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Of Kings and Pawns (IC)

No matter how either ex-detective wanted to think of it or interpret their actions, vengeance was on the agenda. Sure, putting two criminals down would do the city a favor in the longrun: hire-ups of two of LA's high-rise gangs, facing death in the eye? Many would find that just. But what about the will in each of the hearts of the assailants themselves? Tony losing his long-term girlfriend, Frank the man who trained him. Frank was sure Murphy had a hand in the Redgrave massacre. Tony was only sure that Sam raped Melissa, not if he was the one that ended her life, a fact he intended to straighten out when interrogating him. It was truly killing two birds with one stone... but was murder really going to settle the score? Tony was hesitant from the get-go when he heard Sam was a part of Al-Asheera. Then he admitted to raping his fiance... now he came close to swinging at Frank, and was carrying a stolen bomb into his workplace. Now, he could never associate his cousin to being innocent ever again. But would he kill his own? Or was Sam too valuable to just off, much like how Roland was valuable to Ra's and was a key step in facilitating a meet? Or was it still Tony's sense of hope that Sam still had a conscience... who knows. Unlike Frank to Murphy, Tony wanted to keep Sam alive for now. That's all he could gather. For purposes of conscience and humanity, or some greater good of the case, Sam wasn't going to take the easy way out.

The bomb: what hire-up in the LAPD did they still have? To get materials from the bomb squad, it'd have to be someone of rank, like what Frank mentioned. But hell do they know? They've narrowed the spectrum, but it's still a case of 'it could be anyone'. The last one on Tony's mind being Reeves, especially. But one thing would be able to tell: security footage. It might be able to catch who got that bomb out of the station, but, if Al-Asheera have changed MO this drastically, then odds are, they've stepped up their game and changed tactics, perhaps tampered with CCTV. It left Tony rather... hopeless in the moment. It didn't matter if James could catch the perpetrator, because Sam should know. And that was a shell Tony intended to crack.

Upon arrival, it seemed like Frank could handle this on his own. Tony? Somewhat doubtful. Frank was new. Skilled? Sure, but to let him in on a mission this dangerous and critical without backup? No way. But sneaking out back? It might be possible. If Murphy tries to run, odds are he won't be darting for the front door. The back. It'd give Tony an opportunity to intercept. So he nodded in acceptance and crawled to drive when Frank departed. Didn't seem like Murphy saw anything suspicious from the get-go. So.... casual. For a man who takes lives, he can sure put on an act of being the innocent shop owner. Completely blends in. Unlike Al-Asheera. For the most part, they stuck out with their tattoos. The Clover Boys weren't like that. They kept under for the most part as to not draw attention. Tactful, and good for them. Al-Asheera were bold, fearless, shameless, unapologetic, and even WANT their identity to be known to the masses as they integrate themselves into society. And into different parts. Pigman in the LAPD, Sam in a bank, Roland as a personal trainer... With the exception of Ra's who dresses like a king or sultan, any of them could easily blend in and become functional members of society while hiding their dirty laundry. It sure took balls for Thalia to put herself out there and put that life behind her. Truly trying to fit in. Maybe someday...

Out back. That's where Tony pulled up, right by the back door, but kept the car in drive. Who knows if a chase would be in order, after all? Or an emergency getaway. So for now, the car stayed on, and Tony keeping an eye on the door. As he did, he knew he had to sneak a phone call in. James. He needed to hear this updates. He would oftentimes peek back at the bomb in Sam's briefcase, just watching that frozen timer at 15 minutes. That sucker could arm any second, which would spell bad news for many. James had to know.

The beeping settled, and Tony spoke:

"James, Frank and I got our hands on my cousin, now we're taking the next step for Murphy. But there's been a few developments you should know of..." he sighed, glancing at the explosive briefcase once more. "Al-Asheera are stepping up their game. When we grabbed Sam, we noticed he was carrying around a goddamn bomb in his work briefcase. No worries; it's not armed or anything. But if it auto-arms... god, we could have a serious problem on our hands. What's worse is we don't know how many of these things are out there. This is a change in method from these brutes, and after studying them for so long? I'd never see this coming... I did pick up that this thing was stolen from the LAPD bomb squad. Some piece of equipment they had on the side from a previous raid or something, hell do I know. But I've seen it before, and I can guarantee you it's stolen. Maybe that'll hint to more of their men, perhaps a new inner circle? Maybe The Hidden himself? At least we know that he's another LAPD insider, one higher up in the ranks, for sure."

"...Oh yeah, I have no clue if you've been watching the news... but Ra's is confirmed dead. The department picked up his body off of Long Beach this morning and are looking into it. A job well done, right?"

Sort of. If Tony was afraid to unleash this new skeleton to Frank, there's no way he'd let it out to James. Last time that happened, he immediately told Thalia, who almost killed him in return. Whatever Tony told Roland, who told Ra's, who told Reeves? It'd have to wait. Or hope to never become a reality.


Karin and Thalia were seated quickly and smoothly at their table, a cushioned seating with a window view and a comfortable scenery for the breakfast. James had told Thalia to stay happy the other day when she was reunited with her family. That wasn't going to be so hard anymore now that the pieces of the puzzle of her life were starting to come together. Would she be able to afford a glamorous place like this all the time? Probably not, but maybe in the shortrun due to the surplus of money they now have. With Ra's dead, there was no immediate purpose for the one million, meaning, anyone under that roof who needed it had access. Would it stay for James to give out as he sees fit? Or would he donate it to the most needy party? Maybe to Joseph's college fund? To the Griffins, with Nicole trying to raise an 8 year old boy with no stable income, no matter how much she refuses outside help? To the detectives to settle elsewhere? Or a mix of the above? One million dollars certainly could help them all substantially. It was just a matter of who needs it more, it seems.

But there was no need to start a war over who can beg the hardest. Money wasn't an immediate concern for Thalia, that cash she had in her pocket certainly more than she could ever ask for, strangely enough. For a thief, she wasn't all that greedy on the inside. Hell, she'd happily give that thousand James handed her to Karin, because the mere 300 her mother gave her made her day far beyond her dreams. Well, however she felt, spending money like an entitled rich chick would be a first for both of the young women. So why not embrace it?

Upon getting seated, Thalia excused herself for a moment to go to the lady's room. Nothing too major; she just wanted to take care of her business, wash her hands, and return to the table. Inevitably, crossing through the restroom meant looking into a mirror, one of the few things she'd dreaded the most in her life: looking at herself and wondering what she'd become. Would she still do that now? Or rather, would she still do it in the same negative mood that she'd do so before? Perhaps that would be the change. After coming out from the bathroom stall, her eyes shot upward at the mirror immediately in front of her above the sink. She approached to wash her hands, just looking upward at the reflection staring back at her. She'd come so far in such a short time. A week ago, she was doing this in front of a barely-functional bathroom in Ra's' den in Burbank, questioning her every move and thought, and wondering... what she really pretty? Was she WORTHY of change? Now, she was certain. She made a choice to change, and it was starting to pay off. Not every girl looking for a new life lands themselves a ton of extra cash, so Thalia was certainly one of the luckier ones. But again, the money didn't matter. She had a few new allies, a new best friend, her family close by once again... maybe not a lover like she'd expect, which came as a disappointment, but she wasn't going to mope over that. She broke it off with Frank more peacefully yesterday, perhaps with a few cracks in her heart remaining, but she'd cement those over soon enough. Or at least try. And Jenny? That was a barrier she'd cross eventually, a hint of bad news. Maybe what she'd craved for so many years wasn't what she wanted all along. Her middle school sweetheart, not quite what she'd expected. That was drama for another time. No, now it was just her and Karin. One last looking into the mirror as she shut the sink made the former robber think over herself one more time. She'd never looked better or happier in a while.

This is your new life, T. Go get it.

So she did, winking to her reflection once more and heading out the door, where an unexpected surprise awaited as she gleefully made her way back into the halls of the restaurant. A rather sudden bump into a larger male being, obviously taller than her, causing Thalia to jerk back in response, her palms flying in front of her to put space between the two. One vice that still existed in Thalia was her social anxiety. Running into someone so unexpectedly stunned her and immediately threw her into an apologetic frenzy. "Shit, I'm sorry. I wasn't looking front of me... M-My bad..."

Her stuttering voice came to a halt as her eyes drifted upwards to the man she'd run into by total mistake, and oddly enough, she was... lost. Afraid of judgment, but also taken by mere looks. It still fell back into the side of fear, but still, her thoughts were racing at this person...

"Ack, you don't have to be sorry," he chuckled at how nervous this shy girl was in front of him. She was instinctively putting distance between the two, almost about to run for it back into the lady's room. But he could tell from the get-go she wasn't exactly a social butterfly and actually quite nervous, so he helped bridge that distance. "It's just a little bump, no biggie."

"Y-You sure?" The closer he got to her, the more her heart began racing. As she met his eyes, she could clearly tell he was good looking. Was he going to be another creepy womanizer trying to get down her pants? Those days of sex-then-pickpocketing were over for Thalia, so that wouldn't be her endgame for sure. But she'd be a fool not to notice a sense of natural attraction that stopped her from backing away.

He nodded. "You seem... rushed. Nervous."

A faint grin came over her face, seeing how he was half right. "I-I'm new in town...." Not a lie at all, really. "...And my roommate keeps inviting me to different places for breakfast and such..." ...Not EXACTLY a lie, but still a bit of a stretch. "....I dunno, I'm just really nervous..."

"Well may I say," he chuckled at how frantic Thalia had become and how she began to talk her way out of this. "Welcome to Cali. Where are you from?"

The conversation was still going? That was weird. Thalia wasn't expecting this, but it'd be far too rude to just up and leg it. "Pennsylvania. I figured I needed a change of scenery."

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I'm not from here either," he went on. Still talking? Unbelievable. All Thalia could wonder: who would talk to me? Why? How? "My folks lived in Lyon for like... the first year I was born...."

Back it up.... Lyon? "You're French?" she immediately blurted out. Was that too sudden? Would he freak out if she was too forward?

Maintaining his very calm, very chill mood, the man nodded with a warming grin on his face, then a shrug. "Technically yes, but again, only for one year of my life that I don't even remember anymore. So I hardly call myself French."

Thalia mimicked his smile, now finding a connection she could feel comfortable discussing. "I-I never lived in France, but I remember visiting all the time as a kid. To see my grandparents and all."

"Heh... how fortunate. I never really went back."

"It's... Ça fait longtemps, [It's been a while]..."

"Oh, no, don't take it that I REMEMBER any of my French," he laughed, patting her on the shoulder calmly, startling her, but she maintained her smile. "It's been too long for any of that. Maybe 20 years too long."

The laughing was contagious, spreading to Thalia as well. Maybe she could stay happy for a while, especially with this new face. Or was this a one-time encounter? Her own fear of screwing this up, even with common ground, kept this instinct to retreat echoing in her mind. She took a step away from and around this man, still smiling back like a madman. "Well, I don't want to keep you hanging, or my roommate at that rate..."

"Psssh," he smirked, still keeping the spirits of the moment up. "I'm just waiting for my little sister to finish in the bathroom. Took her to breakfast before work."

"Heh... well aren't you a loving brother?"

"And aren't you a caring friend."

Thalia shrugged, trying to avoid the sensation of blushing, but she was weak. She was clearly becoming red-faced around him, and his pleased facial expression showed he was getting a kick out of it, too. "Sometimes I wonder if I am... but maybe I am after all."

"No doubt you are.....

He continued with the slew of compliments, only making Thalia more shy. It only became worse, after a few second of just staring into each other's eyes, this fun personality of a man extended his right hand forward.... a handshake? What is this? Thalia's heart sank in its place. Sure, she extended a hand forward, but she was afraid of what was to come. Afraid, but in a good way. Excited. Or probably bad. Did he know of Al-Asheera? Would he recognize her tattoo on her dominant hand? It wasn't exactly hidden away. But even if... would he care? He just seemed like a friendly stranger for now. Would it blossom into something more?


His name. Finally. A mystery that even the shy girl was wondering... how would she ever call this man? But now she had an answer. His shake was firm, but also careful as he was shaking with a woman. A very nervous one, at that. Thalia was more flimsy, but only because she was exhibiting her shy, passive side. Something that really hadn't shown on her since Frank. But he offered a name. Half of her wanted to give an alias, but.... no. He was too kind to her to be fed a lie.


You'll regret that. Trust me, you will. You know better than to give your real name like that.

Especially with the name Thalia Griffin floating all over the news, it would be an easy giveaway. Her name was uncommon, and if Damien just tunes into the radio, he'll hear more reports and conspiracy theories about her and her family. Busted. Or was it? Did he already know just by the ink and the first name?

"Well, Thalia... Hope you enjoy your breakfast," he concluded, retreating his hand to its place, even if he could feel that Thalia didn't want to let go. Once she felt the release, Thalia brought her hand back and began taking steps away, keeping her very lost eyes on Damien's for just a few seconds longer. She eventually had to go, and, with a nod, she spoke,

"As do you... Damien."

Was this a one-time thing? Or was there something more to Damien? Would this be something more? She didn't have anything more than a name and face. Unbelievable. She was heart-stricken just by that one encounter. And it was obvious when Thalia returned to the table and scrambled to her seat across from Karin. Her smile was still there, her face still red, and even her steps to the table were a bit more gleeful than usual. This wasn't something she could cover up easily, but in front of Karin, why would she? She simply kept her gaze down, looking at the menu before her in the breakfast section. It would pass over, right? Did Karin see any of that fiasco?

"Soooo... what did I miss?"

Laaaaame. You know she saw. I bet half the restaurant saw. Just tell her about Damien. Not yet. Only if asked.
While Frank approached the front of the store, James was on the phone to Tony before too long. And there were updates - who knew how things were going to go from now on? Ra's may have been dead, but he'd left behind some angry sons of bitches who wanted something - Be it revenge, redemption, or just cold hard cash. With the gang basically falling to its knees, there wasn't much else they could do now other than count their blessing and pick up whatever trash had been tossed about in the streets. The easiest yet most critical part of it all, it seemed. With their forces weakened, there wasn't much they had to worry about, was there? James hoped not, at least.

"I don't watch the news, Tony. It's all lies. They miss out details so they can get a better story out of it." James said over the other end of the phone - Of course, the grey-hat hacker that didn't watch the news. A conspiracy theorist, too. I guess he had to meet some of the stereotypes, right? Either way, he let out a long sigh at the news of the bomb. "Let's hope that that's the only one they managed to get hold of - If not, crack Sam into telling you where the rest are and who's behind it - For some reason, Al-Asheera are very sensitive about anything below their waste, so if he doesn't spill, crush a testicle, chop the tip of his penis off, something like that. If he won't sing, he'll scream." He said.

Rather dark, but, it was true - every time a knife was held against their dick, all the other members of The Ten cracked rather quickly. Maybe the same would work on a young man with no wife and no kids, as of yet?

"If you'll excuse me... I'm preparing some breakfast for the kids. Figured I'd get them out of the house while all of this closes up. No need for them to overhear anything on the news, or anything like that." He said, simply. "If anything urgent comes up, call me, but don't jump on the phone screaming for an extra gun - I'm trying to get Jordan more comfortable around me and I hardly want to scare Charlie off, either, so... Let's keep things very... Black Ops, okay?" He said. "Now, best of luck. Text me any updates." He added, quickly, and shortly after, he hung up.

Meanwhile... Inside The Store:

"Morning." Frank called out - the man behind the glass display of cakes and such looked up with a smile, just as he finished mopping one area of the floor behind the counter.

"Hey." He nodded back. "I'll be with you in just a moment." He said, and after dragging the mop and bucket around back, he washed his hands in a sink in view of Frank, then slipped on some plastic gloves for food handling, obviously. "What can I do for you?"

"You're not an easy man to find." Frank smiled, approaching the counter. "I used to come by your store on weekends, when you were in San Fran."

"Oh, really?" He smiled. "Yes... Good times up there. The change of scenery is nice."

"Indeed. I used to come in with my kid, actually... You might remember him."

Murphy arched an eyebrow, "I... Your face doesn't ring any bells."

"His probably would." He nodded a few times, then reached behind his back and pulled out the silenced pistol he had tucked into his beltline. He aimed it at Murphy's chest. "Don't move."

"Whoa!" Murphy stepped back a little bit. "Are you fuckin' crazy?"

"Not quite." Frank opened up the folding part of the counter so he could step closer to Murphy. "Fridge room. Go."

Murphy gave him an evil look, "You're making a big fucking mistake, pal."

"Yeah, yeah. Save it for the executioner." He forcefully shoved him towards the door that lead into the back, and much to Sean's displeasure, he began strolling through to the fridge room. He stopped at the door. "Open it." Frank ordered. Murphy opened it, and Frank pushed him inside. "Get down on the ground, hands behind your back, and link your hands behind the frame of the shelf.

"Fuck you." He spat down at his feet.

Frank shook his head and lowered the gun, putting a single bullet in Murphy's foot and sending him to the ground, causing him to whail in agony. Frank stepped up again and grabbed Murphy by the hair, promptly slamming his head against the metal shelf unit that held all of the fresh fruit, and such. Immediately the skin above his eyebrow split and started gushing blood, but he was pretty close to being out cold at this point. Frank was happy enough with that, so he got down low and moved his hands behind the frame of the shelf, then cuffed his wrists together. Now, he wasn't going anywhere.

Frank sighed - just giving him a bit of a beating and shooting him in the foot made him feel a lot better, but he wasn't done. He walked to the front of the store and bolted the door, then flipped the sign in the window over to "Sorry, we're closed.".

He went and exited out of the back door and waved over to Tony, giving him a single nod. The coast was clear.


So, off Thalia went, and Karin did indeed notice the whole scene she got unintentionally thrown into. Karin could only shake her head and laugh - one day soon she'd be better in a social sense. She was perfectly capable, in Karin's eyes, and much to her luck she'd bumped into who seemed like a very nice guy. Karin let the moment play out for now, though, because she wanted to see how it ended. They both had an interest in each other, it seemed, and there were a few points where she noticed Thalia seemed happily surprised by whatever the guy was saying. Her initial nervousness fluttered away, and by the end of it she was holding a conversation with him just fine.

But then they parted, oddly enough, and that was seemingly the end of it. Oh, please.

When Thalia returned and sat down, Karin simply gave her a 'look' and shook her head. "Please. Are you going to tell me who that guy is before, or after I ask that guy for his number for you?" She asked, simply.

"You can't escape my eyes, girl. You think I didn't see all of that?" She grinned. Would she really ask for the guy's number for Thalia? Most definitely. If there was even a little spark, which Karin was sure there was, she was convinced it was something worth pursuing. So why not, right? What was the worst that could come of it? Maybe another heartache, but that was the name of the game, really. There was no such thing as everything going perfectly - trial and error was the way to do things, mostly.

"So, here's how things are going to go." She cleared her throat, "You're going to look at the menu, order me a Croque Monsier when the waiter swings by, and one of those tropical passion smoothies... And while you do that, I'm gonna' go get his number for you." She grinned. "Unless... You want to go and ask him for that yourself." She smirked, then shrugged.
Nothing sounded stranger in Tony's ears than James playing the role of the soccer mom. Taking the kids out, making them breakfast. He might as well buy a goddamn minivan while he's at it, at least to the aging detective. Tony had lost the love of his life just yesterday, the only woman he ever planned on starting a family with - the only woman he could even imagine himself having a family with - so the idea of kids wasn't sinking in as well as it did before. But he could respect the idea for others. Especially for Frank's cause. So whatever James was to become beyond the gang takedowns was none of Tony's business. For all he knows, he might just see James guiding elementary school kids at Disneyland in the future. He had the touch for kids. It was just weird seeing him with Charlie, Joseph, AND Jordan under his wing - and he's taking responsibility for all of them even when their guardians are around. Who would've thought.

With a nod, Tony hung up the phone without any further words from James. Skeptic, and demanding. No calling for a helping hand. Not like they'd need it at this rate. Unless the bomb arms itself. Then they could have a mini disaster on their hands. Tony was clever, but enough to dismantle and explosive with no preparation or guidance. Odds are, Frank wouldn't know either. James? Maybe. So not asking for an extra mind was nearly an impossible ask. No doubt Frank and Tony would be calling begging for help at some point. Another chance for the grey hat hacker to ridicule and belittle them. Much like he always does.

The advice... go for the crotch. Strange advice. But one Tony would heed. Not like he'd enjoy touching another man's penis, but still....

Slowly, Tony also shut the lid of the haunting briefcase. He hated looking to his right and seeing that 15 minute timer staring at him, just reminding him of what could happen.... one wrong move. Or if The Hidden has the detonator. Too many worst-case-scenarios to imagine. And the sight of the bomb alone didn't help. He dropped the lid carefully. Out of sight, but not entirely out of mind. But close enough.

Then came Frank's signal to come in. He was in, and the bakery was probably clear, too. Tony grabbed the briefcase to his right and climbed out of his seat. Still with extra caution, he handed the explosive briefcase over to Frank to keep a hand on it while he hauls Sam inside. No way was he risking holding a man his age and build alongside a bomb and taking the chance of moving the latter the wrong way and setting it off. This was a cautious move, one that didn't take a genius to know to do, really. Then came the easier part: holding Sam. Tony was certainly strong, so lifting another man over his right shoulder was a piece of cake. And out back behind the bakery? Not a rousing suspicion. But Tony did begin to think.... Frank was quick. Probably efficient, too. Was he going to question his partner's motives? Or his actions, no matter what awaited inside? No matter what was to come? Well, Tony would most likely be cutting his cousin's dick off to make him talk. So that should speak for itself about the unspeakable. Not like he'd mash it to pieces like Thalia did to The Transporter that other night. Tony wasn't that insane. But he'd do it... more carefully? Never in his policing career did this detective ever imagine or plan how to improperly and painfully castrate a man to extract information. This was a first, and definitely a strange detail for Frank's book in the future as well.

Entering the walk-in fridge... Tony was running possibilities in his head. So many things Frank could've done. One thing's for sure: he couldn't have just killed Murphy like that; walked up to the front desk and put a bullet between his eyes. THAT wasn't going to happen, especially with how he heard Frank talking about revenge earlier. Instead, as he dropped his sleeping beauty to the ground ever so roughly, he followed the trail of blood from Murphy: the cut on his head, the bullet wound in his foot. He was disarmed enough to be knocked out and subdued. It left Tony with just a few words and a grin to Frank.


He hadn't seen Frank in action too much in their time. Seeing the aftermath of his action was a great treat. With a whip of his handcuffs, Tony knelt down to bind Sam before he wakes up. Right by Murphy's side, arms around the shelf and in cuffs. Perfect. Their two prisoners, side by side in a frozen hell. Now that left two off-duty detectives to their own devices. Tony swiped his sunglasses from the top of his head, then placed them in the fold of the collar of his polo. To his partner, he asked:

"Which shall we wake up first? The fridge is quite literally our oyster now. Any plans to make Murphy talk? I know how to get to Sam; that's for sure."


Now even more red-faced than ever, Thalia forced her eyes into her palms again. Was it THAT obvious that she was crushing on Damien that early in the game? Could anyone blame her? GOD DAMN IT he's cute... Don't tell me you wouldn't hit that, Kar! That's what she'd say out loud, had she been one to be open about her emotions. But even back with Frank, she wasn't all open-arms until they were caught alone. And in front of the lady's room isn't quite 'alone'. And Damien had a little sister. If she made a move on him and she came out? That would be extremely awkward on her part. And who was to say that Damien wasn't TAKEN? Karin sure was jumping to conclusions, speaking about getting his number. It brought Thalia to her doubts... who would date her? Who would last when they know the truth about her? How did she know Damien wasn't calling the police right now saying he'd found the mystery redhead? So many ugly details.... but she kept them to herself.

"His name is Damien..." Thalia began, clearing her hands from her face and grinning like never before, even a faint giggle in her voice just remembering the few details she'd learned about this magnificent man. "All I know is he's also part-French, that he has a little sister that he's taking to breakfast before he goes to work, and oddly enough? He seemed to find me.... good? How the hell does he find me good?" It was asked with a bit of glee in her voice. "I mean, how many people actually see me as a good person, Kar? Not counting everyone under James' roof. And he doesn't even KNOW me. I'm afraid if he knows who I was, he'll never... well..."

Date her? That might be the wording. But Karin was already teasing towards the idea that Thalia was afraid of. "Oh c'mon, I promised myself I wouldn't be hunting for boys today... why did I have to find a cute one right here at breakfast.... aw, fuck me..." she sighed, uncovering her blushing face, her eyes lost in her own fantasies, and hands beneath her over the menu. Karin was right: she couldn't escape her eyes. She nodded. "Fine, yeah, he's fucking hot. But that's not a reason for me to just walk up to his table and ask for his number. That's a tad creepy, don't you think?"

Karin might have a smoother way of going about it. Or was using Karin as a wingman a good idea? As they spoke on about the subject, Thalia instantly shut up as she saw that very man she'd encountered earlier escorting a young girl, probably somewhere around Joseph's age, over to a table...

...of all tables, the one next to Karin and Thalia. Right behind Karin's head so Thalia could see Damien from over her friend's head.

For fuck's sake....

Thalia's head slowly lowered itself in a way that was sort of hiding behind Karin's, but still keeping an eye on Damien. She'd hate to be caught staring. But as it turned out... as she tried to hide her gaze in the menu, Damien was ALSO peeking all the same. Quite a surprise. So they were both pulling that act, even if Damien seemed far more confident and extroverted than Thalia, who was beyond shy and nervous about this encounter. Would it be Frank all over again? He already has a kid in the picture. But in that context.... so does Thalia. So why should she be so afraid?

Why be afraid at all?

"Karin.... shut it," she laughed softly, almost in a whisper, quickly tapping her friend's wrist to shut her up and keep quiet, as her crush was now literally a table away.

Fuck the potential heartache. Maybe she'd get lucky this time on the love lotto. When Karin made her proposition, she nodded, maybe a bit of reluctance, but still... she'd take a chance.

"Okay, fine. I'll play along. You can one-up me all you want to Damien. I'll go order for us. Right?"

Seemed like the deal was set as Thalia swiped the menu and stood up to go find a waiter. Perhaps she should've waited, but like she knew any better? Did it matter? She stood up. It caught Damien's eye, and even though his sister was at the table, the poor guy was just watching her walk across the restaurant to talk to a waiter. So much so that it caught his sister's attention.


He snapped out of his mini-fantasy of this strange redheaded girl he'd encountered and quickly flashed to the girl he'd taken out for breakfast. "Yes, Angie?"

"You look distracted," she pointed out, quite obviously. "Did you not get that role for that tryout you did?"

Damien sighed, shaking his head. It was true, but that wasn't what made him distracted. He'd been used to rejection. But this was different: love. Not something he could explain to his 11 year old sister... but still. "Yeah. They found someone different. Not exactly fair... but that's life for you, kiddo."

"Aww..." the girl, Angie, sighed, obviously upset for her brother. "Don't worry. You'll get the next part."

A light nod came from him. "Yeah... maybe."


James' Mansion

James wasn't the only one working on breakfast for the children. As an actual mother in the house filled with children, single cops, lone wolves, and incompetence, Nicole felt the need to at least apply some motherly care and love for the youngsters under that roof, not solely for Charlie. Joseph and Jordan were his new friends, and though Jordan really didn't have much to show for himself other than the gift to Charlie the other night, the mother did recall how much her son spoke of the more chatty one, Joseph. No matter how much one child talked over the other, they were children in need of caring. Karin did serve as a motherly figure to Joseph, but even the strongest need a break sometimes. Then there was Jordan, who had no motherly figure in the picture anymore. Maybe someday, some woman would appear in Frank's life to fill that void. If there's anything she could gander, it's that there are things a mother can do that no father could replicate. And that's why she gave James a hand in the kitchen (which he'd need with all of these new mouths to feed and no one doing much to help with housework), no matter how many times her host was going to tell her to put her feet up and relax. A mother's work never ends, a philosophy Nicole firmly believed it, as a parent and as a teacher in some ways as well. So some kitchen work... wouldn't do her any harm, really. She hadn't seen Jon today, but she did know Charlie was playing with his friends bright and early. She normally wouldn't allow her son to use electronics this early, but seeing there were a lot of exceptional behaviors in play, she wasn't going to stop him now. He was far too excited to get down at this point. New mansion, new home, new friends, and finally meeting his sister? She wasn't going to rip his fun right out of his heart.

But someone under that roof WAS going to rip the joy out of Nicole's heart. Patting her on the back from behind was a familiar girl in darker makeup and clothing that the mother had grown to despise. Jenny. Instinctively, Nicole turned away from the dishes on the counter and calmly faced this girl. She even approached the conversation in the most professional of ways, no matter her feelings for this old friend.

"Good morning, Jennifer," she said, maintaining the utmost composure and poise, very ladylike, unlike Jenny's rather forceful tug at the older woman's shoulder to get her attention. Perhaps James, listening nearby, would also hear this, too, even if the two took a step to the side not far out from the kitchen to speak in privacy.

"Soooo, I heard that T went out shopping today," she began, in a rather sassy tone of voice. In front of the man housing her? Jenny was certainly about to play with fire. And if Jon passes by? Even worse.

Nicole nodded, playing along with the conversation. "Yes. I gave her some money from my own pocket to go do something for herself for one day." She was still unaware of the extra paycheck James gave her, but it's not like she'd mind if she were to ever find out. She might when she sees what the girls come home with.

Raising an eyebrow in a rather suspicious manner, Jenny continued, "Well.... why only for Karin and Thalia? Why not add me to the bill? I mean, I've known you longer than both of them, really."

Sighing, Nicole was able to determine where this conversation was heading. Jealousy fueled, clearly. "I gave to Karin and not to you because Karin proved that she can be a responsible young woman to me in 22 minutes, something you could never full in 22 years. Is that a simple enough answer for you?"

Quite a bold and honest one, too. Jenny was acting rather immature for her own good. Her rebellious attitude would soon get the better of her as her jaw dropped. "You're fucking shitting me. Karin managed to impress you... just like that? While I was your precious little saint in school..."

"Time out, young lady," Nicole hated interrupting, but this was something she had to call out. "I hope you're referring to another Jenny in that school, because I don't recall you being a saint beyond middle school. Not at all."

"Whatever it may be," she sighed, rather annoyed at being cut off, "I bet if you were to count my sins and count Karin's, we'd be on par. So why trust your daughter with some equally edgy chick you barely just met and not a girl you've known for years?"

"Perhaps you're forgetting that YOU were the reason that my daughter was bullied through middle school. I might not have learned the reason until now, but it doesn't matter now. All that matters is that you hurt her. And I won't LET you hurt her again."

"Eeeeeeh..." she squeaked. "Kinda hard when we're dating, Mrs. Griffin. Not much you can do there when your daughter turned out gay, right?"

Seemed like Jenny was doing everything she could to provoke Nicole, even if it meant questioning her faith. Wagging a finger to her face, she snapped, "I will say this again, young lady. Whatever Thalia does with her life is her decision, not yours. I know for a fact she does not feel that way about you. Whether she wants to date men or women, I will support her till the end. You may not find it easy to stomach, but I'm not as closed-minded as you may assume."

Jenny scoffed. "Oh really? Wife of a pastor is absolutely A-OK with her daughter being a lesbian? Worse, that she ran away from you to become a criminal? You're not the least bit disappointed?"

Nicole had done a great job at keeping her cool and maintaining composure. That would continue even now. "Not at all. But I AM disappointed that YOU lost your away down the road, Jennifer. You were such a great young girl... up until you and Thalia butted heads. I hope my daughter isn't the only friend you've done this to. You probably didn't care how hurt she was... did you? That she would come home from school crying because her best friend doesn't like her anymore. It took so long for her to get over that, you know? You can blame me for it all equally, as I pushed her even through her stress, but let the facts be known, young lady, that while Thalia progressed, in a street gang or behind a desk reading a book, you seemed to regress each step of the way..."

"I only regressed because of that fucking ban you put so I couldn't get into private schools anymore, you dumb bitch!"

That was certainly crossing the line as she got closer to Nicole, her hands raising in the air, maybe to attack her? But Nicole took a step back. "Back away, young lady, and show some respect for your elders!" she snapped in a rather stern manner, akin to that of a teacher barking at a student. Almost natural for a woman like her with so much experience. "This must be why your parents couldn't stand you. Please don't tell me this is how you treated them. Even Thalia, who spend her teenage years on the streets, has better manners than you, who practically grew up with a silver spoon in her mouth. At least be somewhat grateful, Jennifer. Because all I've seen from you are pathetic insults and reasons to make enemies and cause trouble. Did you once imagine that, if you tried so hard to make peace rather than enemies... your fortune could turn around? You had potential as a student, but you threw it away because you let your emotions consume you, and you would last out and get angry at people. But it's not too late to try to ask for forgiveness... I'm ready to forgive you and let your relationship with Thalia flourish if you're ready to be..."

As Nicole extended an olive branch, Jenny extended an open palm right across Nicole's cheek. A loud resounding slap could definitely be heard across the kitchen. Nicole's face flew to the side, her hand covering where she'd been hit. But Jenny wasn't through. She reached forward for the front of Nicole's morning robe and yanked at her. "You don't tell me what to do and what not to do with your daughter, because trust me, I could tell you every nasty detail about what we did last night, and I could go on for days because we did it three FUCKING times yesterday...."

How on earth was she just getting away with this? Nicole was genuinely afraid now that Jenny would do something she'd regret later. But she wouldn't scream and frighten the children, that's for sure.

"Thanks." Frank said - Yeah, he knew how to hold his own. He hadn't done much fighting other than a bit of pushing and shoving since all of this started, but, it was going to show that Frank was just as physically capable as he was mentally. He looked between the two sleeping angels that they had in their possession, and the final question was simple: Who first? Frank obviously wanted to jump straight in with Murphy, and if there was already the chance that Tony knew how to break Sam, then getting Murphy out of the way would be the best thing to do first. Once he was all dealt with, they could wake Sam up and do the unspeakable to him, too.

"We'll deal with Murphy first." He said. "I can handle it, no problem, but I don't know what there is that's gonna' make him crack." He said. "So I'm playing by ear, but I planned out a few tricks before we came out this morning." He sniffed heavily, then glanced around. "One moment." He said, and off he wandered out of the fridge room and down the hallway to what seemed to be an office. He looked around just to see if there was anything noteworthy, There wasn't. But there was a stapler, which was one of the things he wanted, anyway. He carried that back through to the fridge room, then grabbed a small bottle of cold milk from one of the shelves. He ripped the cap off, and immediately held it out and poured it over Murphy's head.

He squirmed and gasped as he quickly regained consciousness; he shook his head as the white fluid ran down his face and soaked his clothes. He spat at Frank just as soon as the bottle was empty. "You're an asshole." He snarled. He tried to shuffle away, but his hands were bound. "Fuck." He set his head back against the metal frame and peered up at Frank, then at Tony. "What the hell do you want? You want money?"

"Not quite, Mister Murphy." Frank reached into his pocket, pulling out a folded piece of paper. He unfolded it, and then there it was. A picture of Redgrave - It was probably evident to Tony that Frank printed that this morning, as it was the picture from Redgrave's LinkedIn profile. He was smiling, suited, posed for the picture. Seeing him like that sadly didn't feel normal anymore, because all Frank could remember was the hole in his head. "Do you remember this man?" He asked.

Murphy's eyes darted between the picture of Redgrave, and Frank, and then Tony again. "What the fuck is this?" He asked in a whisper.

"Answer the question."

"Never seen him in my life." He growled. "You're gonna' be hung from the clothesline by your fuckin' balls for this, lads." He snarled, his slight Irish accent finally revealing itself.

"I'm sure we will." Frank nodded, flipping the picture over and looking at it as he continued speaking, "I know who you are, Sean. There's no point in hiding it from me now."

"You fellas cops?"


"Then what the fuck are you?"

"Friends of a friend, let's say." He shrugged, simply. He crouched down in front of him and took a deep breath. "I know you know this man, and I want you to tell me everything you know about Bradan."

He looked at him and laughed, "Sure, let me bake you a fucking cake for your funeral, too." He said. "I don't know that man. Fuck off."

"Really?" Frank slammed the piece of paper down against his chest, then held the stapler up. "Maybe this'll refresh your memory." He said.

"What are you doing?" Murphy stopped looking angry, and now a little more concerned.

Frank said nothing and sent the stapler down, continuously firing staples into the paper and thus stitching it to Murphy. They were big staples, too, so this was causing one thing - Fucking agony. Murphy kicked and screamed and let out breathless cries, but it was all to no avail. Once he had eleven or twelve stables in his chest, and the paper and his shirt was getting soaked with blood, he bowed his head and started to kick and yell again, despite himself being a mess of sobs and tears. He was struggling to breathe at first, and as Murphy was the only one out of the assassin squad that didn't have a violent or military-based background, he wasn't far off breaking point. At that point, Frank reached into one of his pockets and fiddled with something - there was a clicking noise, but there was obviously no way that it was a gun. While Murphy was looking away, he pulled it from his pocket and placed it down on one of the shelves. Tony could see now that it was, in fact, a tape recorder - Frank knew what he wanted to do, and that was get the evidence that showed Murphy was guilty. He'd have been killed in one way or another for killing one of the PD's most loved cops, as well as his whole family.

"How about now?!" Frank yelled in his face.

"Alright, alright..." Murphy spluttered. "I know him, for fuck's sake. I fucking know him. Are you happy now?"


"Oh, god..." Murphy choked, closing his eyes tight.


"Why what...?"

"Why did you kill him?!" He sent a slap around Murphy's jaw, sending his head to the side and clunking against the shelving unit again.

Murphy was doing his best to keep it together, "I had no choice." He whispered, shakily.

"You had a choice, Murphy, and you chose your life over his and his whole family." He said. "And because of you, they suffered. They suffered, and they died - they died spending the last moments of their life thinking that everyone they cared for was going to be brutally murdered. You make me sick." He snapped. Murphy cracked and started sniveling - but that wasn't enough for Frank. He wanted to see him break much more than this. "Where can I find the others?" He asked.

Murphy said nothing, and his tears continued.

"Alright." Frank stood up, "You can't hear me, clearly. I'll be right back." He walked out and went into the kitchen instead, getting a knife from the knife block. He walked back into the fridge room and ducked down in front of him, then piched the top of his ear tight and tugged his head forward; Murphy yelped, but then he screamed as Frank immediately took the knife to his ear and drove it back and forth, eventually disconnecting all of it from his head. Murphy continued to scream and whail.

"Can you hear me now, Murphy?!" Frank held the ear in front of him and screamed into it, but, it worked, because Murphy frantically nodded. "Are you sure, motherfucker?! You definitely here me?!" He asked, slapping him in the face with his own ear and sending a splatter of blood up over his face.

"I wanted it to be quick, you motherfucker!" He cried shakily, sending in as much kicking and struggling as he could manage. "I wanted it to be quick." He sobbed. "I'm sorry." He whispered.

"I guess that brings him back, doesn't it?" Frank asked, sarcastically.

"I know, I know..." He bawled, "I can't change it. I can't. But I'm not a fucking animal like the rest, okay?! I didn't fuck the girl!"

"Excuse me?" He asked, his eyebrows sewing themselves together as he gave a huge, angered frown.

"I didn't... I didn't hurt her like that, I promise. I swear I didn't do that." He coughed. "It was the other three, they took turns, they held her down, they did all of that and made me keep watch because I didn't want a part in it - I swear to god, I didn't do that to her." He sobbed. "Tim was gonna' do the same thing to the boy if we found him, but we never did, we never found him, thank god." He spluttered, his head bowed to the floor. "I swear I didn't do it like them. I'm not like that."

Frank gritted his teeth and took a shaky deep breath. "Why did they pick you?" He asked.

"Pick me for what?"

"For the job, dipshit. Why did they pick you?"

He stayed quiet, but then let out a cry, "Because I killed my fiancée." He choked.

"She died to cancer..."

"No, she fucking didn't." He sobbed. "She was going to take everything from me, so I killed her, and Bradan helped me cover it up." He sniffled. "And that's why Bradan picked me - so I could kill the wife in front of the guy, because I was apparently 'numb to that sorta' thing'." He said. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." He whispered. He started to go a little more limp, and his once-fast breathing began to slow.

"Murphy, we're not done talking, don't you dare fucking pass out on me." Frank slapped him in the face, but, Murphy continued to slump until he was completely out cold - He'd pissed his pants, too, to make things worse. Breaking him wasn't hard, just like Frank had predicted. Did he get carried away? With Murphy sat there with 11 staples in him, and a severed ear on the floor... Maybe he did, but, it was worth doing. Once this was all over, Frank could go back to normal.

"Fuck." Frank snarled, rising to his feet. He wandered briefly out of the fridge room and washed the blood off his hands in the little sink, then went back in, drying his hands off on his shirt. "We'll give him a break. You get started on Sam." He said. Frank didn't seem at all shaken by everything he'd done - he was fueled by anger and the desire for vengeance at the minute, after all.
Jesus fucking Christ, Frank.... and I thought I was brutal with members of Al-Asheera.

Turns out everyone has a soft spot. Frank's was touched the second Redgrave was killed. Top that with his well-rounded knowledge of the Clover Boys, and you get a vengeful man capable of things you'd never imagine. Just like this. Doing these things, and worse, come out unaffected. Then again, Tony was the one about to have Sam by the balls, perhaps quite literally so. That was a boundary Tony was honestly afraid to cross. Sure, Thalia forever won Roland's obedience and submission by slicing his manhood off, but that wasn't something a detective does. But neither was lodge a series of staples into a man and sever his ear. Yikes... this didn't look good at all. And on recording, too? What was Frank doing? A recording like that, even if the torture wasn't captured, would hardly be admissible in any sort of court as it was a confession under duress. But.... Fuck, Frank doesn't plan for Murphy to walk away. So why record it? For some sadistic pleasure? No way he can make this public, or even deliver it to the LAPD without raising a million red flags.

This was a concern he didn't bring up in the moment. Instead, Tony expressed his own doubts about the confession. "I don't buy for one second that Murphy regrets what he did. It seemed.... too easy. Even with the tears and breakdown and such. No way a cold-blooded killer just fessed up like that." Maybe that was the point. Tony didn't look into the profiles of the hitsquad too deeply. If Murphy was an easy break, he'd never know. "But... I can believe him when he said he didn't want to rape the girl. He doesn't seem like the type..." he went on, watching the bloodied body of Murphy beneath them. Rather repulsive, had Tony not been used to such sights. His sights then turned the second unconscious prisoner in their hands. "No clue, Frank. Maybe we got lucky. Maybe he's trying to make us chase our tails. Who knows. But we've got another man to take care of before we wake him up again."

Before even approaching Sam, Tony reached over to turn off Frank's recording. Whatever he says to his cousin, he didn't want it on record or caught by anything other than their ears. God only knows what sort of incriminating secrets would be unearthed. What kind of behaviors would be exhibited. Not something he could risk. What happens in here stays here. For no other eyes or ears. Then came the crowning moment for Tony; something he'd been waiting for for days: hearing what happened to his cousin. What brought him so deep down the rabbit hole...

A firm kick to the sternum did enough to knock Sam's eyes open with just a jolt of his body, staring left and right and eventually eyeing his cousin kneeling before him. The last thing he saw when he was knocked out, and the first thing he saw when he woke up. His hands were also chained behind him, making for no easy escape. This was going to be a long night. But he might as well enjoy that now, his only objective was to self-destruct now that he's been captured. Maybe push Tony too far that he accidentally kill his cousin. Best way to go out: knowing that it was meaningful and served the higher purpose of his lord and savior.

"'Sup, Cuz?" he immediately greeted with a maniacal grin over his face. Almost like victory before the battle had even begun.

Tony's face looked far less cocky... more so serious, just a death glare into the eyes of his cousin, a pistol in his hand just in case he had to put a bullet or two in his cousin, not-lethal, of course. "Why?" he uttered.

Snickering, Sam had to ask, "Why what?"

"Why do this to yourself? Join Al-Asheera? What did Ra's do to convince you this was some sort of path of righteousness?"

So that was the direction of the questioning. With a bit of blood still leaking from his lip, Sam only charged up in the back of his throat and unleashed a wad of spit into Tony's face, still smiling in his condescending, victorious manner. "Fuck yourself."

The ex-detective's eyes squinted as the mouth contents made contact between his eyes. He quickly wiped the spit from his face, now a bit more furious, and stood up from his place. Sam's legs were sprawled out on the floor, his crotch fully exposed. James did say to go beneath the waist. Rather distasteful at first, but it wouldn't be the first time Tony kicked a man in the balls. It was the most humane way to go about it, lifting his right foot and landing it smack in between his cousin's family jewels. The resulting scream from Sam was as expected from any man taking a blow down there. He wouldn't lose that gift just yet, but he would feel the pain for quite a while. He was howling in pain and squirming his legs, but that smile was still on his face. The more pain, the closer he'd come to being knocked out or dead. That meant less time answering questions. Tony didn't seem like the type to know how to inflict pain without killing someone, so he went with the flow. The man standing up above let out a huff of disapproval. "I'm not fucking with you, Sam! You tell me RIGHT NOW! What brought you into Al-Asheera?!"

Between his shrieks of pain, Sam managed to get out his famous two words: "Fuck yourself!"

Tony's kick then drove across Sam's chest once again, barking more orders, "You can keep giving me that treatment all day. This isn't gonna stop until I get an answer from you."

Sighing and calming down, Sam growled, "Fuck yourself."

"Who is The Hidden?"

Sam scoffed. That name... how does Tony know that? Al-Jameela.... what else did she spill? "Oh, trust me, Tone. You don't wanna know who The Hidden is." Because why not play with his emotions ever so slightly?

Tony knelt down to Sam's level, gripping the collar of his expensive suit, and hoisting him forward slightly. "Maybe you should know I'm not fucking with you, Sammy. Look to your right. See what could happen to YOU if you don't cooperate."

Why not give in to that order? He looked over to the bloodied and earless Murphy, after being brutally cut up and tortured. But oddly, it didn't even make Sam flinch. He just rotated his head back to his cousin and snickered, "Do that to me all you want. I won't tell you who The Hidden is. You wouldn't be able to handle the truth. So fuck yourself."

Sam's wording began to frighten Tony. You wouldn't be able to handle the truth. Was The Hidden someone Tony knew personally? It wouldn't be the first time, given Sam was also a higher-up of this street gang. Tony's grip over the suit collar became tighter. "Tell me, Sam. NOW! Or else I'll start cutting body parts off of you!"

Licking his lips from the excess blood, Sam laughed ever so softly. "Maybe you can try your luck with another question. Or you can fuck yourself."

Groaning in annoyance, Tony did have other questions. So he shot them at his cousin, one after the other. "The bomb in your briefcase. Was that the only one?"

"Fuck yourself."

"How many are there in LA? How did you get them?!"

"Fuck yourself."

"Why is Al-Asheera changing MO?!"


Annoying by three straight 'fuck yourself's, Tony swung a strong fist straight across Sam's cheekbone to blow him back. Enough was enough. He stood up from his place and stomped on his cousin's junk one more time, proudly watching him frantically jolt back and forth in pain. "Then answer one thing, Sammy... It was Ra's who killed Melissa, right?"

No immediate response from Sam, who was still screaming in pain. Tony got back down there, gripping Sam's cheeks furiously demanding an answer for that question.

"Look at me! That was my fiance you brutes killed! Tell me which one of you did it!"

That question... it was one that Sam so desperately wanted to answer. And nobody was going to stop him. It was actually a fact he was quite proud of, to be honest. Something Tony would certainly not like. With that smile on his face once again, he chuckled through his pain. "Wanna know what happened to your whore? I'll tell you..."

Tony's grip tightened on Sam's face. "Spit it out, you monster."

Sam was taking his sweet time with several pauses to catch his breath and just stare down his cousin's eyes with that sort of evil fire in his own. What he said would surely set Tony off. "His Highness wanted to induct you into Al-Asheera..."

"I already know that, and he almost got away with it."

"Aha..." he snickered, "But what you don't know is the usual ritual for initiation... Ridding yourself of a loved one."

That hint might've stricken a thought in Tony's mind about the reality of Sam's being a part of them. His eyes shot out and his grip certainly became less tight than before. He recalled the catastrophe that happened when Sam wasn't around anymore for college. One that left his cousin devastated and off the grid. "Your parents were beheaded in your home."

Sam nodded.

"Was that Ra's?"

He shook his head. "Al-Yed did it. You may know him as Roland Simmons? He was my personal trainer while I was in college."

In that moment, so much made sense to Tony. That terrible event that sent his cousin into a downward spiral so long ago, finding his parents' heads dismembered in his home... tragic. "So it was a threat? He killed your parents, then they took you in?"

"They paid for me to continue college and, in return, offer my unconditional services to Al-Ra's... manage their liquid assets, primarily. Make sure not a penny was out of place. At the same time, they'd give me a higher-up position and integrate me with society normally."

Tony was in disbelief. The way this sounded almost seemed like brainwashing. Slavery. "You could've come to me. To the police, Sam."

Sam shook his head. "In time, I grew to realize that Al-Ra's was following a path of righteousness. And that he was a god among man. A true savior. And for that, I am grateful he murdered my parents."

Tony scoffed. "What kind of man says that? Glad that some man killed his goddamn parents?! Where's the Sam that was by my side as a kid?!"

"Samuel Walsh is gone... only Al-Masrafi remains, Tony."

That wording... identical to how Ra's referred to him when he was nearly inducted and inked up. A lot more made sense about the gang now than ever before. But there was still the topic at hand: Melissa. "How does any of this go back to Mel?"

"His Majesty, or his most trusted, are the only ones to perform such an execution. And it is usually done in front of the victim."

Which was strange in Tony's mind... "...But Mel was dead before the meet even happened. Why did Ra's kill her in advance?"

Sam shook his head, now with his grin more proud than ever. "Because Ra's didn't kill her, Tone........ I did."

Tony's heart sank then and there. He was staring at Melissa's killer. Right there, in the flesh, defenseless, and confessing to the crime. Now more than ever did Tony believe that there was no bringing Sam back. His heart was gone, all sort of good he once saw in his cousin... vanished.

"I couldn't wait for the execution. So... when Ra's told me I could rape her one last time.... I brought a knife along and slit her throat when I was done." Another chunk of blood came from Sam's lips and dripped down his face, ever so proud of his actions as the fire in Tony's eyes picked up further. Why not provoke him even more? Maybe Tony will just kill him now... "And after I killed her, I raped her corpse again. Nice to know your whore was disrespected after she was killed, right?"

Sam couldn't continue his slew of disrespectful insults, because he was met with a fist straight to his teeth from Tony. And not just one fist, a repeated series of them, each releasing a sense of anger from this man getting revenge in the name of his beloved. This was now more personal than ever. And it was only going to become more personal when a beaten and bloodied Sam found the strength to speak again between punches.

"And your partner? Richie Hart? That guy who got put down at the motel a few weeks ago?" he snickered, then turning into a louder laugh of success. "I knew you'd blame Al-Jameela for it, the only confirmed face at the scene... but you should know that the bullet that put your precious partner in a wheelchair... Heheh... You're welcome, Tone."

A sinister wink from Sam turned out to be one of the last few actions he was allowed to do before that eye was punched by his infuriated cousin. Mel, and Richie? Sam did them BOTH? Quite a revelation. He'd been blaming Thalia for so long for those wrongs, when it was his own flesh and blood that had been conspiring to ruin his life all along. Ever ounce of anger that he could ever pour out, even a tear or two leaking from his eyes... Tony was unleashing it all into Sam until he grew too tired to go on. Somehow, Sam was still conscious as he saw his cousin standing up, wiping the excess blood from his fist on his pants and pacing back and forth to compose himself. That anger... Sam sure was getting off to it, licking his lips to pick up more of that satisfying taste of blood. Tony glared back at the shell of a man on the ground who he had no intention of letting live much longer. "You son of a bitch... You were like a brother to me!" he cried, clenching his fists further and taking a hold of that knife that Frank sliced Murphy's ear off with, still dripping in blood. "And you went out of your way to change it all... ruining everything I hold near and dear! After everything we went through together as kids!"

"Fuck yourself, Tony," he uttered once again. He had one more play in his book. His eyes met that partner in the room: Frank Hale. Perhaps this was a chance to get to Tony further. Something Reeves told him... "But hey, I've confessed my sins. Do you have anything worth confessing, cuz?"

Tony knelt down to Sam's level once again, the edge of that knife held up to Sam's throat. "I have nothing to say to you anymore. You're just going to tell me who The Hidden is, and if there are any more bombs in LA."

Practically ignoring what his cousin said, Sam went on the the more dangerous wording. Tony's deep, dark secret. What he told Roland that other day... "You know... it would really suck if the actions of the past day came back to bite you in the ass. You, and everyone you care about." His eyes landed over Frank again. "I mean, Hale's a pretty face. I'd hate to see you lose another partner so soon if we were to show up at your doorstep and--"

Tony could tell where this was going. And he wouldn't let it progress. As much as he didn't want to do it, he had to stop Sam before he spills the secret about what he told Roland. This 'it'.... he lifted the knife from Sam's throat, and, blade first, drove it down straight into his cousin's crotch. Sam's eyes focused in front of him, now squirming in place more than ever and screaming obscenities at the top of his lungs. This couldn't go on, and Tony wanted his fair share of revenge. He release the knife's hilt and left it in its place in his cousin's lower region, and fell back, sitting on his own rear, and watching his cousin's misery. Revenge was served. Truths were revealed...

But worst of all: Tony's grave mistake might still be out there. How the hell does Sam know about Roland? What he told him? Tony was equally in shock, just staring in front of him and trying to compose himself. This proved to be far more complicated than he'd anticipated. Now? Odds are, if Sam knows the truth, so does The Hidden. And everyone in Encino is in danger. He could never tell them. He had to find The Hidden. Fast. But in his fazed out state, Tony managed to get a few words out...

"That monster......" Maybe there was a monster in Tony as well. Would anyone forgive him if, one day, they all come home to the mansion in ruins? The children kidnapped? People raped or killed? Only more reason to get to the bottom of this. ASAP.
In The Restaurant

"Thalia... You're such a dork when you try and act subtle. It's adorable." She winked at her, obviously not meaning any spitefulness. "You go order and let me show you just how simple it is." She smiled, simply, and off she went. Once Thalia had left the area, she was quick to turn around to the table behind them - She'd get his number, sure, but there was no way she was letting herself become a third wheel today. This was hers and Thalia's day, after all, but that wasn't a reason to not let Thalia call this guy some other time. Preferably when all the shit was dealt with - they were still technically on dangerous grounds at the minute, and Karin wasn't sure how good of an idea it was to try and take chances.

She could only hope that something wouldn't end up fucking this whole thing up. Who knew what might come of it?

"Hey, not to disturb you..." Karin said, looking at Damien and smiling. "But I was wondering if I could get your phone number for my friend who just escaped." She slid a napkin towards him, smiling. "I think she'd like to call you sometime. If you'd like that, of course." She said, simply.

Need she say anything else?


The Mansion

James was only around the corner and he heard things getting heated up. Jon had been rather invisible throughout most the morning so far, but, that was one of the few things Jon was good at. He could slink about and generally, people wouldn't notice he had eyes on them, or anything like that. He'd just been spending the morning relaxing a little, settling into the mansion. It had changed a lot since he'd last seen it, really, so getting to know all the places was important. He knew it was safe here, but even he planned for the worst case scenario - He'd seen the bunker, he'd pinpointed all possible escape routes, all the windows, all the doors, and even how high the fence was between the backyard and the neighbor's yard.

That was the only place he really saw a problem - should it come to it, the kids wouldn't get over the fence by themselves, but they'd manage with a boost of some kind. He wasn't jumping to conclusions on what may or may not happen, though. For now he was just wandering around, and as the smell of food being prepared was in the air, he was starting to meander towards the kitchen. All in good time, too, because he heard things getting a little tense in there, too, and he casually poked his head out and discreetly watched things unfold. He thought Nicole was doing a good job of handling herself, and he was only there for if things got worrying.

Which, of course, they did. And Jon went by one moral - If you're going to give it, be prepared to take it. And everyone generally knows what that means in a situation like this. As soon as he saw Nicole get slapped and grabbed, accompanied by going dead quiet, Jon rushed up rather quickly and forcefully yanked Jenny back by the hair, then grabbed her by her torso and quite literally slammed her down onto the kitchen island. No doubt a painful move, but, he felt she deserved it - there was that anger in his eyes, too. Attacking Nicole while he was around clearly wasn't the brightest idea in the book, but, it was now a little too late to take that back.

James, however, also heard the slap, the threats, the shit-talking - he didn't quite get there in time to stop things from becoming violent, though. As soon as he heard something slam against a surface, he spun around into the room and quickly held up a hand.

"Jon. That's enough." He said. Jon looked up at James, but his rather forceful grip didn't weaken on Jenny. "Jon... Let her up." He said.

Jon looked down at Jenny for a moment, "You'd best watch yourself, sweetheart." He whispered to her, simply, then hesitantly let her free. Immediately, though, Jon went over to Nicole and stood between the two, providing a big shield for Nicole if anything else was to happen. He put a hand on her shoulder, "Are you okay?" He asked, quietly.

James, however, focused his attention more on Jenny.

"I'd like for you to leave." He said, simply yet sternly. "I'll give you twenty minutes to pack, but, I want you out of my house right after that. I've given you enough chances, and every time all you've done is throw my kindness back in my face - I don't care where you go or what you do. I just don't want you here." He shook his head, slowly.


Frank stoody by and watched the whole scene unfold between Tony and Sam, and it seemed as though Sam was one to give the 'fuck yourself' treatment, too. He was playing with Tony, too - What did he mean he couldn't handle the truth? To Frank, that meant only one thing. It was someone in the LAPD, and chances were it was someone that Tony knew. It made Frank only more suspicious, but, he was going to have to hold his tongue on that until they could press him for more information. They didn't seem to get very far, though, but Sam did reveal a few nasty facts about things. Sam's parents were murdered by yours truly, and to make things worse, Sam killed Melissa by his own will, simply because he could.

Frank almost wanted to shoot him right there and then - If it wasn't for him, there was a big chance they could have gotten her back alive. Why did Sam do it? To spite Tony? To hurt him? Take away a childless man's lover, and what more does he have to live for? Did Sam's actions go deeper than Frank first thought? He wasn't sure, but a lot was revealed. A lot that was going to cost him, it seemed. There was more, though - Sam started to yammer on about something, about ending up at Tony's front door. Why was that relevant? How did Sam know that Frank and Tony were basically staying together at the same place? It was concerning, to say the very least, but he wasn't going to say anything just yet, there were more important matters at hand.

Even more so when Sam suddenly had a knife in his junk. Ouch. It made what Murphy had been put through look like child's play.

Frank sighed and looked at Tony, then gave him a small pat on the shoulder, then approached Sam himself. He crouched down in front of him and wrapped his hand around the hilt of the knife, gently hending it downwards to cause only more pain for Sam.

"I know this hurts." He said, pressing a little harder on the knife, but then stopping. "Unless you want to have to piss through a tube for the rest of your miserable life, I think it'd serve you well to start talking." He said. "You said Tony couldn't handle the truth about The Hidden, and that bomb you have your hands on is nothing short of LAPD seizure material. Given what you've said, you've lead me to believe that our Mystery Man is someone who can easily pull rank and command members of the bomb squad around, should he or she desire." He said. "You going to talk to me, or are we going to have to cut the whole thing off?" He asked. "I'm sure Murphy's got some meat-scissors in the kitchen somewhere." He shrugged.

Obviously, he'd tag-team back to Tony just as soon as he was ready to take over, but... Inflicting some pain on Sam felt good, too.
Thalia was never one to run away from her battles. It was just this one game, romance, that she seemed to fumble and retreat from. Especially in the eyes of someone as attractive as Damien, someone she felt she could relate to. Someone she felt could make her feel special again in a way that's more than just a friend. And like before, in the face of love in the air, Thalia was weak, easy to succumb. Damien must've noticed, but did he mind? He's a guy; clearly he doesn't, single or otherwise. He also seemed to enjoy her company. Would he take offense to the fact she sent her friend to get his number and not herself? Or would he understand that she's so shy? That would be small talk on a first date... if that'd ever happen. At least small talk in texting. She'd probably faint in her place with that phone number. For Christ's sake, T, it's just a boy... Yeah. But a cute boy that she was metaphorically drooling over that was literally right across from her table. A dream come true, or a heartbreak in the making?

But instead of face her fears, she maintained her dorky stance, an occasional stare in Damien's direction, to take the order for Karin and herself. Indecisive as she was, she took an order identical to Karin. Perhaps they could compare, experiment, see what they like. It's been a while since Thalia had enjoyed fancy French cuisine, too, so this would be a joy. Approaching the waiter on her own two feet wasn't quite... orthodox, and even the waiter himself was rather estranged by her mannerisms. But she was a bit more confident echoing the order than trying to stir a conversation with an attractive man. But the strange looks from the waiter as he jotted down her order... didn't seem to go away. Was it her tattoos? Or was he just afraid of a stunning redhead who might've looked rather flirtatious with her swaying hips and fingers twiddling with one another in front of her.

"Will there be anything else, ma'am?" the waiter asked in a rather dry tone of voice.

Thalia shook her head. "That's.... it. Any idea how long it needs?"

Not exactly a question to ask the waiter. He even groaned in annoyance, his words coming out more like snapping at a begging child. "I have no idea. It will come when it comes, and you just have to be patient."

Huh. Rude. Asshole. Of course, that wouldn't come out of her lips. "Um.... okay?" She spun on her heels and made her way back to her table, not looking back to the waiter acting so strange.

But there was a reason... that tattoo on her hand. The eyes. The red hair. He glared at her as she walked away, and not a pleasant glare. But it didn't stop him from doing his duties. Once he passed the order down to the kitchen, he moved to his next order of business... his cell phone. Not exactly allowed at work. But it was necessary after what he'd seen. After dialing 911, he lifted it to his ear and spoke rather softly, making sure nobody heard.

"Hello, uh... the LAPD is looking for the mystery redhead, right? Thalia Griffin? I might've found a girl matching her description..."

Bad news was on the way...


...but not before good news. Or, something more cheerful. As soon as this new white-haired girl made her way to the table with a rather strange request, all Damien could do was chuckle with a grin across his face. Why didn't he give Thalia his number without waiting for her to ask? A foolish mistake on his part. But now he'd get a chance to rectify it. Make it right. Maybe talk to this cute redhead again. The little sister Angie scooted over to the side almost instinctively for Karin, letting the grown-ups have their conversation.

"So you're Thalia's roommate?" Damien immediately guessed. Would Karin recognize that relation? His eyes wandered over to the girl taking an order from a waiter, he, himself, mesmerized by her movements and looks. "She's quite something. Extremely shy, very dorky.... it's just a shame she's trying too hard to escape when I'm sure she'd love to talk to me again. I guess she's just sending you because she's so shy." His laughter continued, folding his hands before him and looking back to Karin. "Don't tell Thalia, but me and my little sister moved tables JUST to be closer to her, see if she notices..."

Angie then had the nerve to interrupt the mature conversation in a playful, childish manner like any other 11-year-old might, "So that's why we moved. Ooooooooh, Damien's in loooooove."

"Hah, yes, Angie, that's why we moved tables," he took the joke rather lightly and shook his head in a bit of embarrassment. "But anyway, on that note.... Thalia's roommate..." Without further ado, Damien took the napkin Karin offered him as well as a crayon from Angie's coloring menu and jotted down a number, legible enough for anyone to see followed by the word Damien with a poorly-drawn heart next to it. Once that was done, he looked back over to his left....

And she was back. Thalia herself, just looking over at that napkin with a number written in crayon. Once again, she was as red-faced as before and rather nervous, but smiling all the same. With a light lift of her right hand, she waved over to the man. "H-Hi again, Damien."

Grinning back, Damien nodded. "Hello to you too, Thalia... I believe you forgot something when we ran into each other earlier..." He then slipped the napkin off the table and reached out, taking Thalia's hands and placing the napkin in her hands, even stalling with the hand motions, just keeping his grip in hers. "I suggest... you text me sometime tonight? After work, and such."

Her hands were a bit shaky, her heart racing, and butterflies in her stomach, Thalia's eyes met Damien's as she tried to piece her words together. She mustered out a nod and spoke, "Y-Yeah... tonight. Sounds good, right?"

"Sounds perfect."

Once again, the nosy little girl had to poke her nose into this again, "So is Thalia your girlfriend now?"

Thalia couldn't help but giggle and blush at the remark, Damien defending their stance, laughing along, identifying these remarks as cute more than nosy. "Oh no, Angie.... Well, not yet at least. It's more complicated than just that. But you never know, right?"

Not yet? EEEEEEEEP. Not like Thalia would squeal in joy out loud in front of Damien. Maybe in the car with Karin, but still...

"Sooo..." Damien's hands retreated from Thalia's, giving her a quick wink with his arms folded before him. "Text me tonight?"

Thalia nodded, the smile bright as ever on her face, clenching that phone number in her hands. "Yes.... yes, I will." It sounded rather certain, maybe too certain. Things change in a heartbeat around here. But no: she wasn't going to forget Damien tonight. How could she after this moment of chemistry they had together? But for now, she tried her best to snap out of it and patted Karin on the shoulder. "Sooo... let's get back to our table, shall we?" One last look to Damien marked her last words... "Take care, Damien."

And he waved back, equally pleased with the outcome of this. "You too."

Now the two parties could mind their own business. But all Thalia could do in her place as she awaited the meal was stare at the napkin before her with the phone number. It was less creepy than peeking over at Damien, but still, her inner lover was taking over. She didn't want to make Karin out to be the third wheel, but this was a moment for Thalia that she was rather terrible at resisting. Karin had a stable lover all week. Thalia had a much bumpier path. Could Karin blame her for that willingness to throw herself at someone?


Jenny wasn't expecting Nicole to have an army on her back. What sort of school teacher would? Only one as fortunate as her to have someone as protective as Jon to back her up in case things got rough. He did promise the aging woman to keep her safe indefinitely. What nobody expected was there to be a physical threat on Nicole's well-being under the safety of James' roof. That girl that Thalia brought in to save her life was now causing more headaches than not, and James' annoyance was evident. Was THIS the final straw? How much was Karin feeding James about her behavior? Or did he already know? What DID catch her off guard from the start was a tug at her hair and being pinned down on the kitchen island. Unlike Nicole, she didn't hesitate to scream in pain trying to cry for help. In a house full of children and people riddled with paranoia? Maybe not the smartest of ideas, or any way to help her case. But it's not like Jenny could be helped or defended. The only person who might defend her - Thalia - wasn't home. She was all alone now.

"Get... off me!" she screamed, swinging and kicking in a futile attempt to break free as Jon held her down, but fortunately, James sort of got her out of that mess by telling the infuriated Jon to back off. It's not like this huge man before her was just going to beat her down. It was clear that he had feelings for Mrs. Griffin, though. What sort of man becomes this physical as a response to two women discussing something like this? Not unless he really cares about her. But how would Jenny know, the woman who always shits on men? She never really had a man - or woman for that fact - get that defensive of her. Not until Thalia argued for her to stay at least.

Once he removed his hands from Jenny, Nicole watched over... rather shocked? Again, no man would become that defensive over a woman unless he truly cared about her. And Jon's been telling her that for the longest time. He even did that in the airport in San Francisco when that hitman came in their sights to kidnap her and her son. She saw him attack the clansman and get her and her son to safety. And now in something so simple, a situation Nicole could surely handle on her own. It's not like Jenny would beat a woman who used to be her school teacher anyway. Especially not in a house of fighters. She felt rather... safe. But it felt even safe with a man like Jon having her back. Slowly stroking her face over where she'd been slapped, Nicole nodded. "Yes, Jon... Thank you. You didn't have to, though. I could handle it on my own..."

At this point, the school teacher felt it preferable not to have this conversation in front of Jenny, and leave her and James to discuss her departure alone. Taking Jon by the hand ever so softly, she walked him out of the kitchen and towards the living room instead. Somewhat private. She wanted to speak to the man who came to her rescue about... exactly that.

"I... appreciated it, Jon," she began, "But as I said, I am a very capable woman. I may not be physically competent, but I was sure that I wasn't going to get hurt. Jennifer wouldn't dare try anything more than a slap with the risk that she would be surrounded as quickly as she was." She slowly crossed her arms over her chest and took a seat at the couch, motioning her head for Jon to join her. "But the gesture... I haven't forgotten a few days ago at the airport... you saved Charlie, as well as myself, from that man with the gun trying to kidnap us. I literally had a gun to my head and was worried that Charlie would lose his mother then and there. But you made sure that wouldn't happen. I'm... not asking for a 24/7 protective detail, but the fact you're going as far as to stopping a fight like that? It means a lot, but still... I don't want you becoming violent every time you think someone is pushing it. That's not the man I want around in my life, and that's not the man I want Charlie looking up to. Because he does, Jon. He told me that when I tucked him in last night. He really admires you, and I don't want him to wake up and see you gagging someone the next morning. You... understand, right?"

This was probably the first step to Nicole admitting her seriousness of having Jon around in her life, speaking of him being around for Charlie. Part of her developing feelings for him as well. That's quite honestly any mother's wish, for her child to have a safe place to be raised around. Charlie had been through enough trauma for one lifetime. He was only eight, after all. She didn't want her son to be exposed to more violence, even if it was for his own protection. Perhaps this new guardian figure could understand that and perhaps tone it down. The way he reacted around Jenny over a simple slap and clench was quite... extreme, in Nicole's eyes.


Meanwhile, Jenny was obviously not fond of the immediate order from James to get lost. An immediately dropped jaw and surprised look on her eyes showed as she dismounted from the kitchen island and got up in James' face. A huge mistake on her part, but what would James do? Break an arm? It was an argument Jenny was prepared to present.

"Me? Leave?" she scoffed. "Dream on. You can't kick me out if there are people on the outside trying to kill me. There was some asshole who tried to get down my pants and had me handcuffed to a radiator to do it. Would you let that happen? Especially with rapists and pedophiles like Al-Asheera out there? If you're such a 'good guy' like T thinks you are, you wouldn't let that happen." Quite a exhibition of sass coming from Jenny, but bringing up her childhood friend also brought up a new argument to her mind. "Speaking of which... I don't think T would be very happy if she were to come home to you saying you kicked her girlfriend out. She wouldn't stand for that, maybe get violent. And you saw what she's capable of last night. Think you could live passed something like that?"

Clearly, Jenny had yet to see James in action. Could he survive another angry episode from Thalia? Probably. But the question is... would Thalia act up if she were to come home and Jenny was given the boot?

"You clearly have no idea what Nicole Griffin did to me, do you?" she went on in a last-ditch effort to talk her way out of this. "She ruined my childhood. Nearly got me expelled. She brought up a petition to the school district to ban me from ever attending private schools in Philly. And they signed off on it! And I'm willing to bet you it was out of spite, nothing more. She didn't do this because she was doing a service for the district. She did it to get back at me because Thalia was suicidal for a while before she ran away. And to avoid blaming herself, she blamed me and sidetracked my life. I almost got EXPELLED, but thank fuck that didn't get passed through. She didn't have that much influence. And I bet that if it were you in that position, you'd agree a slap was well warranted there."

Again, Jenny had no clue what sort of drama existed in James' family. Her actions were manipulative and even naive. Would she even stay after that argument, standing up in front of James in the most threatening way she could be? He was taller, but Jenny was angry. And an angry girl can do quite a bit of damage.


The screaming did settle for Sam, and the pain did die down. He'd been put through quite a bit because of his cousin, especially after what he'd said about Melissa and Richard that set Tony off. Sam was surprised; why hasn't Tony offed him yet? He killed his fiance, after all. What man in this position would spare him? None. Tony had nothing to live by anymore, and if he were to pull the trigger and spill Sam's brains all over the wall, what would be left for the ex-detective? No career, no lover, no children, and the only family remaining being a father who doesn't recognize him half the time. Not to mention a target on his back. Tony may not have put that bullet between Ra's' eyes, but he would be hailed as an eternal enemy to Al-Asheera as the man who made a move on their lord and savior and came close to putting him down. Who knows? Maybe Ra's was dead when he was washed up on the beach and only had a bullet in his head to make sure of it. Who knows? Only an autopsy report could tell, and that was still underway.

But now, Tony needed a breather, scooting away from Frank to let him to some of the talking for once. He didn't want to hear anything more from Sam. What made this hurt even more... unlike Murphy, Sam regretted nothing. He maintained a cruel smile through every detail of mentioning how he raped and murdered Melissa all for the sake of doing so and torturing Tony mentally. He had no desire to apologize or take it all back, whereas Murphy was begging for mercy after having a few staples in him and an ear cut clean off. Sam just took a knife to a soft place, and remained unrepentant as ever. There was no coming back for Sam Walsh. He was gone, all thanks to Ra's. And if anything motivated Tony, it was to ensure that no other helpless kid would ever fall into the same trap as Sam; losing their parents to a monster and held a slave to a machine, all to eventually be brainwashed and believe in the cause. When he told James he saw hope in bringing Sam back.... not anymore. There was no hope. But now the conflict remained in Tony's mind: kill him? Or let him see justice properly? They still needed the name of The Hidden and information about the bomb, which he still refused to speak of. Not to mention how he was hinting towards knowing about his dirty little secret. How? Was it a phone call he didn't get a glimpse of? Was Sam at the scene and overheard the conversation, but he didn't notice? Or did Ra's survive the trip into the Pacific? Did it matter? That knife to the groin should make him more susceptible to suggestion.

Frank was taking the reigns for now, as long as Sam still lasted while conscious. With pain like that, he might go out cold from shock, especially as more pressure was applied from driving the knife further, causing the clansman to grit his teeth and try to subdue another wail. Sam was asked about The Hidden again. As well as the bomb. His pain was quickly masked with that devilish smile on his face. It was rather threatening that Frank mentioned chopping his dick off, but he'd hide that fear until it actually came to light.

"Fuck yourself, Hale," he grumbled. "You think I could only break Tony down because I knew about him alone? Think again. I know a bit about you to do all the same. You're quite a long way from home, right? Maryland wasn't treating you right? Or was it just some mommy and daddy issues? Or does it remind you too much of Natalie?" But enough of pathetic low-blows. Sam had other plans to get into Frank's head, irrelevant to his past. Even Tony, not far away catching his breath, was disgusted at how low Sam was willing to go. But the next words were soft. Tony would only catch them ever so faintly and not enough to discern any words. But Frank would hear it in full clarity.

"Believe me, Frankie, you'll find out who The Hidden is in due time. I'm sure even you won't like to hear who it is. It might hurt you too, but I know damn well it'll hurt Tony to hear. I don't do this because I care about my cousin. I murdered his fiance and almost murdered his last partner. But at this rate? It might be me murdering his current partner, too." With whatever energy Sam had left in his being after howling in pain for so long, he leaned forward, ever so close to Frank's face. "I swear, The Hidden will find you. Tony is responsible for the death of our lord and savior. He will forever be hunted by Al-Asheera and the generations to come. And to make it worse? Tony... hehe...." Sam was going to be careful with his wording now, hinting more towards the leakage of information. "Let's just say Tony dug his own grave. Very, very soon, Tony will find people that he's very close to dropping like flies, and we will deliver their heads to your doorstep one by one. Tell me, Frank Hale, did Tony ever mention he has a father with Alzheimer's staying in a nursing home in San Fran? It'd be a shame if, you know.... by the time you get home, you hear the news that he... well, I'd hate to spoil the surprise. I'd like for you to see for yourself. But mark my words. The Hidden will avenge the death of Al-Ra's. Al-Jameela will pay for her crimes, as well as Al-Mohakkik. And once they are both miserable, we will execute them. And beyond that? Well, again, let's not spoil THAT surprise. You already had one teaser in my briefcase, right?"

Was Al-Asheera planning on leaving LA behind in flames? Kill Thalia and Tony, then go out with a bang? Probably implicated that there were more bombs out there. Not to mention the threat on Tony's father.

Tony could only watch from a distance... just wondering what Sam was going on about. He caught glimpses of conversation, which made him panic. What was going on...


San Francisco Nursing Center, Around The Same Time

As peaceful of a morning as it seemed, that threat that Sam made wasn't empty. Not at all. Because that very nursing home in which Tony's father was staying at would be a target very, very soon. But not for a bomb threat. But for something much, much more personal for Tony. And no better to plan a personal attack against that detective... than the sergeant who he'd grown so fond of before. Jordan Reeves. Dressed in a usual suit to blend in with a crowd, he entered and approached the front desk ever so casually, as if nothing was ever wrong. He had no tattoos or markings of Al-Asheera on his hand or neck, making him the perfect man to blend in with the crowd. Who would ever suspect that he was a crook? But what came next? The level of precision Al-Asheera would go to in order to get revenge on Tony. All beginning with how Reeves approached the desk.

"Good morning, Ma'am..." He began with a smile. "I'm Anthony Walsh. I'm here to see Patrick Walsh? He's my adoptive father. I come by here quite a bit, so... no need to dig into the logs or any of that. I was thinking maybe I could take him out to breakfast?"

Forgery was something Al-Asheera was rather good at. Faking an ID and a history to pass off Reeves, a black man and older than Tony, as the foster son of a white man in his 70's, was quite deep. What was worse? Is that once Reeves showed the fake ID to the receptionist, after quickly checking the logs to make sure an Anthony Walsh existed on the emergency contacts list that matched the appearance of the man before her...

"Right this way, Mr. Walsh. Your foster father is on his way to the canteen now. Maybe you can catch him before he gets his food? I'm sure he'd be happy to see you."

Tony's father was about to victim to an attack. They were about to get away with kidnapping a defenseless old man... and soon, his murder.
Karin watched the whole thing unfold, and well, she just sat back and smiled. Did she need to worry about anything? She didn't feel like there was anything else to be concerned about - it was going to be a good day just between her and Thalia, right? Nothing seemed like it was going to be going wrong while they were here, either, so she was going to kick back and see how things went. It was all going okay so far, really, so she wasn't going to argue. She'd let Thalia have her moment of glory here, and as soon as they got out of here they'd get onto the real girl stuff. This was just a taster, after all.

It's just too bad Karin didn't know about the police. That was going to be upsetting. How long would it even be until they got here? Would they sweep in and just trash everything? Karin would be none the wiser until it happened. Hopefully, she could react in the right way. Karin didn't exactly have any experience in running from the cops, but, she wasn't going to throw Thalia to the cops like a bone to a dog, obviously. Not the smartest mindset to have for her own sake, but... Friends were friends, after all.

"So, you're gonna' text him, right?" She grinned. She was talking in a whisper, "Whatever you do, just don't mention it to Jenny and Frank, for the love of god. I'm not sure if you know, but you'll start a war." She smirked a little. "Obviously still have the talk with Jenny, but... Like, obviously, y'know, I wouldn't mention anything else right now." She smiled. She was talking quietly so it was only her and Thalia that could hear what he was saying.


Jon quickly settled down, "Yes, I understand." He sighed and ran a hand through his head. "I'm not naturally a violent man, Nicole, I never have been. And the fact that Charlie does admire me as much as you say..." He shook his head. "It means a lot, truly. I don't respond to small things in such a way usually, I just... I guess I need you to understand that with everything that's happened, my mind is very..." He shook his head. "Jumpy at the minute, right?" He shrugged. "Y'know, I almost lost you and Charlie, and if I'd turned my back for even a second, I don't know what might have happened." He took a deep breath and glanced off towards James and Jenny.

"I don't deal very well with aggressive people, but violence isn't usually the route I try to take. Like I said, with everything that's happened over the past few days I'm still trying to settle down a little, return to normal - I spent so long thinking you and Charlie were in constant danger that my mind's needing to just take a breather again. Once I've spent some time relaxing and watched those movies with Charlie like I said, I think things will be okay. Not only that, I..." He looked over his shoulder again.

"I don't trust Jenny, and as much as I want to believe that she wouldn't have taken it any further, I think she would have." He said. "She's been going out of her way to give you hell, and people don't just hang onto things for nearly a decade without thinking up some kind of revenge plan. That's part of my reasoning for acting the way I did - I feel like she would have done a lot more to hurt you seeing as Thalia's not here to stop her, and nor is Karin. Jealousy, anger, resentment, the desire for revenge - it can end badly." He gulped, "So I was just looking out for you, really." He said, gently touching her shoulder.

"It's not a habit of mine, I assure you." He said, then offered her a smile.


"I can't kick you out?" James laughed and shook his head, "Did I fucking stutter?" He asked. "I don't think so. This is my house. My house, my rules, and my word is law - If I want you out, I mean it. And when I say get out, it means 'pack your shit and get out'." He said. "If you didn't want to be thrown to the wolves, you shouldn't have walked in here as a wolf in sheep's clothing." He paused for a moment. "The men that did what they did to you are dead - the men who could still do that to you are dead. There's quite literally two men left in the circle of the deadly ones, and one of them is probably in Frank and Tony's hands as we speak." He said.

"As for Thalia, don't worry. You can play all your little mind games with her, you can manipulate her and do everything you like to convince her that you love her, but, Thalia's not the same naive girl you knew eight years ago. She's a girl who needs to settle her life properly - to be with someone who's not a fucking psycho who'll attack her mother, to be with someone who looks out for her and helps her to be a better person. Not someone of the likes of you - I'm giving you the harsh truth before someone flips you over on your ass and gives it to you the hard way." He said, rather sternly. "I saw what she was capable of - but believe me, unless she wants to have harm fall upon herself as well, she won't attack the one man who's helped make all of this possible. I'm going to kick you out, and as soon as she and Karin get back she's going to be made aware that you made the effort to physically attack your mother - then we'll see how upset she is, won't we?" He asked.

"I don't care about your childhood - I know what it's like to be different, to be outcasted, to be outlined and pushed into a corner where you can't go anywhere. I've been there all my life, but the difference between me and you is I'm not a complete asshole about it. So, I'm going to make it perfectly clear again, Jenny - You can try and blame Nicole for whatever you like, you can claim it was her fault and not yours, you can claim that she got you banned out of revenge - You can do all of that and I really couldn't give a tuppeny fuck. But what you can't do is walk in here, stay here for free, and roam wild like you're the High Queen of California. Because you should know something - me, Jon, and any more of my associates could shit on you from so high up that you'd think God himself had crapped on you." He said.

"You take no one or anything else into consideration and you're purely in it for yourself. All you care about is if you can come out on top, and that's one of the many reasons I'm going to say it again, this time in a little less friendly of a manner. Pack your bags, and get out. Or I'm going to drag you out the front door myself." He said, also standing tall. "I'd pick your next moves very, very wisely, Jenny. I'm happy to practice my Second Ammendment rights on you if I have to."

He started to stare her down. Would she really try and start a fight with someone who was a genuine Black Belt in Jiu Jitsu?

James hoped not, for her sake, and as they were in view of Jon and Nicole... One could only pray things didn't get too ugly.


"Say what you want about me, Sam, it's not going to work." He said. "I ran from my problems - and maybe I regret that, but you know what? Now that I'm not hiding behind a badge and seeing scum like you for what you really are? I don't feel so bad anymore. Look into my past. Look into all of it. Burn my school records and label me as a lifelong enemy - Do whatever the fuck you please." He said. "But that doesn't change the fact that your glorious god and savior is as dead as you're going to be. You're all in denial - If you think you're going to be able to simply 'kill' some of the allies that we have, you've got another thing coming. If you think me and Tony will bow over and fall victim to your tricks, once again, you've got another thing coming. We've killed seven of you fuckheads already, and another one's already on our side. Two more to go, including you - Your high circle doesn't mean shit. But please, when you get to the depths of hell, please tell Ra's I said Hi and Fuck You." He shrugged.

There was more. The potential of more bombs, and the potential that Tony may not be saying everything that had actually happened. Why had Tony dug his own grave? To top it off, though... Tony's dad. Would they really? Could they save him on time? He could only hope so. Frank gave Sam a filthy look - and if looks could kill, Frank was pretty sure he'd be dead already.

"You think a stapler's the worst I can do to someone, Sam?" He asked. "Please." He smirked a little. "But fine, if you won't talk, you'll scream." He gave him a firm slap across the face and rose to his feet, then quickly stood up and grabbed Tony by the shoulder. He promptly walked him out of the room and into the kitchen area, and this was where he needed Tony to be most gathered. He could ask him what Sam meant later on, but, for now there were people that needed saving. Urgently.

"Tony." He gulped, "They're targetting your father. You need to get on the line and get them to look out for him - If anyone's been to see him recently, find out who they are, what they look like - anything that might give us something. Get on the line to James and tell him to check the CCTV of the place your dad's staying in, roll it back, see if anything's happened. Next up, there might be more bombs in the city, so I need you to act quick here." He said. "If we can't get him to tell us where some of this shit is, we need to make sure that places get evacuated - Call the LAPD, tell them that there's currently a city-wide emergency and call it in as a Code 0 situation. You know Code 0. We don't get many of them, but... Absolute terror or panic. Drop everything and respond immediately." He gulped. "Explain that there's potentially various bombs planted by Al-Asheera across the whole city - We need the most likely targets evacuated. Parks, schools, hospitals, government buildings. I don't like to think how fucking far these bastards would go. No matter what, we need to avert the crisis, no questions asked. We need to be the heroes here." He ran a hand through his hair, then reached to the side and grabbed a pair of meat scissors that were held in a slot on the lower side of the knife block.

"I'm going to talk to Sam again. If he doesn't talk, I'm gonna' cut his balls clean off." He opened and closed the scissors a couple of times. "It won't be pretty, but..." He shrugged once. "This time I think it's necessary. Unless you want to do it yourself once you've made those calls." He said.
Snapping out of her love-at-first-sight-induced trance and pocketing that napkin, Thalia returned to reality and leaned in a bit closer to Karin to have their moment of whispers. With Damien right next to them, there were some things better kept quiet. His new love interest didn't need to know that Thalia had slept with three different people that same week, one of them she'd gone down and dirty with three times just yesterday. Keep it simple, that was the way. But Karin knew everything, and of course Thalia could confide in her. Gossip was still in the category of girl stuff anyway, so why not indulge?

"Psssh, I'm not an idiot, Kar," she answered, "No way am I telling Jenny or Frank about this. The last thing I need is another problem. Me and Tony JUST made up and put our problems behind us. For the love of God, he even came into my room really early today to make sure I was doing okay. I guess saving each others' lives really... changed him." She glanced around the restaurant again, particularly at that crabby waiter she'd encountered earlier and gave the order to. The one who'd called the police, who gave her a death glare in return. The inner, rash side of Thalia wanted to give him the bird and risk him becoming violent. But not in a public place. They were just speaking about no more problems. Starting a brawl in a public place was just screaming for a citizen's arrest. And the police station is not where the team wanted to spend their day. Quite disappointing. So Thalia kept her cool.

"I'll talk to Jenny, don't worry," she reassured her friend. "She won't hear about Damien. If it's not clear, she's got this whole 'all-men-are-pigs' complex in her mind, so like hell am I gonna tell her I'm dating anyone. Especially not a guy..." A more happy grin came across her face in that moment. Things were coming together. With the exception of that unhappy waiter, things were great. "Maybe for once we can have that happy day we've been talking about. Shopping, food.... and even guys," she winked. "Maybe someday we could double-date as well."

Out of the sake of conversation starting, she brought up the fact about her encounter earlier, out loud this time and leaning back in her chair. "The staff here are assholes, though. I walked up to a waiter to give him our order? He snapped at me, gave me a weird stare. Maybe he was checking me out? Or just a dick all-around. Maybe my luck is shit. Go figure?" She shrugged, letting out a calm sigh and glancing outside. "Oh well. Beautiful day."


It was Nicole's job to understand different personalities and behaviors from children. But from a grown adult? Perhaps that was more of a job for a psychologist, but she could still realize the combatant in Jon would probably linger for years to come, no matter how much time he spends around a peaceful family like the Griffins. He'd always have a bit of that ruthless fighter within him, and it would show. She was just hoping it wouldn't manifest in front of Charlie, how saw Jon like some sort of superhero. She'd hate her son to fall victim to the 'never meet your heroes' saying. Jon was genuinely a good man, and Nicole owed her life and her son's to him. The least she could do was help him fit into a calmer lifestyle. He saved her... she wanted to save him from himself.

A single hand rested on Jon's shoulder as she spoke, "I understand what probably goes through your mind, Jon. You have this instinct to protect those that are close to you. And that includes myself and Charlie, even if it's something as mild as... well, a frat girl with a vendetta. Trust me when I say that Jennifer is harmless. She's angry, extremely vindictive, all understandably so. I know that I've provoked it in one way or another. I've made an enemy, and you thought I was in danger when she tried to make a move. And I understand WHY you would think I can't handle myself. After a day of trauma, I'd probably be... incapable of helping myself, so to say? Physically, at the very least. And you've been our protector for so long and that instinct is still in there. But trust me: we are going to settle down..."

Nicole's choice of wording was a first... 'we'. She was referring to herself, her children, AND Jon. Was she beginning to see the four of them as a single unit? A family, in some way? This quickly? Well, being around a man for nearly three days, a man who very well saved her life and reunited her with her daughter, it was only natural that a bond had been forged. "We, Jon. Us, and the kids. When we settle down, I'm sure in no time, you will settle, too. You'll realize that we won't be in danger, and you can focus on a calmer angle of life that I feel you desire. Maybe it'll just be as a humble mechanic taking Charlie to school every morning and giving Thalia a source of income for her first few years, but even then... I believe you can find peace in that."

Jon wasn't the only one who grew to dislike Jenny. Surely, most of the house was fed up with her behavior. With a gentle grip of his shoulder, Nicole continued, "I'm sure that she won't be staying for much longer. So just... put up with her for a few more days, or if she even lasts a few more minutes after that stunt. She won't be around any longer. She won't be able to hurt anyone. Just trust me there. You can relax. No need to worry about any of us. And keep in mind, before you act... Charlie sees you as a hero, sort of like in movies or comics. All I can say, as a teacher who has had students see me as a role model, do what you think your little fan would want you to see. Simple as that."


The shock didn't leave Jenny, that shock of being completely outnumbered and sided against. James was certainly a menacing character that screamed 'don't fuck with me', but it didn't mean that Jenny was going to walk out the door without giving him a mouthful. Leaving a mark before she's never be seen again under that roof.

"You're a grade-A douchebag, you know that?" she directly threw a baseless insult at James. "A control freak. Heartless. And clearly don't know when a girl is in love. You have no fucking clue if Thalia loves me or not. And I'm telling you right now, that girl? She may be naive or dumb, whatever you wanna call her, but she's mine. And I'm hers. And we set that in stone last night. You can ask her yourself when she comes home and she'll back it up. Meaning, if she hears that I got the boot, odds are, she'll go out into the wild with those rapists and killers as well. Bet you wouldn't want that, right?" She shook her head in a bit of disgust, getting closer and closer to James. Dangerously close. "Tell her whatever you want about what I did to her mom. She'll forgive me. She'll run back into my arms at the end of the day because she knows she wants me in her life. We've been meant for each other for years, and whatever you say or do won't stop me. If I leave, odds are, she'll come with."

Or would she? Thalia was already looking at other men and taking phone numbers, something Jenny would not appreciate at all if they were so 'in love.' "So I'm staying here for free. So is half of this goddamn house, so you know. I don't suppose Thalia is paying you rent. Nor her family, or that old geezer wandering around, kinda looks like a hobo..." Probably referring to Marcus, but unaware of his name. "...Those detectives? Please don't tell me they're offering any services to stay here. Karin? Okay fine, you're getting your payment in bedtime fun. Still... how the fuck is she sleeping with a scumbag like you? It's shit stains like you that make me hate men. Thanks for validating my point. Can't wait to tell T that you THREATENED me like this. 'Pick your next moves wisely'... that sure sounds like a threat. She'd love to hear that you threatened her girlfriend."

Jenny was getting in over her head with the insults and getting far too deep under James' skin. Wouldn't be long until he bursts. But she wouldn't risk that. She gave him a decent slap across the cheek, similar to what she gave Nicole... only this time, with more force and a furious look on her face. She then stepped away, out of the kitchen, and gave some final words. "You won't shoot me. And you say you'll shit on me? Try your hardest. I've got my own girl on my side, someone with violent tendencies that I can provoke to come after YOU next. But if you excuse me... I'm going to do as you said... head out the door. Hope T gets so mad and does the honors for me when she comes back, without even me asking."
Karin frowned at the talk of the waiter. "That's odd." He said. "I'll make a complaint before we leave. One of the main things you get taught as a waiter or waitress is that you should try and be polite to the customers no matter what." She shrugged. "Who knows what his problem is. I doubt it's anything personal - Let's hope not, anyway. As far as I know you've never showed your face in here befoer, so I don't see why they'd be pissed off at you for... Well, anything." She laughed.

She didn't know a storm was brewing, and she also didn't know that Jenny was being thrown out of the house as they spoke.

"If he was checking you out he wouldn't have been an asshole. Simple." She said. "That's Elementary School stuff. Or Hollywood. No one's an asshole if they find someone attractive." She grinned and shrugged. "Oh, well. Like you said - nice day, so let's make the most of it." She said, nodding.


It was purely Nicole's choice of words that sold it for Jon. We. Us. A collective, basically - It meant more than most things now. For once there was the sense of belonging. Since meeting Charlie and Nicole he'd felt that, but, now that he'd heard her basically say it upfront? It was a whole new ballgame. He simply smiled at her - Was he really Charlie's hero? Did the young boy really look up to him that much? The fact the two of them even bonded so well in the first place was the second biggest surprise of Jon's adult life. The first biggest surprise? The fact that he'd started off as a simple gun-for-hire and had turned into something much, much more.

"You're right." He continued smiling. "I will settle. Once all of this is over and we just... Fall into a proper life again, things will go back to normal. I'll have Thalia working for me, and on weekends or something when she's off work, I can bring Charlie in and teach him some stuff, have him help me out - Being able to fix a car is a good life skill, after all. It'll work out pretty well, I feel." He smiled, "Yeah." He nodded to himself again, assuring himself that the future was going to be bright.

He looked at her again, "Thank you, Nicole." He took a deep breath. "If I'm honest with you... It's the first time in my life that I feel like I know where I'm going." He said. "I owe that to you and Charlie. Things will..." He thought for a moment, then shrugged and smiled. "The future's gonna' be bright. I promise." He said.

Things weren't so bright with James and Jenny, though. When he heard the slap then saw James tailing behind Jenny... "Oh, no." Jon said, simply. "We'd best leave them to it, but... I'll be on standby, just in case things get ugly." He said, then looked back to all the food that was being prepared before the drama. "You want some help?" He nodded to the incomplete preparation.


So, James was following shortly behind Jenny, but he didn't tail her entirely. Was he going to stand for being assaulted in his own house? Fuck no. Even so, he stopped by one of the bedroom doors and knocked before entering - as previously said, the boys were up early and doing... Whatever they found to be entertaining, so, he wanted to quickly address them before anything else in the day happened. He poked his head in and looked inside - He was sure he heard Jordan's voice before he actually went in there, but he didn't press on that.

Yes, Jordan was now talking to both Charlie and Joseph. He wasn't talking much, but he was still talking and communicating with them. He was quite the social and humorous little kid. Only Charlie, Joseph, and Frank really got to see that, though.

"Hey, guys." James said, "You think you could all get dressed and everything? Me and Nicole are just making you some breakfast, and as soon as we've eaten, I'm gonna' take the three of you out somewhere and we'll do something fun, okay? No need to be sat inside on a day like this." He offered them all a smile, then he disappeared out of the room and closed the door again. Joseph was quick to assure his friends of one thing: If James was going to take them out somewhere, it was probably gonna' be pretty awesome.

James, however, was about to do something a little less 'awesome', but... Like he said, expressing his Second Ammendment rights was no problem for him. He went to Jenny's room and practically barged in, then shut the door over behind him. He pulled what was probably a hundred or so dollars from his pocket and dropped it on the floor. "That should cover your cab fare and a night at a three-star motel." He said, stepping up close to her.

"And Jenny, next time you think it's okay to hit me in my own house, do me a favor and remember one thing..." He said, and after taking a deep breath, his hand suddenly came up and struck her across the face as well - It wasn't a punch, nor was it anything damaging, but it was enough to bat her head to the side. Depending on how ready she was, it might have caused her to stumble, too, but that was all. He finally finished his statement, "I can hit a lot fucking harder." He said. "That was only 20% of how hard I could have hit back." He said, then turned back to the door and opened it up.

"I want you out in twenty minutes." He mumbled, simply, and then slammed the door shut behind him as he exited. He was going to linger nearby her room, though - his trust in her was long gone. He was just going to make sure she didn't try anything stupid before she left.


In the bakery, there was one thing for Frank left to do while Tony made the phone calls - that was talk to Sam one last time and see if he could get anything more out of it. If Sam valued his manhood as much as the rest of Al-Asheera did, hopefully this would break him. Frank knew for a fact that if you sever a man's testicles, evetually he'll bleed out. Of course Frank didn't know that from experience, but that was one of his fun science facts that people would find creepy if he ever brought up. Did he enjoy doing all of this? Not really, but given how much pain both parties had caused people, mutilating the two of them brought him an odd sense of joy. Especially Murphy. But now Sam was about to receive the worst treatment of the two of them.

He walked back into the fridge room with the meat scissors in hand, then tucked down in front of Sam and used the scissors to cut open his pants, thus revealing his groin that had already severely fucked up by the knife. Still, his manhood was still intact - for now. Frank glanced down. "Hm. I thought you Al-Asheera bunch were meant to have something at least a little impressive in your pants. Guess not." He shrugged. Mocking a man in his position? A metaphorical low blow, but, he felt it was warranted.

Frank opened up the pair of scissors and moved them forward, gently closing them over... Well, that much was obvious. He didn't cut them off yet, though. The cold steel was just resting there for now.

"You're going to start talking, or you're gonna' lose the baby-makers." He said. "Make your choice. If I cut these off, you bleed out and suffer a long and painful death. Let me just tell you now that this is also fucking agony." He said. "What's it gonna' be, Sam? You really gonna' give this up for some higher glory?" He asked.

He closed the scissors ever so slowly, just a little bit more.
For Al-Asheera, whatever lied in between the legs of its members was meant to be quite sacred, for whatever perverted reason Ra's saw fit. Sam was no exception to such brainwashing. He equally believed his man stick and family jewels were the most treasured thing he has, because it gave him the ability to copulate in a dominant manner. Without that, he was nearly useless in the eyes of his 'god's' traditional values. But what Sam would never see coming is that Frank would actually find himself a pair of meat scissors, hold them to his balls, and slowly get closer and closer to completely detaching them from his body. At first, his face maintained a smug, determined, and dominant grin to assert himself above the rest.... now? That same fear Roland had for Thalia was starting to show from Sam to Frank. That fear of losing, metaphorically, it all. The closer that blade came to snipping, and the closer they came to shutting completely, the more pain Sam felt. And there's no chance Frank was going to stop if he were to simply cry in mercy. His Achilles' heel was stricken, and it wouldn't be long before he self-destructs. So he spoke. Some truths, at long last, in the midst of his wails.

"GYAAAAAAAH! STOP, STOP! I'LL TELL YOU ABOUT TONY'S FATHER!" he shrieked, hoping the snipping would come to a halt as well. Once that did, he caught his breath, a few tears streaking down his eyes from the fear of the loss. He was also breathing heavily, his chest pumping in and out gasping to keep himself moving. "Fuck, you're a monster, Hale. I wonder why His Majesty targeted my cousin and not you instead. You would've made a greater addition to Al-Asheera. But alas... you're brutal, but you wouldn't last a day under Al-Ra's. You want to hear about Patrick Walsh? I'll give it to you..."

Tony may or may not have mentioned his father's first name to Frank, but it didn't take a genius to guess. "He's staying in the San Fran Nursing Center, which you may already know. But what you don't know? He's going to receive a visit from our new leader, the successor of our lord and savior... a visit he will not survive to see the end of." The misery reverted back to smugness then and there as he went further into the details of the plan. "He will be beheaded by the successor of Al-Ra's. And then? You and all of your little buddies will receive his head in a box on your doorstep by sunrise tomorrow, depending on our new leader's wishes. All I can recommend? Keep it out of the sight of children. One of them's only six, right? He shouldn't have to see that. Until he becomes of age at least."

More hints were there about Tony's betrayal. You and all your buddies will receive his head in a box on your doorstep. It sounded like he was speaking collectively. As if he KNEW they all lived under a single roof. And even spoke of a six year old child? How could he POSSIBLY know that? Either Al-Asheera were also extremely clairvoyant, or someone in that mansion snitched and ratted everyone out.

"As for the explosives? Let's just say we have a bunch of them scattered around the city. Each set to detonate at a time designated by our leader. A time appropriate and to the liking of our lord and savior." His eyes wandered off over to the briefcase containing his bomb. "Even I don't know when that sucker will blow. It will automatically arm when the time is right... and I suggest you get the fuck out of here when it does."


While Sam continued feeding rather cryptic messages to Frank, Tony got onto another matter of business: phone calls. Surely, he wasn't going to straight-up call the station about this. He'd be spotted immediately, even if he called it in as an anonymous tip, and it would blow his secret that he's not in FBI custody. As much as Frank wouldn't approve, Tony could only trust one person in a situation like this to relay the message with the utmost discretion: Sergeant Reeves. A mistake he'd pay for later, but still a risk he planned on taking. No way Reeves was turned, right? Wrong. As he leaned against a wall behind the counter, he awaited the answer.


"Sarg, it's me again."

"What is it, Tony? You shouldn't be calling me like this if you're trying to lay low. What, another false lead you wanna feed me?"

Groaning in annoyance, Tony ignored that, "I have something that's actually a credible threat. Bomb threats across LA. As well as the fact Al-Asheera is targeting me."

"I beg your pardon?"

Reeves was trying to fake every reaction, something Tony would never be able to see through. "You heard me. They won't hurt me directly, but they know enough about me to make me suffer. Like information about where my father is staying. That they might try to kill him at the nursing center. You need to get a team there NOW to collect him and place him in protective custody."

"That sounds absurd. You said it yourself: Al-Asheera doesn't kill unless it's necessary."

"What if they deem this necessary?"

"A defenseless old man with Alzheimer's?"

"Al-Asheera is under new management. That guy the LAPD picked up on Long Beach? That's their old leader. Just wait, you'll get the DNA confirmation that it IS Rami Younes."

"Even if that's so, Tony, where did you get this information that your father is a potential target?"

"Again, Sarg, the less you know."

"God damn it, Tony! I want answers, now! Who is your source? Is it still Thalia Griffin?"

"No, Griffin has no clue who the new leader is. She told us nobody's ever met him, or her, except Younes himself."

"So we're looking for a ghost... who is apparently targeting your family. Give up your source, Tony. Now."

Ignoring that comment entirely, Tony added on the last part, about the bomb threats. "I also need to you declare a Code 0, Sarg. A worst case scenario. Bomb threats around LA, and we don't know for sure what's safe and what's not. Evacuate all potential targets. All emergency protocols? We gotta initiate them now."

"Are you insane? We can't just do that now, Tone, not without evidence..."

"You'll get proof when you find your first time. I gotta run, Sarg. I'll tell you more later."

"No! You don't hang up on me--"

But Tony did exactly that. In his mental state, he was in no mood to argue with the sergeant about anything... even though an argument would be in order later when he discovers the truth. That Reeves HAD Tony's father at that moment. A brutal truth, and probably the closest he'd ever get to saving his father. Not only that, but he fed all that information to the head of the snake, meaning it would go upon deaf ears. But they wouldn't know because Reeves would come forward with an excuse saying that Tony's information was a dead end, a sham. It would shame him further. Still, Tony was going to make efforts on his own to bring his father to safety. To ensure that whatever's happened till now hasn't made a rescue attempt impossible. A call to the nursing center to keep Tony's father in his quarters and with the door watched seemed good enough.

"San Francisco Nursing Center, how can I help you?"

"You're speaking with Detective Anthony Walsh of the LAPD. And I'm calling with word that there is a genuine threat to one of the residents in your facility. There's no time to get into specifics, but you need to ensure that this man has a detail on him and that he's monitored until a convoy arrives to take control of the situation and get him into federal custody." Tony's words came out rather frantic, and emotionally charged, too. No more wasting time. If Reeves wasn't going to get his father, then god damn it, Tony would run to the rescue if it came down to it.

"Calm down, Detective Walsh. What's the name of this resident?"

"Patrick Walsh. If you look into the records, you'll see that he's my father."

"Mmmm..." Then came an eerie pause on the phone. It wasn't dead silent, as Tony could hear the clicking noise of the secretary typing away at her computer. But it was rather... prolonged, making Tony worry even more.

Then came the slap in the face that would make Tony feel very uneasy.

"Detective Walsh, your father was just checked out of here with a fellow visitor taking him out for breakfast."

Tony's heart sank. They were too late. Al-Asheera got to the nursing home, and Sam only gave them that information when he was sure there was nothing they could do about it. How many more people in Tony's circle of trust were going to pay for his obsession to bring down Al-Asheera? And now that this very obsession drove him to put Ra's in his deathbed, this fight would never end, and he could no longer be close to anyone without them being at risk of death. "I-I..." He couldn't even speak properly, stuttering at every other word. "I-Is this a joke? W-What's going on? Who fucking checked him out?!"

Another pause... then the kicker. "You said your name was Anthony Walsh?"


"You checked him out, Detective. Five minutes ago, you signed the release to take your father out to breakfast."

No... They faked his ID and swiped his father with no one being the wiser. This was a nightmare come true. He thought that at least there could be some peace with Melissa in a better place, but now? His father was going to endure hell, an innocent man who had done nothing wrong, would die thinking his son did it to him. His face paled, and he slowly fell to the ground, back against the wall, eyebrows crossing, and clenching the phone with all of his might. "W-Who.... who did this.... Did you see the man?"

"I'm sorry, Detective Walsh, or whoever you are. We have a confidentiality agreement and cannot disclose that information for the sake of our resident."

Arguing further was useless. The center wasn't going to help him. With an infuriated yell, he slammed the lid of the phone against the floor beneath him, nearly breaking the burner phone doing so. His father was probably gone with the wind, and he could do very little about it. He wanted to just sit there and cry it out, away from Frank and his cousin. But now wasn't the time, even if his eyes were watering up for the occasion. If there was any hope at finding out the man who took his father from the safety of the nursing center, as much as he hated to use that sources....

He flipped the phone open to text James. Even if the mastermind himself said not to come crying for help, this was a worst-case scenario for Tony. And Frank would understand, too.

"Al-Asheera took my father from the San Francisco Nursing Center using my name, and they left about 5-10 minutes ago. Find out who used my name to check my father out under the pretense that he's 'going out for breakfast'. I know you said not to cry for help, but this is an emergency. Hack into their security footage and find out who was there because the receptionist is giving me shit and not saying anything."
James was pretty quick to get the text, and although he was pretty busy trying to get everything ready for when he took the kids out, he knew that this was important. It wouldn't take too long. He simply sent back one text.

'On it. Ten mins.'

And he jumped straight on that shit. He went to his computer and asked people not to disturb him for a little while, and he also said that once the kids had eaten, and once he was done, he'd take the three boys out to do something fun. He had a few things in mind - Go-Karting, Laser tag, bowling, things like that. He figured all three of them could use a break from everything that had been going on, and what better way was there to do it? He had his work to do for now, though, and it was now a matter of finding Tony's father's nursing home, breaking into their system, and finding the most recent guest list. All of that was child's play, but finding exactly who checked his father out would be difficult to do.

Frank looked at Sam for a minute, then nodded a few times. "That's really pathetic. You could pack up and leave without drawing attention to yourself, but instead you're planning to go by leaving a mass terror attack across the city? You're disgusting." He said. "You wait right here. You can expect me to come back and finish the job." He said, then gave Sam a rather forceful kick between the legs, and he got up and walked out of the room.

But there was one more question Frank had, but not for Sam - How the fuck did they know about Jordan? About the kids in the house? About the fact that they had friends? Someone had leaked information - if him and Thalia didn't have the history they had, he would have assumed it to be her. But... He didn't think it was her. He connected the dots - Sam said Tony had dug his own grave. Was this what it was? Had Tony made the grave mistake of detailing everyone in the house? Ratting them out? But if that was true, for what reason? What did he gain from throwing everyone - even the children - into the lion's den?

Part of it made him angry. Part of him wanted to get to the bottom of it. And the remainder of him wanted to find out the progress on the phone calls.

He immediately made his way to the room Tony was in.

"It's confirmed. There's bombs all over the city." He said. "And they're targeting your father for definite." He said - His mind wandered back to exactly who he and Tony knew in the LAPD. They needed to clarify this quick. "Tony, have you made the calls?" He asked. "We know there's bombs scattered out. Schools won't be a problem as it's the middle of the summer - but shopping malls, parks, museums, all of that shit. We need people out of there. Did you call someone in the LAPD? Who was it? You didn't call Reeves, did you?" He asked, that was his final question - Reeves made him suspicious the moment he called and said that 'every Al-Asheera location was empty'. That just didn't make sense, especially when there were confirmed locations. There'd been nothing on the news about any raids, either. It just didn't add up, and in terms of his trust list, Reeves had sunk right to the bottom - At this rate, Tony wasn't far behind, especially if what Sam said turned out to be true.

It seemed that quite literally everyone was a suspect.
The Streets of San Francisco

Driving around town with an old man who so willingly tagged along might've been passable, but not ideal for Reeves. Who knows if, for one moment, Patrick Walsh returns to reality and realizes the man driving him around was NOT his son, unlike what he'd been told previously? Unlike what the man himself was trying to feed him. It was too risky. To this moment, the sergeant hadn't attempted anything violent or threatening, not even so much as gripping the man's arm too tightly. They needed to get to an Al-Asheera safehouse, but unfortunately, they had no footholds worth taking in San Fran, so it was back to LA for the two of them. All Mr. Walsh was aware of was they were taking a trip around the state, getting some fresh air, and eventually getting breakfast before coming back to the center. Or at least... that was the excuse the receptionist was given. Unfortunately, the eldest of the Walsh family wouldn't last very long at this rate. Nobody would be the wiser when his head falls from his neck and is sent to James' doorstep in a box. A sergeant with the LAPD, this brutal? Who would ever suspect?

And obviously, the old man was going to talk right there in the front seat by his 'son'. "So... you said we'd be going to breakfast. But this feels like a long time for breakfast..."

Keeping his eyes on the road and as unfocused on this man as possible, Reeves gave a quick response, "We're going to eat somewhere special. Not in San Fran."

"Hmm..." he sighed as his eyes wandered to the passing sights out his window. Not often did he get out of the home, and he grew very bored of the garden set for the residents at the nursing center. With Tony's job, all he could do most of the time is just visit after hours or on an off day. Anything more was asking for too much, unfortunately. So when Patrick was told that he was being taken out, he was surprised. By his son too? Unfortunately, he hardly remembered what his son looked like. Just that he had one... Tony. "Can you tell me the name of this restaurant, Son?"

More questions? Reeves didn't expect the man to be THIS chatty. "Surprise. You'll see there." Every second was crucial. There could end up a moment in which the geezer wakes up for a moment realizes the man he'd gone with so willingly was NOT his son. Odd enough how, even if he didn't remember Tony's face, he thought a man who looked totally different from him could possibly be related. Even as a foster child, it was still quite a stretch.

"You know I don't like surprises, Anthony, just tell me where we're going."

"I told you. You'll know it when we get there."

"And how are you so sure about that?"

Reeves was ever so tempted to pull up on the side of the road and just behead this man already, even if this was a public place where anyone could just walk by and stop him. And without a proper disguise. If he were going to appear on the streets, he'd have to be masked. But the anger was there, the bothersome atmosphere from the annoying nature of this old man by his side. He was already edgy after his phone call with Tony begging him to take measures. But this guy? How could Tony deal with his father? Visiting him on Saturday nights like that? He's quite an ass. Might be where Tony gets it from.

"Look, old man," Reeves snarled, about to blow up, but managed to calm himself. As much as he'd want to become aggressive, he had to wait for the right moment. "We'll get there. You'll see. It's nothing to be worried about."

Nothing to be worried about? Or was it? Patrick caught a rather peculiar word in that mix... 'old man'. Again, he didn't recognize Tony's face. But he did know that his son knew better than to call him 'old man'. Now more than ever did this senile man realize there was something wrong. But what could he do at this point other than wait for the right moment?


Tony glanced up at Frank as he was curled up to the floor contemplating the worst case scenarios, and hoping for a best one. At best, Al-Asheera were going to hold a terrorist-like live stream threatening something exchange for Tony's father. At worst, he was already dead and they were going to send body parts in the mail as proof. He wouldn't put something that savage passed them. They brought Melissa's dead body to the exchange, after all, breaking their own terms of the agreement. They might just do the same for his father, and that left him a wreck. But when Frank came by, Tony tried to remain strong, taking to his feet, but still leaning to the wall, his very hands shivering with the phone in them. This was not easy for him to hear. Not any easier to tell. In a very uneasy voice, he managed to get the words out,

"We're too late... Al-Asheera beat us to the job. They took my father out of the nursing center..." He bowed his head in shame, clenching his eyes shut in a sort of I-hope-this-is-a-dream way. "They used my name... took advantage of the fact my father doesn't recognize my face anymore, and just walked him out of the place. Played it like anyone else on the guest list coming to visit... Frank, my father could die to these bastards, and there isn't much I can do..."

Tony was on the verge of a breakdown, but was still coherent enough to communicate and negotiate with Frank. Not only was the threat on Tony's father legitimate, but also the bomb threats. But what came next surprised Tony: Frank was STILL skeptical about Reeves. Why him, of all people? There are many higher-ranking men in the force that could've been responsible for this much damage. Why target one man? Tony responded with a rather angry glare at Frank. Not enough to go apeshit on him, but enough to question where his partner's mind was at. What he was considering.

"I made the calls... and yes. I made them to Reeves. Because he's the only one on the inside that I trust, Frank. I can't just call up as an anonymous tip, or they won't take it seriously. They needed to hear it from a credible source, but to the department's knowledge, we're in FBI custody. So we can't just go up to anyone. Reeves knows the truth, so we will stick with that..." He wiped his eye from a leaking tear down his cheek. "He's trustworthy, Frank. No need to worry so much..."

Or did he? After all of the events surrounding them, and Reeves' skepticism, what else could he expect? Not only did he say that the Al-Asheera raids came up empty, but there was not even a single news report about these 'raids'. Wouldn't they make the news EVEN IF they were dead ends? The thought crossed Tony's head, sure. But he didn't think for one second the insider was Reeves. And he still refused to believe it. Perhaps confirmation from James would change his way of seeing things. For now, he just peeked back over in the direction of the fridge to change the subject.

"Sam... Murphy... have either of them said anything else?"

Maybe Tony would be next on the chopping block... Handcuffed right there where Sam was... Being gutted all the same for information. If James were to find out what REALLY happened at the doctor's place when they were picking up Roland? He sure as hell would be next.
"Oh, bullshit." Frank waved a hand. "I told you to leave him out of it. His stories don't add up, and if you ask me, at this point in time it's more likely to be Reeves than anyone else at this point. He's given us all the evidence - There's been no talks of raids on Al-Asheera buildings, no arrests whatsoever, and every time we've found ourselves in a sticky spot, it's been him that's showed up waving a stick around. I know he's your friend, Tony, but until I have solid confirmation that that's all been called in, and Reeves is true to his word? Then I'll trust him. But so far, he's been all talk and no delivery." He said. Rather snappy of him, but, even though Frank wasn't a cop anymore, he didn't want innocent people to die.

"The sooner we distract Al-Asheera by fucking up their terrorism plans, the sooner we draw their attention away from your father. I don't want another person you care for to die, Tony. I owe you at least the helping hand to save him. We may be too late to stop them from taking him, but, if we can figure out who took him, what car they left in, anything like that - We can still stop them, even though it'll be a dangerous move. I'm not a fan of high-speed pursuits, but if needed, I'll do it to make sure your dad gets back safe, alright?" He said to him, then took a deep breath. "I need to call James. I really do. I'm sorry, but I need to know that you and I aren't being played like a fucking drum here." He said.

He pulled out his phone, and of course, he dialed James immediately and put the phone on speaker. He placed the phone to his ear and took a deep breath as it rang.


"James, have you got a police scanner?" Frank was straight to the point.

"Yup. It's on whenever I'm at my PC mostly."

"Has anyone called in about a Code 0 and a... BT? Requesting a 2H2?"

There was silence for a moment, "Nope. We've had murders, arson, robbery - but nothing bomb related, nor any Code 0s. That's some heavy shit right there." He replied.

"Fuck it." Frank shook his head out of anger and glared down at Tony, giving him one of the 'You see what I mean?' looks. "What about the nursing home? Did you find out who's there?"

"Checked in as a Tony Walsh, taking father for breakfast, apparently. I double-checked the cameras and I've got a black male, looks to be in his mid-thirties, roughly. Very short hair, tall guy, got some facial hair." He said.

"Son of a bitch." Frank turned from angry to... Fucking furious. "Can you send me a picture?"

"One moment."

Thirty seconds later, the phone in Frank's hand buzzed, and he quickly opened it. Looking at the screenshot revealed one thing - The only and only Sergeant Jordan Reeves walking out of the Care Home with Tony's father. Frank glared down at the phone, his eye twitching out of nothing but pure fury - Chances were Tony hadn't seen him this angry before, not even with the low blow he gave him when he brought Natalie up in conversation. This was a whole new extreme.

Frank slowly turned the phone to Tony and showed it to him, his hand trembling and his eyes closing over.

"There's one person left I can call. That's the only hope we have of saving the city from being blown to fucking pieces." Frank gulped.
The first red flag certainly wasn't anything Tony would've reacted as angrily about. With all of the orders he'd barked at Reeves about his father and the bomb threat, odds are, he didn't have time to call in the Code 0... but why was that something that could WAIT? That was the suspicious part of it. Of course, though, he had to find the logic to it, even if it was far-fetched: What if they were keeping the evacuations low-key, in case Al-Asheera get wise and arm the devices anyway to enhance the panic? It was more of Tony's instinct to trust his fellow cops, especially ones he's known for years like Reeves. He couldn't possibly see the bad side of any of them. Even hearing there was an Al-Asheera insider in the LAPD in the very beginning unnerved him. Was that even possible? How did this slip through the cracks? If anyone, Tony should've been the first to catch it. It was like a feeling of betrayal than anything else, that a fellow member of law enforcement would turn to side with such wicked people? And now, it seemed like it was becoming more and more likely that this 'someone' who had turned ever so suddenly was Reeves. And simply put? Tony couldn't stomach that...

It became worse when Frank furthered the conversation to ask about the nursing home. The description of the man who used Tony's name and got his father out of there... That description. He only knew one man that fit the profile. But there plenty of tall black men with short hair, some facial hair, and in their mid-thirties. It could be any of them, not necessarily Reeves, right? Wrong. Frank's fury told the whole story before Tony even got a chance to peek. And when it was finally revealed to him, every fear in his heart was confirmed: the man he'd looked up to for so long ... escorting his father out of the safety of his nursing home, completely unaware he was being kidnapped. Tony was played. Frank had every right to be suspicious and was spot on from the start. Tony's panic converted quickly into and equal sort of anger with Frank. Except this was personal for Tony. His defenseless father being taken out into the open by a man working for Al-Asheera who posed as himself. His father was none the wiser...

Tony's fists clenched in their places. There was nothing to say to defend the sergeant at this point. All he knew was that his father was in danger, and he wasn't going to rest until he was safe. He'd lost enough to this new high-rise gang in just two or three weeks... he might as well turn into a one-man army.

"Out of my way," he snarled, charging past Frank and into the back room. He had to know what to do next. And that involved breaking his cousin wide open. The meat scissors. He swiped them into his two hands and returned to face his cousin, who'd calmed down after his fair share of torture just moments ago. Once again, he put on his smug mask as he watched his aging cousin approached. He looked absolutely livid, which only brought joy int Sam's heart.

"What's wrong, Tone? The Hidden sent you pictures of your father decapitated already? Hehe... he must work fast."

The fire in Tony's eyes spoke enough on his behalf. He took the scissors, wrapped the sharp blades around Sam's entire damaged man goods, and, without hesitation at the sight of Sam's maniacal laugh of success, he did what Frank had come ever so close to. No holding back, no slow treatment. This wasn't so much to break information anymore, so much as it was to make someone pay for that. Had Sam talked earlier, maybe Reeves wouldn't have gotten away with this. Whatever happened to Sam in regards to what he treasured so much downstairs? It was the least of Tony's concerns any longer. But he did get a crack out of was the scream. The blood-curdling scream like the one he'd heard when Thalia smothered The Transporter's junk, or gouged Roland's eye. A devious, evil thing to do.... but Sam deserved it. He deserved every second of agony he was enduring. He killed his fiance, incapacitated his partner, and facilitated the kidnapping of his father. This was more personal than anything now. Sam was jolting and squirming in pain, yelling at the top of his lungs trying to beg for mercy. Talking was difficult in that sort of pain, the only things coming out of his mouth were too much like gibberish to discern. Though Tony was satisfied with the result, pulling dual-blades out, then driving them into the open wound in Sam's lower body, only causing him to scream more from the internal damage being caused to him. He wouldn't last like like this, especially with the way he was bleeding out.

"You like that, Sammy?! Hm?!" he barked in his cousin's face over the sounds of his shrieked. "What do you have to say for youself?! Getting your uncle kidnapped?!"

No answer. Just the continued screaming, almost an indirect way to beg for mercy.

"Do you regret anything, you shitstain?!"

Sam couldn't even look down at the mess down below, only staring at the ceiling, tears leaking down his face from the excess screaming. He'd lost his prized possession. But finally, he began speaking, but not English. "Mawlaye Al-Ra's, samahni... [Your Highness, Al-Ra's, forgive me...]" he yelled.


"Ana fashaltu... lekenna ele makan fi janna, bijanbak... [I have failed... but I have a place in heaven, by your side...]" That was the last of his Arabic words as his head tilted down to face his cousin, simply to scream in his face, "KILL ME!"

Tony shook his head. "Not until you pay for everything you've done! Not just to me, my father, Mel, or Richie, but to EVERYONE Al-Asheera has hurt before! Start talking! Where can we find The Hidden?!"

"Fuck yourself! Kill me!"

"Where is he?!"


Without any further hesitation, Tony lifted the scissors from Sam's crotch, now dripping with his blood, and swung the shut blades straight across the side of Sam's face, instantly knocking him and his smug smile out cold. He'd had enough, and Sam wasn't going to help at all. He wasn't going to die just yet, but that wound looked nasty down under. With that out of the way, Tony dropped the scissors to the ground, clenched a fist, and slammed it into the fridge floor, screaming in anger. What more could he do? He'd been played, betrayed, and his father was about to pay for it. Driving out to go find him would be next to impossible. From San Fran to LA, it'd be like a needle in a haystack. They needed more information than just Reeves. But Sam wasn't going to say it. Even if he'd just lost his prized possession over this 'secret'.

Tony turned over to Frank again. There was something else in order, before anything else. "I shouldn't have trusted Reeves... I'm sorry, Frank. I swear, I'll make this right."
"I'll make another call. We don't have time to start worrying about who we do and don't trust." Frank said. "We know the truth now. All of it." He said, glancing down at Sam for a few moments. He needed to bring up what Sam said at some point, but not now. That had to wait. Frank pulled out his cellphone again, and then texted James something quickly. He just told him to listen to the police scanner over the next ten minutes or so - From then, he dialled another number. "There's one person left in the department that I know we can trust. Trust to make the call for us - Captain Bradshaw ran the Training Department when I joined. He stopped running it after he got given a position as Departmental Captain. Too much paperwork - I know him well, and hopefully he'll hear us out."

He hit dial on the number, and for a while it rang. Murphy had since awoken and looked at Sam, and he looked... Terrified. Was this going to happen to him next?

Soon, the phone was picked up.

"Captain Bradshaw, LAPD."

"Bradshaw, it's Hale."

"Hale? What in the Christ's name, you... Why are you calling me? Where are you?"

"It doesn't matter, Bradshaw. We've got a city-wide emergency on our hands."


"Al-Asheera are leaving the city and quite literally going out with a bang. There's bombs scattered in public places all across the city." He said. "You need to start evacuating places - Churches, hospitals, parks, shopping malls. You need to call in a Code 0 and get departments from other towns and counties to assist you here, otherwise, we're going to have a terror attack worse than 9/11 on our hands."

"And where the hell are you getting this information from?"

Frank looked down at Sam and stayed quiet for a moment, and even though Sam wasn't dead... "A member of the upper ranks in Al-Asheera told me just before he died." He mumbled, simply.

There was silence.

"Hale... I can't just call this in."

"You have to, for fuck's sake!" He said. "We got this guy off the street and found a fucking bomb in his briefcase. He was planning to blow up his place of work, and the bomb wasn't armed but was set for 15 minutes. If you don't call this in now, you might be too late. Trust me on this one, Bradshaw." He said.

"And why should I take your word for this? You were dishonarably discharged for murder. You're meant to be in Federal Custody!"

"Well, I'm not." He said. "How would you feel if I told you I know where Redgrave's son is?"


"I'm not bullshitting you. If you want I'll send you pictures to prove he's okay - He's being well looked after, he's protected from Bradan's people. I know you and David were close, so don't try and rape me on this one. You want vengeance for his death just as much as anyone else, and the fact that no one knows where his son is... That's deep down killing you, and I know it." He said.

"You're going to bring me David's son, or I swear to god I'll-"

"You'll do what?! Arrest me?" He asked. Bradshaw fell quiet. "Don't act like you're in control here - I'm not a murderer. That man that was killed was a member of Al-Asheera. And believe me, they're planning on blowing up half the fucking city, so you need to do what I'm asking of you now - I need you to make a call, and I need you to call in a Code 0, get all the other counties involved, and start evacuating public places. Parks, museums, hospitals, summer camps, hotels, large businesses - The city needs to basically shut down."

"You're asking a lot."

"Bradshaw." He said, firmly. "Fine - Do this for me, and I give you my word... I'll turn myself in." He gulped.

"And bring me David's son."


"I want proof he's okay."

"You'll get it this evening. I promise. Please, pal, don't let innocent people die."

".. Okay." He said, sounding rather assuring. "I'll do it - but Hale, if you fuck me on this one, I promise you I'm going to push to get you the longest sentence possible."

"I know." He said.

"I'll have it called in shortly. This is the last favor I'm doing for you, Hale. You're on your own after this."

"I always was, Captain." He sighed, then hung up the phone. He shook his head and tucked it away, then turned to Tony. "We'll see if James gets back to us and confirms if it's called in or not. We'll see." He said. "I've taken a risk, but, yeah." He shrugged, simply, and that was all. "We need to get a move on. Including him." He said, glancing down at Murphy. "Who was the cop involved in Redgrave's murder?" He asked.

"I can't tell you."

"Yes, you can."

"No, I can't." He said - he was still a mess of tears. "You don't understand." He bowed his head, "If I tell you, Bradan will go through everyone that knew about the attack. He'll torture them, their families, their wives, children, cousins, brothers, sisters. I can't. I won't do it to them. And nothing you do will make me speak."

He crouched in front of him. "I get a feeling you're different to the others." He said. "If you can't tell me who the cop was, tell me who can." He said. "Tell me where I can find the others."

"I don't know." He whimpered.

Frank pulled out the silenced pistol and fired a round into his knee. No hesitation.

He immediately let out a breathless cry and started kicking and twitching, and then he was crying and screaming at the floor. The discomfort and pain he was in all of a sudden had basically paralyzed him to a certain degree. "You bastard!" He sobbed, spitting everywhere as he spoke.

"Tell me."

"You won't ever get Tim!" He sobbed. "Ever. The only person who could tell you where he is is Bradan!"

"Then what about the others?"

"Douglas..." He sniffled. "You can find him in The Snake Hole, in West LA." He sobbed. "Drugs run in and out of there all the time. It's one of Bradan's main fronts, and they have an underground network of prostitution and... Prostitutes aged sixteen and younger." He gulped. Frank frowned in disgust. "Seamus Watson, I..." He wiped his eyes. "He's... 16567 Via Floresta. Ridgeview Country Estates." He said. "That's all I know, I swear." He gulped.

Frank rose to his feet. "Thanks."

"One more thing..." Murphy shook his head, "When Tim finally gets that boy, he'll-"

Frank lifted the gun and put two bullets in his head before he could continue talking, then lowered the gun and tucked away.

"Sorry. Didn't catch that." He murmured. He looked to Tony. "You should finish with Sam so we can get moving. It won't be long before our calls get traced to here." He said.
Tony was uncomfortable confiding in anyone in the department from that point on. After the shocking turn of events, seeing the screenshot of Reeves escorting his father away, it shattered everything he once believed about a department he'd served on for well over a decade. Reeves was a wolf in sheep's clothing. So who was to say that Al-Asheera couldn't easily buy out Bradshaw? He developed a new sense of paranoia in which he couldn't trust anyone in the department. What made Frank's 'the only man I can trust' so much different than Tony's? Just because in this instance, Tony was wrong and Frank's gut was right? It was surely a drop in self-confidence. Like ten years of intuition and success all meant nothing. His morale was at an all time low, unsure of his own abilities anymore. All he knew? He was going to put Sam down like the animal he was. He was far too angered to think rationally anymore. As Frank made the phone call, his ears caught the words, but all he did was stare at the two bloodied hostages. Contemplate their ends. Especially Sam's. But at this rate, Frank would be taking the lead. Tony broke that sort of foothold when he placed his trusts in the wrong man.

So the Code 0 would be called upon an agreement... for Frank to turn himself in. Would he? Or was he giving the captain a load of shit? Tony wasn't going to come back just to be placed in handcuffs, that's for sure. He admired the law, but until now, as much as he'd sinned, he didn't deserve a jail cell. Frank didn't either. As much as neither would admit it... Frank had a chance in the love department with Thalia. Sure, Jordan served as a bump in the road, one Thalia can't handle right now, but who ever said they couldn't try to make it work? As much as things changed this past week, they could still change again. Tony believed that's still where Frank's heart lied, even if it was now dedicated as a full-time carer. He'd never find a spark like he had with the mystery redhead. And as much as Tony was left in the dark, he could tell they'd slept together in the absence of him and James that night, and that they had something for each other. Very similar to himself and Mel at that age... maybe someday. But it wasn't going to happen with Frank incarcerated.

A bullet to the knee was enough to make Murphy crack and give up locations for two of the other three members of the hitsquad. But the insider cop remained a mystery. No matter. They couldn't exactly press Murphy any further without him becoming completely useless at this rate. He was getting dangerously close to. Then and there, Frank put him out of his misery. Bullet between the eyes. Tony had never executed anyone in his time. He'd shot out of self defense before, sure, but never upon a man handcuffed to something solid and unable to defend himself. No, this was brutal. It was no better than the hitsquad themselves. That's exactly what they'd done to Redgrave, after all. It got Tony thinking: Sam deserved to die. But not by Tony's hand. Seeing the puddle of blood developing below his crotch from the gaping wound left behind from his missing manhood, he wasn't going to make it. He'd bleed out sooner or later. Besides... that's what Sam wanted. He WANTED death. He could torture. He could coerce. But murder was a line Tony wasn't going to cross. Never...

Arguably, he'd done so when he sent Ra's into the ocean, sure... but it didn't kill the god-complex of a man. And he did it to save Thalia's life. Killing Sam would be nothing more than vengeance.

He stood up, still rather traumatized by the events around him, from betrayal to murder, and shook his head. "I'm not executing Sam," he sighed, just watching his unconscious cousin laying there beside Murphy's corpse. "I've never taken a life that way, badge or no badge. All of my kills have been justified. Even Ra's. And as angry as I am that he murdered Mel...." His own gun was in his hands, clenching tightly. It was all too tempting to raise it up to Sam's head and just end him. But he let out a deep, depressed exhale, and slipped the pistol into his back pocket. "If I did that, I'd be no better than Ra's. No better than Bradan. And that's not what I am. I have killed out of self-defense, or to save someone's life. But I'm not an executioner, Frank. And neither are you. You may want these bastards dead because of Jordan, but all I care about now is Reeves seeing justice." His eyes met the shut eyes of his cousin on the floor. He was getting close to the end; it was only a matter of time before he never wakes up. "Sam won't last. I'd give him a few minutes before his body can't take the blood loss anymore and he succumbs to his injuries. I'm done with that man. He got what he deserves. I got my pound of flesh. Now, my goal in life is going to be putting Reeves in cuffs, locking him up, and throwing away the key. Nothing more. Once that's over, I'm never taking up a badge or gun again. This job has costed me too much."

Tony turned away from the gory remains of Sam and Murphy, and took off for their getaway vehicle. Maybe driving would get his mind off the trauma...

But Frank wasn't leaving without some final words from Sam. Maybe enough to throw the more aggressive one off the deep end and finally end him. He awoke from his dazed state to let out a few final words in the midst of his pain:

"So you know Jordan Reeves is The Hidden now, right?" he snickered, "No matter. It's clear Tony couldn't kill me. His morals won't let me. But Frankie, oh dear Frankie... you would've made a great member of Al-Asheera. You have no heart, and it would've been easy for you to see the light as I have. But you won't kill Reeves. You won't find him. But one day, you will come to terms with what's before you. You'll wish you were one of us... Al-Mountakim ... The Vengeful One..."

An Arabic moniker for Frank, much like Tony had one given to him by Ra's in the ink van the previous night. The Detective and The Vengeful One. All that remained from Sam was his maniacal laughter, awaiting for his cruel demise, be it from bleeding out or a bullet from Frank's gun. It didn't matter anymore. He wasn't long for this earth.


Returning to Karin and Thalia, patiently awaiting their meal and unaware of the incoming cop car to investigate the scene, the two young women were simply enjoying themselves. It was their day after all, discussing events of their past that they really couldn't open up about before, simply because of the lack of a proper time or place. A good bulk of it was Thalia's stories from Al-Asheera. The beginning, from when she hopped out of her bedroom window by her bedsheets. How she spent a week on the streets burning through her allowance, almost starving until she was picked up. She neglected the stories about her sexual abuse, tales she didn't want to think over again, and mainly told about her thrilling adventures while heisting. Probably not things normal girls would be doing as teenagers, but surely, whenever Thalia has children, she'll have quite the stories to tell. Jumping out of burning buildings from rooftop to rooftop, getting to hold a gun in her hands, though unfortunately for the wrong reasons... not to mention the sexual adventures she had when she was older - surely stories for her kids when she gives them the talk.

What WASN'T going to be worth mentioning was her falling out with Jenny, which was only getting worse as she received new text messages from her manipulative ex about the events going down back at the mansion. In a bit of annoyance, Thalia obliged and took a moment to answer.

"Baaaaabe that fucker James just kicked me out & hit me :( Meet me @ a hotel 2nite?"
"Awww Y"
"Because I don't want to. What did you do to get kicked out?"
"Nothing. Talk 2 James plz?"
"Maybe. Stop texting me. I'm busy."

Thalia then turned the personal phone over on its face against the table, then returned her focus on Karin, wiping her face with her palms. "God, that was Jenny. She got herself kicked out of James' place," she sighed. "Don't know why, and Jenny claims she did nothing. I'm gonna guess you and James discussed kicking her out last night? I mean... it's safe for her to go home now, so she can, no problems. I'm just curious what she did that prompted James to make the call."

But that wasn't going to be the focus of their day. She shrugged, pulling her legs up from beneath her beneath her rear, hands over the table and smiling. "Hell, doesn't matter. Moving on to brighter pastures, right?" she winked, still trying her hardest not to look over Karin's shoulder at her new crush not far away. "Soooooo, we talk so much about me getting a wardrobe overhaul... but you better be doing something for yourself, too. We're both rich beyond our wildest dreams, so you better be indulging."
Some people may have seen a future where Frank and Thalia belonged together, but, Frank just couldn't see it. The doors had closed for now - but not by his own doing. It was never something he wanted to happen, but as more and more time went on, his mind wandered more to thinking what the possibilities were when she wasn't in the picture. Not crying over something that happened previously was a bit rich for a man like Frank, given he held onto his younger life for a further twenty years, but this time he knew that feeling bad for himself wouldn't accomplish a single thing - he had one person he had to look after, one person that was relying on him. Jordan. He couldn't let anyone else step in the way of that happening, couldn't let anyone try to talk him out of it - once this was over, he'd move into a bigger place with Jordan and live life that way. Send him to school, raise him to be the best and happiest man he could be. He still deserved to have a childhood - that wasn't going to happen if he was on his own.

Tony certainly had his morals kick in at the last minute. He wouldn't kill Sam? After what he did to Mel? Frank had never even met her but he wanted Sam dead for it. He'd suffered, but suffering and then knowing that the man whose wife you raped and murdered wasn't even going to finish you off? He just had another something to chuckle about while he slowly died. It was a different story now, though, because he started to speak words against Frank himself, claiming he'd make a good member. The Vengeful One. Hm. Frank just shook his head, but stopped where he was. Not a chance in hell would he walk out of this building after everything that just happened, after being shit-talked by a man who had the balls (no pun intended) to try and get in one last dig after everything that happened.

"I much prefer The Punisher." He murmured, simply, and with that he turned around and aimed his gun back at Sam. There was no point - what if someone came in here and found him alive? It wasn't even worth the risk. Who knew what might happen, especially if the police were quite literally on their way here now, providing they'd traced the cellphone numbers.

He pulled the trigger once and shot him in the chest, then he put three more bullets in him, then one other one found itself lodged in his skull. Frank didn't look like he was enjoying himself, nor did he look happy he'd killed him. He looked quite broken, on the contrary, but it was clear he wasn't letting that hold him back.

"That was for Mel." He whispered, looking into Sam's now cold and dead eyes. He took a deep breath and slipped the gun away, then walked off and went and got into the car out back. He only got into the passenger seat, though.

"You can drive. We have to find Reeves." He said. "But where would he go?" He asked, looking out of the window and setting his head down against it. The adrenaline slowly depleted while he was sat there. What a fucking day.


Karin looked at Thalia as she spoke - the new topic seemed to be about Jenny, who seemed to have finally done something to get herself kicked out. It was the best news Karin had heard all day, and she had to hold back a smile. Thank fuck, she thought to herself. At least that was one more problem out of the way. Now life could go on without the worry of some psycho attacking Thalia's mother. Or anyone else, for that matter. The way she saw it, Jenny could try and attack her if she wanted to - but it wouldn't end well. She'd spent enough time thinking about what would happen if she ended up in a punch-up with Jenny to know that she'd definitely go crazy. But there was no need to worry about that anymore. Things were okay, for now, and no fights were going to occur. Hopefully not, anyway.

"Me and James discussed it, but, James seemed like he wanted to give her one last chance." She said. "So, she's done something big enough to piss him off to the point where she's got herself thrown out. Good riddance, I say. I think she was just going to keep on trying to get away with starting fights and provoking drama, so, her being gone is good. Now you can live a bit more of a normal life without her trying to muzzle you constantly." She explained. She had some very blunt wording to describe Jenny's ways - that much had become clear a long time ago. Finally, though, a grin broke out. "I'm sorry, but hearing that has made me so fucking happy." She laughed a little.

But the laughing soon stopped as soon as she got a text through from James, who had been listening to the police scanner for a while now. The Code 0 was yet to be called in, but, it would be any minute now. Meaning the cops that were after Thalia couldn't keep searching for very long before they'd have to drop everything and respond immediately.

The text to Karin read the following,

'police on way get out of there'.

It was clearly typed in a heat-of-the-moment panic, but, no big deal. Well, it was a big deal, so, Karin quickly turned the phone to Thalia to show her the text.

"Bathroom. Now." She said, quickly. She figured they could get out of the window in there.
Tony's moral epiphany in a moment in which he could've avenged the death of his beloved was rather untimely, and not what Sam exactly expected. Part of his dying wish was, in one way or another, for Tony to end his life. That would never be satisfied any longer with those final words, taking the high road out in an attempt to be the better man. Was it an indirect way for him to assert himself above Frank for once? His heart still stung from being wrong about Reeves. And if Bradshaw comes through? If he believes a word Frank is saying and calls in the Code 0, it will officially prove the fresh blood outdid the master. And part of Tony's pride was hurt from it. If there was any way he could rise to any sort of higher pedestal, it was in morals. Frank's were compromised the second he vowed death upon the hitsquad. Tony agreed to torture. But not murder. Not a series of executions. Half of him didn't even want to continue this path. It just wanted Reeves, and that's it. The path ended with him, after all. And that might just be the end of the road for Tony. As much as he promised to help Frank... there's only so much more Tony could handle in all of this.

Sam was gone. Tony wasn't going to miss him, that's for sure. He might not have had the will power to end Sam's life and put multiple bullets in him while he taunted and teased him in his final breaths, but he sure as hell could say Sam was better off dead, just so he could never do anything like that again. Plus, that'd be one less Al-Asheera higher-up remaining. Which left but one man: Reeves. It really would be the end of the line for Al-Asheera, and for Tony. His final case, then he'd be done. Where would he go? Anywhere but her. Now, he wanted nothing to do with any of the people under that roof back in Encino. They could move on with their lives, but Tony needed to move on with his. No book fame, no badge with the LAPD or any other department... nothing like that. Was inner peace and a new start too much to ask for from Tony? Maybe with his grave mistake outliving Sam... it might just be a dream to never come true.

Sam's bomb was in the back seat of their vehicle, the casing open so the timer would be visible to Tony in the rear-view mirror. If that thing armed itself, they'd know. Their now-dead dickless hostage didn't give up any locations of bombs, not even how many. Just that there were multiple. And that Reeves was The Hidden. But it's not like Tony and Frank could come forward with such information. The sergeant would easily talk around it - it'd be nothing more than a he-said-she-said situation. Nobody would ever believe it. They MIGHT at least initiate the Code 0, but never a higher-up that was supposedly dirty. Not only would it give Tony a sour reputation from this point on for turning on his own, but it would never get ground, no matter how true it was, even if he showed the footage of Reeves snagging his father.

So if they couldn't prove Reeves' guilt, they might as well undo his wrongdoing. From everyone closest to the pack, the only loved one on the outside who was in foreseeable danger was Tony's father. And he was literally in the hands of Al-Asheera's leader, completely unaware of the fact. The problem is, after they left the nursing home, all eyes were lost. He could be anywhere, all depending on how far Al-Asheera's expansion lead. A shame they'd be abandoning ship very soon. But Tony, thinking over the possible outcomes of this situation, the likelihood that they'd find all the bombs in time... the chances he had at saving his father... it was all getting to him, in addition to his lowered morale. But where could Reeves be? He, excluding Thalia, was their last lead to Al-Asheera. And Thalia wasn't going to be of much help if the gang was under new leadership. So this man he once respected so deeply? He was their last hurrah.

Tony had no idea how to answer Frank's question as he put the vehicle in reverse and wheeled off away from the bakery. He originally wanted to intercept Reeves on the highway, but the odds of actually running into the man, probably driving an inconspicuous vehicle, spotting him on the other side of the highway, catching up to him, given he's even heading in that direction, were next to nothing. And time was of the essence, so they couldn't fumble off of an assumption or any sort of wishful thinking. The hard miracle was not an option.

But surrendering oneself might've been. That burner phone that Tony had been using for so long.... was called back? Without even looking at the number, Tony flipped it open, placed it on speakerphone, and laid it in the cupholder. Frank was going to hear this, full transparency. "Hello?" Tony began.

"Tony? It's me, Jordan."

Reeves... Tony's heart sank. After seeing that picture of the sergeant swiping his father right under his nose, he couldn't even imagine saying anything good about this man, let alone offer a helping hand. There was much to discuss about the past phone call, why nothing was called in. But surely, Tony wasn't going to go on an 'I know your secret' roll. That wouldn't be very wise. "Yeah, Sarg?" he said, almost in a stutter, but he tried to maintain his cool and not fall apart under the pressure.

"Oh, my god, Tone, the second I was gonna call in that Code 0, I got rammed out here by some... ack, by some semi. The fucker just kept speeding off, didn't get a plate in time, but I need help, now! Thanks to you and Frank Hale, Al-Asheera might be targeting ME now."

Reeves certainly sounded panicked, maybe even injured. But how could he believe a single word he said after that screenshot? Tony was gritting his teeth, keeping his eyes and general focus on the road, but also processing what was going on. Was this for real? Was everything they'd seen on footage a hoax? Was Reeves being framed? Or was he luring them into another trap? Clearly, if he trusts his gut one more time, it'll cost him, and maybe his father. He was inclined to call out Reeves' bluff, but at the same time, he had his own strategy: go with the flow and probably brainstorm. See what the plan really is. "God damn it, Sarg. How the hell did they draw the connection?"

"I went to go pick up your father. I-I had to use your name, because there was no time to get a warrant. I got him dropped off with another buddy on the force and perfectly safe, all off the books, just so Al-Asheera doesn't get wise and try to grab him. But it looks like they did, but instead are coming after me.... Ack, Tony, you've gotta get over here, now! I came to you first because I trust you. You need to get me to wherever you're stashing Thalia Griffin, ASAP. I'm not safe at HQ anymore. You've gotta believe me."

Tony gulped. Was this even possible? Reeves might've been spewing bullshit excuses off the top of his head - Al-Asheera were compulsive liars after all. Or he could truly be in danger. He knew that Reeves had a wife and twin daughters, after all. How could he ever let his girls end up as slaves to Al-Asheera, or whatever they'd do to them? And if he were The Hidden, odds are Reeves might have an entire harem at his disposal, raping underaged girls and exploiting them for some sick form of pleasure. It was all so revolting to imagine from a dignified officer of the law, but as he wiped the sweat from his brow, Tony continued with his previous charade. "You better call the Code 0 when we do, Reeves. Where are you?"

"Outskirts of Santa Barbara... I'm texting you a screenshot in a sec. But HURRY! I might've broken my arm, and god knows if Al-Asheera will come back for me!"

Without even asking more questions, Tony shut the lid of the cell phone... now more confused than ever. This was just screaming 'IT'S A TRAP'. But was it a risk worth taking? Was his father REALLY in police custody now, being taken somewhere safe? He turned to consult with his partner. "What the hell did we just hear?"


As much as she probably didn't want to laugh about it before, Thalia definitely let out whatever she needed to as for laughter now on her day out. Who knows? The odds of getting a chance to let it all hang out in privacy may not happen again for a while. She'd definitely have to face Jenny about this 'romance' charade later, but certainly not in a hotel for some half-assed romantic attempt to get into her pants. It was going to be quick and painless. Well, painless for Thalia. Jenny was a wildcard; she could break out into violence from the heartbreak alone. All she could hope for was something smooth. Pain was inevitable, but at least Thalia was ready to move on. "In all honesty? I'm kinda glad she's gone too," she added. "I mean, sure, I had fun a decade ago when we kissed over spin the bottle.... maybe a bit the first time she kissed me on the bathroom floor?" She made a rather squinty face, worried about the wording of the sentence, trying to find a silver lining to the whole thing. "But again, she's generally boring in bed. Maybe because she doesn't have her 'toys' with her, but oh well." And so she laughed it off...

But what was to come was no laughing matter. Karin sure as hell looked shocked when she got that text. Thalia didn't know what to expect, maybe something about Joseph? Or was it worse? No, instead, it was a hastily typed message telling them to get the hell out of there. Cops coming? Who called the police out of the very few people there? There weren't even that many people in the restaurant, and it seemed highly unlikely that Damien did it. He's been right in front of her the whole time, for crying out loud. It would still be extremely out of character for him. No time to think over who could've done it, or whether or not Damien recognized her tattoos. Karin had a plan for the bathroom. A shocked, now ready-for-action Thalia nodded and sprung from her seat. They couldn't discuss this aloud at the table, but they could in the privacy of the ladies' room, where they stormed off to. As the two stood from the table without even receiving their breakfast, the man behind them crushing over a new someone special could only watch and wonder... didn't that girl just go to the bathroom? A bit strange, but still. He'd accept it. That cute looking redhead had his number anyway. If she was really interested, she'd call later.

The girls rushed into the bathroom, but Thalia didn't lock the bathroom door. If a cop tried to enter and found it locked, it would look far too suspicious. Thalia's eyes browsed the bathroom walls, looking for any sort of emergency exit. To their luck, there was a narrow rectangular window just next to the stalls. Maybe enough for Karin to climb on her shoulders, and enough for Thalia herself to scale the wall herself and crawl out. But if the cops were close? They'd have to act fast and not get caught in the parking lot.

"God damn it," Thalia huffed, "Someone must've made me. Or recognized the tattoos..." she took a look back at her right and, clenching the fist and glancing at the ink on the back of her hand. Would it continue to haunt her until the end of days? For now, she couldn't just stare down at it and regret it. And attacking cops would never help her case. But one thing felt far worse than any of this. She turned back over to Karin. "I'm so sorry I got you involved in this. If they ask witnesses and review security footage, they'll find someone who really sticks out..." She reached forward for a flick at Karin's white locks. "Like me, you stick out. You'll be wanted just like me, and I'm sorry. But for now, I think I've got a plan..." She took Karin by the arm and escorted her just beneath the window. Once they were beneath it, a crack open, she held her hands over and signaled Karin to get closer.

"Get on my shoulders and climb out that window. I can get out on my own with a well timed jump, but I'm making sure you get out first. I can handle myself in combat. You? I can't risk it. No time to waste. Get up there, now."
Frank simply looked at Tony and shook his head as soon as he heard Jordan's pleas for help. He had an excuse for everything, he seemed. A man fit for Al-Asheera, as much as Frank hated to admit it. Maybe they'd get shot down as soon as they arrived there, but, for now, Frank just waited for Tony to finish speaking. In the time he was talking to them, though, he realized one thing - Sam had left a bomb at his workplace, or at least was going to. Had Reeves done the same? Was he going to blast a hole in the side of the LAPD? If they took out the department, the whole city would be in even further danger.

Frank got his phone out and typed out a quick message to the Captain he'd spoken to earlier.

'check Reeves office'


'Just do it.'

The phone went quiet for a while, but at least it was sent across. People may not believe that Reeves was the hidden, but, they could at least believe that he was a target, and that would mean they'd believe the bombs for definite. It was all a longshot, really, but it was a matter of saving lives. There was one life left to save, though, and that was Tony's father's.

"Don't trust that sack of shit." Frank murmured, simply. "If we're going to meet him, we're going to make sure we get the drop on him. I don't trust him in the slightest, and I hope you don't, either." He said. "We need to find him and hope he still has your dad with him - if he does, we get your dad back, and get all the evidence we need to prove that he was a man behind all of it." He said. He shook his head, "I still can't believe that that's what happened. It was him all along. Right under our noses. He was smart, but, he wasn't smart enough - You can only bury so much shit in the rug before it starts to stink." He said.

"We just need to be careful and take him by surprise - Then, we can get your dad back. They planned on killing Mel in front of you. There's a chance they want to do the same thing here, too." He said.


Karin was straight up and to the bathroom in a flash - Her original intention was the window, anyway, so Thalia didn't even need to speak. Before she could even say it she made her way straight over to the window, doing her best to shrug off what Thalia said about her now being a person of interest, too. She played it off with a small smile and a shrug.

"Hey, I wanted to go back to being brunette, anyway." She grinned, then looked at Thalia. "I'll be quick and pull you out, I promise." She said, and rather quickly, she got up on Thalia's shoulders as she was told and hauled herself out of the window, quickly slipping down on top of the closed dumpster that was right outside. She knew the police would be here soon, and dependent on when it was called, for all they knew they could have been walking into the restaurant as they spoke.

Never leave a friend behind - regardless of the situation. That's what Karin went by.

She leaned in through the window and held out both hands. "Come on, quick. You gotta' climb out here with me." She said. "As soon as you get out, we run and head towards the mall. They'll never find us in a crowd of people." She said.


Meanwhile, James had stepped away from his desk for a short while to go and check in on the boys, who were presumably eating. Not long after Reeves' phonecall to Tony, James texted Frank and told him that the Code 0 had most definitely been called in, and now people were up in arms trying to get places clear and trying to pinpoint where the bombs could be. It was all going to be chaos, and for now, the words hadn't even gotten around. But it was okay. James was choosing places outside of LA to take the kids, so, they'd be safe there. A little bit of a drive, sure, but a good day for them would prevent them from seeing the shit that was going on in LA. There was no need for them all to be terrified.

So, he went to the kitchen, and he found the three of them sat together and eating the food that Nicole had finished preparing. Jordan was quietly talking to both Charlie and Joseph, which was nice, but as usual, James wasn't going to try and butt in on that. He'd just ask a question, then leave them to it.

"You guys nearly ready to go?" He asked. "I've got three choices for you, and we can do two of them today before we have lunch. Go Karting, laser tag, or bowling."

"Go karts and laser tag." Joseph said, immediately, with a grin falling onto his face. He looked at Charlie, then at Jordan, who simply muttered one thing.


His voice was a mutter - he looked at Joseph when he spoke, too. He didn't want to address James, clearly, but that was okay. James finally looked to Charlie for the last bit of input they needed. Laser tag and go karts were harmless fun, and the laser guns weren't real guns, obviously. It was all harmless and just a bit adrenaline-pumping, more than anything.

"Charlie, and you?" He asked.
The thought that Reeves had left a bomb in his own workplace, much like Sam had planned on doing, certainly crossed Tony's mind. If Al-Asheera wanted high-priority targets for this out-of-nowhere terrorist-esque attack, why not take a jab at the LAPD while they're at it? It would also work as a viable escape strategy. Getting out of LA would leave them vulnerable to other departments across the state. Their best bet was either by plane or boat. Al-Asheera already had the upper hand on the latter with the acquisition of the port, now lost to LAPD custody. Bring them down or at least distract them with a credible terror threat, and even blow a hole in the building? It could get them off the port for the moment. People will panic, a state of crisis will be declared, and it will leave a brief window for the thieves to pull out and salvage whatever they have. But how effective will that be? The inner circle, at least the known members of it, were all gone. Would the dozens of recruits bow before a new leader after their self-proclaimed god failed the test of immortality? Whatever sort of brainwashing they'd endured, at least in the case of the new members and not die-hard believers like Sam was, would be erased. Would it just... dissolve under a power struggle? If this was going to be a getaway for anyone, it'd be at least Reeves.

Indeed, asking to check Reeves' office was smart. But Tony refrained from eye contact with Frank, but he knew he couldn't remain silent for the duration of the ride. Part of Tony wanted to believe that his father was actually there with him... but another part was wishing that Frank was wrong. That Reeves was saying everything on that line truthfully. Perhaps the assumption... wasn't that far-fetched? Using Tony's name without his permission was uncalled for, sure, and the fact the Code 0 wasn't called in was beyond suspicious. But the rest? Maybe slightly probable. But this was all based off speculation. The only really damning thing about it was not calling in Tony's threat.

But was there a chance for a change of heart once again? Perhaps that's what Tony would turn to in the next text message. He flipped the phone open to check what he'd received: two images. One of them was the GPS location of where Reeves was in Santa Barbara. Only naturally, which would help them plan out how to tread without being ambushed. But then... the second image. An older figure very similar to Tony, sitting at a humble wooden table, eating a bowl full of oatmeal. He seemed rather content with his position, not under duress or anything. Even better? A uniformed officer not very far off in the distance in the picture, keeping a watchful eye over the elder Walsh family member. Tony's aching heart suddenly felt relieved. His father was alive... and not only that? He knew that location his father was at. He flipped it over for Frank to see, placing the phone in his hand as he received a text message:

"He's safe, and in a safehouse in San Fran. Al-Asheera won't touch him here. Now get to Santa Barbara, ASAP."

"Something tells me we might have the wrong guy," Tony gulped, very shaky as he uttered those words. "If Reeves were with Al-Asheera, he wouldn't place my father into one of our safehouses." He sighed, trying to piece everything together in his clouded thoughts. At this rate, he had no idea WHAT to think anymore. What to believe, who to believe. Perhaps he was right? Or was this all part of a bigger scheme, a hoax to lure him in. "That's not to say we drop our guard. But I highly doubt we'll be walking into an ambush. I'm just saying we keep our options open and NOT assume that it's Reeves until we actually get hard evidence that's a bit more convincing than a delayed radio call. If that's all you think qualifies for a cop to be a traitor, we might just jail or kill an innocent man. Reeves has a family, Frank, and I'm not going to put a father and fellow cop in cuffs until I confirm he's really turned."

Would confirmation come in due time? At the meet in Santa Barbara? Tony stepped on the gas only slightly more, barely pushing the speed limit, but only because now more than ever was he rushing to get to the location in the text message.


To Thalia's surprise, Karin was taking being a suspect a bit more lightly than she'd expected. Maybe it was just paranoia coming from a girl labeled as 'the mystery redhead' for a good part of her adolescence. Sure, the notoriety was interesting and fun for a while, and the name caught on. Now? All she wanted to be was just another face in the crowd. No strange stand-out names or clan aliases. What was so wrong with just being Thalia for once in her life? She'd hate for Charlie to know the deeper details about her past, and likewise, she didn't want Joseph to accidentally watch the news and see a girl by Karin's description being depicted as a renegade all the same. It's part of the reason she regretted returning to see her in the first place: that she'd land herself in trouble. Not on her watch. This merited a talk with James, before the primetime news. There was no surefire confirmation that Karin would make the news, but it was better to be safe.

No turning back. Thalia might not have been too strong, but she could stack another girl over her shoulders with ease. That was the easy part, really. The slightly harder part would be to get out the window herself. One wrong move, and she could fall back to the ground and cripple her already-injured ankle. She was lucky, and also crazy, to be walking on it as is. Now, jumping about and climbing on things just to pour salt on the wound? It was a huge risk, but huge reward, too. She pulled her back from the wall, putting some distance between herself and the window to make a running leap to catch Karin's arms.

A quick rub of her palms, a look up to the window. Should be a piece of cake, right? She took off with a fair enough charge, using her good foot to get a kick off of the wall and a bit of extra height, maybe if she were to miss Karin, she'd grab the window frame. But fortunately, she got a hold of her friend's arm, and could only hope she could support her on the pull up. Even if she couldn't, Thalia was strong enough to haul herself up, using Karin's arm as a way to propel herself up to the frame. No way would she even try to pull too hard and risk them both falling back inside. She did accept Karin's helping hand in pulling herself through and out the window, no problems. A closed dumpster outside was perfectly in place, giving them something to not fall and break a leg off of. Once Thalia was through, the next item on the agenda was to run. To the mall? They'd blend in, sure, but Thalia could only hope someone doesn't call the cops again.


And it was an escape right on time. Once they were out the window, two police officers had already entered the restaurant. Being a small joint, they only sent two men out there to investigate. How hard would it be to subdue one girl who isn't older than 21 years old? Well, rather difficult when this girl was nowhere to be seen, to that tattletale of a waiter's disappointment. And being the man who made the 911 call, he was the one interrogated first. What exactly did he see?

"I'm telling you," he began, a bit nervous. He didn't notice the girls running for the bathroom, but maybe someone else could... "She had everything you are looking for. Red hair, green eyes, and a hand tattoo like that dragon thing you've shown off on the news last night. I swear, that's what I saw. She was here with some edgy-looking white haired chick about her age. You've gotta believe me."

The first cop merely tilted his head aside to process his words. "Can anyone confirm this besides yourself? That so-called 'white haired chick' you speak of?"

The waiter gulped as he looked back to the table where the two girls once sat, their belongings cleared, and nowhere in sight. His heart sank. Did they get away? Walk away after the sour words he'd given the redhead? But if neither of them were there to confirm... maybe the man with the little girl right next to them could. He instantly pointed to that pair on the adjacent table. "Him. He requested to switch tables to the one right behind her. Go ask him."

It wouldn't hurt to ask. So the two lower-ranking officers decided to go through the hoop, approach this man who seemed to be here with a preteen kid, maybe a sister? it wasn't all that important. What would be most useful is what this pair could supply as information; if they can corroborate the waiter's story.

"Excuse me," the second one gave the introduction this time. "We are with the LAPD. We'd just like a minute of your time."

Though Angie did seem a bit frightened at the sight of two cops intruding on their breakfast, Damien took a stance and offered his knowledge. "Of course, officer...." he nodded, turning to Angie, telling her, "It's okay. We're not in trouble. They are good people. They just want to help us, ask a few questions for our safety. Got it?"

Angie nodded very slightly.

The second cop continued, reaching into his pocket for his cell phone to scroll for a picture, "I'm sure you've heard of Al-Asheera, correct?"

Damien nodded. "Who hasn't?"

"So I'm sure you know about the news surrounding them, and the mystery redhead's confirmed identity here in LA. Thalia Griffin." As he spoke, he revealed a picture of the original sketch of Thalia's face, though masked, still detailed her very clearly. "Can you tell us if you've seen her this morning?"

That name was definitely uncommon, and though the two had only heard of the first name just moments ago, as well as seen the face, it was enough for Angie to cringe in her place for a moment. Maybe because the sketch alone looked menacing, or because she recognized the face. But Damien knew better than to cave or rat out a good person. He saw the face, the name. He knew them, and his heart might've just skipped a beat then and there. But he was relatively calm. Whatever he saw in Thalia just now was definitely not behavior from the mystery redhead. This was definitely a hard pill to swallow, but he was taking it easy. Getting a closer look at the sketch, almost like faking an effort, once he felt he was convincing enough, he spoke,

"I'm sorry, officers, but I've never seen this face before in my life. Quite a shame, too. Those are mighty beautiful eyes in the sketch."

The waiter's eyes shot out at the contradictory statement. Never seen her before, but asked to move to a closer table to her? If he blurted out something along the lines of them being in a relationship for him to lie for her, he'd only discredit himself. But one thing he could mention? The sister. "Ask the little girl. I know what I saw, and I'm telling you; the mystery redhead WAS here, right in front of them."

Damien shook his head. "You've disturbed and scared my sister enough, you know? Please spare her the trouble. It's not every day I can take her out to breakfast, so if you could let us enjoy the morning in peace?"

The first officer disagreed, shaking his head. "Just one question, sir. We want to know for certain." His focus turned to the little girl, far back into her seat from fear. "Hey, little fella... think you could tell us if you've seen the girl in that picture this morning?"

The image was turned for Angie to see. She craned her head forward to look more closely at the sketch of masked Thalia, only making her thoughts race even faster. Her brother just lied for this girl... did that mean something deeper? She sure as hell trusted Damien more than any cop, ever. So she simply shook her head. A sign that it was also a no.

Noticing the distress of the preteen, Damien broke it off. "Can't you see she's frightened? If you wouldn't mind, I'd appreciate it if we could enjoy breakfast in peace."

The second cop sighed, displeased at this contradiction they'd faced. "Sir, you do understand that lying to the police is a crime, right?"

"I'm aware," Damien answered firmly. "And we're not lying. Perhaps it's this man who's claiming to see things behind you that's lying. Has that ever occurred to you? Maybe he's not. But we haven't seen this Thalia Griffin you speak of. Now... is there anything else you'd like?"

Damien might've just forced the waiter into a corner. The two officers then turned their attention to the waiter once again, the first now leading once again, "Sir, can we speak to you on the side, to get a better feeling of what you saw?"

He nodded. "Of course."

Before the three parted ways from that table, the second cop nodded to Damien and Angie, giving him a sort of non-verbal apology for the disturbance. "Have a good day," he murmured.

The question racing through Angie's mind in all of this: why would Damien lie and cover up for a girl he so much as just met and handed his number to?


One of the many questions running through Nicole's mind as a worried mother... Charlie has had very minimal emotional reactions to the death of his father and all the mayhem they'd encountered on the road to LA. There was the initial breakdown, the nightmare in Ohio, the incident at San Francisco... either Charlie was stronger than most 8-year-old boys, or this was all building up to a disaster later triggered by some familiar signal. A hallucination? A recollection of the past? A sudden memory that his father was gone and his mother almost followed? That he saw death in that airport? Seeing Jordan constantly in a breakdown or trapped in his own shell, one would expect Charlie might feel even slightly similar. But no, he's been his same old self. Because he was older? Because he was out at a friend's place when his father was giving the mass at high noon and didn't witness the brutal assassination of the man of the family? Maybe today would truly test Charlie's resilience. Nothing was going to stop Nicole from letting Charlie go out, thought. She trusted James enough to watch over him, whether their problems were just to reach for something off a high shelf, or another assassin shows up at their location.

Along with his buddies, Charlie nodded. "I'm in." The thought of laser tag didn't scare Charlie all that much. He'd been around enough guns for one lifetime to see them as something sort of normal. And go-karting? It's something he's wanted to do for a long time, but something his mother never allowed him to do, which immediately prompted him to turn around in his seat to Nicole washing some dishes over the sink. "Can I go, Mommy? Please?"

With a delighted grin on her face, surprised at Charlie's enthusiasm combined with politeness, she gave him his green light. "Go have fun, Charlie. It's all right by me." Losing a child was part of the reason Nicole had opened up as a mother to let her children experiment with likes, dislikes, and friends. The other part was her own maturity. She, as a person, changed over time and became a very different mother than she was in Thalia's days. That, alongside a trustworthy chaperone, were what told Nicole that this was going to be a great experience and a fun outing for Charlie. It'd give her a break, the house mostly to herself and most probably Jon, too, and it would serve as the first step to the Griffin family's new life in California.
"Tony." Frank snapped, immediately. "Do not fuck me on this." He said, simply. "I want to get your dad back - and funnily enough, this son of a bitch is the one who took him out of the care home. Under your name. You know the only way he's going to be able to do that?" He asked. "Fake ID. So unless Reeves had some ID forged in the event of something like this happening - which I very much doubt - then I'm going to continue to see and treat him as exactly what I think he is until proven otherwise - A criminal." He said. "Roland had a family. Half of the men that died by our hands had families. It didn't stop us then." He shook his head. "Trust me when I say that we can't just jumped into this - I know why you'd like to think it's not him. He was your friend for years. He helped you out, guided you, but you need to think outside the box a little bit here." He explained.

"All I'm saying is you and James tortured a man who was a father himself. A despicable one at that, but if it turns out that Reeves is in on this? He's no better than Roland himself, and we can only assume he's done some pretty nasty shit in the background." He said, leaning back in his chair. "I know what this probably looks like." He started talking quietly, glancing out of the window. "I know it looks like I've just fucking... Lost it. Like I've let the revenge get to my head, but I promise you it's not like that." He said. "Maybe I've overreacted, but... After everything they've done." He shook his head and closed his eyes for a moment. "If Reeves turns out to be involved, I'm going to be upset, too. I hope you realize that." He said. "But until we know the truth, remember what I told you - We need to approach everything with caution. Reeves is a friend, I know, but we don't know exactly what he might be involved in. I wouldn't want to see you or your father get hurt, so, we need to come up with some sort of plan before we get there." He said.

Frank's phoned rang.

He looked at Tony and answered it.

"Frank it's Bradshaw." A panicked voice spoke. Frank put it on speaker.

"Bradshaw? Everything okay?"

"I checked Reeves' office, like you said?"


"There's a fucking... Fuck, there's a bomb in there. In a briefcase." He gasped into the phone. "Bomb squad's on it now, getting rid of it, disabling it. How the fuck... Why? How?"

"It's a long story, Bradshaw. You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Well, I certainly fucking believe you now." He said. "I always knew you as an honest guy but I was sure the bomb call was going to cost me my job."

"Not quite. Have you started clearing places?"

"We're starting with high priority places first." He said. "Other departments are helping. We've got the FD doing some stuff and other PD's from outside LA assisting us. We're clearing the hospitals first as they can take the longest, but the smaller departments are working to clear out other areas. Shopping districts, tourist attractions, you name it. The city's going to be fucking chaos, Frank."

"It's either chaos or potentially thousands of innocent lives."

"You haven't explained why you told me to check Reeves' office. How did you know?"

"Bradshaw, I'll buy you a coffee sometime and we'll discuss it. But for now I need you to keep doing what you're doing."

"Is Reeves alright?"

"More than. We've made contact with him, so I'll get back to you, okay?" He said. "Keep the shut-downs going on. Get everyone out of there."

Frank hung up before any more questions could be asked and put his phone aside, sighing. He looked at Tony for a moment, and then something popped back into his head. Something that Sam had mentioned - he trusted Tony, but after that... How did he know he wasn't in the car with another potential enemy? Someone who would throw him to the wolves at the first chance he got. One hand discreetly lingered down by his side out of Tony's view. He had to bring it up, but he needed to be ready if Tony decided to... Attack him, or something. You never know.

He didn't comment on what the phone call said - Tony could have heard it all for himself. But there was one thing left to discuss.

"Tony." Frank said, this time his voice sounding a little different. A little flat. He narrowed his eyes a little and stared blankly at the road ahead. "How do Al-Asheera know we're staying together?" He asked. "How do they know about the kids? About Jordan? How old he is?" He asked.

It was make or break time, it seemed. He knew it couldn't have been Thalia - why would Thalia throw her own brother to the chopping block? Quite simply... She wouldn't.


James smiled as soon as young Charlie had the confirmation from his mom that was all was cool. "Awesome." James winked, giving the boy a pat on the head. "You guys go get your shoes on and everything, we'll set off in just a few minutes. We'll take my sports car today." He winked.

"Oh, cool." Joseph immediately grinned and turned to his friends, "You guys, you gotta' see this car. It's amazing. All of his cars are, really." He said, simply.

Jon quickly made his way over, though. "Hang on." He grinned, immediately moving to Charlie and bowing over, sweeping him up in a hug. "You have a good time, buddy." He chuckled, and after patting him on the back a couple of times, he set him down on the ground again. "Just tell James if anything's up while you're out. He can handle it, I'm sure." He stood up and gave James a playful shove, then glanced back to Charlie. "If not, we're only one call away." He patted his own chest, then nodded over to Nicole, too. "Most importantly... Have fun. Let me know who gets on the top of the scoreboards, eh?" He winked at him.

James smiled at Jon - he was almost a different person now that Charlie and Nicole were in his life. It was strange as well as satisfying. He wasn't complaining, though. He was happy for them all now.

Anyway... "Right, go get ready. Joseph, you bring 'em to the garage when you're all set." He said, ruffling the older boy's hair as he made his way through the house and hopped into his car. Ah. The drive in this was going to be one of the most enjoyable parts of the day, he was sure. The Ferarri 458 Italia. A bit of a squeeze in the two back seats, but, at least it was only kids he was transporting around. They were just small enough to be a comfortable size in the back there.

So, when it came down to it, Joseph lead them through to the garage and showed them to the Ferarri, and obviously he folded his front seat forward so they could both climb in. Was Jordan nervous? Extremely, and that much was visible, but he was suppressing the anxiety so he could spend some time with his friends. He just didn't like being away from Frank, but... The other kids seemed to trust him, so he'd do his best to do the same.

"Sorry for the little space in the back there, fellas." James said to Charlie and Jordan, smiling in the rear-view. "We're good to set off, so." He waited for the garage door to open up after he pressed a button on a key, and then he gave the engine a bit of a rev before rolling out onto the driveway. A drive through town in a supercar, basically. A fun day was in store for them, no doubt.
Tony and Frank could spend days debating over their individual opinions about what that phone call meant. What that image meant. Tony's father was safe, THAT much was certain. LAPD safehouse outside of town with a few cops as a security detail. That's as safe as he could get. The means, to Tony, were irrelevant to the end. He hardly put any thought into how Reeves used the detective's name to get the old man out of the nursing home. The priority of saving an innocent man was out of the way. For now. But after that gesture of good faith, Tony sure as hell wasn't going to wave a gun in the sergeant's face the second they get to the location. Frank, on the other hand, might be a problem. It might be Tony becoming too soft towards Reeves, or Frank becoming too vengeful as a whole... or both. But surely, this would turn into yet another good cop/bad cop deal, but this time, the roles reversed. But nothing was certain for now; though Tony gave no verbal response to Frank trying to convince him to keep his options open, deep down, he thought the best of Reeves, and unlike what they did to Roland, he'd never dare send a hitman to his family's home and even threaten his children. And if Frank or James or anyone even tries, he'll stop them in their tracks. He could allow violence to Sam, only because his cruelty was proven. But Reeves? How could he?

Though silence was his original intent, Tony waited the talk out before muttering, "Reeves isn't a criminal. If he brought my father to safety, he proved otherwise to me. Hands down. If he were Al-Asheera, he'd cut body parts off and send them in the mail. So no, I don't believe he's The Hidden. For all we know, Sam was probably giving me another close name to trigger me."

Would that change with the phone call from Bradshaw? Indeed, there WAS a bomb in Reeves' office, and it was being dismantled as they spoke. But was it the sergeant's doing? Or did someone bring it there? More grey area, uncertainty, and speculation that made his heart feel like it was in free fall. His innocence was sort of proven earlier, but now? A bomb in his office was rather peculiar. To the LAPD's knowledge, though, Reeves wasn't a suspect yet. A bomb could mean anything. Maybe Al-Asheera is trying to assassinate him. Who knows? It would fall in line with his car getting run down by a semi. All questions for later, applying more pressure occasionally on the gas. No time to waste.

But more talk was in store with the next question: why did Sam know as much as he did? That they were living together, and that there were children under that roof. All details he disclosed to Roland yesterday. That confirmed everything: Ra's didn't die to the blow from the van. He had to have told someone everything on that beach they found him washed up on, then executed. So Tony wasn't the man who put down Al-Asheera's lord and savior, but they sure as hell would consider him the killer, simply to make an enemy. But Frank was asking questions about the knowledge Sam possessed before he died. Did this partner lose all trust in Tony? Tony's grip on the steering wheel tightened as he found himself channeling that lying impulse he showed before. He could never tell Frank that he was planning to throw James and Thalia under the bus at the expense of all of the innocent people under that roof. Of course, he did tell Roland to leave the youngsters alone... but why would a gang of thieves and pedophiles ever heed such a request? Odds are, Jordan, Joseph, and Charlie would've been taken and raped, trained, killed, or used as leverage. His head hanged slightly as his mind tried to process an excuse.

"I... I don't know..." A lie. But not a very clever one, very easy to call out. "They might take a lucky guess at the living together part if they're staking out our homes. But specifics about Jordan?" Then came an excuse. One clear as day in his mind, and could work. "That guy we found at Redgrave's place. The Al-Asheera higher-up working to recruit him, but only came to a bloodbath that we got to first? The one Thalia butchered, remember him?" How could anyone really forget that moment? "Odds are, he knew what he was getting himself in to. He must've known Redgrave had two kids, one of them a six year old boy that he saw alongside us when he woke up at the door of the mansion and told me to fuck myself. I recall.... we didn't check him for bugs, mainly because Thalia said Al-Asheera doesn't use anything like that. But what if he did? He was alone, I believe unattended to, for a few minutes in the garage while we explained everything and grabbed Thalia from the pool. It could've been enough time for him to specify that you and I got into a house together, unaware of its exact location, but he DID know that we had a six year old boy. That's MY guess. Or Sam was just pulling our chains. I bet he was when he was calling me out. Trying to get a reaction. That's why I didn't kill him."

Was that enough to silence Frank?


Maybe there was a bit of social anxiety within Charlie. It hasn't even been a day, and he sort of had two friends thrown at him so suddenly, and a crowded environment. All he had in mind was James and Thalia, but this massive crowd was what he got. But, he was adapting. He could at least calm down in a smaller group with two kids his age. It remained to wonder... how much could one child endure in terms of radical change before he snaps? Charlie has veered away from snapping for so long only because in the absence of a fatherly void, Jon kept him in line in ways that only a 'father' really can. But Jon wouldn't be there on this road trip. Neither would his mother. It was a scary pill to swallow in his mind, but he didn't want to ruin the fun. Silence was his friend here: remain quiet, look excited, and try to have fun. He even got to ride another fancy sports car, much like he did with Jon the other day back in Philadelphia. More of a dream come true, even if they weren't the most ideal, or safe conditions that his mother would approve of. But she was allowing for it.

The absence of the children in the house left for some alone time for Nicole and Jon. The former was going to take that time of the day to begin to set some ground for herself in LA: job hunting, which she still refused to accept from Jon, a stable home, a school for Charlie in September... typical mother issues. Fortunately, she was allowed access to a computer, so once the kitchenwork was finished and she kissed her son good-bye one more time, she took to her room with a laptop to continue her search. One thing in mind though.... the way Jon treated Charlie before they left. Never before did she think her son would treat any other man like a father besides his own. Or was this just the consequences of an extreme circumstance? Would Charlie soon forget about Jon once he was more settled? Part of her hoped not. Only because of her own feelings for the man. Feelings she'd never explicitly express.
"Tony, don't fuck with me." Frank shook his head. "I wasn't born yesterday, nor the day before that. I've been around enough people to know when something doesn't quite add up, and just like Reeves' story, what you're telling me doesn't make sense. We didn't talk to Roland or any of the people we roughed up about the kids, we didn't tell them their ages, how many there were, the fact that we were all staying together - Why the hell would we?" He asked. "It's like David used to say. It looks like there's a chicken in the henhouse." He frowned. Did he doubt Tony? At this point in time, yes - why did stories just not seem to add up anymore? Frank wasn't going to have any of it until he had a solid answer, but he knew enough about Al-Asheera to guess that what Tony had said wasn't completely honest.

"Al-Asheera aren't high-tech enough of wires, and if any of them had wires, you and James would have found them. James knows enough of the shit he needs to know to be able to search for that sort of thing - and most of all, I'm not stupid enough to believe that he would have let that sort of information be given up while you were torturing him, especially as you had the intention of an exchange." He explained. "The guy we found at Redgrave's house could explain Jordan - but it wouldn't explain how they knew we have him." He frowned at him. "They'd be safer to assume Bradan had the kid. You know that. There was no reason for them to believe that we had them." He said. "They shouldn't know about Joseph, Charlie, or anyone else. They shouldn't know we're all staying together. They shouldn't be threatening to send heads to a mansion in Encino - Because yes, that's what your cousin said - at least something along those lines." He turned and looked out of the window.

"And if you ask me, Tony, that certainly doesn't sound like a fucking guess, does it?" He asked. "Come on now, Tony. We're both friends here. What's going on, eh?" He asked. "Why the hell do they know everything about us? And better yet, why does that conveniently tie in with you 'digging your own grave'?" He asked.

"One other thing." He said. "You can suck up to Reeves as much as you like, and in spite of all the evidence you're welcome to trust him as much as you like, but, I don't trust people until they come through as completely clear." He said. "Drop me off a couple of minutes away from the meeting place and I'll walk the rest of the way. He doesn't know we're together, so if I end up being right, I can at the very least get the drop on him and save your ass when he tries to put a bullet in you." He said. "I know he hasn't sent you any body parts yet - but think of what they wanted to do with Melissa, Tony. They wanted to kill her in front of you. How do you know Reeves doesn't want to do the same now?"

"Just explain everything, and to top it all off, make me the promise you're not going to try and be the hero here - maybe after that we can figure things out, because if you ask me, it seems like there's been a lot left in the dark with all of this, and I don't like it." He said, then slowly looked back to Tony again.
Now fed up with the continuous doubts in his friend, even after the reassurance of his father's life, Tony clenched a fist around the grip of the steering wheel, glared in Frank's direction, and snarled in fury, "Frank, clam it! You saw yourself that my father is safe! That's enough for him to gain my trust in all of this, that he's not with Al-Asheera and indeed helping me, and if you are gonna show up at this meet and shoot him, or do any of that shit you did to Murphy, I WILL stop you with whatever force I need to!"

Did 'whatever force I need to' imply that Tony would do harm upon Frank if it meant protecting his old friend? If it really came down to it, yes. He'd witnessed a new side of his partner in the heat of the situation. And aggressive, vengeful side. Was it for Redgrave, or was this his own trauma catching up to him? Or his own youth, perhaps. It hadn't even been 24 hours since Melissa was murdered, and Tony wasn't trying to become a one-man army just yet. He couldn't even kill his own cousin from those feelings. Feelings of guilt, that he could preserve his family. Maybe that wasn't going to happen, considering how his cousin was now lifelessly bleeding out a bakery fridge floor. But to his knowledge, his father was somewhere safe... right? Or at least he thought so. All he saw was a picture of his father eating breakfast with a cop not far away. It could've meant anything. That man might not've been a cop, after all. But that wasn't what Tony had on his mind. He was thinking too positively. But Frank asking questions about his supposedly irrelevant betrayal were only increasing. Digging his own grave, Sam had told them... so he knew. The Hidden knows. And everyone in the mansion is in danger. But Tony could never tell a soul, not even to Frank. His past sins were forgivable, but if James and Thalia were to find out he endangered people they hold near and dear... it would very soon be the death of him.

"Like I said, Frank, Sam was pulling your chain. Saying it's my fault to get a reaction out of me, saying they'll send heads to us. Perhaps my theory about the wire IS true despite what Thalia thinks. Maybe they took a lucky guess that we're together because neither of us have gone to our homes in days. They know where we live, in case you've forgotten the death threats we received in the mail. Who knows? We might be wrong about Reeves, damn it! Don't think because you got your way and can prove yourself in the right for once, that it means you're God. You don't make that call. WE don't make that call. Reeves is innocent until proven guilty, and that's how we approach this."

The duo grew closer and closer to their location, the drive relatively silent with their disagreement on the affiliation of Reeves. But ask Frank requested, Tony left his partner a few minutes away from the location he'd been shown to. But not without a few final words:

"You've become awfully skeptic, but also awfully vindictive, Frank. I'm not fucking with you when I say, if you do anything to Reeves before I say so, you're dead to me...." Now a more solid threat, sure of doing harm to Frank if things grew violent. "I'm not hiding anything. You're just reading too far into it."

Keeping this secret was the most painful thing Tony had ever done. And it might just lead his father on the same road his fiance was on.


Suburbs of Santa Barbara

If any cover-up was going to stick, it needed something believable to make the story somewhat relevant. Whenever Tony arrives to the scene, he'd have a certain set of expectations: a crashed car by something large like a semi, and a potentially injured sergeant. Nobody gets out of such a crash completely unscathed, after all. And Al-Asheera know how to stage things, after all. Faking a massive crash between a semi and Reeves' SUV was no challenge at all, and in an isolated street to ensure no witnesses and no CCTV? Even better. A bit peculiar that he was in such a dead spot, but he could easily argue around it saying he was being careful while getting Tony's father to safety. So far, was he convincing? Only halfway so. Reeves was unaware of Frank's recent turn to violence and aggression, this time, on his own. Tony had as well, but not nearly as brutal as Frank, who now had the blood of two men on his hands. But it's not like he'd get aggressive on the two now... no, that wasn't the plan.

The rammed SUV was pulled over to the side, nearly a whole side of it wrecked from the staged collision with a semi. Reeves himself also looked rather banged up, an assortment of scratches across his arms and on his face, and even walking in a limp. He, indeed, was in the vehicle during the collision. No better way to fake an injury than to plan a near one, after all. Fortunately, as it was pre-planned, it was designed in such a way that the new leader of Al-Asheera wouldn't be killed. All part of his plan. A plan to keep Tony's trust. Even if it wouldn't be kept for much longer, it was going to land him right where he needed to be. Now with reasonable but minimal injuries from a crash, Reeves limped forward to a fellow accomplice. A taller fellow, one who could blend in with anyone else in California aside from his neck and hand ink..... and the silenced pistol gripped in his right hand. Because the plan wasn't complete just yet.

Reeves began this confrontation: "How's the subject?"

The second man spoke in a clear American accent, as most members of Al-Asheera except Ra's do: "Taken care of. The picture was convincing, no?"

"Very convincing. It should be enough to keep Walsh satisfied for now. When will the delivery be made?"

"It's en route. They will receive the package before noon."

"Excellent... alongside the tape?"

"Yes, Your Highness."

Then came the more brutal part of this conversation. The use of the weapon in the new assailant's hand. With a quick lift to Reeves, without even hesitating or focusing his shot, he pulled the trigger, letting out minimal noise due to the suppressor, so nobody could hear that a shooting just went down. The bullet penetrated Reeves' abdomen, instantly dropping him to the ground on his knees. He resisted the urge to let out anything more than a groan of pain. He'd been shot before, so this was hardly a sting for the sergeant. At least now, it would truly look like Reeves is the victim in all of this. All they needed to do was get rid of any loose ends.... and that included the shooter. And with that, Reeves' hand snuck over to his boot holster, removed a smaller pistol, and held it up to the man standing before him.

"I'm ready, Your Highness," he announced, bowing his head before his leader and dropping the weapon ever so suddenly.

All according to plan, at least to Reeves. This man was, indeed, a sacrificial lamb who was ready to give his own life for the successor of the lord and savior. More than ready for the new Head to put three bullets into his torso and watch him collapse to the ground without a single motion of resistance. Just his orders to fall back and die, exactly as he did, with a load of lead in his body. And Reeves? Only a smile of success remained on his face after watching a fellow clansman give his life for the cause. He dropped his weapon, slightly succumbing to the weakness induced by his wound. Now he could, after all. He wouldn't die anytime soon, and the more critical he looked, the better. The scene was set up. All it needed was Tony...

...who arrived just a minute after the downfall of the man who'd shot Reeves. This was the location: the SUV smashed from the left side and left on the side of the road with Reeves on the ground not far away, gripping his open wound and moaning ever so slightly. The lifeless corpse not far away just lay there. It told a pretty clear story to Tony, who was in shock at the display he'd shown up to: Reeves was telling the truth. And he was probably too late. Gasping at the sight, he yelled,


Groaning in his struggled to subdue the pain, Reeves turned his head with whatever energy left to face Tony, who'd already knelt down for his fellow officer of the law. "Tony... god damn it, I didn't think you were gonna make it on time... agh!" He clenched his blood-filled hand at his abdomen and squinted in pain as the detective lifted his head up slightly to keep him focused. "That bastard over there?" he gestured his eyes in the direction of the dead man not far away. "He came back to finish the job. Not before I could get him down, though... Shit, I should've kept him alive."

Tony sighed, shaking his head. At least when Frank shows up, this will be proof that the sergeant isn't The Hidden, and Sam was just giving them a false lead. "No, Sarg, you're gonna be okay. But if Al-Asheera is targeting you, we have to get you somewhere safe. And I know just where. We're just waiting on Frank... he's not far. No way am I leaving him behind. Just stay with me, Sarg... stay with me!"

Reeves could very well keep his eyes open. The pain wasn't as bad as he was making it out to be. He just wanted to see Tony panic... worry... when all he was doing was preserving the enemy.

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