Odd Beginnings~(Festin & RyuChi)


Junior Member
My Character(sorry for the long history):


(Has red eyes, black and red scaled wings and tail, sharp fangs and scale patched skin)


Siyus Tirea



(only been concious for 15 years)




Elf/dragon hybrid

(possibly only dragon hybrid in know existence, past and present)


Hand to hand combat

Ariel combat

Blade combat

She has a strong magic capacity though the dragons had yet to teach her how to control it before she left


She uses her tail as a whip-like weapon

Throwing knives

Dual swords


Earring for mental comunication

Amulet for tracking


Siyus doesn't know much of the world but is never to shy to learn, she is strong willed and eager for a fight which often gets her in trouble with others. She is an optimistic sort of person who always has a grin on her face, though this leads to her not seeing the problems that can easily occur and has more than once got her into sticky situations.


Siyus's mother was a highborn Elf who loved history, she came upon the theory that the world was created and Dragons were the first race to walk the Realm and that they were the closed race to gods. This theory went against Elven tradition and she was shunned for her ideas, this did not stop the youthful elf and she set out on a journey to discover the mythical Dragon Kingdom, she traveled for years and only by luck and chance did she finally come across it. When she arrived she was refused entry into the land but once again the Elf was too strong willed to stop, she instead camped just outside the gates of the Kingdom and everyday she came to ask for entry without fail for 10 years. Seeing her dedication they allowed her an audience with the Dragon rulers who listened to her theory though never once agreed or disagreed with it. Upon seeing her loved for their race and knowing no simple treasure would satisfy her they did something they would only ever do once. They took part of the Elf's soul and part of their own and created an egg that would become the first and possibly only hybrid in the Countless Kingdoms.

100 years past and the egg hatched under the careful watch of the dragons and the elf who were all eager to see the new races arrival. Siyus was born. A baby with the looks of an Elf but with red eyes, fangs, wings, a tail and scale-patched skin. For 15 years she studied the dragons ways of life as well as the knowledge of the Elven race from her mother. One year her mother fell ill with a rare disease that only the Elven got, Siyus knew of a relic that could cure her mother but it was far away and hard to find but she wanted to go after it in order to save her mother. The dragons allowed her to go, as long as she took and amulet for them to always know where she was and an earring to allow them to communicate mentally with her, with these she set out into a world she knew very little about.


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Is very strong with fire spells.

Can hold his own with lighting

Knows some healing with bandages


Has a very powerful staff



A necklace of his mothers, the only thing he has left of her


Shy, hasn't had many friends his whole life. His dad taught him how to be a mage from a young age. He is very nice at heart and always does what he thinks is best for the ones he loves. He's very humbled about his skills and often blames himself for things he didn't do.


Soon after Usain was born his mother died of a horrible illness. His dad always tried to be there for him, but it was very hard because his dad was gone often in different wars and what not. Usain had possessed a very strong magical strength since he was born. With his father's training Usain has become as good as the older elves with his magic skills, but hasn't left his village. He wants to get out to go on his own adventure.

(okie dokes)

Siyus had set out not a few days before, taking the land by foot as the Dragons had strictly instructed against air travel, this didn't stop her from grumbling about it as she marched across dusty plains. She was dressed in leather pants and knee high leather boots that were perfect for her travels. She carried a single back pack filled with essential items the Dragons had required she take, over a cotton grey shirt and leather jacket with the hood up. All her leather items were black much to her surprise until the Dragons told her they had used a special magic to reinforce them but it turned the leather black in the process.

A town had finally presented itself in the distance and it had taken 2 days to get across the flat plains before arriving at its gate. The guard eyed her suspiciously, "haven't seen you round here before" he commented, "state your name and race"

Siyus looked at the guard with slight defiance but she held her tongue against using foul words, "Siyus, demon-elf halfbreed with reptilian heritage" she stated. The Dragons had strictly informed her that she was not to tell her real origin and was to use a fake race instead. To an expert on Dragons she might stand out but her cover race should get her through cities without to much hassle. The guard allowed her entry and she walked the night streets with curiosity. The noise and bustle even during night was loud compared to the solitude and mental communication of dragons. She found her way to an inn as the Dragons had told her how to spot and sat down at a table nervously. 
(I forgot to ask, where are you most comfortable at in age rating? I can do 18+ but what shall we keep this RP at?)
(I can do 18+ also, so I think it be okay if we do.)

Usain had just been left alone by his dad for the umpteenth time. Usain didn't have much to do, normally he would just go to town and find something or other. This time was different. Usain was tired of waiting for his adventure to come to him, so he decided to go out. He got his sapphire blue robe, which had a very powerful enchantment to boost his destruction power. He then went to the small armory he had in his house. He picked out a staff; this staff was said to be forged in a dragons den. It wood had a swirl design on the top and was black as night in color. He took the gold his dad left for food, and enough food for 5 days, then put it all in a backpack he used to use as a kid. He almost forgot his mother's necklace. It was all he had left from his mother since she passed; he put it in his bag and set off.

Usain left his town and traveled for 3 days. In this 3 days he managed to eat all of his food and was in desperate need of a place to rest. In the distance he could see a town. Usain jumped in excitement and arrived there soon after. He went to the front gate, and there was a guard waiting for him. "Salutations, I'm Usain and elf from Keskin a few towns over, I would like to come and stay for a few nights maybe" he told the guard. The guard eyed Usain up and down and finally let him in the town. All he knew was he was hungry and in need of a good rest. He went to the Inn of the town and rented a room. He sat down at a table and ordered some food. After he ate, he saw an interesting looking elf hybrid girl sitting by herself. Her looks intrigued him and he went to sit next to her. He became very nervous, and waited a while before he got the courage to ask her. "Hello miss, if you'd allow me I'd love to take a seat and maybe offer you a drink?" Usain said anxiously. 
I almost forgot, he looks like this.
(darn I should have stayed up later, I thought maybe you were not coming online xD What time do you usually come online and what country are you from? I'm from South Africa so +2:00, and I come on at random times during the day but mostly from about 10ish-12ish(midnight). When my exams are over and I get my laptop back I'll be online much more often :P )

Siyus had been trying to get the the waitresses attention for nearly half an hour but here timid attempts were drowned out by the noise. She huffed and tugged a piece of her red hair anxiously as she did out of habit. The variety of races in this town was quite common, elves, dwarves, argonians with many humans. She thought it best to flatten her large wings close against her back to avoid catching the attention of anyone and to keep them from being bumped by drunken men.

The sudden arrival of an elf through her completely off guard, maybe this is how things work in towns, she thought to herself unsure with how to handle the situation.

The elf man finally spoke, "Hello miss, if you'd allow me I'd love to take a seat and maybe offer you a drink?"

Siyus eyed the elf suspiciously, he could be a bandit trying to knock her out with poison, she had read that happens quite often in towns with traveling girls. She changed her mind though at the nervous look of the elf and nodded slowly, "if you can et the damned waitresses attention" she added with a slight annoyance.

"and aren't you meant to offer your name?" she said after a quick thought, she remembered from a book on dealing with daily life that you should offer your name if you want to spend time with someone you don't know.
(Well I live in the US, Eastern time -4 I think. I have school for like the next two weeks so I get on normally around 3:30 pm and can be on when ever in convenient to you.)

"Oh, so sorry my name is Usain. I'm sorry if I seem pushy..." Usain stumbled on his words. "Miss!" He tried to get her attention. She was just to busy with everything else. Normally Usain would just wait till she got around to him, but not today. He went right up to the waitress and got in her way, so she'd have to see him. The waitress moved without looking and bummed in to Usain. He quickly apologized, then asked he to come over to the elf hybrid's table. He sat down and was glad that he was able to help her out with what ever she needed. Why do I want to help her so much? This girl is a stranger to me and yet I just want to help her Usain thought. After the waitress took her order, Usain asked "I don't think i caught your name either?
Siyus nearly gaped when the elf got in the way of the waitress, he obviously wasnt going to be trying to capture her for her abnormalities. She chuckled to herself and when he returned he asked for her name, "it's Siyus" she said, "I know, more of a boys name but the Dra-" she caught herself before she finished the sentence, "my parents thought it was fitting" she said quickly, she wasn't the most experienced liar but she hoped this Usain wouldn't notice. The waitress appeared and took her order of 3 strips of raw meat.

"I have lizard blood" she lied again with a little more confidence in order to explain her odd diet.
A lizard elf Usain thought that it was interesting. He never met one before. He was so curious about this girl. "I think your race is very cool." Usain tried to think of a compliment, but just got so nervous he spit out "I also like your scales" Usain has gotten like this a few times before, when he meets a pretty girl or he feels some connection with someone. He just tries to make it less awkward and asks her a question "So do you live around here?"
Siyus breather a silent sigh of relief at the fact that he didn't catch her lies, "thanks, my parents where a bit odd but they uuh, loved each other very much and that's what counts right" she laughed almost at herself more than anything. Usain seemed like a nice person and according to record, elves where more trustworthy then most races.

"no, I'm actually just passing through" she said shifting slightly and tucking her wings closely behind her back to avoid the dammage of a passing drunk. "probably will only stay the night if that, and yourself?"
"Actually, that's a good question. I am on an adventure. I've been looking for some sort of quest or something for me to do. I am a powerful mage and I'm just going where life takes me." Usain said gaining a little more confidence. "I also might leave after tonight." Usain started wondering what he was doing. He had no plan at all, this may not be the great adventure i always dreamed about.
Siyus grinned, "well how about we travel together?" she asked happily, "traveling alone has become rather boring and, provided you are heading South, I wouldn't mind the company" truth be told the only thing keeping her from stopping this boring journey so far was the determination to save her mother.

Her meat arrived and she gulped it down without hesitation, eating with dragons hadn't helped her table manners all too well. When she was done she licked the blood off her fingers happily then realizing how repulsive she must look she blushed, "that's if you don't mind of course" she added with a nervous laugh.
Festin felt something inside of him. It was excitement, something he hadn't felt in years. "I would love to accompany you on your journey." After Usain watched her eat the meat at first he was a little startled, but then just went along with it. Usain doesn't judge people on little things like that anyway. "So where are we headed? Usain asked.
Siyus thought for a moment, "I'm going to find a supposedly none-excistant relic that does actually excist in the caves of the mountain Skulls Crest. Do you know where that is?" she asked, "the journey will apparently take us through bandit mountains, tribal lands and a few forests that aren't filled with things you would find friendly." she pulled a silver coin from seemingly out of the air, a trick she learnt from her mother so that her actual coin bag stayed out of sight from prying eyes.

"still up for it?" the situation was a bit odd, a young girl asking a Mage elf if he was brave enough to go on a journey with her but it was what it was.
"Hmmm, that sounds like good fun to me" Usain said with a smile on his face. He envisioned himself fighting of the bandits and the whole journey. It excited him, he would love to go on this trip. "When will we head off?" Usain asked. It was getting kind of late and a good rest was needed before such a trip.
( woah your post never showed in my alerts O.o so sorry)

"well early tomorrow morning, as early as possible." she stood and nodded toward the innkeeper who was behind the bar, "I'll go find myself a room for the night, i suggest you do the same and I'll meet you down here in the morning." she said before slinging her bag over her shoulder, squeezing in her wings and carefully making her way through the people, being mindful of where her tail was, to the innkeeper.
(Its all good)

Usain got a drink and headed up to his room soon after and prepared for bed. He was really excited for his trip, and going on his adventure. Plus he really like this girl. He looked forward to getting to know her. He layed in his bed and fell asleep soon after.

Once he awoke he went back downstairs to find Siyus. She wasn't there yet so he got a table and ordered a breakfast. He ordered eggs and toast and waited for the food to come, and for Siyus to come down
(my last post for the night :3 )

Siyus slept well that night knowing she wasn't going to be alone was a massive relief. When she woke she headed downstairs as the sun began to rise and was happily surprised to find Usain already there, "ready for an adventure?" she asked with a grin as she took the seat across from him, " got a long day of walking ahead of us" she added thoughtfully. She ordered a plate of bacon like the healthy grin she was and scoffed it down with little hesitation.
Usain gazed at Siyus, he was so glad to have a partner, an adventure by yourself would be very lonely. "Oh, yes I am ready, got my canteen filled and I have my food in my bag." Usain waited for Siyus to finish her bacon and was excited for the next step. He and Siyus left the Inn and started their road of adventure.
They took a well travelled road heading south and along the way Siyus pulled out a map, she frowned and then showed it to Usain, "we are here" she pointed to a piece of the road on the map, "and we have to get here hopefully by nightfall, that means we have to cross through bandit territory" she said tapping a small mountain on the map that engulfed the road for a short time. "How goods your combat skills?" she asked.
"They are very good, I am of the best mages of my town" I will be able to fend of some bandits no problem" Usain said. He held his staff and could feel the magical energy flowing through his body. He was ready for anything that got in his way. There was no way anything would hurt him. This is when all his training was about to pay off. And maybe he could impress Siyus he really wants her to like him. "I've fought bandits before, normally they are just groups of punks that will drop easily." Usain tried to sound tough.
Siyus laughed at his comments, " group of punks? And here I thought I was in real danger" she felt relieved that these bandits apparently weren't as bad as they were made out to be in books. "so you're an all powerful Mage huh?" she asked not really expecting an answer, "I was told by the Dra-" she caught herself again with a mental smack, "I was told I have a magical capacity" she started again. Being part dragon left her with a massive magical capacity but she had absolutely no teachings in it yet and so was left with more brutal combat. "is there ways you can tell how much magical capacity someone has?" she asked more out of interest. The Dragons had always been rather mysterious when it came to magic, they thought she was not old enough to learn as the average dragon lived forever and their first magical teachings came after they had perfectly mastered how to blow fire, this left Siyus in a tough situation as she could not blow fire and showed no signs of ever being able to.
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(Sorry I got on late, I had work)

Usain thought back on his teaching, he remembered his dad teaching him most of the things. "Maybe I could teach you a few things, I've never taught before, but I think I could sure try. And I'm not sure how people can tell, I don't know how and neither did my father. I was taken to a master wizard and he was the one who said I had such a strong magic power" Usain stated."And another thing I have been wondering about you, is have you been in any combat before? I have been in many battles, many were practice, but once my town was raided by thieves and I managed to defend my town in combat. There are certain things, one can not be taught, but one learns in battle" Usain began to think about his previous battles. He remembered the screams and horrors of the defenseless. He couldn't believe that a group of losers could cause so much catastrophe. They were fairly easy to take down, but when your attacking people without any experience I guess you don't need to be as good. This just rose his hatred for the bandits, everything they do is just a horrible thing and all for money. Just shows how money can corrupt people. "And another thing about the bandits is they cause alot of trouble cause they attack the weak, but when it comes down to someone experienced in battle they fall with ease" he told Siyus.
(that's ok :P )

Siyus nodded as Usain talked, "that would be amazing if you could teach me!" she exclaimed with a grin. She had always wanted to learn magic and Usain seemed responsible enough not to let her blow herself up.

"Well no, I have not been in real combat" she sighed, " only extensive training" she added. She hoped what she had learnt would keep her safe but Usain was going to be her plan B if she screwed up. "well I guess there's only one way to be in real battle and we are probably going to find trouble as soon as we near the mountains. Never to late to learn" she said with a laugh and pointed to the horizon, "I think that's it there" a small mountain with sharp peaks and uneven slopes was forming in the distance.
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