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Fantasy Ocean of Liars [Characters]



Celestial Adventurer
Here's where you submit the characters for the RP.

Since we're all starting with amnesia, nobody will know about what roles they will fill as part of the pirate crew.
You can make your character to have like skills like "Hey. I don't know why but I feel like I can cook very well" or your character be very leader like.


Age: (Must be within 13- 17)



Personality: (They'll still have a personality, if you want you can add how they were before they came to this world, and how they will be in this RP. Ex. They were shy and timid but now they're a friendly talkative person. It doesn't have to be a complete opposite.)

Secret: (Something that will make the other characters trust them less. PM me this, Don't write it down. I feel this adds more of an element of surprise)

Skills: (Ex. They were an excellent cook before and even with amnesia, they can still cook very well. You don't necessarily need a skill unless you want your character to fill a certain role [Leader, Cook, Cleaner, Fighter {Person they can count on to defend them}, Genius {The smart one}, etc. Only really basic roles remember such as those listed before.)

Extra: (Anything else about them?)

Sorry if this feels like a short CS but as I stated before, I haven't RP'd in like a few years so I haven't made a CS in a few years.

Edit: Also. As part of skills, You may choose that you characters remembers something from the past such as "Hey, This is a fishing rod, We have to put food on this hook and cast it into the ocean" etc.
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Name: Ema Sylvia

Age: 15

Gender: Female


Personality: Before entering this new world she was a very negative person. She was pretty pessimistic and cynical, and hardly ever went outside her home. She was nice and kind to her few friends and family but she hardly interacted with anybody else.

Her personality upon arriving in this world would be pretty positive. She's pretty optimistic and tries to help anybody who's feeling sad or down. She's kind and nice to a lot of people and almost always has a smile on her face.

Skills: She remembers what most animals are called and what some sicknesses/medical conditions are.

Extra: She has a white eye patch over her orange coloured eye at the beginning.
Also, She's wearing a black jacket with a red short sleeved shirt (The clothes on the picture seems too fantasy)

(I don't know why but I feel like I'm missing something)

Her thoughts are in Orange while her speech is in Blue
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'Green Tea'

Personality: Originally Melba was deathly serious, he preprarred for his future and anything that could go wrong, this however made him seem a little stuck up and distrustfull to those who would prove a challenge. He has lightened up a lot, altough the stress of waking up on an island won't make that obvious. Melba now feels like he needs to rely on others now, and discuss things through with them, along with supporting them as much as possible.

He's bad at whispering
His secret still effects him, he just doesn't know what it is.
The dye in his hair will slowly fade and blend as the time goes on, making it look like a mess.
Melba Clove



Although he wouldn't remember or have any experience with most of the plants throughout the world, his hands would grip the ladle or knives in the kitchen with ease.
Otherwise it's up to pure luck *cough* tottaly not gonna use a random number generator *cough* to see if the dishes turn out good.

code by pasta pasta
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'Green Tea'

Personality: Originally Melba was deathly serious, he preprarred for his future and anything that could go wrong, this however made him seem a little stuck up and distrustfull to those who would prove a challenge. He has lightened up a lot, altough the stress of waking up on an island won't make that obvious. Melba now feels like he needs to rely on others now, and discuss things through with them, along with supporting them as much as possible.

He's bad at whispering
His secret still effects him, he just doesn't know what it is.
The dye in his hair will slowly fade and blend as the time goes on, making it look like a mess.
Melba Clove



Although he wouldn't remember or have any experience with most of the plants on the island, his hands would grip the ladle or knives in the kitchen with ease.
Otherwise it's up to pure luck *cough* tottaly not gonna use a random number generator *cough* to see if the dishes turn out good.

code by pasta pasta

but, just saying, we're starting on the ship, not an island.
d88cff2d2eef6d53b72edada4fcc1898 (1).jpgName: Sebastian Escamilla

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Appearance: Long black hair, slim figure but slightly toned with a friendly face. His face turns really intimidating when he wears make up.

Personality: Sebastian sometimes comes off as if nothing bothers him. It's the tough exterior he picked up to make sure no one picked on him. He makes sure to not show his emotions, but he's very friendly and smart. Once you get him to talk, he begins to seem energetic and happy. He's very observant through his irrational paranoia that someone is always following him. His tough exterior may now not apply with his memory erased.

Skills: Very resourceful giving him a good advantage at fighting. Maybe his instincts kick in once danger appears.

Extra: He has some pretty long nails.
View attachment 420859Name: Sebastian Escamilla

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Appearance: Long black hair, slim figure but slightly toned with a friendly face. His face turns really intimidating when he wears make up.

Personality: Sebastian sometimes comes off as if nothing bothers him. It's the tough exterior he picked up to make sure no one picked on him. He makes sure to not show his emotions, but he's very friendly and smart. Once you get him to talk, he begins to seem energetic and happy. He's very observant through his irrational paranoia that someone is always following him. His tough exterior may now not apply with his memory erased.

Skills: Very resourceful giving him a good advantage at fighting. Maybe his instincts kick in once danger appears.

Extra: He has some pretty long nails.
Name: Romeo Langford

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Appearance: Tan caramel skin, lean build, curly brown hair, and sea colored eyes (A mixture of Blue and Green)

Personality: Romeo is an easy-going, laid back fellow. He doesn't talk much, but when he does he is very expressive. He is a certain charisma that makes him very likeable, and which makes people want to follow him. He struggles to do the right thing, but he does mess up at times because he is human.

Secret: (Something that will make the other characters trust them less. PM me this, Don't write it down. I feel this adds more of an element of surprise)

Skills: Good Leader, Courageous, Charming, Quick Learner, Resourceful

Name: Romeo Langford

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Appearance: Tan caramel skin, lean build, curly brown hair, and sea colored eyes (A mixture of Blue and Green)

Personality: Romeo is an easy-going, laid back fellow. He doesn't talk much, but when he does he is very expressive. He is a certain charisma that makes him very likeable, and which makes people want to follow him. He struggles to do the right thing, but he does mess up at times because he is human.

Secret: (Something that will make the other characters trust them less. PM me this, Don't write it down. I feel this adds more of an element of surprise)

Skills: Good Leader, Courageous, Charming, Quick Learner, Resourceful

Accepted :>




Cyrus used to be an incredible narcissist. He thought that because of his vision, he was above the rest. Or perhaps he just thought that he was above the rest and his vision was simply proof of that. Either way, he was not very well liked because of this, and that suited him just fine.

After coming to this world, his personality shifted, though it remains a bit arrogant. This time, that arrogance is channeled in a need/desire to be wanted and useful. He wants to be of use, to prove to himself that he is still useful. What's more, he's somewhat paranoid of being useless, so much so that he does everything he can to make his use noticed. He's not strictly kind or unkind, but he is very, very anxious, for some reason or another, though he still maintains a positive attitude. Mostly out of fear of being seen as a burden if he lets his fears be known, but whatever.

Secret: (Something that will make the other characters trust them less. PM me this, Don't write it down. I feel this adds more of an element of surprise)

20/10, nearly super human vision, and excellent spacial reasoning/awareness skills.

Extra: (Anything else about them?)
He begins with glasses, for some reason, that obviously do not help his great vision.

  • R E Q U I S I T E
    name: Imogen Blaise

    nickname(s): Gen

    age: 17

    gender: Female

coding by: diaphanous

  • R E Q U I S I T E
    name: Imogen Blaise

    nickname(s): Gen

    age: 17

    gender: Female

coding by: diaphanous
Accepted :>
I think though that the fears and goals are something she should develop or for like the fears it being something that she doesn't know why.
Accepted :>
I think though that the fears and goals are something she should develop or for like the fears it being something that she doesn't know why.
Sure thing. I'll have her develop them, but I'm too lazy to change it so yeah.
Name: Apollo

Age: (Must be within 13- 17): 16

Gender: Male

Appearance: Brown, messy hair and a pushover/plain look.

Personality: Lazy and introverted, only works if there is a clear benefit for him. If he forms a connection with another, he can be caring and go out of his way to help, but he doesn't actively seek relationships. He was very similar to this before he came to this world, but he was more cold to others.

Secret: (Something that will make the other characters trust them less. PM me this, Don't write it down. I feel this adds more of an element of surprise)

Skills: Very good hearing and is very nimble.

Extra: Likes watching the sun set. Likes to sleep a lot (12-16 hours a day is his "ideal." This doesn't mean that he always sleeps that long, there are always people who don't like you after all...)
Mandarin White
Who do you think you're talking to? Bow down.

Name: Mandarin White
Nickname: Darin
Age: 15
Gender: Female


She is the sound of heels clicking against the floor, the smell of expensive perfume and the feeling when people stare at you with a mocking grin. Darin is a himedere, she thinks of herself as a princess and she acts like one. Self-centered and vain about her looks, she is sure to capture the eyes of many when she enters a room. Darin is manipulative and she knows how to make people dance around the tips of her fingers.

Skills: Strategic and has good sense of direction and navigation.

- allergic to sea food
- she was a young actress before getting shipped into the strange world
Mandarin White
Who do you think you're talking to? Bow down.

Name: Mandarin White
Nickname: Darin
Age: 15
Gender: Female


She is the sound of heels clicking against the floor, the smell of expensive perfume and the feeling when people stare at you with a mocking grin. Darin is a himedere, she thinks of herself as a princess and she acts like one. Self-centered and vain about her looks, she is sure to capture the eyes of many when she enters a room. Darin is manipulative and she knows how to make people dance around the tips of her fingers.

Skills: Strategic and has good sense of direction and navigation.

- allergic to sea food
- she was a young actress before getting shipped into the strange world

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