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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

SakuraTree said:
(Probably the rescue squad.)
((Alright, a lot of the one's still out and about are now about to hit up in Leo's direction I guess

Your character can be somewhere in the city running from the scientist and end up running into the group?))
[QUOTE="King Anthony]((Alright, a lot of the one's still out and about are now about to hit up in Leo's direction I guess
Your character can be somewhere in the city running from the scientist and end up running into the group?))

(Yea, I can do that.)
@LilyannaGaming[/URL] , Where are your chars atm? Like, Cicero and the girl who visited them? Tabitha and Rin were supposed to be in the same room, but idk how to add them in atm...[/center]
@Surprise Meteors

Orious listened to his words only to frown with irritation and his eyes burned a deep crimson. It was definitely noticed that Orious was pissed. This must have been his doing,izabell. How disgusting. Intense deep fire burned inside him and the only way to put this fire out well, that answer laid before him. After everybody grouped together they would go to the faculty.orious devised his own plan to get them back. But he still needed the others to trust him. So you thought of something. Once everybody got the faculty he'd sneak off and go inside using his ID card. Then he would kill anybody who stood in his way and find Derrick. If it came down to it by all means he had no problem killing Izabell. He drew a soft breath and looked to the other with a sigh calming himself but it seems his rage still building. " let's go meet with this metal man, maybe we'll get some Clues on how to find it everybody. And when I find who is holding them captive I by no means will kill them.... Such a person will be begging not to have been born because their life is about to become a living hell..." Orious murmured and his eyes burned red,blood red as he spoke these words before closing his eyes and they revert to their usual violet and looked to Matt showing he'd stay.

Shard nodded and turned as her face became emotionless moving to lead the way to Leo. The female was quick to her feet and ran until stopping at the required location before pretty much tackling Leo."hey! I brought people like asked!! What'd you find,babe?"
[QUOTE="Trombone Geek]Eventually, Calvin left without an answer to clean the knife he'd used, and everything around him sort of blurred into focus at last. He couldn't remember a thing he'd done, but the amount of blood on the tools and his hands told him enough. When he returned to Derrick, he couldn't hide his flinch, and for a moment he looked away in shame. He set the knife back where it belonged, and turned to face Derrick.
"So. How do you feel?" He wasn't quite broken, yet, but the pain of millions of small mako-induced mutations and the night terrors and hallucinations often produced by the effect it had on the brain as it changed would finish the job. Calvin himself knew the process intimately.

He took to using a damp rag to clean the boy's blood and wounds, and bandaged him up, not making a single comment about what had happened. Instead, he stuck with mentally reciting the alphabet forwards, then backwards, and then in random order, covering every letter; and then he moved on to making patterns out of the letters A-G, and then went through how each pattern would sound should the letters apply to music. Anything to distract himself from the ordeal.

"In pain. Dizzy...Uh, a little paranoid." At that last one, he almost wanted to chuckle, but his body felt so heavy that doing so would be another burden. After that he finds even words are too cumbersome, and he exhales a heavy breath from his nose. Not only that, but his body felt as if it were overheating, to make things worse. The facility was cold, but even it couldn't counter the heat blazing Derrick's body. Derrick thinks of the little things to get him back to focus, but the servant sees that his fogginess is helping him much more. Should he had mentioned it? Perhaps not. He hisses at the damp cloth against his skin, but endures. When he was cleaned and bandaged, he felt a little better, psychologically. Seeing himself wrapped up was sort of metaphorical to him and sort of worked. "Tell me. Am I going to be able to see him again? Vladimor, I mean."

Meanwhile Vladimor had been dragged out of his cell, stuck wondering why it was still dark for him. Had he gone blind? With the force of 5 men he was strapped down to a table, finally giving in when he was completely strapped down, knowing he couldn't free himself. He takes a deep breath, listening to several footsteps exit the room before a heavy metal door closes. "Hello, dearest Vladimor. Ready for a dose of the good old days?" And Vladimor scoffs. He recognizes this voice! It had been the predecessor of the scientist who had worked on him last, the man's servant. "Where's Johnson? On Vacation?" Vladimor bites snarkily. The man chuckles. "Mr.Johnson had been killed recently by one of our more dangerous experiments. Sad, but hearing that you were back in the facility cheered me right up." Vladimor felt some sort of happiness at the word of that old snake's death, but what of this one? "But do you remember me? My name... is Raphael." And there was something dark and twisted about his name, but it never matched anything macabre in Vladimor's head.

"Let me go..." The small thirteen year old pleaded, wrists, ankles and check strapped down to the cold hard table, a harsh light shining above him, making him squint. It had been long ago that he'd lost all the rebellion in his eyes. All that blue blood shredded close to submission. His small pale lips quivered, and his big blue eyes blurred with tears. Darryl Johnson, said his tag. This man had broken this poor little boy in like it was nothing, cuts all along his body, holes and punctures, a couple of tubes stuck in here and there. The pressure on his head was killing him, but he couldn't see what was going on up there, but he felt the blood matting his hair, dripping down his face and over his eyes."You'd be finished by now if your body hadn't been rejecting everything I'd given you." Mr.Johnson replies bitterly, filling another syringe with the tar-like liquid. "Don't move or this will end bad. For you mostly." Vladimor didn't know what to expect when the man went above the table, the one end where he couldn't see, and he felt the needle slide into his head. He whined, and eventually that turned into a scream when it began to slide further, into his brain. Wasn't there supposed to be bone there protecting that from happening?! Either way, the boy thrashes about in his restraints, a large hand holding his head in place to minimize movement. He felt the liquid empty out into his head, and he felt sluggish and black began to spot his vision. When the needle is removed, his eyes screw shut, and his screaming crescendos, cracking a the glass of the syringe. The scientist doesn't seem to impressed, tossing it into the trash. Piled onto tons more. When the boy calms himself, panting as tears mixed with the blood on his face. Mr.Johnson had done nothing, watching the clock on the wall for a while before taking an empty syringe, placing into the crook of Vladimor's arm, sliding it in his vein. The poor boy was to exhausted to thrash once again. Once he blood was taken, he left the room.

How ever there was a small, frail boy left behind in the room, wearing a lab coat much too large for him. He was only about fifteen, a clipboard in his hands as he looks at Vladimor. He never took any notes, just held it in his hand....All the way from dragging Vladimor out of his cell, all the way until he was put back in. Vladimor never understood what he was there for, and that's how it had always been.

"Raphael, bring me B-064!"

"I've missed you..." Says the scientist who was only two years older than Vladimor. His fingers twitched and he couldn't resist pushing his fingers under his shirt to feel along that perfect porcelain skin of his. When the man's fingers traced over Vladimor's hip bones, the younger boy, pulls harshly at his restraints, threatening him. "You'll never understand how I loved watching you..." When Vladimor felt warm breath against his neck he make a quick move to bite, but Raphael was just out of reach. Like a hand just out of reach of a dog on a chain..."The way you...squirmed." He laughs breathlessly, licking his lips. "The way you cried, the way you screamed, the way you bleed." The scientist seemed near to practically jazzing in his pants, and it disgusted Vladimor. Was some little kid getting off on his experimentation? Sick. "And now, I get to be the source of all that, finally. Don't worry, it's not plain torture, there's work to still be done." And after metal clanking, and shuffling, Raphael approaches the boy he'd been longing for since he was fifteen and draw blood from him.

"Let the testing begin."
Ocean opened his eyes and looked up "wha... why am I moving?". Ocean looks behind him to see Nick dragging him. "Hey! Put me down."

Nick doesn't say anything, he just throws Ocean on the ground. "Hey what's wrong with you, I was trying to sleep. Where are we, and where are you taking me?".
Nikolai pulled out his wallet "Great, no money. How am I supposed to live without money?" Nikolai stops walking when he hears a boy yelling. He looks familiar, not the boy but the guy getting yelled at. Is that, Nick? Nikolai runs up to stop the kid from yelling and talk to his old friend.
[QUOTE="King Anthony]

With no one else, she clung to Mew. She whimpers softly onto his shoulder, wetting his clothes with her tears. "I'm grateful..." She tells him, choked by her own tears. When he stands, Rei takes his hand, wiping her tears, even though fresh tears replaced them. Honestly, she was surprised this robo-cat even cared. Perhaps it's just because of the resemblance...Anyways, she nods heading over to the window. They were just on the first floor, so she easily hops out the window,not betting anyone would still be in the house. She looks around, out to the large, sandy hill that marked the end of Las Vegas. "Let's go!" She told him urgently, her cracking voice still having some stubborn strength left in it. She runs up the hill, looking at the expanse of the dessert the city was located in. She squinted and thinks she seen something moving in the distance, and that was her best bet, so that's what she went after.

The first, second, third, fourth or fifth cut didn't hurt so bad. He could at first see the hesitance, feel it even, as this man cut into his skin. But this was nothing. Nothing worse than what the other kids done to him, or what he'd ever done to himself. Eventually, though, the cuts gave more than a little flinch, or a hiss. His teeth gritted, and his hands balled into fists. Some were enough to make him cry out, and his body quake. He hadn't been too sure of the purpose of all this seemingly mindless cutting, but he wouldn't question it. Instead he bit down on his lip and endured, just like what has always been expected of him. When he body knew what to expect, the squirming died to a minimum, and there we no longer any chill against the blade where the knife would come into contact with his skin, nor did he flinch when the blade made it's first break through the skin. Though, he did want to say stop, but he knew in this place, that there obviously wouldn't be any mercy. He whimpers, cries and hisses, but to no purpose.

After a long while later, Derrick lie exhausted, panting and with each open cut bleeding and burning. Something was injected into him, and that was the only thing that made sense to him. He was light headed, but his body felt so heavy, like it'd just crush itself onto the metal table. "Are we.....done?" He asks, voice hoarse and gravelly. "If it's progress you want, I can keep going..."​

"Are you serious?!" He growls as Matthew, narrowing his eyes. "He's psycho! The second to last place I want to be around is him! Screw this noise, I'd rather go back to the zoo..." He almost was ready to go, too, if he hadn't promised Vlad he'd protect this boy. Hopefully they'll all realize he's right, and they are all insane."

Mew followed her quickly in the directions she had pointed. Hopefully that was who he thought it was. After all if some others were still free it would make breaking into the faculty a much more easy. Hopefully nothing too bad what happen to his beloved rin. He'd be devastated if something did. And no doubt rin's sister would be too. The idea of anything happening to him worried mew.
The boy looked up seeing someone oddly familiar "The hell is that you Nikolai?" The boy asked grinning some "Well I'll be dammed it is you." Nick stated laughing some while before glaring at Ocean "Shut up will ya I don't feel like being caught because of you!" He demanded kicking the boy in the side before looking back up at his friend. "So what have you been up to now theses day?" Nick asked him looking around "It actually isn't safe to stay here....come on." The cat boy said grabbing he boy again and began walking gesturing for Nikolai to follow
@Surprise Meteors[/URL]
Orious listened to his words only to frown with irritation and his eyes burned a deep crimson. It was definitely noticed that Orious was pissed. This must have been his doing,izabell. How disgusting. Intense deep fire burned inside him and the only way to put this fire out well, that answer laid before him. After everybody grouped together they would go to the faculty.orious devised his own plan to get them back. But he still needed the others to trust him. So you thought of something. Once everybody got the faculty he'd sneak off and go inside using his ID card. Then he would kill anybody who stood in his way and find Derrick. If it came down to it by all means he had no problem killing Izabell. He drew a soft breath and looked to the other with a sigh calming himself but it seems his rage still building. " let's go meet with this metal man, maybe we'll get some Clues on how to find it everybody. And when I find who is holding them captive I by no means will kill them.... Such a person will be begging not to have been born because their life is about to become a living hell..." Orious murmured and his eyes burned red,blood red as he spoke these words before closing his eyes and they revert to their usual violet and looked to Matt showing he'd stay.

Shard nodded and turned as her face became emotionless moving to lead the way to Leo. The female was quick to her feet and ran until stopping at the required location before pretty much tackling Leo."hey! I brought people like asked!! What'd you find,babe?"
Matthew listened to Orious's promise, not paying any mind to Leonardo or his accusation that Matthew was bonkers. He knew he was, and it was his insanity that would hopefully make him useful to this team-that-could-barely-be-considered-a-team. Half-sedated, he followed after Shard, somehow managing to outrun everyone except her. A few times scientists approached them, but luckily they were taken out either by the experiments who went wild, or the ones in their group. Buildings were on fire, vehicles were overturned, and people were bleeding out on the street: Some weren't even facility workers or experiments, but rather civilians. More than once Matthew had to step over the dying, more than once they grabbed unto his ankle, begging for help, and more than once Matthew kicked their faces in order to get free. He understood that what he was doing was wrong, but he needed to escape, and how could he when these people were clinging on to him for support? After this, Matt vowed to never be anyone except Vladimor's support. He'd cling to the young man's side, and make sure nobody touches him again. It already disgusted him to think something might be happening to the lord who had fought so hard to runaway.

Elias moved away from his door standing up and turning. His wings flutter too little and he brushed two hands or his soft blonde hair with a little sigh of annoyance. The other experiment had asked who he was he answered but he was simply ignored so you guys decided to find another way to spend the time. Stepping slowly headed over to the other side of the room and sat down on the carpet flooring. He picked up a book that he casually found on the floor flipping it open and looks through the pages. It was a picture book. He looked at the pictures they're kind of disturbing so he tossed the book under the bed. He traced a finger along one of his two horns with the heavy side before flipping over on his side. He was still sleepy. Little did he forget that he had a roommate. "...... Are you awake?"
The scientists had taken Haru to a room after they were done with him. He really didn't like it here. The people here scared him and he was usually never scared of people! He wondered how long he would have to be here. He wanted to go back home, or at least back to the ocean.

When he entered the room he noticed that his roommate wasn't awake yet, so he himself laid down on the other bed. He closed his eyes and tried to think of something happy. 'I miss the sea turtles and the sharks. I hope they are alright. That last island was fun! Turquoise water, warm sand, a cool breeze. I'll go back to it when I get out...' He hadn't realized that he was crying until he was woken up by Elias calling out to him. He sat up and wiped the tears away. "Y-yes, I'm awake!" He looked at the horned kid and gave a shy smile. "My name is Haru. I never got your name!"

"Put me down at least, I can walk. So, you two know each other?" Ocean observed the other person "Who is he? They seem like old friends, does Cicero know him. Didn't you say it wasn't safe? Why is it not safe?"
mewbot5408 said:
Mew followed her quickly in the directions she had pointed. Hopefully that was who he thought it was. After all if some others were still free it would make breaking into the faculty a much more easy. Hopefully nothing too bad what happen to his beloved rin. He'd be devastated if something did. And no doubt rin's sister would be too. The idea of anything happening to him worried mew.

Rei continues, the small group once coming into close view, but only by so little. She continues on, eventually led back in the city. Looking upon it, it looked like anarchy, and with her brother now gone, that was the only part of her world torn. "Let's hurry up." She told him, reaching for his hand to pull him further along, catching up to the large group of experiments, some with familiar faces, others not so much. She runs up, panting as she gets close enough to the crowd, leaning over, putting her hands on her knees as she pants. "Hey!" Rei calls out to the group, waving her arms frantically as he finally caught up with them all the way. "Where are...all of you going? To save everyone? Or somewhere safe?" Both sounded great to her, but the former, even greater.




@everyone else in that fuckin' group
The 20 year-old Sat up quickly and tilted back his head to look at haru with his beautiful golden eyes. "Oh yeah....It's Elias.....hey haru? What's it like outside??" The demon experiment asked watching the other. Elias then moved suddenly climbing over the side of the bed noticing that he had been crying and Sat next to him suddenly pressing his forehead against haru's shoulder moving a arm around in a gentle hug. "It's okay to cry.....Also...i won't let them hurt you,okay?"Elias told him.
Haru smiled sadly and fidgeted with the bottom of his shirt. "Outside is very beautiful! The sun is bright, warm, big and yellow! The sky is a very beautiful blue. It was warm out...before I got here. There were very beautiful.. Flowers..." He bit his lip and tried so hard not to cry but failed. He started to sob when Elias gave him a gentle hug. "Yeah, thank you." He took a shaky breath and let out a chuckle. Haru wiped some of the tears away. "I won't let them hurt you either!"

[QUOTE="King Anthony]"In pain. Dizzy...Uh, a little paranoid." At that last one, he almost wanted to chuckle, but his body felt so heavy that doing so would be another burden. After that he finds even words are too cumbersome, and he exhales a heavy breath from his nose. Not only that, but his body felt as if it were overheating, to make things worse. The facility was cold, but even it couldn't counter the heat blazing Derrick's body. Derrick thinks of the little things to get him back to focus, but the servant sees that his fogginess is helping him much more. Should he had mentioned it? Perhaps not. He hisses at the damp cloth against his skin, but endures. When he was cleaned and bandaged, he felt a little better, psychologically. Seeing himself wrapped up was sort of metaphorical to him and sort of worked. "Tell me. Am I going to be able to see him again? Vladimor, I mean."

Calvin mentally filed away the boy's responses, watching him carefully. Already, it seemed mutations were beginning; faster than usual, but a good sign that things would move smoothly.

"Maybe so, maybe not. Only time will tell." Today's round was finished; minor torture would be required to keep him broken and to test how well the mutations were adapting into a healing factor, but nothing near what had happened today. The scientist moved to the door, but paused and looked back over his shoulder.

"I apologize for not being able to make you more comfortable, but I'm sure you understand how mako affects the body. Increases aggression, causes violent sleep walking, and so on. Would you.. like me to leave the light on?" His voice was low, as if he were afraid of being overheard. Which was understandable, as the staff here weren't exactly the nicest.
Leo was petting a white dog amidst the rioting and such that had erupted around him. He was then tackled by Shard from the blinding light, ending up on the asphalt. The dog was gone, the small terrier had disappeared back into the alleyway Leo found him in. The assault that had left things like buildings, people, cars, all burning. He was surrounded by the dead and dying. It was all that he was used to, and all that was afflicting his mind. He remembered when he was still stuck in the goddamn tube. A little failure sludge, stuck in his own head, left to die. But, now he was here, his blade fallen on the floor, and a beautiful woman on top of him.

"Good job..." He said absentmindedly. He gently lifted Shard to her feet, and looked to the rest of the random group that Shard had gathered.

"Okay! We've got everyone?" He looked at the cold faces of his companions, some scowling at him, others ready for action.

"We've got a visual on the scientist base here. In fact, we're standing in front of it. If you guys want," he grabbed his sword off the ground, and perched it on his shoulder. "We can head home and gather ourselves. I don't think we've got time for that. We can take a vote. Siege this place, wherever it is, or not. Raise of hands?"



@everyone else in that fuckin' group
[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]Leo was petting a white dog amidst the rioting and such that had erupted around him. He was then tackled by Shard from the blinding light, ending up on the asphalt. The dog was gone, the small terrier had disappeared back into the alleyway Leo found him in. The assault that had left things like buildings, people, cars, all burning. He was surrounded by the dead and dying. It was all that he was used to, and all that was afflicting his mind. He remembered when he was still stuck in the goddamn tube. A little failure sludge, stuck in his own head, left to die. But, now he was here, his blade fallen on the floor, and a beautiful woman on top of him.
"Good job..." He said absentmindedly. He gently lifted Shard to her feet, and looked to the rest of the random group that Shard had gathered.

"Okay! We've got everyone?" He looked at the cold faces of his companions, some scowling at him, others ready for action.

"We've got a visual on the scientist base here. In fact, we're standing in front of it. If you guys want," he grabbed his sword off the ground, and perched it on his shoulder. "We can head home and gather ourselves. I don't think we've got time for that. We can take a vote. Siege this place, wherever it is, or not. Raise of hands?"

Life, death... By the time they reached the place Leo had described, Matt was beginning to think it didn't matter. So it was nothing short of a goddamn miracle when a young Asian woman and her Asian-looking cyborg came strolling over to them and asked what their plan was. "We're-" Like so many times before, he was interrupted by one of the group members; This time it was Leo, who suggested they take a vote. "Is he insane? We don't have time for that!" Matthew thought, but he didn't say it. Instead, he said something much more assertive. "We're not voting. Me and Orious are leaving with Violet. Anyone who chooses to stay behind fends for themselves." His voice was flat and emotionless. The insecure boy who'd traveled with them all this way was gone, or at least it looked that way. One of his hands which was clenched into a fist at his side might have hinted he was still nervous, but it was just as likely it meant he was willing to use it, if anyone questioned his authority. For a man under six feet, he packed quite an attitude.


They made the long trek and she fell just behind the others.

She listened like the outspoken girl she was. She listened to Matthew.

"I can transport everyone here, but some need to stay here to look for others." She said turning to matthew. Glaring she sighed.

"At least two need to stay and the rest can go to my base. Other than that, I will have to rest to rebuild energy. for any more transportation."

She said. Before looking down. @iiimee @King Anthony @mewbot5408 @Surprise Meteors

LilyannaGaming said:

They made the long trek and she fell just behind the others.

She listened like the outspoken girl she was. She listened to Matthew.

"I can transport everyone here, but some need to stay here to look for others." She said turning to matthew. Glaring she sighed.

"At least two need to stay and the rest can go to my base. Other than that, I will have to rest to rebuild energy. for any more transportation."

She said. Before looking down. @iiimee @King Anthony @mewbot5408 @Surprise Meteors

Matthew cursed under his breath. He had been stupid to think Violet's powers weren't without limits. He cleared his throat, ready to volunteer, until a sharp pain in his shoulder and weakness in his legs reminded him just what sort of condition he was in. He took a step back, and would have lost his balance, had Leonardo not been behind him. "I... can't go." he unwillingly stated. It felt like a confession. He killed somebody today, but he didn't regret that nearly as much as he regretted not being able to do what he felt he ought to. Vladimor was captured, Naomi disappeared, and Calvin died, all so the group could make it this far. If he didn't use every last ounce of strength he had, how could he call himself a human, much less a man? Still, the rational side of him kicked in and warned him he'd die a meaningless death if he tried to play the part of a hero now. It was better for everyone if he just laid low and shut up for a while. Even now his eyelids grew heavy, but he kept them open and stood so he could know who would be the ones to leave. He wouldn't let Leonardo or Orious go: They were too precious to his mission for him to let them get killed. He didn't care who went other than them.


"I hate to point this out, But this place could be heavy guarded inside. Half of us are sedated halfway or low on energy. " She said taking a pause.

"We are unorganized. You think we could just walk in and take over entire building? Not with these little numbers. And remember so Experiments are sllied with the Scienctist. So we don't know what to expect. We need to regroup and focus from there. I have two fighters at my base now." She said taking a deep breath. She looked with wise eyes at the group. Hoping they understood her reason.

@iiimee @King Anthony @Surprise Meteors
Elias nodded gently and tilted his head with a small but sad smile,dark wings extending out and curling them both. "....how long was I away from you this time? It felt like a month but I can't tell....it must've been long considering we met and I'm taken to that room so much that we didn't even properly know each other's names or did we just forget?" Elias whispered to haru and sighed softly.the demon then looked off for a moment watching a nurse walk by and leave before moving leaning in giving haru a little kiss on the cheek.
Clearly distraught with the lack of enthusiasm, he looked at the unfamiliar faces. They seemed... Disgusted. He would be too, but he isn't them. Speaking of them, who the hell were these people? He looked at the unfamiliar faces, and noted the names Orious and Violet. This was odd as well, as not everybody he remembered was here either. He turned to Shard, and whispered, "Who the fuck are these new people?"

He regained his composure, and looked back to Matt, who had taken a stand and said he'd leave, before he almost collapsed. This place really isn't going to be blitzed through if the state of these other monsters are complete shit.

"Vote's off, vote's off. We're heading home, you assholes are too weak to fight. Where the hell do we go now? I'm sure that motel won't let me back in after I killed a few people." He thrust his newly defined chin into his hand, sticking his blade into the ground. Then, his chin disappeared back into the darkness of the hood.

"We have a house right? Oh wait... We have another house right?" He asked thoughtfully. He remembered the first one was destroyed by yours truly, so retreat would be somewhat a problem without somewhere to retreat to.

"Whatever's the case. We've gotta get our motely crew back in action, so if you guys have any suggestions, feel free to give them to me. Because I give a fuck this time I think."



He was looking down, striking his hoof against the floor in an odd pattern. Like if it were comunicating somehow. He sighed. Suddently, he heard the cell door creak open. His head shot up. There, was standing a man in white, similar to the White Man. He shivered internally at the thoght of him. The man was carrying a metal 'bed', and motioned for Ammax to lay there. Ammax snorted, and looked away. He heard the sound of a needle cap poping open. He looked, ad the man was holding a syninge filled with a black liquid. The man pushed the nozzle, and it slowly slid out. As soon as it made contact with the floor, it began sizzling, and soon there was a hole where the liquid fell. He gulped, and slowly made his way to the table. He layed down, and the man wrapped his wrists and hoofs against the table. He began pushing his through the corridor, entering a cold and very lit room. The man in white looked at him, and said.

"If you dare move, this liquid will be injected into you, got it beast?" Ammax nodded slowly, and the man in white left.

[QUOTE="Trombone Geek]Calvin mentally filed away the boy's responses, watching him carefully. Already, it seemed mutations were beginning; faster than usual, but a good sign that things would move smoothly.
"Maybe so, maybe not. Only time will tell." Today's round was finished; minor torture would be required to keep him broken and to test how well the mutations were adapting into a healing factor, but nothing near what had happened today. The scientist moved to the door, but paused and looked back over his shoulder.

"I apologize for not being able to make you more comfortable, but I'm sure you understand how mako affects the body. Increases aggression, causes violent sleep walking, and so on. Would you.. like me to leave the light on?" His voice was low, as if he were afraid of being overheard. Which was understandable, as the staff here weren't exactly the nicest.

Derrick attempts to sit up, briefly forgetting he was restrained and ends up cringing in pain, cursing himself at doing so. "It does not bother me too much." He mutters, trying his best to relax against the metal slab. "And no thank you, I prefer the dark." He shifts throughout the restraints, a deep sigh pouring past his lips. He understood what it meant, and with knowing, there's no reason to ask against it. It was just a shame that'd he'd have to take this spot over the shabby bed in his cell. But thinking on it, is a metal table really a down grade? "I do appreciate it though." What, though? His concern, the fact that he wasn't as relentless as expected, or...Nevermind. His bones settle into the surface, and he breaths out slowly. Upon repeating his breaths, it begins to present as more of a challenge to keep such steady pace. His chest grew heavy.


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