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Realistic or Modern Off Path


❁ Belles Fleurs ❁



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On May 29, 2015, the senior class of Sierra Valley High School graduated. It took four long years of hard work, blood shed, and many bitten pencils for them to get that far. Ten graduates, all with different personalities, decided to come together for one final trip. They all knew each other, of course, whether they were already good friends or merely friends with one person and an acquaintance to another. This trip was supposed to be their final adventure and they planned for it to be the most memorable one yet because when college comes along, they'll all go their separate ways.

It's now May 31, 2015 and these ten friends are on the road. The windows are rolled down, a few are asleep and some are singing.


Marilyn Freemont's hands gripped the van's steering wheel with great force as she willed herself to keep her foot on the gas pedal. It'd been only an hour since this pack of teenagers piled into the vehicle and sped off onto the highway. An hour of slowly perspiring bodies, an hour of the same campfire songs being repeated, and an hour of constantly focusing on the road. The blonde always hated driving with a passion, for her attention span never lasted long with the task. Grimacing, Marilyn glanced to her side, uttering a few curse words towards whoever was breathing on her neck. "You know what? Fuck it." Marilyn sighed, pulling the small vehicle over on the highway. Unbuckling her seatbelt, the blonde snapped at Jason with her lacquered fingers. "Jase. Jason. You're driving." Stretching her muscles for a second, the girl made brief eye contact with Jason before climbing out of the driver's seat and into the back seat. "C'mon. We have all summer to dilly dally. I just want to get my ass outta here, alright?" The strongly worded girl said, breaking the heavy silence that now hung in the van. Rolling her eyes, Marilyn leaned her hair against the open window and sighed. In a car where she didn't know half of the people inside, where she could barely breathe because of how tight it was, the girl wanted nothing more than to be away from the city.


Oliver sat in the furthest back of the van, in deep thought. Before he left, his daughter's mother, Kansas, told him that she wanted to be with him again. He didn't really know how to feel about that. Sure, he wanted to marry her months before Emma was born but now, things were different and the farthest thing from his mind was being tied down into a relationship. Oliver was more focused on his little one. He managed to make it through high school while also working as a restaurant's server and taking care of his daughter. Added with the help of both of his mothers, Emma was well taken care of. Although leaving her behind was hard, he felt like he deserved the break. His responsibilities as a dad weren't the only things he was leaving behind, though. Oliver managed to get himself in something he didn't know how he was going to get out of. His mind began to race at the outcome of his poor decisions, if any one found out what he had done.


May 30th, 2015

1:45 am

"Alright, Ash," a slightly drunk Oliver said to his step-sister as he tried to get up, "I'm going to bed." He heard her laughing and he began laughing at himself. "Just one more drink, Ollie," she replied, "You graduated yesterday, you should be able to celebrate." He nodded in response, agreeing with her. He leaned back onto the plastic wrapped couch. They both laughed at the sound. "Why is mom such a neat freak?" she asked, before straightening out the dress she had on. He shrugged, and poured more liquor into his glass before drinking it. "I think it's hereditary," he commented, "Look at you, fixing your dress." She smirked at him then playfully hit his arm. "Oh shut the fuck up," she smiled. "Oh, you want to play?" he asked, as he began tickling her. "Ollie! Ollie, stop!" she laughed loudly, "You're gonna make me wake everyone up!" He got on top of her, and continued tickling her. "Say you're sorry for talking to your dearest brother like that!" he joked. "S-s-sorry!" she managed to say, causing him to stop. They smiled at each other and a weird feeling took over him. By the look of her face, she felt the same feeling. They both leaned in.


Feeling the van come to a halt caused Oliver to snap back into reality. Fuck, he thought to himself, frustrated and ashamed that he hooked up with his step-sister. He shuddered, feeling gross even thinking about it. Oliver looked up, seeing the blonde girl who he forgot the name of, get out of the seat. She's hot, he thought. Suddenly, his phone began to ring. He looked at the screen. What is it? he noticed Kansas' name pop up on the screen. Oliver noticed that his phone's battery was almost dead. He immediately answered, hoping the only reason she called was concerning Emma. "Hello?" he said, over the slightly loud music that was playing. "Oliver," she acknowledged him, "When are you coming back? I miss you." The dark haired boy ignored her question and comment. "Is everything alright there?" he asked, mainly referring to Emma. No one in the van he was in knew anything about his daughter. It wasn't as if he was ashamed of her. Not one bit was that the case, but he didn't want to risk the chance of anyone running their mouth. He didn't want people at school to talk about him. Oliver knew that most girls didn't want to deal with a guy with a kid. "Emma's perfectly fine, she's taking a nap," she said, loudly, obviously trying to talk over the music. "Alright, good. Hey, call me if something's wrong with her, alright?" He said, hanging up, before she could even answer his question. He didn't really care if his abrupt hang up hurt her feelings. He didn't want to talk to her. The only time he did was if it was concerning their daughter. He was over her, and it was time that she get over him. "Turn up the music!" he shouted to the front of the van.
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Jason Hughes

Jason was snoozing comfortably on someone's shoulder. They'd been only been on the road for an hour but he'd spent the night before packing and worrying about his grandfather. He didn't feel comfortable leaving the old man alone for so long. The guy was 70 and he still acted like he was a 20 year old ladies' man. After hours of arguing and debating on who would watch his grandfather, they finally agreed on their maid watching him. By the time they'd reached the conclusion, it was already 4 AM and that meant little sleep for Jason. Little sleep for him was basically no sleep and that meant a grumpy Jason Hughes.

"Jase. Jason. You're driving," came a slightly annoyed voice. He would have ignored the call but the snapping in front of his face sounded like fifty drummers from the school marching band. "Whaaaat..." he groaned as he rubbed his eyes under his glasses. He didn't like glasses. To him, they were annoying and led to blindness because they could easily be knocked off. Jason would have put his contacts on if he hadn't woken up late that morning.

When his vision was fully intact, he noticed the look Marilyn gave him. He made note not to piss her off. Jason then stumbled out his seat and stretched. His limbs were stiff from the position he slept in and by the looks of it, it was Marilyn's shoulder he drooled on. Snickering quietly, Jason yawned and climbed into the driver's seat. He checked the rear view mirror and made sure everyone was okay before setting the gear in Drive and jerking onto the highway. This sent a wave of groans behind him. "Sorry, guys!" Jason called out but everyone knew he wasn't.

As they made their way along the highway, Jason felt a grin creep onto his face. He was no longer a senior and he was about to go on the adventure of a lifetime with his nine friends. If people didn't think this was memorable, he didn't know what was.

Someone soon yelled "Turn up the music!" And he did, with a howl at that.

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Alejandro Novak

"Alejandro Novak, if you don't stop leaving your canvases everywhere, I will throw them all out I swear to god!" Alex heard his uncle bellow. Rolling his eyes, he grabbed the last of his bags and, for one last time, went to inspect his outfit in the mirror. "Fabulous. As usual." he said, winking at his reflection. Though his voice sounded arrogant, someone listening close enough would hear the thread of self consciousness running under his usual drawl.

"Calm down, uncle. This is the consequence of living with the next Picasso. And don't call me that name, you know I hate it." he said, glaring at the man across from him.

"It's the name your parents gave you, god rest their souls, and it's the name I'll use." he said, glaring right back at Alex. Alex sighed and stuffed down the guilt that always wells up in him when his parents area mentioned. "I'm heading out now. Bye bye."


Alex leaned back in his seat, content for now to just sit and enjoy the music. Stretching lazily, he brushed an invisible piece of dust off his vest and turned back to resume glaring at his sketchpad. He'd been trying to find the inspiration to draw something for hours but all he had to show for his efforts was several ripped out pages littered across the car floor.

Finally, Alex gave up and with a dramatic throw, his sketchpad went flying across the car, landing with a thump on Oliver's head. "There is neer a tragedy so great as a blank canvas." he cried out, flinging his arms out in a dramatic gesture as he stared expectantly at Oliver.


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Although Callie had barely gotten much sleep last night packing food and snacks for the trip, she probably had more energy than a student who had stayed up all night studying and drinking a hella lot of cans of energy drinks. Bopping her head to the music and dancing in her seat, Callie tapped her fingers against her legs as she stared outside the open window, watching the scenario and feeling the wind hit against her face, blowing her hair all over the place. The atmosphere in the car had been quite for a while, except for the music playing, leaving Callie in a boring situation. Sighing, she turned to look at the others sat in the car before she sat up on her knees and randomly asked,
"Wouldn't it be cool if someone's brain exploded?" On the word 'exploded', she used her hands to mimic a explosion with a grin on her face. Her painted nails only made it look more of a explosion because of how colourful they were.

Feeling the car come to an abrupt stop, Callie's body jolted into the seat in front of her after losing her balance.
"And this is why you kids always wear your seatbelts!" She called out loud, not thinking twice about the ones asleep. Mumbling to herself, Callie sat back up in her seat and put on her seatbelt, crossing her arms with a huff. She looked towards the front and raised an eyebrow as she watched Marilyn swap seats with Jason, who had previously been asleep and drooling against her shoulder. "You better not fall asleep at the wheel, Jason." She called out to him from the back of the car and the grin that was once there made an appearance on her face again.



Leaning her head against the window, Izzy replayed the last few days in her mind.

Although at graduation Principal Fowler still hadn't gotten the hang of her last name (announcing that Isabella "Ray-mos" was the Sierra Valley High School senior class of 2015 valedictorian), her mother had seemed so proud. Her older brothers and sister had even made it to the graduation ceremony (late still counts as there). She stuttered a bit at the beginning of her speech, but managed to make it through it without incident. She just felt so fulfilled. Years of hard work had brought her to that moment. She deserved to feel a bit proud of herself.

However, now, Izzy couldn't help but feel a bit anxious about what was to come. She'd have to start all over in college, a new record, a new home. She still wasn't even sure what she wanted to study. Her mother had been encouraging her to go into the medical field for years, but Izzy just couldn't see herself as a doctor.

Earlier, Izzy had hummed softly to a few songs that she recognized on the radio, napped a little, and even snapped a few pictures of the gang (including a hilarious photo of Jason drooling on Marilyn's shoulder). But she was starting to grow a little restless now. They'd been driving for hours and there wasn't a lot to look at now. Her mind was whirring and working and trying to figure out what she was going to do with the rest of her life when she should be enjoying a road trip with her friends.

She tried just watching the road ahead but that didn't seem to help. A couple times Izzy caught herself questioning whether they'd taken the right exit, but she brushed it off. She trusted her friends and had confidence they'd reach their destination eventually.

Brushing her hair behind her ear, Izzy pulled out a book and delved into the fantasy life of a witch on the run from fiendish witch hunters.

TIME SKIP (Don't know by how much though.)

Jason Hughes

Jason had been driving for hours. A few of his companions had offered to take the wheel but he politely declined, saying he enjoyed driving. Though that was true, he wasn't the best driver and had the worst sense in direction. Because of that, he even gave up being a boy scout because he could never find his way from one camp to the other.

Sighing, Jason scanned his surroundings which consisted of trees and more trees. He wanted his friends to enjoy the trip as much as possible, which meant avoiding the cities. Though with the road beginning to turn into a dirt one, he wasn't so sure he made the right choice.
Maybe I should have listened to Siri... Jason thought as the once concrete road gradually turned into a dirt one.

He began getting a bit anxious. Yeah, Jason wasn't the best driver but at least he knew what it meant when the meter was pointing at E. When his friends asked if he knew where he was going, he merely replied with an "Of course" or "Yeah, duh." After 30 more minutes of driving, however, he had enough and pulled the van over. They were lost somewhere between Tennessee and Pennsylvania and they were almost out of gas. Jason checked his phone and cursed.
No signal.

"Guys..." he began with a cough. "So I uh... may have gotten us lost and we may or may not be out of gas."

He readied himself for a beating.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/cd00a9c96bfb07288c1879059ef993.gif.cdd1058cfd41d1baf221be0306b3f944.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="59095" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/cd00a9c96bfb07288c1879059ef993.gif.cdd1058cfd41d1baf221be0306b3f944.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Elora was so elated that she was out of high school and she was going on a trip with a bunch of friends. She hated high school and everything about it. She was so excited that she still had a lot of energy even though she was up all night with making lists, finding the things on her lists, or buying them, minding the fact that this was about 12:00 to 2 in the morning, because she had a thing previously, then packing them. Then after all of that she still had her bag just for snacks because she love eating. Then she had her backpack for her art supplies. Elora had always over packed for things. Her mother always picked on her for it.

Elora crossed her arms and placed them on the open window, feeling the warm air blow on her face. She breathes it in, thinking about all the warm memories that she had about warm air and summer. Elora closes her eyes but they fly open when the van comes to a halt.

"What the hell?" She says grumbling under her breath for only herself to hear. She looks to the front were Marilyn and Jason were sitting. She makes an 'O' shape with her mouth and says


Her stomach growls and she groans moving from her position on her window she goes and grabs her snack bag, opening and picking out a bag of nuts and starts eating them. Once the van started moving again she turns to one of her friends.

"Izzy!" She says taking the book away from her and reading the back, then putting it down and putting her head in Izzy's lap.




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Alex's head whipped away from Oliver as he stared in bewilderment at Jason. "Oh. My. God. Are you telling me we're stuck in the middle of the FOREST? Why couldn't we have gotten lost in the middle of Paris, why HERE? There's dirt and bugs everywhere-oh god." Alex said, his rant cut off as he started gagging at the thought of wading through the woods. He threw himself back into his seat, his arms spreading out and hitting someone in the process.

"SOMEONE HOLD ME." he wailed, burying his head in the cushion of his seat. This really was the worst scenario for him, Alex had JUST stopped having nightmares about being trapped in a hole and bring eaten alive by bugs.

"Marilyyyynnnn, fix this." He mumbled, staring sadly at the girl who'd been driving before.
Izzy shifted in her seat uncomfortably at the news of their situation. She ran her hand softly through Elora's hair and tried to lift the girl's head up gently from her lap.

"Lore, listen... I think think this is serious." She mumbled briefly, before turning her attention to the other passengers in the van expectantly.

If they were really stranded, what were they going to do? From the looks of things, they weren't in an area that likely had good cell service, and their probably wasn't a gas station for miles...

Izzy exhaled a shaky sigh. Like Alex, all she wanted was for someone, somehow, to fix this.

Elora looks to the ceiling of the van, feeling the way Izzy ran her hand through her hair, she loved it when people played with her hair it made her want to sleep.

"Lore, Listen... I think think this is serious." Elora shoots her head up. " What? Whats going on? Uhm.. Please don't tell me we are lost. Jason! Please tell me we aren't lost." She felt the panic rise up in her chest. They were out in the middle of no where, there could a stray tornado forming.

" GUYS. We have to get out of here! " Her fear of tornadoes was completely irrational,always saying that's there gonna be a tornadoes when there's not even clouds in the sky.

"Izzy. Hold me." She says, grabbing on to her arm.



David Marcus Anderfield

Sitting in the passenger's seat Dave wasn't paying much attention to the trip because his mind kept wondering about his future combined with the hangover he still has from his birthday party yesterday. He just stared out of the window and didn't pay attention to the road or the map on his lap. He was thinking about his ex-girlfriend Mia. She was such a sweet girl, but it hurt like hell when she broke up the day she and her parents moved to California. He was just thinking about how they met when the car suddenly stopped. He looked to his side and saw Jason sit in the driver's seat instead of Marilyn. He heard what Jason said and his mind blanked out for a moment there. He was supposed to keep track of where they were and give directions. "Hell Jason, how did you manage to drive us into the middle of bloody nowhere?!" Dave didn't wait for his reaction and stepped out of the van to cool off before he gets another anger flare. "Fucking hell..." He whispered to himself. It was partially his fault, but how didn't he notice Jason and Marilyn switching seats? Was he asleep or so deeply lost in thoughts?
"Izzy. Hold me." Lore had commanded, and Izzy did for a moment, all the while feeling a bit awkward and probably blushing. She used to have feelings for Elora, after all. They'd mostly subsided, but she still couldn't help feeling a bit flustered. She wasn't used to interacting with people so closely anymore.

She'd had the same feeling last night at David's birthday party. She, like the others, had gotten a mass text with the when and where a few days prior. David had always been kind to her, of course, but she couldn't help feeling a bit shocked she was included, much like when Elora called her up and invited her along on the trip. She was honestly touched that her friends still cared about her.

She'd had a good time last night though, even though she was a bit nervous at first (Izzy didn't typically go to parties, but she had just graduated, so she thought, why not?). She had felt like David had picked up on that, and the two had talked a bit and it really helped to ease her tensions about the whole situation.

Izzy and David had shared a couple of classes last year, and had met up a few times to study together, but she couldn't help feeling something a little different last night. Maybe it was the alcohol (even though she'd only had a drink or two, Izzy rarely indulged in it), but she'd had a fuzzy feeling when she was talking to him that was similar to how it used to be when she and Elora were close.

He had been sitting in the seat in front of her, and a bit after Jason's announcement, had let out an outburst and exited the car.

"Wait, I'll be right back." Izzy mumbled apologetically to Elora, opening the door and stepping outside.

David was a few paces away from the van, and Izzy crept up quietly so as not to disturb him. He seemed pretty hot about the whole circumstance.

"Um... hey, is everything okay?" The words had fallen out of her mouth before she could even think that no, everything is not okay. They're stranded in the middle of nowhere without gas.

Izzy quickly corrected herself, "Wait, no, that's a stupid question. Are you okay?"

@Duke the Impossible
The stopping of the car and the sound of clamoring stirred his sleep. Up until their journey grinded to a halt, Lay had been soundly sleeping at the back seat, headphones on and trying quite hard to shake off the head pains of last night's party. That had been a great party, exactly what he had in mind when he was asked about the stereotypical American teenager's party. And when he'd heard about the trip everyone had planned together? Humanity has yet to have words for the level of hype he experienced at that precise moment.

But now, if Jason's statement about being lost and out of gas was true, that would equate to a massive bummer for anyone. But not Lay. He was someone who could make the best out of any situation. So what did he do when he and the others were now stranded? Why, he went up to the roof of the car and had a little bit of sunbathing-sightseeing, of course! Apparently, they were at a large and expansive pine forest, with no signs of civilization besides the road. With the sun gloriously illuminating the scenery, it made for a pretty kickass landscape. In fact, he even took the time to snap a picture of it with his phone.
Dave looked around with a grumpy look on his face but as soon as he saw it was Izzy that faded a bit.


The girl he probably spent most of his time with the past years in school. They had some classes together and would sometimes even meet in the library to do homework together. Hell, probably she helped him more than she knows in succeeding in graduating. It just felt like a good friendship all this time but since the party yesterday he seemed to have developed a feeling for her.

The party...

So far as he can remember only Izzy and Lay showed up from the people who went on this roadtrip. He invited some of the others but couldn't remember whether they showed up or not. Of course there were some of his good friends from outside of school all having a great time. Izzy seemed a bit out of place and nervous so he took the liberty to talk with her and ease the tensions. As the evening progressed they had a few drinks and opened up a bit more to each other which might explain why he still feels fuzzy when he thinks about her.

He smiled slightly as he gently put his hand on Izzy's shoulder. "No things aren't alright, but thanks for asking Izzy." He said reassuringly. Was it just his mind playing tricks or did he only just now realize that Izzy was actually quite attractive? His smile grew a bit and he felt that his anger subsided. "And what about you? How are you doing?"

The moment David had asked her, "How are you doing?" Izzy realized she hadn't really thought about that yet. She'd been so concerned with comforting Lore, making sure that Dave was alright, and just in general worrying about her friends, that she hadn't really had the chance to react to everything that was going on.

Izzy stared blankly up at him for a moment, not sure exactly what to say (and yes, she looked up at him, he had to be at least a foot taller than her). Her mind was reeling and searching for the right words to express how she felt, but she just couldn’t seem to focus. She found herself scanning his face for answers, but ended up questioning what color Dave’s eyes were exactly (are they just a very light blue or are they truly a soft grey?).

She felt her cheeks starting to get hot, and had to glance away for a moment.

“I… I think I’m okay, actually.” She finally decided, her eyes downcast. It’s not that Izzy wanted this to happen; it’s just, she couldn’t help feeling a bit of excitement stirring deep inside of her. Although this wasn’t the most ideal of circumstances, it felt like an adventure. An obstacle to tackle, a conflict to overcome. A challenge she had not yet faced. Something to work through and to figure out.

“Yeah… I think we can figure this out.” Izzy added, much more confidently, as she drew her gaze back up to David.

@Duke the Impossible
Dave grinned and pulled Izzy into one of his famed hugs. "Everything'll be alright and otherwise I'll make them alright." He said as he smiled on. "Did you enjoy the party yesterday?" He asked sincerely whilst he wondered how to get this problem solved. For some reason his mind wandered off to his bleak future and his mother's constant nagging about him not trying enough. He closed his eyes and just focused on Izzy's body against his to calm down.


Jason Hughes

Jason listened to all his friends curse at him, especially Dave. It wasn't the first time the two got lost together. Dave found driving and keeping his eyes on the road bothersome, which left Jason to do all the navigation and transporting. That's exactly why they'd get lost, but they'd only lose their place around their hometown, not another state.

Feeling a deathly glare on the back of his head, he attempted to make the best out of the situation. "This isn't too bad, right guys? I mean we have camping gear." He laughed nervously. Being stranded was one of Jason's fears but at least he wasn't alone. "It could be worse. We could have no shelter, clothes... are there bears or wolves in this area? Shit." He groaned as he sat on a nearby stump.

As he ran his hands through his brown hair, he examined his friends. They could definitely survive if it came to it. Each of them had a set of skills that could contribute to basic survival needs. Maybe. What was he thinking? They'd definitely be found.


Marilyn sat still in her seat as the commotion whirled around her. The recently graduated teens were reacting to Jason's statement all in their own ways. Some people exclaimed in grief, the others quietly questioned the situation. Then, there were people like Marilyn. The feisty blonde kept to herself, breathing sporadically. Fists clenched at her side, Marilyn looked up to her friend in the drivers seat. Chuckling a bit at his uncanny optimism, the girl shook her head. "You must be really messed up if you got us lost. There's literally a compass and a map, right fucking next to you." Marilyn grinned, gesturing towards the bundle of paper that lay in the tray of the dashboard. "Idiot.." the girl chuckled, unbuckling her seatbelt. "I'm going to walk around, try to find some cell service. Don't get killed." The blonde rolled her eyes, pulling her phone out of her pocket before sauntering away towards the trees. Minutes passed in the woods, with no luck at all. Marilyn must have looked like an idiot, holding up her phone everywhere. To her regret, she found only one measly bar.. and even that faded after a few seconds in the spot. Shaking her head, the blonde turned back to the van, where the group of ten continued to clamor about.

Behind her, leaves rustled. The blonde turned around, nearly dropping the device held in her hands. She could have sworn she heard rough, uneven breathing. The girl shivered, her heartbeat rushing as fast as a racehorse. However, all her eyes could detect was a disappearing shadow. Marilyn's humorous outlook dissipated, and she nearly sprinted back towards the van.

"Alright. Jason. You're a fucking idiot. Everybody else. Get your stuff, we're going on a hike. There's no cell service, but I got one bar for a second there a while back. There has to be a tower somewhere. Make sure to bring a tent or some shit. Whatever we do, we do
not go in that direction."

Marilyn practically ordered, pointing toward where she saw the shadow.

"Did you enjoy the party yesterday?" David had asked her, and Izzy nodded earnestly with a smile.

“I did. I had a great time, really.” She murmured into his chest.

She really had had such a great time. She wished things could be that way all the time; not having to stress and worry, or feel uncomfortable in social situations like that.

Izzy reluctantly pulled out of the hug and turned to listen to Marilyn making an announcement to the group. Izzy just caught the tail-end of it:

“…no cell service, but I got one bar for a second there a while back. There has to be a tower somewhere. Make sure to bring a tent or some shit. Whatever we do, we do not go in that direction."

Izzy parted her lips to speak, but she wasn’t sure what the right words to say were. She decided it best to just follow Marilyn’s orders, as the girl seemed to have a good sense of leadership.

Izzy turned back to Dave, chewing on the corner of her bottom lip softly. She uttered a few hesitant words, motioning towards the van, “Um… well, I guess we should go get our stuff then.”
Dave heard what Marilyn said and couldn't help but doubt part of her decision. "Wouldn't it be wise to stick to the road and walk back to where we came from Marilyn? Wandering off into a forest in the middle of nowhere doesn't seem like the best thing to do..." He knew this wasn't good for the optimism of the group but if he learned something from his uncle on their few trips it was not to wander off the path if you're in unknown territory.

He looked back at Izzy again and smiled. "That we should do whatever we do, this van isn't moving unless somebody secretly packed a jerrycan full of fuel." He said with a laugh as he slid his hand over her hair. "Did you wash your hair before we left or something?" He asked before he opened the trunk of the van. He took both their bags out and checked whether he had everything with him. "I know I didn't wash it, so you better don't smell my hair haha. Might still smell like the party of yesterday."



Huffing Elora sits up from the seat and rubbing the back of her head when Izzy left her. Running a hand through her, now, messy brown ombre hair. She decides to get out, rather than to just wait. Grabbing her bag, she hops out of the car and putting on one shoulder strap. She always likes to be prepared so just in case something happens she knows what to do, almost always. She panics, then calms figuring out what to do and wrapping her mind around the situation.

Elora steps out of the van, tilting her head to the sun and inhaling the fresh woodsy smell. Looking around she concludes that they are completely lost.

"Alright. Jason. You're a fucking idiot. Everybody else. Get you stuff, we're going on a hike. There's no cell service, but I got one bar for a second there a while back. There has to be a tower somewhere. Make to bring a tent or some shit. Whatever we do, we do not go in that direction. "

She thought is was kinda weird, and Marilyn was not telling them something. She wondered why they couldn't go in that direction but she didn't put to much thought in to it, it was just a little quiet voice in her head that she would keep an eye out for anything suspicious.

"I've got my snack bag! I just have to get my suitcase, and other bags." She says. "I have a lot of snacks. You guys can have some, i don't know how much food we have. "

Lay instantly sprung into action once Marilyn ordered them to move out, but was also curious as to what was possibly in that direction. Unlikely that it was a ghost. It's daytime, after all. Regardless, there was stuff to be done, so he went down from the roof and retrieved his stuff from the trunk. Being an efficient packer, Lay brought few items and they all fit into one rucksack amazingly. He patted the car once or twice, a strange show of gratitude for getting them this far. He was a firm believer that everything, every object had a soul, so he made sure to show proper respect.



Shaking her head, Marilyn made her way to the back of the van, where a few of her fellow passengers had begun to get their supplies. It had to just be my mind playing tricks on me, the girl thought to herself, brushing off the strange experience she had encountered in the woods as just jitters. The blonde spotted her black lacquer bag at the very bottom of the pile, groaning as she moved forward to grab it. She heard her name mentioned from the front of the vehicle, and proceeded to poke her head out from the side of the car. "Wouldn't it be wise to stick to the road and walk back to where we came from Marilyn? Wandering off into a forest in the middle of nowhere doesn't seem like the best thing to do..." Dave asked, causing the blonde to smile sweetly. "Dave, that's a wonderful idea. But I'll tell you why not in a moment," Grunting once more, Marilyn heaved her bag out from the pile of luggage, and slung it over her shoulder. "You see, Dave-o," the girl chuckled, playfully nudging the burly boy's shoulder. "Cell service. On our way to this lovely, lovely heaven in the middle of nowhere.. there was absolutely 0 bars on my cell phone. I kept track, because I wanted to download the new TØP album. However.. when I took a 'lil venture into the woods.. I got one for a second. And that location was aaaaalllll the way over there." Marilyn grinned, pointing forward down the road. "Cell service means I get to call Triple A. Triple A means gas and directions. Gas and directions means, we're not lost any more!" The blonde gave a small cheer at the end of her monologue, patting Dave's shoulder once more. "You see now?" Chuckling once more, Marilyn gave one last grin towards the boy before leaning into the driver's seat where Jason now sat.

๑۞๑,¸¸,ø¤º°`°๑۩ I was told when I get older all my fears would shrink,

But now I’m insecure and I care what people think.
๑۩ ,¸¸,ø¤º°`°๑۞๑

"You know," Marilyn said, still leaning over Jason's lap as if he were a stationary object. "I don't know what I should thinking about more. The fact that I, knowing you, let you drive us, or the fact that you didn't see a map next to you the entire time." The girl rolled her eyes at the teenage boy, now pulling out the map and a pen. "So you, lucky duck, get to help me figure out where we are." Marilyn smiled, booping her friend's nose. Although she was still partially infuriated with her best friend, she couldn't help but laugh at the situation. "Get out of the stinkin' car first, eh?" Marilyn smiled, standing straight up again and reaching a hand out for Jason.


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