretel Meikoff, The Witch Hunters

    Appearance: Hansel is 6'1 and 161 lbs. He has blue eyes and a slim build. Usually, his hair is thrown is about haphazardly.

    Sexuality: Heterosexual
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  • 2iiabyg.jpg

    Full Name: Prince Anton William del Mar

    Nickname: Tony

    Age: Twenty-Four

    Gender: Male

    Descendant of: Grandson of Ariel and Prince Eric [Daughter of Queen Melody]

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Appearance: Anton embodies many of the physical features Prince Eric did when he was his age. His cerulean eyes are similar to that of the ocean, reflecting serenity and a hint of mischief in them. Alike to his grandfather, the prince has dark, tousled hair and a chiseled jawline. For the most part, his hair is usually untamed, only docile when attending a formal occasion. In addition, he has a pale complexion and dark, thick, and arched eyebrows. As a prince, he is subjected to wearing a white dress shirt, a royal coat, a sash, and black dress slacks. On a more casual occasion, Anton prefers to wear a white, collared shirt, blue pants, and black boots. The young man stands at roughly six feet tall, weighing one hundred and eighty pounds. He has more of an athletic built, due to his love of the sea and duties as a mariner and helmsman.

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Arya Lupin

  • Pretty_dark_haired_girl_with_green_eyes_op_264x396.jpg

    Full Name: Arya Lupin

    Nickname: Red

    Age: 18

    Gender: Female

    Descendant of: Granddaughter of red riding hood.


    Arya didn't inherit many features from her grandmother, but one thing no one can deny is her eyes are not one of them. Her bright green eyes remind others of the forest, they change from bright green to light amber in the sun and within them it's like one can see the stars. They constantly sparkle with mischief and curiosity lighting up her whole face. Her eyes are one of her most vibrant features but once you see past them you will find they are not the only ones she possesses. She is tall at 5'9 and lightly tanned from being out in the sun with a lilth toned build. One she gained from constantly doing things. Like her mother she is very beautiful with long waist length hair as black as the night sky that frames a heart shaped face. One never sees her without her red cloak that she inherited from her grandmother and she is usually armed and dressed in light clothes. Usually a white blouse, trousers, and knee high boots.

    Sexuality: heterosexual
Ravena Le Fey

  • tumblr_no7jniryna1ttszx1o1_500.jpg

    Full Name:

    ?avena ?e ?ey

    "I believe it is a lovely name. Except for the fact that I share it with my treacherous Mother."



    "A bird; dark and free."



    "I am at the peak of my youth."



    "Obvious. Idiotic question, really."

    Descendant of:

    ?organ ?e ?ey

    "Don't speak to me about matters you do not understand."


    ?aven has pale, almost pristine skin that is seemingly flawless. Her hair is the colour of coal and flows to the bottom of her back. Her eyes are slate grey and shine, evilly. Her lips are shapely and are a permanent ruby colour. She is tall and thin, deep shadows fall across her face under her cheekbones. Her eyelashes are long and prominent and striking. She is never without a black dress, and always wears black. She regularly wears lace, and adores dainty material.

    "Some people have said that I look like my Mother. Those people never saw the awful light of day again."



    "Although, men are tedious."

Demitrius Lucien Vidalle

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    Full Name:

    Demitrius Lucien Vidalle


    “But only by good friends… which means, not you.”

    Demitri, Dem, The Terrier


    “Alive and kicking.”



    “And a good one at that.”


    Descendant of:

    “The hounds of hell bow at her feet.”

    Cruella de Vil


    “One word: Dashing. Accept it or we’ll be here all day.”

    Demitri stands at an even six feet tall with a slim build that never seems to change regardless of his eating or exercise habits. His shape is very lean and doesn’t show obvious signs of muscle. His skin is rather pale from a lack of outdoor activity and creates a striking contrast with his hair. Demitri has black hair with a few platinum highlights, and it is often spiked or volumized with great care. He has blue-green eyes that partner with a permanent smirk to give the man an overall mischievous or amused look. Demitri can be seen most often in red, black, and white. He takes great

    pride in fashion and outward appearances, and he is always dressed to kill.


    “Love is a fickle thing, but I hate everyone equally.”

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Lilou Alice French

  • Sky-ferreira.jpg

    Full Name: Lilou Alice Rosemary Ava French

    Nickname: L.A, Lila, Lara

    Age: 21

    Gender: Female

    Descendant of: Belle French- Garndmother

    Appearance: Lilou has waist length dyed blonde hair that was originally black-brown with her roots showing a bit of her original hair color. Lilou has healthy pale glow to her skin with high cheek bones that structure her face. She has narrow cat-like eyes and hazel eyes just like her grandmother. She is known for her Sleepy-view gaze and her signature in make up; eye liner and lipstick no matter the shade.

    Sexuality: Heterosexual
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Kordana Eden Mene

  • CFI2Y6nWIAAQ0Es.jpg

    Full Name: Kordana Eden Mene

    Nickname: Kori

    Age: 19

    "Don't underestimate just because of my age, darling."

    Gender: Female

    "I've always loved breaking your stereotypes of women and their helplessness."

    Descendant of: Granddaughter of the Wicked Witch of the East

    Appearance: Kordana is a dark-skinned, curly haired young woman with an impeccable fashion sense. She refuses to leave the privacy of her castle unless her makeup, nails, eyebrows, and hair are done. She seems to particularly favor the colors light blue and dark purple. She can usually be seen wearing a form-fitting gown and a large amount of flashy jewelry, especially rings. From a distance she can seem like a sweet, nice girl but when you approach her she seems to have an angry, inherently evil look in her black eyes.

    Sexuality: heterosexual

    "I barely pushed him and now he's gone...hmm..."

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Aurelia Finualla

  • tumblr_noxir9Xfai1uvli8oo1_1280.png

    Full Name:

    Aurelia Finualla

    'Childhood' Nickname:






    Descendant of:

    Estranged granddaughter of Rumplestiltskin and Zelena


    Reaching the height of 5'5, Aurelia sports dark brown locks -like her grandpapa- that reaches her chest. She inherited her green eyes from her grandmother, Zelena as well as her thick mane she calls her hair. She was naturally born with a healthy-looking creamy color but because of the amount of time she stayed behind closed doors and windows, she developed a dry, cracked and sickly pallor that gives her the look similar to the newly departed. Due to sleepless nights and days that only consisted of pain and misery, she started to have dark rims around her eyes. She recently escaped from her prison therefore her build can be compared to that of a match stick. Thin and weak. She's starting to gain weight though, her cheeks not as sharp as they seem. Unlike her grandparents, she has a simple taste in fashion opting for skirts that give her a wide range of movement as well as something easy to mend. But let's be honest here, she does look good in leather trousers though.


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h]Catherine Braire Èpine[/h]

  • nina_dobrev_tumblr_graphic_by_razerblade_10-d474dvx.png

    Full Name: Catherine Braire Èpine

    Nickname: Cath by her closest friends or Your highness

    Age: Eighteen years old

    Gender: Female

    Descendant of: Grandmother is Sleeping Beauty

    Appearance: Catherine has always been a petite girl with small soft features inherited from her grandmother. She is a beautiful young woman with waist length wavy hair much like her Grandmothers, unlike her grandmother her hair is a chestnut colour highlighted by streaks of golden passion and nostalgia, Her hairs is usually styled down with a small tiara placed upon her head. Much like the original sleeping beauty her face is less round like that of snow white or Cinderella and instead is defined by a prominent jaw and high cheek bones. The most disturbing part of her mostly desirable figure would be her more than thin physique lead by a lifetime of being the original perfect princess Catherine's bones protrude from her skin in the journey to perfection.

    Catherine always is pressured into wearing the regal dresses designed especially for her in tones of purple and red, so most of the time she wears historical dresses fit for someone of her stature. When she is certain that she is alone or concealed she wears simple skinny jeans a blouse and a pastel coloured duffel coat with her hunting boots that she;'s never ever worn for their purpose

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

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