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One x One Odd Encounters


Panda Hero
Odd Encounters

Plot, In a warring world full of strife a young female warrior has given up the art of killing and has been captured and needs to be rescued to her dismay. However the person who saves her is in for a rather rocky adventure as more about this girl is revealed and the world is turned upside down by a twist of fate.

This world has two major lands seperated by one ocean known as the great waters. Terrin is a peacefull forested land with devistating winters and almost desert like summers and still stayes green all year round Gorath is a harsh rocky land with harsh winters and unbearable summers this land has little greenery but is rich in gems and precious materials. Slavery is illegal in Terrin but it thrives in Gorath.

My Character.

Shania Marie Royal

Age, 25

Appearance, she is built slender with a nice top measurement.Her hair is amber brown, straight and goes to her waist, her eyes are a deepdark green and her skin is very fair though she has her fair share of scares. Shehas soft feminine features and looks rather defenseless (don't let looksdeceive you)

Height, 5 foot 7 inches

Rank, Warrior

Personality, not very talkative to strangers, she keeps toherself a lot and doesn't much care for crowds. She is a fighter nick named theAngel Bathed in Blood for the fact that after every battle she ends up coveredin her foes blood. She has however taken a vow to never kill again unless thereis no other way to save someone. She has a soft spot for children and caninesthough.

Character sheet layout,







There will be other characters coming in every now and again and there are no character limits!

Name: Rhea Adorra

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Height: Rhea is 5 foot 3 inches

Rank: Mercenary

Rhea is small and slender. Her most notable features is her long brown hair that remains in a tight braid that stops mid back. She wears simple reinforced hide clothing. She has a pair of old leather looking goggles that remain around her neck at all times.

Rhea can be a jack of all trades, she dabbles in a bit of magic, sword play and archery. She knows multiple languages, reading, writing and spoken. Rhea is a quick strategist and a quick witted. Rhea is not the strongest fighter, but she is very resourceful. Rhea has a tendency to be quiet, silence being her best tongue.

Name: Roen

Age: Unkown

Gender: Male

Species: Dragon

Height: The size of a two story building, just about.

Rank: Whatever the heck he wants to be

Roen is a large full grown dragon. His scales are Bright Red, the collar of burning embers. Roen has large claws and talons as well as two tick horns coming from either side of his head. The horns curl to from the side of his head to the tip of his nose, the left horn is broken.

Personality: Roen tends to have a dragon’s greed. He also spends a lot of his time bathing in a sun to warm his body. Roen can be overly protective and a bit hot headed, sometimes easy to bait into a fight. Rhea tends to be his one and only true weakness, the one thing that holds over his pride.

Will add on more character for when ever I want


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