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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)


Rei remained locked down in a secret little area she found in one of the closets. Up all night, she wasn't all that oblivious too what was going on, too much of a coward to go out and run. It'd been long since she'd been trying to reach Rin, and further and further, the static became clear. And she was alone. Tears streamed down her pale face, and she covered her mouth, trying to muffle all the hics and sobs so she wouldn't be found. She curled up in the little safe area, barely large enough for her to be inside. When she heard Mew calling her, she is startled, but slides the little panel of the tiny door open, rushing out cautiously. When she follows his voice and finds him, she rushes up to him, covering his mouth. "Shhhh! They'll hear you!!" She whimpered in a hushed tone, looking down the hall, before dragging him into a nearby room. She still sniffled, and tears continued down her face that she wipes with her sleeve. "Rin...Rin, he's...gone...You'll help him right...? You can...You're..." Her lip trembled, and she fell to her knees, covering her face with her hands, falling to her knees. She was too weak herself to do anything, but this man who loved her brother was not. He was strong, and willing to save him. "Rin...." Reid whimpered with a weak heart.

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[QUOTE="King Anthony]And for the time being, he was. He sat patiently on the table, sitting up and looking around. He grew absent-minded, swinging his feet back and forth like a child, before once again forcing himself into the reality of where he was, crossing his ankles. "Uh..." He thinks to himself, running his fingers through blonde locks. Hopefully they don't do something that'd impair his assistance to his lord. but really, were they gonna ever get out of here? It struck him that he might've not even survive experimentation. He'd die here, forgotten by nearly everyone...except him? No, Derrick is so insignificant, no one would remember. He stands, walking around the small table a few times, trying to get himself to run his train of thought elsewhere. Eventually, he ended up on the floor doing pushups, something to keep him focused and working while he waited.

Calvin eventually finished the tests, and began selecting what chemicals and methods to use to get the desired effect. But, first, in order to to make sure the mutation went smoothly, he had to break Derrick's spirit. Most of the other scientists hadn't mastered this on the level Calvin had back before he 'retired.'

Sighing, he returned to Derrick, shuffling some papers in his hand; he was the only one who still used his notes in experimentation, just to make sure he was accurate as possible. Others might've scoffed, and decided against doing so to 'preserve their pride,' but the results were undeniable. Calvin set the papers neatly on the counter; and if one had looked, they would see dozens of small, perfect circles lining the margins. Who knows what that had been the product of; likely Calvin trying to get over something.

As he looked up from counter, he noticed Derrick was doing push-ups. The boy being fit would speed the process along nicely. He leaned against the counter, watching the boy for a moment, and then walked about the room for a while, getting a feel for everything he would later need and where it was.

Afterwards, he finally turned to face Derrick. Here came step two: break the shit out of them. Derrick's mentality was strong. That meant...

"Lie down on the table again, please. I hope you enjoyed your break."

The first time Calvin entered, he didn't even look up. Derrick continued on, pushing-- losing his focus when a voice was in his head and ended up falling onto his stomach. It was a feminine voice, explaining herself, and Vladimor. He was about to respond, until she told him not to out loud. "Alright," And at least his young lord was safe...He hadn't questioned her; this was an odd place after all, however, when there was a loud scraping noise elsewhere in the building, he cringed and covered his ears. When it stopped, Nox didn't speak anymore, but it doesn't bother him too much, so Derrick resumes his exercise. Calvin enters for a second time, and when he hears the man speak, he stops, standing up with a huff, wiping his brow. When he requested for him to once more lay on the table, he did as he instructed, looking over to the scientist uneasily. This time looking at him, it didn't feel right...

@Trombone Geek
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King Anthony] [CENTER] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26561-mewbot5408/ said:

Rei remained locked down in a secret little area she found in one of the closets. Up all night, she wasn't all that oblivious too what was going on, too much of a coward to go out and run. It'd been long since she'd been trying to reach Rin, and further and further, the static became clear. And she was alone. Tears streamed down her pale face, and she covered her mouth, trying to muffle all the hics and sobs so she wouldn't be found. She curled up in the little safe area, barely large enough for her to be inside. When she heard Mew calling her, she is startled, but slides the little panel of the tiny door open, rushing out cautiously. When she follows his voice and finds him, she rushes up to him, covering his mouth. "Shhhh! They'll hear you!!" She whimpered in a hushed tone, looking down the hall, before dragging him into a nearby room. She still sniffled, and tears continued down her face that she wipes with her sleeve. "Rin...Rin, he's...gone...You'll help him right...? You can...You're..." Her lip trembled, and she fell to her knees, covering her face with her hands, falling to her knees. She was too weak herself to do anything, but this man who loved her brother was not. He was strong, and willing to save him. "Rin...." Reid whimpered with a weak heart.

Mew crouched down placing a hand on her shoulder looking at her with his ruby eyes tilting his head.He moved a arm around her in a slight bug trying to calm her."shhh....We're going to get rin back even if I have to end up destroying the facility, I will do anything in my power to get your brother back....I swear and anyone who dares touching rin has a death wish." He told rei in a whisper and he seemed quite determined as well as ticked off at the idea of a doctor laying his filthy hands on passed off poor beautiful rin. The feline cyborg's tail quickly swished side to side show let alone how irritating it was that they had the nerve to take his beloved rin and make die cry. Standing mew held out a hand for die."I think they're gone...let's go look for anyone who didn't get captured and find a way to get in.."
Supermegabrenda2 said:



He slumped down, and heard someone scream

"Ammax! Are you trying to draw attention to yourself? Everyone in this facility heard you! What were you hoping to succeed in by that?"

He sneered mentally, and said back "To finally get ot of this HellHole!" He answered, in a deep and gruff voice, and a heavy Brazilian accent ((Similar to Russian))


He kicked the wall, nervous. His ears twitched, and mane stood straight up, as a form of defence. It now had multiple holes in it, from all the testing. He heard someone being put in a cage. He walked over to the cell bars, and looked at the weird aquarium-like cell. He snorted, and watched it with curious pitch-black eyes.

"Psst! Yeah, you there! Whats yer name!" He asked. He wondered how that Demon-Like thing managed to live there. He could barely live in a place with a small glass box, imagine being incased by it!


((Nox's cell is glass too, but all anyone would see is a motionless female body on a table))

"Yelling won't help. The expirements that were just recaptured, unlike us, they have friends on the outside. Help is coming." Nox truely hoped that help really was coming, she wasn't sure how long the scientists would be forgetful and she could keep her ability. Nox couldn't remember the last time she was actually awake, stuck inside her own head until recently, watching herself grow older through the minds of others.



He looked at the glass cell. "Yeah, they better. I've been in this hell longer than anyone! And it's not fair that I get this cement block with metal bars and you get a glass box!" He growled, and kicked the cell bars. He kneeled, and said

"I know this place like the palm of my hand. I only know torture." He looked up. "Have you ever been loved?" He stood, and went to the cell bars. "My own parents sold me. I dont know any other emotions, other than Pain, Hatred, and Anger."

He sat, leaning on the cell bars.

He looked at her, eyes shifting to a red color. He looked at everyone near him. There were tables in the middle of the halways with medicine, and unknown substances. He sighed. Growling, he stood and began pacing around the cell.

@Anyone nearby


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@Trombone Geek[/URL]
Calvin didn't say a word as he walked over to the table, once again tightening the restraints around Derrick. He could tell the boy was uneasy, and said nothing to ease it. He walked over to a certain section of the counter littered with sharp and wicked tools. He studied them for a moment before selecting what he wanted. It was a simple, yet razor-sharp, knife.

He found an apology lingering on his lips, but he swallowed it and remained silent. Everything seemed to slow down. Was it really spiraling back to this life? He couldn't do this. He wouldn't. Despite this, the knife hovered above one of Derricks arms.

He didn't want this! Nevertheless, he found himself dragging the knife lightly along his arm, barely cutting in, looking for the most sensitive and non-fatal spots. In his mind, he was throwing the knife against the wall, freeing Naomi, and running away from this cursed life. Physically, he was cutting into an innocent man who'd never done anything but fight for his and his lord's freedom. Whatever else happened after that, Calvin wouldn't remember. ((Let the screams begin!))


"My name....It's Elias....."

Elias looked down blinking tired my and his wings stretched out in flitter motions. "I just woke up....ahhh, how long have I been asleep this time? I wonder how many months....I never been outside well not unless you count that place they take me if the weather's nice...." the demon tilted his head and moved to one side reaching for what looked to be a rubix cube and started playing with it and tilted his head slight staring at it with gold eyes before tossing it through it landing infront of annex's door enough for the other to reach. elias just sat there obserbing quietly and sighed. "....I'm being bought soon..."
@King Anthony


@Surprise Meteors

Orious looked around the damn hotel room eyes widening at the red and he sighed remembering izabell's voice. Idoit brother! Placing his hands against the wall and slowly standing before moving quickly hurrying out the door. The vampire rushed down and out of the hotel before making out on the streets. Maybe he'd check on the others one last time before leaving again. Pulling out a cigarette and lighting it, he drew a deep breath blowing out a few puffs of smoke. He headed down the sidewalk when he picked up on the sounds of a lot of commotion stopping for a moment in silence at a corner. he headed in the direction and dropped his cigarette in shock at what he was seeing with wide eyes. "the hell?!" Orious moved checking out the scene running over quickly and looked around running a bit frantically here and there as if maybe derrick got buried under some rubble. He then caught sight of two people and one of them in the nude. Orious quickly threw his coat at leonardo and looked down to Matthew."What the hell happened here?!"

Stepping quickly and with blood on one side shard walked in the direction of Matt and leonardo with a frustrating growl. "That idiot where did he go?!" She made her way over not fazed by the naked lion boy and tilted her head narrowing her dark purple eyes at Matthew with a very frightening air about her. The tall female seemed pissed off for some reason. she moved away looking at the mess one of her arms layered in crystals creating a blade,shard eyed orious recognizing his power and walked around checking the mess before coming back to the group. "...have you see a metal man? goes by the name leo...." a buzzing went off and shard's eyes widened as she pulled her flicked her wrist shattering the crystal and quickly pulled out her phone from her bra. "oh it's from leo..." she played the message out loud.


"Hey babe, just found where I think the captives are. Meet me at West and 3rd. Also, bring company. Love ya babe, call you later."

shard smirked widely and looked to them. "are you coming?"
Supermegabrenda2 said:



He looked at the glass cell. "Yeah, they better. I've been in this hell longer than anyone! And it's not fair that I get this cement block with metal bars and you get a glass box!" He growled, and kicked the cell bars. He kneeled, and said

"I know this place like the palm of my hand. I only know torture." He looked up. "Have you ever been loved?" He stood, and went to the cell bars. "My own parents sold me. I dont know any other emotions, other than Pain, Hatred, and Anger."

He sat, leaning on the cell bars.

He looked at her, eyes shifting to a red color. He looked at everyone near him. There were tables in the middle of the halways with medicine, and unknown substances. He sighed. Growling, he stood and began pacing around the cell.

@Anyone nearby


" I was born here! My own parents made me this way! The reason my cell is glass is because they locked me in a cage far worse than a cement block. I've been locked in my own mind up until the scientists were distracted by these new expirements." Nox recalls every mind she's touched in this facility, every tortured soul, then says her next words carefully, letting Ammax feel her emotions through the link. " We have all been tortured here, do not consider your suffering more than anyone else's. Be thankful you can at least move your own body." With that, Nox quickly withdraws from Ammax's mind, and searches for someone else to talk to.


((@LilyannaGaming , your bad guy/ who is actually a good guy can go check up on Nox. She can read her mind and know she is is good guy.))



Ammax felt her leave him, and he growled. He grabbed the cell bars, claws wrapping aorund the bars, and he said slowly and menacingly.

"Dont you EVER invade my mind again."

His eyes flashed between black and red.

"I could have lost her..."

He snorted, and backed away. He looked up at her, and striked his hoof against the ground.

"This." He pointed to his body. "This is not me. Do you know how painfull it is to keep your old form and have a new one? To switch forms? To have separate consciences? To switch skins?"

He took a step foreward.

"To grow long and sharp nails? To have hoofs in the place of feet? To have to kill for the entretainment of these bastards?"

He ran his fingers along the scars on his arms and chest, obviously thinking. He added in his mind. To have to eat decaying bodys so you dont die? Live off a few droplets of rain?

He snorted.

Ofcourse not. No one had gone through what he had. Except for... Nevermind.

He stopped fidling with his skirt. He suddently stopped doing everything, and his muscled tensed.

"Thats it. The glass!"

He walked over to his weapon on the wall. He began punching and kicking the glass encasing it. He jumped from the wall and kicked under the glass. Nothing. He threw series of punches onto the glass. Nothing. He bashed the glass with his head. Nothing. Soon, he bellowed.

"Ugghhhh! Nothing breaks this crap!"

He kicked it one last time, his hoof boucing right off it. He growled, and began fiddling with the teeth along his skirt once more.

"Why do these bastards do this? I just want to see her again..."

He backed up against the wall, and slumped down. He sighed. After some time, he said

"Each of us have gone through unimaginable things. I have gone through many painfull things, and so have all of us."

His eyes set into a shade of dark blue, like a steady lake in the middle of the night...​


@Any doctor who can come
Ocean said:
Ocean looked at his brother and said "Oh good, and for a minute I thought I would be missed. Look my head hurts, so explain to me how long I was gone". Why does my head feel even worse now? And why is Nick being more of a jerk than usual? "You know what, I'm just going to find a place to sleep. You probably don't care but I've been walking for a long time, and frankly I'm tired and my head is killing me."
The boy growled a him "Are you stupid?!" The boy asked him glaring daggers and letting him go "You and Cicero had a huge party for some reason and you started drinking until you were passed out." Nick explained duly and grabbing him and started pulling him in the ally "You can't sleep the scientists are hunting us!" The cat boy said duly letting go of his shirt growling some "Why did you come here Ocean you had a change to leave...."He said plainly looking down
mewbot5408 said:
@King Anthony

@Surprise Meteors

Orious looked around the damn hotel room eyes widening at the red and he sighed remembering izabell's voice. Idoit brother! Placing his hands against the wall and slowly standing before moving quickly hurrying out the door. The vampire rushed down and out of the hotel before making out on the streets. Maybe he'd check on the others one last time before leaving again. Pulling out a cigarette and lighting it, he drew a deep breath blowing out a few puffs of smoke. He headed down the sidewalk when he picked up on the sounds of a lot of commotion stopping for a moment in silence at a corner. he headed in the direction and dropped his cigarette in shock at what he was seeing with wide eyes. "the hell?!" Orious moved checking out the scene running over quickly and looked around running a bit frantically here and there as if maybe derrick got buried under some rubble. He then caught sight of two people and one of them in the nude. Orious quickly threw his coat at leonardo and looked down to Matthew."What the hell happened here?!"

Stepping quickly and with blood on one side shard walked in the direction of Matt and leonardo with a frustrating growl. "That idiot where did he go?!" She made her way over not fazed by the naked lion boy and tilted her head narrowing her dark purple eyes at Matthew with a very frightening air about her. The tall female seemed pissed off for some reason. she moved away looking at the mess one of her arms layered in crystals creating a blade,shard eyed orious recognizing his power and walked around checking the mess before coming back to the group. "...have you see a metal man? goes by the name leo...." a buzzing went off and shard's eyes widened as she pulled her flicked her wrist shattering the crystal and quickly pulled out her phone from her bra. "oh it's from leo..." she played the message out loud.


"Hey babe, just found where I think the captives are. Meet me at West and 3rd. Also, bring company. Love ya babe, call you later."

shard smirked widely and looked to them. "are you coming?"
There was a lot of women here now, and it made him feel a little self conscious, so he was grateful for the boy handing him his coat. Zipped up, it did an alright job at covering. When Shard approaches, he doesn't feel to comfortable around her, and he eyes her cautiously. The metal man she spoke of hadn't been seen since the wreckage of the house, and he cringes. He's glad he's no longer around. He says nothing at the buzz, but listens to the message. Leonardo shook his head. "Coming? No way! Did you see them take everyone? And you wanna go after them now?!" He huffs, he sounds more furious than scared, barring his teeth. "I can't...I can't even go feral anymore...I'm stuck in this insufferable human flesh prison." He says as if this weren't his actual body. Then again, who knew? He could have originally been a lion turned into a human. "If you want a suicide mission, you can go alone. I have someone to save..." He glances at the ring on Matthew's finger, taking a deep breath. He clears his throat, looking at the other girl, Vi. "I'd rather take my best bet with you. You, what's your name?" He asks her.



@mewbot5408 , they're in the desert area before Vegas, not even near the city anymore))​
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There was a lot of words Matt could use to describe this scene, but they were all curses. There were many scenarios Matthew would rather be in right now: Standing in the desert with a half-naked man, some teleportation chick, and the newcomers blood-drinker and crystal woman didn't exactly fit his standard of a good time. It should also be noted that he gave Leonardo his pants, so all he had on was a flimsy blood-soaked shirt and some boxers. If he wasn't already partially sedated and relying on adrenaline, he'd be marching off to rescue Vlad himself. He noticed the crystallized woman was staring at him, but he avoided her gaze. He shook his head at the mention of Leo. "I know who he-" He had to stop talking in order to duck as several small but sharp crystal flew in his direction. The crystal woman's arm was apparently normal, underneath all of the rocks. Matthew watched with mild irritation as she took her phone out from her bra- it didn't surprise him, considering how this was Las Vegas, and Tabitha had been guilty of hiding small things there too. He recalled one time having to buy her candy in order to make up for him asking her to hide a knife in there once.

"Leo wants us to meet him? Fine." Matthew listened to Shard's message with surprising patience, before turning to teleportation-girl. Leonardo was talking to her, but Matt cut their conversation off- whatever he had to say was ten times more important. "Can you take us there? We need that scrap of metal." He waited for a yes or no from her, before looking over at Orious. He had never seen the vampire so irritated, and he couldn't imagine what he was going to say would improve that. "Blood-drinker, don't think about running away okay?" Matt could feel his throat tighten, but he forced the words out anyway. Orious needed to know, so there wouldn't be any confusion when they made their way to safety without them. "Vlad and Derrick were taken." That was all Matt said; no more, no less. Still, hot tears stung his eyes, but he just looked into the vampire's, for a few seconds forgetting the other three people around them existed. He couldn't imagine Orious taking the information well, but he had no other choice. At this point, running away was practically suicide.

Ooc: @Cicero @LilyannaGaming , Where are your chars atm? Like, Cicero and the girl who visited them? Tabitha and Rin were supposed to be in the same room, but idk how to add them in atm...​
Ooc:Cicero is chained up to a chair in a room, Susan in training with Silver, Nick is in an ally
[QUOTE="King Anthony]

There was a lot of women here now, and it made him feel a little self conscious, so he was grateful for the boy handing him his coat. Zipped up, it did an alright job at covering. When Shard approaches, he doesn't feel to comfortable around her, and he eyes her cautiously. The metal man she spoke of hadn't been seen since the wreckage of the house, and he cringes. He's glad he's no longer around. He says nothing at the buzz, but listens to the message. Leonardo shook his head. "Coming? No way! Did you see them take everyone? And you wanna go after them now?!" He huffs, he sounds more furious than scared, barring his teeth. "I can't...I can't even go feral anymore...I'm stuck in this insufferable human flesh prison." He says as if this weren't his actual body. Then again, who knew? He could have originally been a lion turned into a human. "If you want a suicide mission, you can go alone. I have someone to save..." He glances at the ring on Matthew's finger, taking a deep breath. He clears his throat, looking at the other girl, Vi. "I'd rather take my best bet with you. You, what's your name?" He asks her.

@Cicero @Cicero)

Little celesta skipped beside her mother. "I wanna help! And I was the good girl today! Like I always am!" She said as they neared the room. She watched as her mom opened the door. She stepped in and grasped for her mothers hand.

iiimee said:
Ooc: @Cicero @LilyannaGaming , Where are your chars atm? Like, Cicero and the girl who visited them? Tabitha and Rin were supposed to be in the same room, but idk ho
Lyna and Celesta just walked back into your room with tabby, ten and Cicero.

Silver is training with Susan

Fane is getting moved around.

We all know where Vi is...
LilyannaGaming said:
Silver smiled at the girl.

silver smiled and jumped up just before the light hit her. To rolling she laughed. "That's good, do you think you could hit a moving target?" She asked.

Lyna picked up her little girl who came running into the room. The sciencetist had just released her from her classes. The little girl smiled at her mother as Lyna petted her hair. "How was your day? I have to head to a experiment room to give others some stuff. Do you want to drop it off for me?" Lyna asked as she headed to Cicero's, Snd Tabby's, and Ren's room. Lyna walked quickly. (@Cicero)

Little celesta skipped beside her mother. "I wanna help! And I was the good girl today! Like I always am!" She said as they neared the room. She watched as her mom opened the door. She stepped in and grasped for her mothers hand.
Susan smiled "I can try." The girl said focusing on Silver. "Ready when you are."SuSu stated finally having confidence as she shot a light at her.
mewbot5408 said:
Mew crouched down placing a hand on her shoulder looking at her with his ruby eyes tilting his head.He moved a arm around her in a slight bug trying to calm her."shhh....We're going to get rin back even if I have to end up destroying the facility, I will do anything in my power to get your brother back....I swear and anyone who dares touching rin has a death wish." He told rei in a whisper and he seemed quite determined as well as ticked off at the idea of a doctor laying his filthy hands on passed off poor beautiful rin. The feline cyborg's tail quickly swished side to side show let alone how irritating it was that they had the nerve to take his beloved rin and make die cry. Standing mew held out a hand for die."I think they're gone...let's go look for anyone who didn't get captured and find a way to get in.."

With no one else, she clung to Mew. She whimpers softly onto his shoulder, wetting his clothes with her tears. "I'm grateful..." She tells him, choked by her own tears. When he stands, Rei takes his hand, wiping her tears, even though fresh tears replaced them. Honestly, she was surprised this robo-cat even cared. Perhaps it's just because of the resemblance...Anyways, she nods heading over to the window. They were just on the first floor, so she easily hops out the window,not betting anyone would still be in the house. She looks around, out to the large, sandy hill that marked the end of Las Vegas. "Let's go!" She told him urgently, her cracking voice still having some stubborn strength left in it. She runs up the hill, looking at the expanse of the dessert the city was located in. She squinted and thinks she seen something moving in the distance, and that was her best bet, so that's what she went after.

@LilyannaGaming[/URL] , Where are your chars atm? Like, Cicero and the girl who visited them? Tabitha and Rin were supposed to be in the same room, but idk how to add them in atm...[/CENTER]
LilyannaGaming said:
Vi smiled listing to the conversations. "My name is Vi-" she managed to get out before getting cut off by Matt. "I could, I just have to know the location." She said glancing at Matt. Smiling she sighed. "Once I teleport you there I going to have to wait for energy again. I overused enough trying to get to you." She said glancing at leoarndo and Matt. Then at the girl behind them. Her smiled never stopped as she tried to keep up with everyone who was talking
Silver smiled at the girl.

silver smiled and jumped up just before the light hit her. To rolling she laughed. "That's good, do you think you could hit a moving target?" She asked.

Lyna picked up her little girl who came running into the room. The sciencetist had just released her from her classes. The little girl smiled at her mother as Lyna petted her hair. "How was your day? I have to head to a experiment room to give others some stuff. Do you want to drop it off for me?" Lyna asked as she headed to Cicero's, Snd Tabby's, and Ren's room. Lyna walked quickly. (@iiimee @Cicero)

Little celesta skipped beside her mother. "I wanna help! And I was the good girl today! Like I always am!" She said as they neared the room. She watched as her mom opened the door. She stepped in and grasped for her mothers hand.
"Are you serious?!" He growls as Matthew, narrowing his eyes. "He's psycho! The second to last place I want to be around is him! Screw this noise, I'd rather go back to the zoo..." He almost was ready to go, too, if he hadn't promised Vlad he'd protect this boy. Hopefully they'll all realize he's right, and they are all insane."

SakuraTree said:
(Anyone want to roleplay?)
((You're gonna run by everyone a couple of times, so just pop yourself in somehwere. Are you starting off in captivity or are ya gonna be apart of the rescue squad? I could help ya fit somewhere))
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[QUOTE="King Anthony]((You're gonna run by everyone a couple of times, so just pop yourself in somehwere. Are you starting off in captivity or are ya gonna be apart of the rescue squad? I could help ya fit somewhere))

(Probably the rescue squad.)
[QUOTE="King Anthony]he first, second, third, fourth or fifth cut didn't hurt so bad. He could at first see the hesitance, feel it even, as this man cut into his skin. But this was nothing. Nothing worse than what the other kids done to him, or what he'd ever done to himself. Eventually, though, the cuts gave more than a little flinch, or a hiss. His teeth gritted, and his hands balled into fists. Some were enough to make him cry out, and his body quake. He hadn't been too sure of the purpose of all this seemingly mindless cutting, but he wouldn't question it. Instead he bit down on his lip and endured, just like what has always been expected of him. When he body knew what to expect, the squirming died to a minimum, and there we no longer any chill against the blade where the knife would come into contact with his skin, nor did he flinch when the blade made it's first break through the skin. Though, he did want to say stop, but he knew in this place, that there obviously wouldn't be any mercy. He whimpers, cries and hisses, but to no purpose.
After a long while later, Derrick lie exhausted, panting and with each open cut bleeding and burning. Something was injected into him, and that was the only thing that made sense to him. He was light headed, but his body felt so heavy, like it'd just crush itself onto the metal table. "Are we.....done?" He asks, voice hoarse and gravelly. "If it's progress you want, I can keep going..."

Eventually, Calvin left without an answer to clean the knife he'd used, and everything around him sort of blurred into focus at last. He couldn't remember a thing he'd done, but the amount of blood on the tools and his hands told him enough. When he returned to Derrick, he couldn't hide his flinch, and for a moment he looked away in shame. He set the knife back where it belonged, and turned to face Derrick.

"So. How do you feel?" He wasn't quite broken, yet, but the pain of millions of small mako-induced mutations and the night terrors and hallucinations often produced by the effect it had on the brain as it changed would finish the job. Calvin himself knew the process intimately.

He took to using a damp rag to clean the boy's blood and wounds, and bandaged him up, not making a single comment about what had happened. Instead, he stuck with mentally reciting the alphabet forwards, then backwards, and then in random order, covering every letter; and then he moved on to making patterns out of the letters A-G, and then went through how each pattern would sound should the letters apply to music. Anything to distract himself from the ordeal.

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