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Fantasy Ocean of Liars



Celestial Adventurer
We all awaken in a room, only lit by the sunlight that's shining through the window at the back.

Ema Sylvia

"Y.....Or..." A voice echoed in the back of Ema's mind. ".......Huh...?" Whatever she was lying down on, it felt cold and a bit rough. She opened her eyes. She was staring at the roof of the room she was in. "...Where am I?" She lifted herself up into a sitting position. "...What's happening? Where am I....Why can't I remember...." She thought. "....I...I must have amnesia..." She looked around and saw a bunch of people she didn't recognize, all lying unconscious on the floor near her. "....Who are they?" She thought. All of a sudden her head starting hurting. "Ugh..." She put one hand on her head, the other one on the floor, holding her up.
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Romeo woke up slowly to a throbbing headache. Blinking a few times as he sat up, he looked around. The room he was in, or what he thought was a room, was dark and the only lighting came from a window in the back. It took a little bit time to adjust to seeing again, but it didn't take as long as it would have if the room was brightly lit.

The teen groaned a little as he massaged his temple which was wet with something. The room was too dark to see what stained his fingers though.

The room was filled with bodies, several of them, but it was too dark to make out their faces. They all seemed to be sleeping like he had been just a little earlier, except for one. He couldn't see exactly what she looked like, but he could make out that she was a girl.

He didn't say anything however, not trusting his voice, his blue-green eyes merely roaming around the room.
image.jpegDarkness was all that could be seen. Maybe closed eyes? where he was lying felt very hard and stiff, very uncomfortable. Sebastian opened his eyes slowly to see blurs of light. 'What's happening?' He questioned to himself in thought. Is head was swimming as he felt dizzy and disoriented. Slowly staggering to sit up, he looked around to see a closed room and people lying down unconscious. He now felt fear as he looked around the dark room and could make out two figures who were also sitting up. With a hard gasp, he pushed himself away from everyone. The sudden scare now had him panting as his heart began to race. "Who are you?" Sebastian managed to spit out. "Where am I?" He couldn't remember anything. Everything seemed so new to him as if he was just born. The two sat there as Sebastian waited for them to answer. He continued to look around still a little in shock trying to contro his breathing to stay calm and slowly failing.
mkuchiha mkuchiha SinisterFreak SinisterFreak
Emily Sylvia
She was still recovering from her headache when a sudden voice seemed to ask who was she. "Uh...I...I think my name is Ema Sylvia. I'm 15 years old.....I...I can't remember much after that..." Her headache subsided and she soon stood up. "I don't really know where we are..." She looked around and took a mental note of what she could. "Ok..It seems to be day time...We're in a room with a table and a chair...and a box...The doors are closed..." She thought. She looked towards Sebastian "Don't worry! I think we're alright." She gave him a friendly smile. "How about you.." looking at Sebastian "and you" looking towards Romeo "Introduce yourselves? Just a name would be nice." She gave a friendly smile
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Romeos eyes widened his shock, as a noise broke the silence. His ears had been without sound for so long, it hurt a little when he heard it for the first time. He looked at the person who had just shouted, judging by the deep voice he guessed it was a guy.

Romeo mentally made note of this. There was now three people awake including himself, two guys, one girl. The girl soon started talking as well, her voice although slightly nervous was still alot calmer then the guys.

She introduced herself, and called on them to do the same. For some reason, although Romeo could not remember anything else about what happened prior to him waking up, he could still remember his name and age.

"Romeo." He said quietly, his voice a little hoarse from disuse. "I don't remember much except that my name is Romeo Langford, and that I just recently turned 16."

RizaTiz RizaTiz SinisterFreak SinisterFreak

An environment filled with nothing but dazed faces made Melba even more confused, he woke up without knowing what to think leaving him to simply lie back down.
Deciding nothing would get him back up he laid back down, an impossible to understand sentence slurred out of his mouth, with the sharp air making him jolt up. His brain
passively tuned the words of the girl out, all he could make out was something about names and statements of the room.
Melba simply sighed, being shocked by the sudden flow of the conversation and strange faces. "I..uh, huh...what's going on here?" his body
naturally slouching down after that, he likely wouldn't even be able to make anything of the mutterings of the others.​
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The cold, wooden ground was the first thing he felt. Apollo slowly opened his eyes and gazed at his dark surroundings. Is this a cabin The walls could be seen even with the lack of light. Sounds of creaking were also very noticeable. In fact, it was a bit annoying. Apollo yawned and gazed at the others in his surroundings. They seemed to be about his age. Who are these people? And who am I? Puzzled, Apollo decided to listen in on conversations. Maybe they had a better idea of the current situation than him.
(On mobile, I'll fix the colour and stuff tomorrow)
Ema Sylvia

"Nice to meet you Romeo." She noticed that others had woken up "Oh hello! Uh...Do either of you remember anything? Name or something?" She walked towards the door and tried opening it. "It's...not opening..." She looked a bit nervous. She turned around and looked at the others. She clearly doesn't know what else to say.
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image.jpeg The girl spoke and her voice was friendly. She stated her name and asked for his. The boy stated his as well. "Uh, n-name?" He muttered in a slightly high voice as his breathing steadied. Sebatian couldn't remember anything, it was hard to think of anything. "Name... The name Sebastian Escamilla comes to mind. That might be my name." Sebastian slowly stood up as the others did seem friendly enough. He fixed his shirt that he realized he was wearing and slowly made his way to the chair. He stood next to it as he crossed his arms and turned to se everyone else. "Are the door opened?" He questioned. "Maybe they're not even locked." It seemed unplausable, but it did seem rational. Who are these people? And where are they now? Sebastian was filled with questions flooding his mind. 'or maybe that box may have a clue,' he thought to himself as his gaze fixated on a box nearby.

((On a crappy tablet, so sorry for the typos, haha))
They are asking for names now...
This situation brought a frown to Apollo's face. As the children walked by and began to chatter, he decided to see what he could recall. After using a bit of brainpower...
"It seems that my name is Apollo, and I a boy 16 years of age. That's about all I can remember."* Disappointing...
Unable to grasp any other clues on his identity, he decided to study is surroundings. The sound of waves was the first thing that came to mind. After focusing more, he could here a faint call. It was similar to a call from a certain animal. Not that he recognized such a sound.
It seems that we are surrounded by water.

*Edit: Changed to dialogue to fit in with RizaTiz RizaTiz 's dialogue. Remember for future reference:

"This is dialogue."
This is thoughts. I probably should've made this more clear in the introduction, huh...
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Apbuggy Apbuggy SinisterFreak SinisterFreak dragonsfire dragonsfire mkuchiha mkuchiha

Ema Sylvia

"Nice to meet you Sebastian. You too Apollo" She noticed something on the desk "Oh? What's that?" She pointed to the 2 items on the Captain's desk. Unbeknownst to her, they were a map and a compass. She walked to the desk and took a look at the map "....Shiled? OyuJs..?" They seem to be names of islands that they are currently near. She then took a look at the compass. "And this little thing... It has an arrow that's pointing to the letter W." She grabbed it and turn around "Woah. Now it's pointing to the N..."
Romeo gasped in shock, when suddenly more and more people started to wake up. Just how many people are in this room? He glanced around again, trying to count but his head hurt too much to really concentrate.

He slowly got to his feet, and made his way to girl who looked like she had made a discovery. His walking was wonky, but he soon got used to it. He peered over Ema's shoulder to glance at the compass.

"What is that?" He asked, squinting at the device. "Maybe it's telling us where to go?"

RizaTiz RizaTiz Apbuggy Apbuggy SinisterFreak SinisterFreak dragonsfire dragonsfire
(I make this short posts in like a response to somebody, once more people get on and reply, I can start making bigger posts and stuff.)

Ema Sylvia

"I don't think so....The arrow moves whenever I move..." Once more she turned around and the arrow move to the letter E. She gave a quick spin, and the arrow moved with her "Hm...Wierd..."
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Romeo nodded, and breathed. "Sure is, l don't think I've ever seen such a device." It was weird how the arrows moved with her. Until suddenly it clicked. The arrows were showing the directions she was facing.

"Maybe it's showing the directions. Like, North, South, East and West. Maybe thats what the letters stand for?" He didn't know where he learned that from, but just like his name it was engrained in his brain.

RizaTiz RizaTiz
Romeo nodded, and breathed. "Sure is, l don't think I've ever seen such a device." It was weird how the arrows moved with her. Until suddenly it clicked. The arrows were showing the directions she was facing.

"Maybe it's showing the directions. Like, North, South, East and West. Maybe thats what the letters stand for?" He didn't know where he learned that from, but just like his name it was engrained in his brain.

RizaTiz RizaTiz
Ema Sylvia
"North, South, East and West.....It sounds so familiar yet I cannot remember what they are, but you say they're directions correct? Which one is up, down, left and right?"

She set the compass down and looked at the window. "What the.....That's...a lot of water...." She looked outside for a moment and then looked back at the door.
"Hmm....Ok...How about.....Yeah...." She looked confident "Ok! I got it! Maybe, if we use enough force, and can break down the door!"

(I'll leave it at that until the others come)
RizaTiz RizaTiz mkuchiha mkuchiha

It seemed to Apollo that the others were attempting to break down the door of this cabin. Personally, he thought that they should make sure they don't open up the door and find themselves in a trap, but he wasn't going to go out of his way to pester them with such precaution.
Let people be people...
Instead, he decided to close his eyes and take a nap. Maybe the situation will be solved by then...

*Note: I editted my previous post to include this information, but just as a reminder, here is how my writing works:
"This is dialogue."
This is thoughts.

I am color deficient, so I'd rather not color code...
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Romeo gazed at the window, confused. Water? Outside of a room? And it looked like it was rising substantially.

Romeo turned away from the window, and looked at Ema, who was now by the door.

"Yeah, maybe." He approached the door and tapped it a few times with his knuckle. It was sturdy, but it didn't feel like it was totally incapable of being knocked down.

"We need a couple of people, though." He looked over to the people that were awake. "Hey! Give us a hand. We can finish introducing ourselves later."

Apbuggy Apbuggy SinisterFreak SinisterFreak dragonsfire dragonsfire RizaTiz RizaTiz
Ema Sylvia
"Hmm? Oh. Oohh! Good idea!" She went over to where Romeo is. "We just gotta bash this door down and we can see where we are." She looked at the others "Ok guys! Like Romeo said, we can finish introducing each other later. Right now, let's focus on bashing this door down!" She said in a cheerful tone.

Apbuggy Apbuggy SinisterFreak SinisterFreak dragonsfire dragonsfire mkuchiha mkuchiha

Mandarin White, a delicate girl who fashions elegance, never deserved nor imagined that she would sleep on a hard, cold and ridiculous bed. Slowly, she sat up, letting her trembling arm support her body until she's finally on her feet. She could hear voices although she couldn't fathom what they were saying because her head is ringing and her back is aching like she was rolled over by a road roller. The blonde girl let out a groan right after she heard a feminine shriek, scream, cheerful agreement or whatever that was. She soon found out that the sound was coming from a girl with dark-hair wearing a strange eye-patch and she seems to be talking to a bunch of strangers. She doesn't seem to remember their face.. or anything at all and the bed she was referring to earlier was the floor.

Realization hit her and her eyes widened, "K-kidnappers!!" she shrieked with her voice breaking because her throat felt dry, "Somebody help me!" she continued panicking while pointing an accusing finger at the eye-patched kidnapper and her crew.

RizaTiz RizaTiz
. D O V E . D O V E Apbuggy Apbuggy SinisterFreak SinisterFreak dragonsfire dragonsfire mkuchiha mkuchiha

Ema Sylvia

She was waiting for a response from the others when she noticed another person had woken up. A girl to be exact. "Oh! Hel-" She was cut off by her scream and accusation of her being a kidnapper. "...Kid...nappers? Uh...Sorry...I don't really understand what that is. I don't think most of us do...We seem to all have amnesia or something." She jogged over and kneeled in front of her "What's wrong? What do you need help with? Also, Could you enlighten us of what this kid nappers thing is? The more information we have the better." She seemed to genuinely not know what Kidnappers are.

Mandarin White huffed, how absurd was it that these people are feigning innocence? The blonde crossed her arms in a defensive manner, "Are you out of your mind!?" she spat bitterly, "Kidnappers are-" she cut herself off when she realized that not a single word came to her mind after. What was she saying? She felt her stomach drop as her mind failed to comprehend the situation, "W-where are we?" she asked. Darin couldn't tell whether it was she that was trembling or was it the ground indicating a familiar feeling within her that made her think of boats.

RizaTiz RizaTiz
. D O V E . D O V E Apbuggy Apbuggy SinisterFreak SinisterFreak dragonsfire dragonsfire mkuchiha mkuchiha

Ema Sylvia

"Where are we? Uh...well...we're in a room. A fancy one at that. Look at those....uh...light things?" She pointed at the chandelier. "And outside if this rooms...seems to be a lot of water..." She pointed to outside the window. "Right now, we're trying to destroy the door so we can get outta here."
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Romeo glanced at the recently awakened girl and grabbed his ears in pain. "Also, could you keep it down? My head feels like it's about to fall off."

After going lord knows how long without noise, it was especially hard getting used to it when it was so loud, and so close.

Although it was dark he could see the girls hair was blonde, and she was terrified. He wasn't really someone one could lean on for emotional support, so he let Ema deal with her.

"Hurry up so we can get out of here, the sooner we get going, the sooner we find out..." He searched his mind for the word in his head, "everything."

Yeah, that was a good word. Everything. It encompassed whatever it was he was feeling, and the questions in his head perfectly.

RizaTiz RizaTiz . D O V E . D O V E

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