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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

The girl sighed a bit "I know its hard but you did the right thing...."She said smiling at her while looking at the unconscious Silver "Yea lets go....this place is giving me the creeps."Susan said taking Vi's hand "She'll be fine right?"SuSu asked looking down at the girl then up at Vi hopeful eyes.
"She'll be fine. A headache and confusion will be all she gets." Vi said teleporting them to the bunker. She lifted Silver awkwardly. Trying to stay balanced under the weight.
She nodded while looking around after they teleported to make sure they were safe sighing in relief helping Vi with Silver. "Were do we take her?" Susan asked struggling to keep Silver up on her
Cicero said:
The girl patted her back "Its okay you did what you had to do..."The girl said trying to comfort her while looking at Silver "We might be but you'll thank us later."Susan muttered at her with a small fake smile
The boy poked his head up while his ears twitched upon hearing his name "Yea?"He asked looking at her "Tab calm down you'll be okay I won't let them hurt you."The cat boy stated with a calm expression listening to her "I'm sure Matthew's fine and searching for you right now as we speak."Cicero told her smiling a bit ignoring the pain in his side "I guess Nick should be fine....but hes not important what's important right now if finding a way for us to get out."The boy said while moving around letting his cuffs cut into his arm causing them to bleed "Fuck...."He muttered. Looking back up at Tab with false hope as he smiled at her wanting to do something to stop her from crying sighing a bit looking at the other person nodding "I'm hoping so...I feel useless now I couldn't protect her like I wanted too. I never wanted to see her going back to the facility again even if it meant giving up my freedom."The cat boy ratted before shaking his head "Sorry....wait your that dealer at the casino!"He stated glaring at her

Rin glared back. He didn't like to be referred to as "that dealer", but for the sake of survival he'd deal with it. "Yes, I did some work at that casino with my twin sister. There's nothing wrong with that, is there?" It sounded like he was challenging Cicero to a fight, but after a while he sighed and looked back at the girl who wasn't very aware of her surroundings right now. "She is probably running a fever right now, but when she gets there they will give her medication to stop that. Worry about her, but keep yourself safe. I don't plan on staying in the facility forever, and if you're not strong enough, I won't be opposed to leaving you behind." Rin spoke confidently about his proposed escape, as if the idea of them ever getting out again was likely. Sure, it was possible, but so was getting struck by lightning. They would all probably die there, but Rin just wasn't ready to accept that fact. He couldn't, when Rei was still somewhere on this earth. Mew was also important, but he wasn't ready to accept that either. He hadn't even realized the hickeys on his neck were still there, but now that he recalled the events of last night he glanced down at them. In a strange way, it reminded him of his and the other experiment's humanity, even though it was hard to tell how human Mew was as an individual. He seemed so robotic sometimes, but it hadn't stopped the cyborg from confessing his love. 'I shouldn't think about this.' Rin mentally told himself. He was about to be tortured, beat, used as a human guinea pig- and his main thoughts were about Mew?! The transgender man suddenly felt a little sick. 'Rei's my main concern.' he told himself. Nobody in the history of the world mattered more than her.

Ooc: @Cicero @LilyannaGaming , Where are both of you guys atm? Don't go too ahead of everyone else okay? I am sort of lost with wherever you all are in the story- I'd say hold off all major torture/facility scenes until the escape scenes are done, okay? That goes for everyone- I don't think you guys are doing torture scenes. xD​
We where just recovering from fanes capture! (In Vis hideout) @iiimee
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LilyannaGaming said:
We where just recovering from fanes capture! (In Vis hideout) @iiimee
Ooc: Okay, but... not everyone is out of the house yet, and the streets are probably going to be covered in facility workers, so it'll be hard for a lot of the chars to make their way there- where's the portal-or-whatever-it-is anyway? The chars won't know to go there without guidance, but again- you need to wait for the chars to escape first before guiding them, and sneaking off to wherever the portal is will be hard...
iiimee said:
Rin glared back. He didn't like to be referred to as "that dealer", but for the sake of survival he'd deal with it. "Yes, I did some work at that casino with my twin sister. There's nothing wrong with that, is there?" It sounded like he was challenging Cicero to a fight, but after a while he sighed and looked back at the girl who wasn't very aware of her surroundings right now. "She is probably running a fever right now, but when she gets there they will give her medication to stop that. Worry about her, but keep yourself safe. I don't plan on staying in the facility forever, and if you're not strong enough, I won't be opposed to leaving you behind." Rin spoke confidently about his proposed escape, as if the idea of them ever getting out again was likely. Sure, it was possible, but so was getting struck by lightning. They would all probably die there, but Rin just wasn't ready to accept that fact. He couldn't, when Rei was still somewhere on this earth. Mew was also important, but he wasn't ready to accept that either. He hadn't even realized the hickeys on his neck were still there, but now that he recalled the events of last night he glanced down at them. In a strange way, it reminded him of his and the other experiment's humanity, even though it was hard to tell how human Mew was as an individual. He seemed so robotic sometimes, but it hadn't stopped the cyborg from confessing his love. 'I shouldn't think about this.' Rin mentally told himself. He was about to be tortured, beat, used as a human guinea pig- and his main thoughts were about Mew?! The transgender man suddenly felt a little sick. 'Rei's my main concern.' he told himself. Nobody in the history of the world mattered more than her.
"Oh I wasn't saying it was bad that's just how I remember you since I don't know your name."The cat boy said duly looking down listening to dealer "Yea she always get one when she yells that and her ears bleed."He told him looking up at Tab snickering a bit "I know I should keep myself safe but as far as I care her life comes before mine and I will stop at nothing to make sure she's safe."Cicero said with a small smile "I'm just stupid that way and I don't care what others say about it...I love her and I want her to live a life outside the facility even if it doesn't involve me..."He said looking down again wiping his eyes. "You can leave me if you want I don't care about that."The cat boy told him grinning "I'm just here for humor laughs anyways and to give the scientists hell."The boy added snickering
Not really, if they find Vi then they will just teleport to the bunker the portal is now the park where our characters had just been. Three miles from the house. @iiimee
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Cicero said:
She nodded while looking around after they teleported to make sure they were safe sighing in relief helping Vi with Silver. "Were do we take her?" Susan asked struggling to keep Silver up on her
Vi held onto silver as she lead Susan to silvers room. She glanced around and sighed. The walls were grey, black furanture. She shook her head at the weapons strung across the walls. Laying silver on her bed.
The girl followed looking around "I thought my room was dull...."She muttered to herself quietly while walking up to the wall looking at the weapons then at her hands imaging the weapons on her palm giggling a bit looking back at Vi. "Well what do we do now?"Susan asked

Leonardo, as soon as Matthew slides past them, pounces, he takes the first distracted man down with a quick snap of his neck, tripping the next man before tossing the knife up quickly shutting into his human form, grabbing the blade out of the air to drive it into the 3rd man's neck, then simply crushing the last man's, who was still scrambling to stand, throat. Then he shifts back into, once more carrying the now bloodied blade in his mouth. Leonardo heads over to someone who resembled to the Vlad human, and Matthew pinning him down. He smell was so similar, it nearly knocked off his instincts until the human side of himself realized that that wasn't him.

Thaddeus cringes in the slightest, but doesn't react so much, only analyzing this boy's strength. Weak. Weaker than he'd think an experiment to be. It was sad. He waited a second, letting everything clear up. Sure, he could take this boy down, but a bite from that cat would leave a nasty wound. "You don't even know the name of the man of whose house you're residing in? Tch. Also, my knife is not a toy, cat." Leonardo hisses at him. He didn't like this man so far. The second he met Vladimor, he was met in cuddles and nose pets. He was warm and kind, even to a strange cat in his home. But this man, obviously his blood, and with the connection, obviously a relative, was not like Vlad. He had a nasty, smart mouth that he didn't like to hear words from. In a fluid movement, Thaddeus pushes against the wall, bringing Matthew back with him, pushing the boy off. He quickly pulls out a gun, pointing it at the feline that seemed more than ready to take a bite out of him, and unsheathes his sword, pointing the end the blade at the boy. "Now, now," The old man spoke, a impatient expression on his features. "Learn some manners, speaking like this to me in my house. Destroying my property, using my blade." He snaps. Leonardo backs down, not appreciative of the gun pointing at his skull like this. He drops the bloodied blade from his maw, backing up, lowering himself. He looks at Matthew in fear, wanting it not to be pointed in his direction.​
LilyannaGaming said:
Not really, if they find Vi then they will just teleport to the bunker the portal is now the park where our characters had just been. Three miles from the house.
Ooc: Three miles is a lot on foot, especially with FACILITY WORKERS EVERYWHERE. X_X Just... do whatever hang out you want at the hideout I guess, but all I'm saying is that there will be a fight scene to get to the park if they need to go there... @Cicero , time-skip to da facility?

Bic: Matthew gulped without meaning to. If he hadn't taken a step back just then, the blade Thaddeus pointed at him would have pierced his throat. As it stood right now, there was a good half-inch of space between his neck and the sword, but Matt didn't dare try to risk moving around that space. It wasn't like he cared if the lion was shot, but he did know the chances of him successfully wounding the bastard when he was focused like this was close to zero. "Heh, so you're Vlad's father? My apologies, sir. You two don't look very much alike." Matthew smiled and looked into the man's eyes. It was obvious he was lying, but Vlad's father probably assumed it was uncharacteristic of some street rat to tell the truth, and if Matt wanted to get out of this alive, he'd have to stay in-character. "You know, he's rather charming- Nothing like his boring servant. Do you mind telling me where they both are are?" Matt tilted his head slightly to the side, daring Thaddeus to try to swing his blade. If he did, Matthew could trust Leonardo to kill the man, and vice versa. There was no winning for anyone right now, so Matt just continued to talk. He was nervous but aware that when he stopped, that blade would go in his neck, and Leonardo's teeth into the man. "You know, you don't need to answer that; I have important news to share. Do you know your son's engaged?" Matthew had glanced down for a moment to see what he knew was Vlad's ring on one of his fingers. It was embarrassing to say, but for the sake of their lives Matt used it as a distraction, lifting up his bejeweled hand and making up some lie about them being engaged. Of course, it was only suggested- Matthew needed to prolong the conversation, but he didn't know how long he could do that for. He just hoped Vladimor's daddy would ask questions instead of attacking. If Thaddeus got too angry, one of them would die and this would be over all-too-soon. It might already be over: Scientists would be coming back upstairs anytime now, and if Vlad's father ordered it, they'd be drugged or killed in this very spot. It was unlikely, but if Matthew could he'd get both him and the lion out alive. They'd find the others together, and things would continue like always.[/center]
Cicero said:
The girl followed looking around "I thought my room was dull...."She muttered to herself quietly while walking up to the wall looking at the weapons then at her hands imaging the weapons on her palm giggling a bit looking back at Vi. "Well what do we do now?"Susan asked
"YOU, are going to stay here while i go find others. Silver wakes up call me." VI said tossing her silvers phone. Guess i will have to pick her up one. Vi thought before turning away. "Remamber, She cant hurt you if thw bracelet is on." Vi said dissappearing and reappering at the scientist infected house. Sending out the message she arrived, by using waves off her powers. She went inside and began her search for surviovors. Singing her words instead of saying them.

"Come, on lets go. Find these words of safety." @Anyone in le house
iiimee said:
Ooc: Three miles is a lot on foot, especially with FACILITY WORKERS EVERYWHERE. X_X Just... do whatever hang out you want at the hideout I guess, but all I'm saying is that there will be a fight scene to get to the park if they need to go there... @LilyannaGaming Can Violet transport just anywhere, or does she need to create a portal? Regardless, it'd be smart if she could step in to lend a helping hand...
She can teleport anywhere at anytime without a protal. But she can crate a portal, Also i didnt mean miles. I menat like a three min walk through woods.
LilyannaGaming said:
She can teleport anywhere at anytime without a protal. But she can crate a portal, Also i didnt mean miles. I menat like a three min walk through woods.
Ooc: Woods? ...This is Las Vegas. There are no woods.
iiimee said:
Rin rolled his eyes, not understanding this guy's sense of humor. "My name is Rin, cat-boy, and I don't care about your twisted romance. I have problems of my own." He wasn't trying to be mean per se, rather he just wanted to warn this cat of something: He did not have friends. He wasn't going to ally himself with Cicero out of the goodness of his heart, and he definitely didn't plan on teaming up with the cat-boy if he was already resigned to the idea of staying in the facility. He couldn't be certain, but Rin couldn't imagine giving up, even if Rei wasn't waiting for him when he got out again. As long as she was safe, Rin didn't care if she forgot about him completely. "It's going to be a long ride. You should get comfortable." Rin told him, before turning his head toward the ceiling and closing his eyes. He tried to look calm, but a part of him was still compelled to try picking the locks on his arms, even when he knew it was useless.
Ooc: @Cicero , time-skip to da facility?
LilyannaGaming said:
"YOU, are going to stay here while i go find others. Silver wakes up call me." VI said tossing her silvers phone. Guess i will have to pick her up one. Vi thought before turning away. "Remamber, She cant hurt you if thw bracelet is on." Vi said dissappearing and reappering at the scientist infected house. Sending out the message she arrived, by using waves off her powers. She went inside and began her search for surviovors. Singing her words instead of saying them.
"Come, on lets go. Find these words of safety." @Anyone in le house
The girl frowned some "I can help to..."She muttered a bit before barely catching the phone "R-Right....but are you sure you don't need the help...never mind."Susan said looking at where the girl once was. Turning back to Silver she sighed a bit "I feel bad for her."The girl though aloud while sitting down beside Silver's bed
iiimee said:
Ooc: Three miles is a lot on foot, especially with FACILITY WORKERS EVERYWHERE. X_X Just... do whatever hang out you want at the hideout I guess, but all I'm saying is that there will be a fight scene to get to the park if they need to go there... @Cicero , time-skip to da facility?
Bic: Matthew gulped without meaning to. If he hadn't taken a step back just then, the blade Thaddeus pointed at him would have pierced his throat. As it stood right now, there was a good half-inch of space between his neck and the sword, but Matt didn't dare try to risk moving around that space. It wasn't like he cared if the lion was shot, but he did know the chances of him successfully wounding the bastard when he was focused like this was close to zero. "Heh, so you're Vlad's father? My apologies, sir. You two don't look very much alike." Matthew smiled and looked into the man's eyes. It was obvious he was lying, but Vlad's father probably assumed it was uncharacteristic of some street rat to tell the truth, and if Matt wanted to get out of this alive, he'd have to stay in-character. "You know, he's rather charming- Nothing like his boring servant. Do you mind telling me where they both are are?" Matt tilted his head slightly to the side, daring Thaddeus to try to swing his blade. If he did, Matthew could trust Leonardo to kill the man, and vice versa. There was no winning for anyone right now, so Matt just continued to talk. He was nervous but aware that when he stopped, that blade would go in his neck, and Leonardo's teeth into the man. "You know, you don't need to answer that; I have important news to share. Do you know your son's engaged?" Matthew had glanced down for a moment to see what he knew was Vlad's ring on one of his fingers. It was embarrassing to say, but for the sake of their lives Matt used it as a distraction, lifting up his bejeweled hand and making up some lie about them being engaged. Of course, it was only suggested- Matthew needed to prolong the conversation, but he didn't know how long he could do that for. He just hoped Vladimor's daddy would ask questions instead of attacking. If Thaddeus got too angry, one of them would die and this would be over all-too-soon. It might already be over: Scientists would be coming back upstairs anytime now, and if Vlad's father ordered it, they'd be drugged or killed in this very spot. It was unlikely, but if Matthew could he'd get both him and the lion out alive. They'd find the others together, and things would continue like always.[/center]

Thaddeus's old, yet wise eyes makes note of every reaction from this boy. He listened to the rat, and all his words seemed to do was stall his end. Stalling would do the pair no good, only soon to be found out by another round of scientist. He'd listen; to stall. He scoff, nearly telling the boy the location of his son and former servant, until he stopped him. Man, this child could talk-- he was annoying, to say the very least. "Engaged? Vladimor cringes at the though of being chained down by some petty woman. Let alone some incompetent boy such as yourself. Don't make me laugh. How about I cut that ring off your finger? Any ring he has will just be confiscated back at the lab when he gets there. Though I don't want you to go back there along side him...no, I want to slaughter the two of you..." He grins deviously, his finger dangerously close to pulling the trigger on the poor feline just out of spite.

Leonardo had no idea what to do. As he watches the man's finger slowly begin to squeeze the trigger, terrified, he roars out. At that same moment he hears a gun shot blaring in his ears. As his mind fuzzes and recollects itself, he checks his paws to reality check. His paws were fingers once again, and he thought that meant it was his final moment, but looking up, he looks at a man, in a whole new view, still holding a gun that smoked. He looks behind him, seeing a hole in the wall, only inches above him. The size reduction saved him. Although he was saved, there were tears running down his cheeks, and his body trembled as he kneeled in front of this man. Thaddeus looks at the experiment in disgust. "You really are another one." Was the words that shook this poor man. His gun raised once more, and was aimed straight between his eyes.​
The boy looked up at the waking Tab smiling a bit "Hey bea...."His sentence fell short as the scientists came in his face changed from happy and caring to anger and blood lust towards them. Cicero seen one of them throw Tab up he lunged at the man getting stopped by his restraints he growled "Hey look little kitty cat wants to safe his precious love."The man said laughing grabbing the cat boy undoing the restraints holding him down quickly replacing them allowing him to walk still restraining his tail. "You're all dead when I get a change even if I don't have my tail."The boy mocked attempting to bite at him getting punched square in the nose "Try and you're dead before we start."The scientists stated punching him in the chest while the boy coughed from the of oxygen so quickly lunging for him again getting thrown to the ground and stopped on and picked up not so carefully his restraints digging into his skin more as he spat blood at the scientists grinning before getting sedated
Vi followed the sound of shouting. She grabbed one of the scientists and teleported him to the middle of no where. Before the scientist could get his bearingsshe teleported back. "Come! This way" she yelled. @iiimee

@King Anthony
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(This is all my characters responses except shard and elias)

Izabell had just gotten to the lab and walked down through smiling widely. Izabell wasn't wearing his usual girly pastel clothes and he was in fact he was wearing dark gothic/punk style but still feminine clothing. He even had dark eye shadow and black lipstick. Izabell stepped on the tile with his boot heels clicking on the ground as he made his way over to one of the rooms checking out the file of who was inside. "Mmmmm...I want to play with this one...." He told the doctor licking his lips suggestive. The doctor nodded."very well,anything for our best worker." He told izabell whom brushed back his blonde bangs and took up a box of things going and setting up the table with various stringes,substances,and other things."send in my toys to their rooms and I'll make sure the job is done.." izabell added and picked up at stringe of a substance injecting it into his own arm.

Orious looked around the damn hotel room eyes widening at the red and he sighed remembering izabell's voice. Idoit brother! Placing his hands against the wall and slowly standing before moving quickly hurrying out the door. The vampire rushed down and out of the hotel before making out on the streets. Maybe he'd check on the others one last time before leaving again. Pulling out a cigarette and lighting it, he drew a deep breath blowing out a few puffs of smoke. He headed down the sidewalk when he picked up on the sounds of a lot of commotion stopping for a moment in silence at a corner.

Awakening at slowly rising up to his feet with a sharp cough,ears flattening and fresh blood was now on the pavement. A pair of dark red eyes opened and mew quickly got up looking around franticly. Rin. they took rin. His eyes widened as he remembered the incident and he tried to stop them but somehow they had found a way to elctrocute him and sent his body into temperary shock which had knocked him out cold on the Sidewalk. They didn't even bother to take him but instead left mew laying there blacked out. Mew ears flattened and his eyes widened remembering rei. They didn't take rei too did they?! He frowned and quickly hurried around picking up on rei's signal and called out for the twin in hopes for a response. He swore to protect both of them After all even if they forgotten."rei?!! You okay?! Awnser me!"

It was too late the scincetist had already taken off with stell and taken her back to the faculty. He passed right by cicero,tabitha,and rin through the hallway carrying the blue haired female off to one of the rooms. He turned into the room and set the female on the bed. it was only a while before stell awoke with her leg chained to the bed post and she had a nurse going quickly about the room checking things here and there as well as taking notes. Stell's blue eyes directed to a weird thing sitting in the middle of the room. She was highly unsure as to what to the and then the scincetist came in speaking of butterfly evolution For some reason. Stell eyes widened as she cuaght bits and pieces of what they were saying.
Leonardo doesn't speak as he watches him tear life from this man. Instead he watches, cowering away in response to the look in the boy's eyes. When he's dressed he nods, shifting back into his lion form, once again picking up the knife in his maw. He runs up on one of the scientists, tackling him down and slashing his throat with powerful claws. Leonardo kill for the need, never for want. One, two, three, four. Down the stairs he takes them all, before they even have the chance to raise their gun. He even passes Violet, not seeing her in his daze. Instead of going out front,he breaks through the back sliding door, dashing around the pool, and back through the sand. He stands and waits for Matthew, no human able to keep up with a wild animal such as himself. As soon as Matthew caught up Leonardo runs again, but behind the human, diving between his legs and standing again to where Matthew is situation on his back. He looks behind his shoulder, before bolting down the desert sands, out of sight behind the sand dunes from any scientist until the sand began evening out again. Though he kept running, far, far, far from the house, his mind driven and powering his body on his fight or flight instinct. Soon, a good distance down the sand, his body collapses along with Matthew on his back, his shifts back into human form unwillingly. His body rolls across the sand the morning cold saving him from the usually scorching sand. He breaths heavily, laying in the sand, trying to catch his breath. "Okay....okay....Where- where do we go? Is there some sort of back up plan-or-or..." His voice kept getting caught in his throat due to the air trying to force its way to Leonardo's lungs. "Fuck, shoulda stayed in the zoo..."

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