Oisin Ha'raa

Name: Oisin Ha'raa

Age: 162

Mental Age: 15

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Q: Regular or Irregular? ->A: Regular

Species: Stigaan - Native to the Outer 42nd floor, the Stigaan are often looked upon as guardian's of nature. They reside in the outer edges of forests, building expansive cities within the canopy, serving as a connection between the inner forest, and the outside world. Taking advantage of this connection, the Stigaan often serve as guides to those wishing to venture into the depths of the woods. This, alongside the longstanding peace their civilization has experienced, has earned them the reputation of one of the more trustworthy peoples within the Outer Tower, seemingly content to stay within their cites, and not venture into the Inner Tower to seek after some grand wish or plan.

Personality: A friendly guy. That is the impression most have of the Stigaan, Oisin Ha'raa. Having an outwardly relaxed attitude, this, boasted by his people's trustworthy reputation, he gives off an openly approachable atmosphere. Furthermore, he compliments this with a quick wit, being quick to make a joke, and almost always having something to say about the situation. Indeed, these two things in unison often make him out as one to break the tension so to speak, interjecting into the most dangerous of moments with little more than a casual smile, and a joking remark. A friendly guy. An impression that wouldn't be entirely untrue, but definitely unfinished.

An instigator. That is the impression most should have of the Stigaan, Oisin Ha'raa. Beneath, and perhaps the source of his carefree attitude, lays a nature that wishes for nothing more than to break the dull idleness of everyday life. Doing little more in life than following his whims, his greatest purpose and goal seems to be that to stave off the ever looming threat of stagnation. From this stems and underlying attitude for many of his actions. Often doing something 'just to see if he could', indeed, rather than owing his reasons for climbing the Tower to a grand wish or thirst for knowledge, he merely scales it to see if he can pull it off. He cares little about the conflicts and events within the Tower, only ever paying them any heed on a whim, if anything.

Position: Light Bearer, Anima

Affiliation: Neutral

Abilities and Skills:

  • Stigaan Physiology - The Stigaan are naturally more in tune with nature than most. Because of this, among other things, they hold the capability to communicate with both the creatures of the Tower, and regular animals alike. Though, this befits them little on the lower levels of the Tower, with which are mostly filled with creatures more interested in their next meal than striking up a chat. This does however, nicely complement one's capabilities as an Anima, should they both possess the potential in the first place, and manage to scale to a high enough floor for it to be of use.
  • Shinsoo Resistance : Average - Oisin's level of Shinsoo Resistance is decidedly normal, he is neither strong nor weak in this front.
  • Grand Planner - Despite being rather young, at least in comparision to the other denizins of the Tower, Oisin shows a high level of intellect. Focusing on the bigger picture in his actions, he aims to play the long game, rather than going for the immediate victory. In a word, one could call Oisin a 'King'. Unlike the 'Strategist' or 'Tactician' he does not focus himself on brilliant battle plans or strategies, but rather the goal that those strategies are formed to work towards. To put it simply, where the 'Tactician' wins the battle, the 'King' takes advantage of it, and where the 'Strategist' wins the war, the 'King' begins it.
  • Silver Tongue - Oisin is a fellow who can easily be described as having a way with words. He shows an aptitude to talk himself out of most of his troubles, and worm his way towards success without having to lift a finger.
  • Tree Runner - Having grown up in the wooded cities of the Stigaan, Oisin is adept at climbing and moving throughout the canopy. This skill comes in handy in a multitude of ways, being easily adapted to navigate urban and rocky environments.

History: Within a society, any society, should peace arrive, they should flourish, they should spread and raise merriment, they should join hands together and work towards the future. That being said, within peace, any peace, should it reign for too long, restlessness is sure to arise. Even within the peace loving Stigaan this is true. Born into a world where nothing ever seemed to happen, Oisin quickly came to lust after more. While he was young, even while he frolicked and played with his fellow children he couldn't help but feel something. Something at first only subtle, but that something would grow to consume the everyday life that he led. Stagnation. Sure enough, by the time he had come of a reasonable age, he couldn't help but feel an extreme discontent with the stillness of life that went on around him.

Nothing ever changed. Nothing ever evolved. Life was at a standstill. He spent his days repeating the same things, over and over. Wake Up, Eat, Learn, Socialize, Eat, Sleep, Repeat. And no matter where he looked, he couldn't find a single thing to break that unending repetition. Spurning this on would be an overwhelming talent for pushing events in his favor, driving him to, if he could not find one, make a way to break out of his loop of an existence. And thus, things would begin. At first, he would only partake in minor mischief, spreading rumors in an attempt to rose those around him into taking some form of action, and, even though this would eventually bear some fruition, it would not be enough.

The ever so minor variations they arose in his life would too flow into discontent soon enough. Surely, he could do better, he thought. Surely this wasn't all there was to life, he thought. Surely... He could change this place, he thought. And what would be wrong with that? Change spurns motion, evolution, advancement! He'd be doing his people a service! His goal was a simple one, bring something, anything, great to his people, whether it be a festival... or a conflict, didn't even cross his mind. He began to take every action he could to spur things on. And, within a society in which trust was so easily given, it was nearly child's play to orchestrate an event of great proportions.

And, eventually, after much planning and preparation... The city in which her grew, was set alight. Spreading blackmail and discontent throughout the populace, Oisin instigated a riot, ending in the incineration of some of the older sects of the city. He of course, didn't care about the ramifications of his actions in the slightest. And why would he? They'd rebuild, they'd improve, they'd raise that old decrepit place up to a higher state than it had ever been before. So he'd simply sit back, and allow them to do as they wished, going unnoticed and unblamed. Or, so he thought.

There would be one being to take notice of his actions. One being that could shift his life more than any other. On a night, not too long after his grand event, he would be confronted by that being. Whether it was impressed, amused, or something else entirely by his actions was beyond Oisin. No, the moment that dreadfully sly being presented it's offer, he didn't even care to figure it out. That offer to enter the Tower of God. That offer to enter a place forever changing. That offer he could not refuse. And so, barely even thinking about it, he took his hand, and entered the Tower.

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