[On A Gathering Storm] (Ars Goetia) [Slayer] Cassiel The Hand of Decay


That Guy with the Face
Cassiel wasnt a large influence in the early days of the war, before Cain committed the first murder, he for the most part tended his flocks of man, looking agter them and teaching them of the universe to the best of his abilities while insureing they would pass on to a happy afterlife. It wasnt until after Cain slew his brother Abel that his talents were even sought after, and even then he only joined when war was brought to him and his flock, his charges slain for associating with him. After this event he made himself somewhat famous as a powerful warrior using his dominion over death to great effect, wading deep into the heart of battle to avenge those who were unjustly slain. Now all that is left of the once great warrior is nothing more then tormented guilt, memories of a time and potential that could have been, visions of a 2 women who constantly torment his mind constantly, and a fairly waited name.

When he returned to the world he did so threw a united States marine by the name of Cassius Drake, who had fallen into a state of depression after returning from the middle east and retiring, distraught over the events that took place. At the height of his depression Cassiel was able to take possession of Drakes body. Since then he has spent his time fumbling threw gutters and allys trying to scrape his way threw existence, tormented by his past.

Drake is 6'1 well muscled with a highly athletic build, and average appearence. His hair is currently shoulder length and brown and he is growing an unkempt beared.

Cassiel takes the appearance of a 6'5 long fine black haired man with porcilen skin and black blood that streaks from his black eyes with red dots for pupils. He has large white feathered wings and apears to where some form of Gothic priestly robes.


Slayer (Halaku)

Human: Cassius Drake

Celestial Name: Cassiel The Hand of Decay

True Name: Ill pm the Mod when charecter is accepted

Nature: will be pmd

Demeanor: will be pmed

Faith: 3

Torment: 5

Conscience: 2

Conviction: 1

Courage: 3

Will power: 5


Strength: 4

Dex: 2

Stamina: 4


Perception: 3

Inteligence: 2

Wits: 3


Cha: 1

Apearence: 2

Manipulation: 3

Talents 13

Awareness 4

Brawl: 4

Dodge: 3

Athletic 3

Skils: 9

Fire arms: 2

Melle: 2

Security: 1

Stealth: 2

Technology: 1

Survival: 1

Knowledge: 5

Medicine: 2

Linguistics: 1 Aramaic

Occult: 1

Computer: 1


Eminence: 5

Legacy: 3 (1)

Paragon lore of death 3


Lore of Death 2 - Primary

Lore of Spirit 1

Lore of Realms 2 (14)

Namtar: Visage of Death:

Improved Initiative: +2 to charecters initiative


Pass without trace: Stealth dif reduced by 2, and passage doesn't disturb surroundings in any way, no foot prints, no foliage disturbance.

Cast no reflection:

Does not create any kind of reflection, nor can video cameras or pictures capture him.


Cloak Shadows:

Stealth dif reduced by 2

Death grip

aura of entropy

Damage Resistance: ignor wound penalties for scene

Disad Plagued by the past: 3 points

Maybe shear nostalgia or pure resentment of the past the demon has a harder time letting go of the events of the past, clinging on to what could have been plagued by the outcome. What ever it may be the demon begins play with one additional torment then that witch would be normal of their house:

Durangement: 2 point

Multi personality Disorder/ Audio Visual Hallucination:

Cassiel is tormented by his conscience witch manifests itself as the typical good persona who acts as the Innocent side of his conscience who takes the name Adriel, and the typical twisted, depraved and Evil persona who acts as the more base side of his persona who activly tries to get him to do things that benifit himself, or she finds entertaining, her name is Lilith. These personalities dont actualy take over they just constantly try to get him to do things they feel are right, most often acting as advisers, and usually are only ever seen in reflective surfaces though have been known to a pear as shades or revenants that he can see, or tormenting his dreams.


The persona Adriel takes the identity of a kind, gentle, almost angelic, woman, that to the best of his memories was a woman he'd known around the time of the war or even before it, Typically appearing as a blond haired blue eyed attractive woman. She most often tries get him out of his stupor, doing things to help him out spiritually, as well as chastising him when he indulges his more base of instincts.


A more sinister version of Adriel with darker features, she tries to get Cassiel to indulge in his more base desires, prodding him and tormenting him and over all trying to get him to give up on being forgiven but indulging himself and recognizing his full potential as a lord of the cattle that are men.

Cassiel isnt sure what it is about these wemon or where he knows them from but their appearance torments his dreams and memories and has don so as long as he can remember.

Military issue back pack

Desert patter Camouflage outfit x3 ( the pants and the cargo shirt.. thingy)

3 t shirts, 4 pairs of boxers, 6 pairs of socks, Combat boots, All weather Coat, black hoody.

8 gig mp3 player, wallet with Drakes Michigan state Id, military Id, Michigan state Drivers license, retired military Id, veterans Id (with veterans benefits info) Social Security card, michigan state fire arms concealed carry license, Navy federal bank card, Game stop membership card, 4 exired buss passes, 15$, 1 condom. Pocket knife

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