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Odd Encounters

Shania had her hair down since it was still wet. Skysong almost ran into Zeks arms when they got Back "Look at my hair,"

"Its very cute sky," Zek told her.
Rhea chuckled lightly, she gave Soki a small cute braid on the side of his face even. "I guess it's time to get back on the road. According to the map... we are close to the next map. We'll have to veer off the road from here on out."
Rhea nodded and held out her hands to take what ever Shania would give her, happy Shania was going to let her help. It made her feel helpful.
Shania handed her the clothing to be bagged after she had it foulded and some of the groups personal things She was getting the rest of the things gathered
"My thoughts too," Shania said "We'll make the mage do it,"

"really?" Zek raised a brow

"What? you can't dress without magic its time you learn a few skills," Shani asaid
Rhea chuckled a bit, "Well... fun is a bit of a stretch, but it's not bad" Rhea told him before finishing packing. "Alright I'm ready."
Rhea walked with everyone till they reached the edge of town. "Roen and Aria are hunting right now. They'll catch up to us in a bit." Rhea assured the group.Which meant she had to walk.
Rhea walked rather slow, Zek walked that slow usually too, "I'm excited... I wounder if we'll find other dragons.."

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