OLD RP - The North

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3 Weeks earlier

Logan took a deep breath as he stood overlooking the courtyard of Winterfell. From his position he could see servants and soldiers alike hurry back and forth in their attempts to ready the train of carriages that stood half loaded below Logan. All of this was in preparation for their journey South, one which if they were lucky would run without a hitch. Though despite best wishes, the death of Lady stark was still fresh in the memories of all and a hefty company of soldiers would be keeping them company on their travels. Logan eyed up the hundred men, most heavily armed, mounted on horses of their own. He doubted there would be any conflict, no bandit or thief would be foolish enough to challenge such a well armed convoy. The guards would be useful in their inactivity however, a show of force, the very deterrent in the first place. It was all a show of power, the first of many Logan expected to see over the coming weeks spent on the road and in King's Landing itself. He had no interest in the wedding itself, but rather it's guests. It was about time the North mingled with the other kingdoms, isolation was so often the path to self-destruction.

As these thoughts lay heavily on his mind he felt a presence move up behind him. To almost anyone else it would have gone unnoticed but the practised ear could still identify Rae's almost silent foot falls. She moved up beside him and accompanied him in his inspection almost silently until both eventually cracked a smile at the sight of two boys trying desperately to lift one of Rae's chests onto the back of a cart. It was Rae who spoke first.

"I still don't understand why I need to take so much." She complained simply, her tone nonchalant.

"As far as I know, the typical woman down south tends not to wear chain mail." Logan replied, taking the opportunity to jab at his sisters masculinity.

"I don't wear chainmail!" She insisted. "Too heavy. I prefer leather, both fashionable and functional. You never know when you have to decapitate some Targaryen swi-"

"There will be no decapitations!" Logan interrupted. "In fact, Don't even touch a Targaryen, Lannister, Tyrell or anyone else of high birth for that matter." Logan knew she was joking but decided it was probably best to end the jest here rather than let it continue to the steps of King's Landing where a misunderstanding could mean war.

"I thought Father's wishes were that we do far more than merely 'touch' someone of high birth." Rae teased, happy to know she was plucking at her brothers nerves.

"Just... No killing." He sighed rubbing his eyes with one hand. "I will not have 70 years of peace broken because you can't contain your blood lust." He continued.

"Oh don't you worry about my lust, I have pl-" Rae started once more before being cut of completely.

"Quiet, Go find your brother and ready your horses, we leave shortly." Logan ordered, not turning as she left, he knew she hated it when he acted all Lordlike. "This is going to be a long journey" He spoke softly to himself before turning from his vantage point and descending to the courtyard below.

In the absence of himself Rae and Braedon, their cousin Jon would remain in Winterfell, a Stark in name and blood. All the other necessary arrangements had been made but as Logan mounted his horse, his siblings close behind, he couldn't help but be filled with a sense of dread. After all, historically travelling South had been bad news for the Starks. Logan shook of his superstitions as the rest of the convoy assembled. When all was ready and the goodbyes were said, Logan gave a bellowing order to open the gates. The heavy doors swung open and the convoy advanced, slowly on its way to King's Landing.

(Mentioned: @JustJazzy)

Ludd Whitehill

Forrester Lands, The North

Highpoint was cold this time of year, the cool winter air drifting throughout the broken stone castle and down onto the hill for which House Whitehill is named, giving the castle's already bitter and angry inhabitants something to complain and argue about other than the amount of ironwood that might or might not be rightfully theirs. It had all been different once, House Whitehill had been rich and powerful, the primary banner-men to the second most powerful men in the North and the biggest importers and exporters of Ironwood in all the seven kingdoms (or so the Whitehills claim) but those days were long behind them and with the loss of the last ironwood grove still in Whitehill possession, so too did the Lords of Highpoint lose something else very dear to them. Their honour.


Ludd Whitehill stood shivering by the small wooden blockade that marked the end of Whitehill territory and the start of Forrester's, the only thing to combat the harsh cold winds being the thick seal skin cloak that he had draped over his shoulders, though that was more a measure to conceal the considerable amount of weight he had put on over the years in an attempt to look strong in front of his men than to actual keep him warm. It had been years since he had drifted this far from Highpoint, and even longer since he had even seen the border that separated his land from the land that had been stolen from his ancestors by his bitter rivals the members of House Forrester but he knew that something had to be done about House Whitehills current predicament and that he was the man to do it 'I am the saviour this house needs' He thought, his hair blowing in the wind, it hadn't seen a razor in nine months or near enough to make no matter and it was beginning to fall past his shoulders and onto his back 'The Forrest I'm uncultured have always shat on my family and with no consequences, they've stolen from us, they've openly mocked us and they've even murdered us, yet no one seems to see them for who they truly are' his expression hardened at the though of his lost brother Lord Walton, Ludd had never been the greatest brother, nor the most loyal, but a Whitehill is a Whitehill as he always said and he wouldn't abandon his family, not again.


"Morgryn! Andros! Are you sure about this? If you get this wrong and the Forresters catch wind of this it won't only be my head that will end up on a spike in the walls of Winterfell" Ludd looked to his two companions noting the lack of fear in their eyes.


"Certain my Lord, the scouts say that Forrester men won't go past this part of the woods for another two days and by the time they do you'll already have extracted enough ironwood to make a small fortune" Andros laughed, he was the more talkative of the two men but also the most boastful, he had a tendency to over estimate things and on occasion when he was in a foul mood, he was known to resort to physical violence, he reminded Ludd of himself in some ways, though he would never admit it out loud.


"Good, for your own sake I hope you're right, get the men ready for extraction I want at least five and ten trees felled by nightfall, if what you say is true then you and Lord Morgryn here will walk away very rich men if your not... Well let's just hope you're right" Andros gestured for the small group of men behind them to ready the foresting equipment and begin their work of chopping down the great Ironwood trees.


"My Lord? Are you sure this is wise" Eddard Morgryn spoke up, his eyes on the men as they cut down the forest, "Ironwood may be valuable, but mayhaps stealing the stuff is not a wise choice, I'm sure you are aware of the consequences if we get caught and whilst I know Andros here has assured you that no men will come for us and that may be true, your methods of extraction leaves a lot of mess behind and is rather loud, should the Forresters so much as look at this grove they'll know you were here, I think it best that we just leave them to their Ironwood and search for wealth through different means"


Ludd was silent for almost a minute the only noise coming from the men as they worked at chopping down the trees "Stealing it! Fucking stealing it! This is our fucking Ironwood, I'm not fucking stealing it I'm reclaiming what is rightfully my family's!" Ludd's face grew redder as he began to shout his face resembling a tomato in colour, he moved closer to Morgryn, his face only a few inches away from the man's own "I will not abide such insolence! I'm not here for the wealth I'm here to take back what is mine!" His hand made contact with Morgryn's face, leaving a nasty purple mark and shocking him to silence "Next time I'll have your head" Ludd looked away from Morgryn and to his own hand, examine his wolf skin glove.


"I'm leaving this ironwood extraction to you Andros! If anyone catches you, claim that you don't work for me or I'll make sure you never work again" Ludd mounted his horse, the animal whining slightly under the pressure "I'm going back to Highpoint, I expect to see this Ironwood by the end of the week, make haste, the Stark's will be in the capital for now, but I do not want to face their wroth when they return. My niece has let our house fall into disrepair for too long, we're finally taking action!"


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