• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Old friends, New beginnings - characters

Lord Potato

King of the Potato Realm







Sexual Orientation: 




(Everyone is around 25 - 28)




(Picture if you can't find one a few lines giving basic information just enough for us to build up a picture in our minds)






How did were you when the group knew you?

(Just a few bullet points on how everyone will remember you)



Current Personality:



Past romantic relationships within the group and how did they end:



Who have you kept in touch with over the years:



Now i'm purposely missing out things such as a crush because I find it more interesting if you don't know who likes who it doesn't put you off going after any character that way.

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Name: Chris Mckay

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Hetero-sexual

Age: 26

Trade/Job: Scammer/Gambler





How were you when the group knew you?

Chris used to be a hard working kid, who rarely did anything wrong. He'd never get into fights or in trouble with the teachers and was always a friendly guy. Often joking around with friends, his best friend was the person he'd stick by till the end. Relationships with his friends however came second to his school work and future.


Current Personality:

Hard headed is the best way to describe him currently. Chris is well known for taking the fast lane in life, he isn't one for hard work and prefers to cut corners. He has a bad habit of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time along with a tendency to flirt with too many women, which ended up with him having many and too long a arguments with his partners.


Past romantic relationships within the group and how did they end:

Kinzi, however being caught cheating by her, Chris was soon enough dumped.


Who have you kept in touch with over the years:

Didn't stay in contact with anyone,  but kept a check up on all of them through work mates.
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Name: Iris Hollowthorn

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual 

Age: 26



Trade/Job: Lighting Technician  

What were you like when the group knew you?

  • She had a tendency to drift asleep whenever she was bored
  • Had a large collection of music she listened to
  • Active around friends and quiet and reserved around people she wasn't conformable with
  • Spent a large amount of her free time in an arcade
  • She procrastinated with almost everything with a deadline

Current Personality:

  • Iris is usually busy minded and constantly finds herself sleep deprived on almost a daily basis. When she finished everything she needs to do, she can be often found taking a nap on stage at work before another concert, in random chairs and couches, and hardly ever in her own bed. She is very active and her personality shines brightly whenever she is working, is out and about, or whenever she is listening to music. Due to her sleep deprivision, she is very forgetful and is horrible at remembering names and minor details, and is constantly forced to write details down to remind herself later. Whenever on tour, she will frequently stop at arcades in cities they have a venue in.

Past romantic relationships within the group and how did they end:

  • TBD (message me if you want to, I'm rather open minded)

Who have you kept in touch with over the years:

  • Caroline Michara
  • Tbd?
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McKenzie (Kinzi) Wilkins



Sexual Orientation: 







A personal assistant for a kingpen 

How did were you when the group knew you?

Kinzi was the ideal high schooler. She was shy, quiet, and a goody two shoes who wouldn't even be late for curfew. She never broke any rules at school and in fact was known for ratting others out at times.

Current Personality:

Kinzi has now found the darker side of life and works for a kingpen doing whatever he wishes when he wishes it. She gets into legal trouble at times but always finds a way out. She isn't quiet and shy anymore and doesn't take any drama from anyone. 

Past romantic relationships within the group and how did they end:

Chris McKay however he was caught cheating on Kinzi, so she broke it off.

Who have you kept in touch with over the years:

Reaper 1-1's character Connor Miller while he was overseas.
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Name: Chris Mckay

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Hetero-sexual

Age: 26

Trade/Job: Scammer/Gambler


Chris look like the usual knock of the old block. Scruffy but shaped facial hair covers over a defined jaw line while the rest of his face is chiselled to the bone. Slicked back hair is shaved at the side while his eyes are reasonably small but are a deep brown that anyone could get lost in.

How were you when the group knew you?

Chris used to be a hard working kid, who rarely did anything wrong. He'd never get into fights or in trouble with the teachers and was always a friendly guy. Often joking around with friends, his best friend was the person he'd stick by till the end. Relationships with his friends however came second to his school work and future.

Current Personality:

Hard headed is the best way to describe him currently. Chris is well known for taking the fast lane in life, he isn't one for hard work and prefers to cut corners. He has a bad habit of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time along with a tendency to flirt with too many women, which ended up with him having many and too long a arguments with his partners.

Past romantic relationships within the group and how did they end:

Kinzi, however being caught cheating by her, Chris was soon enough dumped.

Who have you kept in touch with over the years:


Oh I like it accepted!

Name: Iris Hollowthorn

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual 

Age: 26


Trade/Job: Lighting Technician  

What were you like when the group knew you?

  • She had a tendency to drift asleep whenever she was bored
  • Had a large collection of music she listened to
  • Active around friends and quiet and reserved around people she wasn't conformable with
  • Spent a large amount of her free time in an arcade
  • She procrastinated with almost everything with a deadline

Current Personality:

  • Iris is usually busy minded and constantly finds herself sleep deprived on almost a daily basis. When she finished everything she needs to do, she can be often found taking a nap on stage at work before another concert, in random chairs and couches, and hardly ever in her own bed. She is very active and her personality shines brightly whenever she is working, is out and about, or whenever she is listening to music. Due to her sleep deprivision, she is very forgetful and is horrible at remembering names and minor details, and is constantly forced to write details down to remind herself later. Whenever on tour, she will frequently stop at arcades in cities they have a venue in.

Past romantic relationships within the group and how did they end:

  • TBD (message me if you want to, I'm rather open monded)

Who have you kept in touch with over the years:

  • TBD (same thing as above)

Accepted she seems interesting to say the least.


McKenzie (Kinzi) Wilkins



Sexual Orientation: 






A personal assistant for a kingpen 

How did were you when the group knew you?

Kinzi was the ideal high schooler. She was shy, quiet, and a goody two shoes who wouldn't even be late for curfew. She never broke any rules at school and in fact was known for ratting others out at times.

Current Personality:

Kinzi has now found the darker side of life and works for a kingpen doing whatever he wishes when he wishes it. She gets into legal trouble at times but always finds a way out. She isn't quiet and shy anymore and doesn't take any drama from anyone. 

Past romantic relationships within the group and how did they end:

Chris McKay however he was caught cheating on Kinzi, so she broke it off.

Who have you kept in touch with over the years:

Reaper 1-1's character while he was overseas

Ohh interesting I like her

So far great job with the characters everyone seems so interesting.

Kane Akibara



Sexual Orientation: 







He is a Oyabun (family boss) in the Yakuza.

How were you when the group knew you?

Kane used to be a person fully of life, he was never the brightest person nor the fastest but they was always something about him that made him stand out whether it was the cheery look on his face, his natural ability to make people laugh and smile or just the overall casual approach. He was on everyone's good side as much as possible never got into a fight throughout all his school life fact is somehow he swears he never even had to shout at another person and most people are inclined to believe it but that might have been because he was just a great liar.

Current Personality:

Anyone that knew Kane before compared to now would be shocked. Well he was once full of life and happy the spark of life seemed to have left Kane. He is dark and often rather quiet, he has gained an extreamly morbid sense of humor laughing at things most people would be disturbed by. He has become a harsh person, using harsh words to criticize others. He has a very strong view on compliments, believing that one should only compliment those who they believe to be superior to themselves. Being in the Yakuza for several years Kane has a sense of honor and respect something his fraction of the Yakuza value highly. He is also a rather sentimental person despite his young age since his job has many risk especially with his position any nostalgic feeling he can get he enjoys which is what drove him to invite his old friend around. 

Past romantic relationships within the group and how did they end:

(PM me if you want)


Who have you kept in touch with over the years:

(Same as above)

Connor Miller





Under the shades Conner has icy blue eyes. He stands at 6'1" and has a strong build. On his right shoulder he has a tribal wolf tattoo and he has marks in several locations were he was shot while in service.



Lance Corporal in the Marines

Before enlisting Connor barely talked. When he did it was in a soft, dull tone. He had mostly kept to himself in isolation other than a few people. He was never seen in public unless it was for football or baseball practice or he was getting something from the store. He had not once told anyone about entering the Marines other than one person, McKenzie Wilkins. 

Connor had really changed over the years in the Marines. He is now very open and talkative. He loves telling stories about his time over seas and he does a pretty damn good job narrating them. He is energetic and happy most of the time. PTSD hasn't claimed him yet, but who knows what could happen. Connor loves to joke around as well. Comparing to his younger self, it's like meeting a new person entirely.

No previous romantic relationships with anyone in the past

Connor has kept in contact with McKenzie Wilkins (Keaira character).
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"If you don't let go... you won't be able to use this hand again."


Name: Roxanne (Roxy) Walker


Gender: Female


Orientation: Heterosexual


Age: 27





Height: 5'4

Weight: 125lbs

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Lilac


Trade/Job: Co-Boss of YK Corporation 


How were you when the group knew you?:

Roxanne learned to grow up fast at a young age. Mother leaving her father with two children plus her, it began to put a lot of stress upon said father. Few years later, her father became an alcoholic on disability, causing the 12 year old to take care of a 7 year old (Kenny) and 2 year old (Crystal) practically on her own. Growing up in a poor part of the city, she had to learn to defend herself. Doing so began to turn into a hobby and then a dream of hers. 


Entering Junior High, she was initially cold and quiet, reserved. Her main focus was her family and how to take care of her younger siblings. Meeting her friends, it took her awhile to open up to them. Upon them cracking through her wall, she was honestly nervous, scared and unsure. But out of the group, she was probably the most protective and temperamental when it came to her friends. She has broke noses and caused bruises to herself and others over one mean little word said over her friends. She was practically considered the body guard of the group. Due to her violence though, it led her to have many detentions and suspensions. 


Although she didn't do too well in school behavior and grade wise, she constantly jumped from job to job, any and all. Even if it was newspapers in the morning to waitering after school. But then she began to introduce herself to street-fighting. Since she had been practicing nearly everyday, she decided to sign up and hope to get some wins. 


Some times, her friends would offer help but she'd always turn them down unless utterly necessary (Regardless, the other poor neighbors that knew of their situation would try to help.) 


She had faced many possibilities of her and her siblings being sent to fostercare, but her and her friends always made a plan to ensure that they stayed. Roxanne was very hard-working and determined, stubborn.


Current Personality:

Roxanne didn't completely change over the years, but she has mellowed out slightly and even dropped her dream. Although she's a talented fighter, she convinced herself that being a professional UFC fighter wouldn't help support her younger siblings instantly. 

So, she began jumping from corporation to corporation as assistants. 

One day, it landed her a high position in one of the biggest corporations in America. She had now become Co-Boss of YK, right alongside Eric Yule. (Honestly, one of the reasons he hired her was in hopes to get with her-) 


Never imagining herself there, she began to send steady income to her now older siblings and coming home whenever she could.

She thought everything was perfect. Roxanne had now bought a condo and could properly train for a variety of martial arts on the side. Not only that, but she had her siblings come over for awhile.


Although the middle sibling (Kenny) had turned 18, the youngest (Crystal) was only 13. While Roxanne was at work, her drunken, loud spoken idiot of a father slipped up and deemed unworthy to parent. Crystal was then sent away to foster care and her father to rehab. Kenny now lived with her and was finishing highschool. 


Now she was faced with the long process of trying to adopt Crystal, her loathing of her father and hate only increasing. 


Past romantic relationships within the group and how did they end:

Message me if you'd like C:


Who have you kept in touch with over the years: 

Kane Akibara.


Message me for discussion! :D


"Just keep going. Its what you want."


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Connor Miller




View attachment 251481

Under the shades Conner has icy blue eyes. He stands at 6'1" and has a strong build. On his right shoulder he has a tribal wolf tattoo and he has marks in several locations were he was shot while in service.


View attachment 251494

Lance Corporal in the Marines

Before enlisting Connor barely talked. When he did it was in a soft, dull tone. He had mostly kept to himself in isolation other than a few people. He was never seen in public unless it was for football or baseball practice or he was getting something from the store. He had not once told anyone about entering the Marines other than one person, McKenzie Wilkins. 

Connor had really changed over the years in the Marines. He is now very open and talkative. He loves telling stories about his time over seas and he does a pretty damn good job narrating them. He is energetic and happy most of the time. PTSD hasn't claimed him yet, but who knows what could happen. Connor loves to joke around as well. Comparing to his younger self, it's like meeting a new person entirely.

No previous romantic relationships with anyone in the past

Connor has kept in contact with McKenzie Wilkins (Keaira character).

Awesome someone from the adventurous path of live, accepted.



"If you don't let go... you won't be able to use this hand again."


Name: Roxanne (Roxy) Walker


Gender: Female


Orientation: Heterosexual


Age: 27




Height: 5'4

Weight: 125lbs

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Lilac


Trade/Job: Co-Boss of YK Corporation 


How were you when the group knew you?:

Roxanne learned to grow up fast at a young age. Mother leaving her father with two children plus her, it began to put a lot of stress upon said father. Few years later, her father became an alcoholic on disability, causing the 12 year old to take care of a 7 year old (Kenny) and 2 year old (Crystal) practically on her own. Growing up in a poor part of the city, she had to learn to defend herself. Doing so began to turn into a hobby and then a dream of hers. 


Entering Junior High, she was initially cold and quiet, reserved. Her main focus was her family and how to take care of her younger siblings. Meeting her friends, it took her awhile to open up to them. Upon them cracking through her wall, she was honestly nervous, scared and unsure. But out of the group, she was probably the most protective and temperamental when it came to her friends. She has broke noses and caused bruises to herself and others over one mean little word said over her friends. She was practically considered the body guard of the group. Due to her violence though, it led her to have many detentions and suspensions. 


Although she didn't do too well in school behavior and grade wise, she constantly jumped from job to job, any and all. Even if it was newspapers in the morning to waitering after school. But then she began to introduce herself to street-fighting. Since she had been practicing nearly everyday, she decided to sign up and hope to get some wins. 


Some times, her friends would offer help but she'd always turn them down unless utterly necessary (Regardless, the other poor neighbors that knew of their situation would try to help.) 


She had faced many possibilities of her and her siblings being sent to fostercare, but her and her friends always made a plan to ensure that they stayed. Roxanne was very hard-working and determined, stubborn.


Current Personality:

Roxanne didn't completely change over the years, but she has mellowed out slightly and even dropped her dream. Although she's a talented fighter, she convinced herself that being a professional UFC fighter wouldn't help support her younger siblings instantly. 

So, she began jumping from corporation to corporation as assistants. 

One day, it landed her a high position in one of the biggest corporations in America. She had now become Co-Boss of YK, right alongside Eric Yule. (Honestly, one of the reasons he hired her was in hopes to get with her-) 


Never imagining herself there, she began to send steady income to her now older siblings and coming home whenever she could.

She thought everything was perfect. Roxanne had now bought a condo and could properly train for a variety of martial arts on the side. Not only that, but she had her siblings come over for awhile.


Although the middle sibling (Kenny) had turned 18, the youngest (Crystal) was only 13. While Roxanne was at work, her drunken, loud spoken idiot of a father slipped up and deemed unworthy to parent. Crystal was then sent away to foster care and her father to rehab. Kenny now lived with her and was finishing highschool. 


Now she was faced with the long process of trying to adopt Crystal, her loathing of her father and hate only increasing. 


Past romantic relationships within the group and how did they end:

Message me if you'd like C:


Who have you kept in touch with over the years: 


Message me for discussion! :D


"Just keep going. Its what you want."


My god that's a nice long read, great detail accepted.

Ethan hunt



Sexual Orientation:

24 turning 25


Minor league mixed martial arts fighter that is gaining attention and a bodyguard for hire as well as an up and coming extreme athlete

How did were you when the group knew you?

Ethan had always been the reckless and fearless one. Always doing things none or the others will and always taking a major risk. He was never one to back down from bullies or other guys who would be mean to the group. But other than that he was a mischievous and troublemaking at least all the time

Current Personality:

Ethan is still the reckless fearless boy he was. But he's smarter about it now than he was back then. He's deffinately safer as well as less of a trouble maker to say the least. he's a good kid and is carting for everyone but also had a cold side of him. He doesn't like bullies or jerks that take advantage of others. He will gladly get into a fight for his friends and will beat the shit out of someone if need be.

Despite his small size compared to other fighters he's a very formidable oponent. Focusing mostly in jujitsu as well as kick boxing he relies on his speed to take down his opponents

Past romantic relationships within the group and how did they end:

Technically it wasn't a relationship. But at the time Ethan had grown to have a huge crush on Roxane and had come under the impression that she felt the same. Sadly though she truly didn't and when she found out she told him

Who have you kept in touch with over the years:

Him and Tabby Monroe have stayed rather close since the "gang" broke apart. Having seen each mother multiple times throughout the years

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Tabitha "Tabby" Monroe 



Sexual Orientation







Bakery Owner and Tattoo Artist

How were you when the group knew you?

Tabitha was a bit of a shy girl. She never really talked much and never not felt comfortable with the group. She was glad that she never had to change who she was for them. She felt at peace. She was never known to do anything wild or crazy. Act spontaneous or have wild hair or anything of that sort. If anything, she was the one that always needed protection from being picked on by other kids. Which Ethan did a lot. She looked up to him when they were kids. 

Current Personality

If the group were to see her now, they wouldn't believe she was the same person. Tabitha, is very outspoken, brave and open minded. She is nothing like the little timid girl that they grew up with. She takes life by the hand and runs with it now. She owns a semi famous bakery in New York and runs a tattoo shop at night. Yep, she's nothing like she used to be. Now, she'll likely break your nose for saying even one smartass comment to her. She ain't to be messed with now. 

Past romantic relationships within the group and how did they end


Who have you kept in touch with over the years?

Ethan Hunt
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Name: Benjamin twitcher






Sexual Orientation: Straight




(Everyone is around 25 - 28)




(Picture if you can't find one a few lines giving basic information just enough for us to build up a picture in our minds) View attachment 144675



Trade/Job:Barber(part time aiming for historian



How did were you when the group knew you?

(Just a few bullet points on how everyone will remember you)



Current Personality:Just like ever Benjamin is funny and loving guy. He is the kind of guy who would help anyone not looking at religion or looks. However lately Benjamin had got sadistic traits and even lost his loyalty to the group, however he hopes to regain it after meeting up again.



Past romantic relationships within the group and how did they end:Ben was the funny guy in the group, he enjoyed interacted with everyone but preferred those of the male sex. But after his family moved to Luxembourg he had to move with them as he could not finaxnly sustain himself. 



Who have you kept in touch with over the years:No-one




Annabel Shaw



Sexual Orientation:

Openly bisexual





An absolutely beautiful super model and a car nut on the side

How did were you when the group knew you?

If she had to be honest. She was the ugly one of the group. She wasn't pretty and got good grades. Never had a boyfriend and a lot of guys seemed to brush her off. She wasn't popular and was bullied to. Being the misfit of the group was challenging for her. But it turned her into something great

Current Personality:

To be honest she's sort of snooty now. Being a little stuck up but still she's caring and nice and loving of all. She's really flirty but won't ever sleep around. Shes very clingy when it comes to relationships and loves to show off her things specifically her boyfriend/girlfriend if she has one

Past romantic relationships within the group and how did they end:

Pm if interested

Who have you kept in touch with over the years:

Pm if interested

other: she also has a brother in the military

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Name:  Jessie Taylor

Sexual Orientation:  
Hot Topic Manager 

How did were you when the group knew you:
Just the quiet skater kid who always stayed invisible because she preferred it that way.
Current Personality:  
Jessie still tends to be the quiet one, but a little bit more social at times. She does have sort of a care free personality but she is also brutally honest. She doesn't care what you think of her. But overall, she can be a nice person.

Past romantic relationships within the group and how did they end:
PM me if interested

Who have you kept in touch with over the years:
PM if interested

Caroline Michara



Sexual Orientation: 







Radio show host

How were you when the group knew you?

Basically a gangster. Just completely crazy. Attacking completely random people, always getting in to trouble. She was almost kicked out of school because of causing too much problems. She ditched school a lot actually. Mostly to hang out with the "bad crowd". Other than that she always stayed true to her friends, loyal as anyone could ever be. She was loud and knew how to have fun.

Current Personality:

Opinionated, yet calm and reserved. Likes socializing and gets along with everyone. Changed her life drastically when her mother died, became a civilized human being.

Past romantic relationships within the group and how did they end:


Who have you kept in touch with over the years:

Iris Hollowthorn
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Hello everyone. I come today with some news. Over the past couple days I have been really trying to get phalanx to reply to any of us. After a lot of trying and no response I have deduced that he doesn't mean to come back so I've decided that I'll take this over so that all of us who are clearly eager to start can actually rp. I will make another thread soon for characters and for the roleplay so that we can continue this

I honestly think we should wait until @Phalanx goes online again before we are sure to restart. If there's no response, i will join ya, but until then, i'll be here. 

It has now been 4 hours since last online, and no forum activity since tues, so i'm confident they are just having a busy past few days.
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I contacted him personally in the private messages around two to three days ago asking him if he was gonna come back and I never got a response. His accounts says he's been on a lot the past while but the last time he even replied to this thread was February 16th before six more characters were put up. Him being tagged at least twice in this since February 16th and still no responce or indication of him coming back or just being busy. 

if that's the case, were all of your messages after Tuesday? since that seems to be the cutoff point. and you're being too impatient, at least give them a week before you take matters into your own hands. Since i'm speaking from experience on the other end of the spectrum here. It's just rude otherwise.
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The character posted after his last acceptance was on February 16th which was last Thursday. All characters after his last acceptance were posted up before this Tuesday came to pass plus he was online a good amount over the weekend as I saw it. It's nearly Friday and still no sort of response indicating to us at all what's going on. He should have at least said "hey guys might not get to this for a little bit." Or some other notion that he was still with this rp. I put a tag for him on my last character on Sunday at around 3:30pm just after seeing he was online still and we still never got a response from him.

Yea, you didn't get a peep out of him since Sunday, big deal, it was less then a week ago. That still doesn't justify the fact you assumed he forgot and rudely took matters into your own hands. Since there's an unlimited amount of possibilities why he wouldn't respond in this time frame. He could be waiting for the big code update for all I care, but you wouldn't know and or care enough to wait and see since you obviously can't wait any longer with the creation of threads for its remake. 

Let me clarify, I'm not pissed at the creation, I'm pissed at the timing of the creation and lack of being open-minded to whatever reasons @Phalanx may have. Taking advantage of short term silence is a cheap blow.
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@Daniel reaving

I just want to start of by saying, I understand why you may be slightly agitated by this. And that is perfectly fine! But trying to uplift the roleplay and take it into your own hand without having confirmation from the 'GM' is not acceptable in my eyes. I'm currently in a few Roleplays that are waiting for the update, both HP's and thread alike, it's mainly so that people don't loose interest during the site being down I should think. 

You do also need to take into account that people have very busy lives and can not always reply to every role play in one go, I for one am lucky in the fact I work from home, so I am able to regularly check RPNation for notifications. Yet some people are not always able to. What I recommened is if you are not happy with the way this Roleplay is going, simply say that you are no longer interested because of the wait or simply wait for a reply from Phalanx, there is no need to begin trying to control the RP.



@Reaper 1-1



@Little gasmask



Hello everyone. I come today with some news. Over the past couple days I have been really trying to get phalanx to reply to any of us. After a lot of trying and no response I have deduced that he doesn't mean to come back so I've decided that I'll take this over so that all of us who are clearly eager to start can actually rp. I will make another thread soon for characters and for the roleplay so that we can continue this

heres the new thread

Heres the character page now I do request that you all just copy and past your characters over for me ^-^ you can all consider yourselves accepted

I'm going to wait until Phalanx gets back
Ah see my point there though. I'm guessing that those roleplays that you are in that are waiting for the update you were all notified by the GM of this weren't you? And I'm still interested but for the GM to not reply to anyone's calls to him and to give us no sign of him still wanting this role play to happen and really am interested. But I'm sure others as well don't feel like waiting weeks to start something that the GM is showing no signs of coming back to. Plus you have been accepted already. The rest of us that haven't been accepted are eager to be accepted. It's like the difference in thoughts. Those accepted already have the mind set that they were accepted and don't have to worry about not being accepted, you all have already had your eagerness to join fulfilled. While the rest of us have to wait to be accepted and are still eager to join

Yeah no. Being accepted or not, I'm waiting for the RP to begin just as you are. And no, with some of them I haven't been notified, it's just putting two and two together. But I won't be transitioning over to yours as your attitude towards this has put me off greatly. You may wait as long as you like, and so may everyone else. But this isn't acceptable for you to take it into your own hands.
Ah see my point there though. I'm guessing that those roleplays that you are in that are waiting for the update you were all notified by the GM of this weren't you? And I'm still interested but for the GM to not reply to anyone's calls to him and to give us no sign of him still wanting this role play to happen and really am interested. But I'm sure others as well don't feel like waiting weeks to start something that the GM is showing no signs of coming back to. Plus you have been accepted already. The rest of us that haven't been accepted are eager to be accepted. It's like the difference in thoughts. Those accepted already have the mind set that they were accepted and don't have to worry about not being accepted, you all have already had your eagerness to join fulfilled. While the rest of us have to wait to be accepted and are still eager to join

Nonetheless, Phalanx hasn't started the rp, so there's no worry about being accepted or not yet.

If I were him, I would be sort of upset that someone tried to take my rp from me because I was busy! Real life over RPN hun :/

You don't know why Phalanx is busy. We all don't know. So dont just assume he has lost interest.

I've spoke with Phalanx a few times and he's very enthusiastic about the roleplays he had made! 
I would be upset to if someone took over my role play from me but I'd also be understanding if I don't show up for a while or give the people waiting on me any form of cummunication telling them what was going on. It's the simple fact that he gave us no response or indication that he has been checking up on us at all. This very thing happened not to long ago in another rp I'm in. The creator stopped replying to the rp and gave no one information on what happened so eventually someone decided to take it over and now the story is thriving. But if we had waited for the creator it would have died off. It all comes down to the communication factor of this situation. Phalanax just disappeared without any sort of info given to us just as that other GM did and lead everyone waiting. Then soon someone decided that instead of letting this idea just die off and such he created it under his own so that the rp could actually happen

It kinda sounds like you care more about the rp than the creators well-being..

Despite that, 3 to 1 against taking over the rp-
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